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CineTalk & After Thoughts: July 2023 Movies | Review | Commentary | Podcast |

Lets talk about movies we released last month! For unedited full length version go to https://www.patreon.com/Cinebinge Merch Store: https://www.cinebinge.ca Subscribe | Like | Share | Comment Early Access & Full Reaction available on Patreon! 0:00 - Intro 1:36 Stand By Me 8:00 Saw 13:58 Blus Brothers 16:31 Eternal Sunshine 24:07 Trainspotting 27:22 Ace Ventura 2 30:19 Happy Gilmore 36:07 Point Break 40:43 Bourne Ultimatum 44:33 How to Train Your Dragon 47:49 Taken 55:19 National Lampoon 1:01:22 Beverly Hills Cop #moviereaction #moviereview #podcast Instagram: @cinebingechannel Instagram: @simone.swan Movie Reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakYDfILlxWOp8Rwm60i6s31 The Witcher Reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakPpBOOSyThaEu9GBs7h5af Squid Games Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakSIA0kJIJkUmcxmms0m_Q0 Band of Brothers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHanBD7cksu-blgCyxZOJrgT0 Blind Playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHan3qPNF7wNbOvo653VjhxOR



DOG KILLER!!! The order of greatness of the Vacation movies is as follows: 1. Christmas 2. Vacation 3. European 4. Vegas 5. Most recent iteration

Michael Grooms

European Vacation is the worst one by far and I don't even count the newer one.


Have you watched "The Wire: Prequel" shorts? It would be a great way to end this series

Gary Fixler

I love you guys, but I [again] have to play devil's advocate for golf, because it reads to me like people who aren't interested in a thing (and neither am I) saying it's bad, while doing other things - and not being introspective about those things - that are orders of magnitude worse (which I also do - I'm part of the problem). Video games are PHENOMENALLY worse for the planet than golf. In terms of console units sold: PS2=155M, PS3=87.4M, PS4=117.2M, PS5=41.7M, DS=153M, Switch=130M, Wii=101M, and there are dozens more consoles, over the past few decades. That's billions of plastic boxes (and all the packaging) full of electronics (and in more modern times, batteries for billions of wireless controllers), with immeasurably massive effects from mining and refining, plus the petroleum needed for the manufacturing and shipping, and not just electricity usage, but high wattage usage (300-500 watts), and even more in VR (600+ watts). From the internet: "U.S. gaming consoles churn through roughly 34 terawatt-hours of electricity per year, associated with an estimated 24 million metric tons of carbon emissions." I don't even think that counts PCs, but if not, it's way worse. Then there's all the streaming. In the 80s and early 90s, you just played your game at home with a friend or sibling. The current games live-streaming audience is around 1B people, all needing PCs or devices, and electricity, and rare minerals, like coltan, used in tantalum capacitors in everything (phones, consoles, etc), the major uptick in the need for it in the PS2 days literally fed into the Congolese conflict, so much so that it's been nicknamed "The PlayStation War." Apparently a lot of children were sent into mines to fulfill the need. Golf just uses kids as caddies, and they usually get a nice tip, and I think it's also voluntary. I'm pretty sure if everyone went out and golfed (baseballed, freeze-tagged, whatever), instead of streaming a billion hours of games per year (Twitch alone, Q3, 2022: 210.4M hours), the effects on the planet would be tremendously reduced. I keep trying to steer my friends away from that off-target doomsday mentality, where they get so upset about things that are so low, so invisible on the pie graph of related problems, while never looking inward or being self-critical. It's like anything that touches a growing number of hotbed issues - as long as it's not their things - turns into a lecture about something that's 0.0001% of the problem, to people who are 0.00001% involved. It would be one thing if it lead to any solution, but it doesn't. It's just negativity, and just makes people feel bad about living their lives. I said I love Kit-Kats (the best), which lead to a friend's tirade about Nestle, so I felt bad, and now I can never talk about Kit-Kats again (the list of verboten topics keeps growing). This morning I fondly remembered Pop-A-Point pencils from the 80s, leading a different friend to rail against all the [extremely tiny] plastic pencil points in landfills (because that's our real problem - Pop-A-Point pencils), and threw in a "Thanks a lot, Boomers!" at the end for good measure. Sigh... Fight against manicured lawns before golf. The latter uses 2M acres in the US, the former an order of magnitude worse at 30-40M acres. And it's not exclusive. Literally anyone right now can go golf for very little money, on par with, if not less than bowling. If you really want to help the planet, forget golf, and help end video games and streaming! (but please don't, I <3 them)

Happy Hanukkah

You've convinced me. Screw the haters, let's watch Hudson Hawk (1991)! [Helpful hint: David Caruso.]


Gary how many golf courses you want to build if everyone would stop playing pc and went to hit the greens?

Gary Fixler

No new ones. Everyone goes at the same time, battle royale, last one standing wins.


This is actually a pretty informative post. Thank you, as I was one of those people who hated on golf for how "wasteful" it was. I guess it's just an easy thing to harp on since it's visually obvious how much space it takes. Plus, because it's a relatively niche activity, it's easy to "other" those that play it. Meanwhile, we remain oblivious to how damaging the lifestyle choices we all engage in are.


Great post. I'd never heard this argument against golf until they said it, but it seemed to have the ring of bullshit to me. Thanks for explaining!


while that is some really interesting info and data. i do think you ultimately did run into a very common fallacy in almost any debate especially on the internet. which is "how can you complain about X when Y and Z are so much worse!" as if the two cant exist simultaneously, or that just because theres something bigger the lesser problem can be ignored. no one is saying golf is THE MOST wasteful of land or water, or that it is THE MOST consumption of resource, or THE MOST elitist thing in existence. yes theres plenty of things thats waaaay more wasteful of water but that does not mean golf course water maintenance isnt a waste neither especially in the amount of draughts the world has now. there are industries thousands of times more space wasting but that doesnt mean golf courses arent a waste of space. if you broke your finger, and someone else broke their leg, it doesnt make your finger hurt any less just because their problem is bigger.

Gary Fixler

Oh, I wasn't trying to "what about" so much as bring up something I'm seeing, especially in my liberal friends, which is most of my friends, where almost everything bring up now is a trigger for some crime against humanity, so you can't have a conversation in these modern times without it constantly devolving into bickering (with no actual action taken ever, only complaining) about some evil. I find it sucks all the joy out of life, and I can see it really affecting especially my liberal friends. So many of them have left the internet because they can't deal with anyone anymore. I know a bunch who have gone into therapy because of how down they are, where they weren't in the past. Talk of food turns into talk of the crime of eating meat. Anything to do with space travel turns into diatribes on Elon musk. I learned to knit, so now I hear all about how awful Hobby Lobby is all the time, literally dozens of times now over the past 5 years. I stopped talking about that hobby because of it, and a pile of related things like it. I don't think I've made it through a day for years now without somebody hearing a word that's part of some trigger group that sets off a rant. I just find it exhausting, because it's pointless negativity. There are no action items behind any of it. It's also very frustrating that it conveniently never touches the things the people like, only the things they're happy to do without, because the problems are always other people. The point of the comparison was that we'll complain about golf, which has its wastefulness and negative impacts, granted, but never be self-critical about the wanton waste of streaming and video games, and products, because we like those things. That's all I meant, but speaking of not dragging things down, I love this channel, and Simone and George, so I'll stop here, because now I'm the one bringing things down 😅 I guess my real point is I want my friends to be happy again. They can't solve all the problems, but it's also not helping them, or anyone, constantly scanning for and reporting on the negative side of everything all the time.


i agree that people tend to go from 0 to 100 in anger level when it comes to debates and disagreement a lot more these days. generally people are just angrier and hair triggered. but i dont think its a modern times thing when it comes to "someones always gonna ruin the fun/enjoyment of things for everyone else", i think its just what you grew up with became normalized, but when you were young those things were the hot topic divisive things. i remember pokemon being the tool of the devil, before that was DnD. i remember Monty Python being banned, i remember when eating any sort of fats was the worst thing you can do to your body but sugar is great. or that 9 out of 10 doctors recommend camel cigarettes. hell there use to be a time when having cars on the road instead of horse and buggy would mean the end times of cities, or that reading instead of physical labor will be the downfall of us all. there will always be new realizations of 'this thing that use to be so normal and mundane turned out to be a terrible thing and we should stop it', which is then groaned and eye-rolled by those who spent most of their lives just enjoying that 'turned out to be terrible' thing. granted i am not saying there arent those irritating, piss in everyones drink type of angry busy bodies, like your friend who gets on a nestle rant simply because of kitkat. that person will spend the rest of their lives wondering why no one ever invites to anything twice.

Gary Fixler

All good points. Probably a lot of this is just that I'm older, so I went 20 plus years with no internet ("a simpler time"), which meant there weren't millions of people talking about anything and everything. When everyone's talking, of course there will be somebody somewhere who brings up Nestlé because they heard "Kit Kat," and I'm sure It's a cognitive bias in myself that I think it's happening all the time everywhere. I'm probably just noticing those occasional moments much more, and giving them too much weight. I'll try to take my own advice, and roll with the punches. I really loved the first three episodes of Ted Lasso. I want to be more like him.

Miles E Coburn

It's a concept known as the Logical Fallacies of "Relativism" or "Whataboutism".


Remember seeing Vacation in the theaters, and the cop talking about the death of the dog got huge laughs. I'm not trying to defend the humor, but it did play at the time. I think what people focused on was the surprisingly emotional reaction of the cop, and the schadenfreude of seeing Chase caught out on such a thoughtless error than imagining the actual death scene.


Golf is definitely a “trendy” thing to hate on


It still plays now. Not everyone is so easy offended