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The Shining - Patreon Version


Logan Kerlee

Just got finished watching. Wow! That was a good watch. I haven't seen this movie for many years. lmao, there were definitely times where I expected you both to have shocking reactions or at least shocked faces and I've got to say that this movie did not fail me. xD I'm glad that you both enjoyed the ride. It's a very dark one. lmao, I love that George realized that The Simpsons covered it years and years ago. I hope that Simone gave that a watch shortly after. :)


If you do watch Doctor Sleep you should watch the director's cut. It's definitely the superior version of the movie.

Tyler Mckenzie

Fun fact: The Stapleton airport doesn't exist anymore it was shut down over 20 years ago. And the town of Stapleton was renamed to Central Park in 2020


Where's the audio?