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Constantine - Patreon Version



I think the skinny and the fat friend are Laurel and Hardy,

Who Are These People

George, trying to understand Christianity through Catholicism won't get you anywhere. Catholicism was off the rails from its beginning. Then trying to understand it through popular media representations of Catholic theology is like setting the derailed train on fire to try to get it to go. If you really want to 'get it', you're going to have to go for it elsewhere.


When i first heard about this movie and read lukewarm reviews i didn't think much and only decided to watch it maybe 5 years ago on a whim. And i love it so much, will never get bored of snarky Keanu :) Weisz was also great. I like how it is not completely by the book about demons and angels and biblical stuff. How it is a "balance" and devil will kick his son to keep his position. And angels wants humanity to suffer to be worthy. And a sacrifice. John gave his life for her sister. That was the ultimate sacrifice, not saving the humanity. Because devil stopped everything himself, John just hinted, but that was not enough. Yeah, this is cliche, but was done with a style and flipping up the devil :D Classy :)


Every time i stop the subscription i just click some standard checkboxes in feedback. But i will be sure to leave some message next time for you to read :D