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The last polls winner was The Evil Dead and it will be ready for Patreon this Saturday! Until then, here is this week's poll with some of the movies suggested by you guys!
Remember, you can vote for multiple films!
Reminder: movies that don't win does not mean they will never be watched, it just means they will be watched later. Please be respectful to each others opinions, we're all just here to have fun and watch movies :)



would like to see Unforgiven (1992) get a shot on a poll. a different type of western than Tombstone but i think you'll appreciate it's darker themes. just don't put it in a poll with against a comedy.

Victoria Davis

Dante’s peak is so good I love those 90s natural disaster movies the best!

Keerit Thind

If we are fully endorsing a Will Ferrell marathon, it will never be complete without Stranger Than Fiction. His very best performance in his very best film. Also Minority Report 😍This and Munich are Spielberg's unsung treasures.

Mark Messer

I also like his take on War of the Worlds. I think its the best adaption of the book.

Efrain Zavala

Hey would you please watch "The Room" for cinecringe? Thanks!


i wonder if there's a movie they haven't seen that would get 1000 votes?


My Romeo Harrelson and Juliette Lewis really didn't get any love in here. I am sad.

Scribbles the Mouse

Could I suggest 2006's "A Scanner Darkly" Great cast and it has a different style. Based off a book.


Not that you need to jump on any bandwagons, but Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" seems to be doing rounds in reactor circles.