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The last polls winner was Step Brothers and it will be ready for Patreon this Saturday! Until then, here is this week's poll with some of the movies suggested by you guys!
Remember, you can vote for multiple films!
Reminder: movies that don't win does not mean they will never be watched, it just means they will be watched later. Please be respectful to each others opinions, we're all just here to have fun and watch movies :)



I'd never seen Glengarry Glen Ross but I love dramas with that kind of setting. I hear Gil from The Simpsons was influenced by a character in that movie, and some of Charlie Days acting from Its Always Sunny was influenced by that movie too in an episode.


You guys NEED to watch Manchester By The Sea!

Zain Cassis

For TV shows, I'd like to recommend Silo. It's truly amazing, with acting greats like Rebecca Ferguson, and TIM ROBBINS. The first great mystery show in a some time.

Brandon Meng

All I want is Perks of Being a Wallflower on one poll 😭😭


Also, "The Lightning Bugs of Cochrane, Wyoming". It's a terrific indie film starring Mia Goth, Kathy Bates, Carrot Top, and the ghost of Betty White.


"Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny" 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Yes! That's a great movie, and they never did watch it, come to think of it.

Odd Thomas

Ginger Snaps

Gary Fixler

Whoa, what happened to Borat? Copyright strike?


no patreon is just broken again, the search post function all together doesnt work right now. best way is to go to Collections (if it wants to show up) and search through that.

Keerit Thind

Dances with Wolves. I turn to shambles by the last scene, every time.