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Point Break - Patreon Version


Chase Schleich

George, that's how to learn to swim. My grandma and my dad both did the same thing to me. My grandma threw all of us grandkids into the deep end. Swim or die. We swam. Around that same time, my dad took me on a little canoe/boat on a creek and flipped it on purpose to force me to swim. I learned to swim real quick. Didn't learn how to do it right, I mostly doggy paddled, but it worked lol.

Gary Fixler

I never surfed, but I did a tiny windsurfing lesson once, on a day with no wind, so it was boring. Then I went to Key West with a friend back in the 90s, and noticed no one on the crowded beach was using the windsurfing rentals, so I gave it a go, and learned why. The water was shallow, and all sharp shells and stones, so every time I fell off, I landed barefoot, or on my face or back on jagged ground. The wind was gusty, so I'd just get up on the board, get the sail in my hands, only to get instantly knocked on my butt or thrown through the air again when it suddenly gusted in a random direction. I had the sail pole come down and pinch the crap out of my fingers while I was trying to climb back up - thought I broke one of them for a while. Another time I fell off, but the wind must have kept the sail up just long enough, because I popped up out of the water in time to have the pole bash me on top of the head and knock me under again. Basically, the packed beach got a 20 minute show of a windsurfing board beating the crap out of the only guy in the water. I came back in looking like I'd been in a fist fight. Never went in the ocean again.


what works for one person doesnt mean it will work for another. he even said that afterwards whenever his head dips below water his heart rate would go up instantly. thats a fear response that comes from trauma, depending on how old he was, near drowning experiences can become debilitating.

Gary Fixler

There *was* a stunt guy who jumped out of a plane with no chute in 2016. He landed in a huge net. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPC_h9Vmlxw

Gary Fixler

Travis Pastrana also did it, and latched onto another guy. He even mentioned Keanu. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wOMqvL4h1P4

Ry Jo

now watch road house

lance tophoj

Love you guys so much! It's hilarious how George can never relate to anything competition based that you guys watched. It makes me laugh so much, speaking as someone who played college sports.


The movie that you watched with that scene was True Romance I think.


Actually I think it was Hot Fuzz. For some reason I thought Brad Pitt was watching it in True Romance.