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The reason we didnt do all 3 episodes as the final video is simply due to time and schedule, currently we are pre-shooting things for the last few weeks of December and first week of January as Simone is going on a vacation around that time; additionally we are working on some extra bonus content thats coming in the next few weeks :) 


The Expanse: Season 2 - Episode 11 & 12 - Patreon Exclusive



I enjoyed the reaction, and that you're enjoying the series more. I would've preferred a 3 part as opposed to a single season finale upload, but that's kinda nitpicking a bit. I understand Simone's desire for nicely wrapped up conflicts, but I can't relate personally. I enjoy the multifaceted group of actors in this story, all doing what they think they should from their position. I don't really mind the trickle feed of information the show gives, because I enjoy being the fish out of water a bit and not understanding characters' motives entirely. I think I might have a higher tolerance for that than others. This show resolves pretty much everything as far as I can recall. I don't have a glaring example of "What about this?!" to point to off the top of my head. I can't wait to watch the season finale, and I hope you continue with it in the future. P.S. George, you're fine. Tattoo yourself all you want. I, personally, don't like face or neck tattoos because I imagine the undoubtedly painful process of getting them, but, I'm glad that tattoos are more acceptible. Do you Geroge. I like your tattoos, especially Lok'Tar Ogar because Warcraft (WC3 in particular) was my shit back in the day. Also, it's more easily seen than the rest of your tats.


When it comes to The Expanse, I think the general fandom has a problem distinguishing OVERALL quality from the individual seasons. That is why they say how GREAT it is, and then those expectations can't be met for newcomers who expect Firefly-level quality from the very beginning. I consider it to be OVERALL a very good show, and I was very excited when I saw that it was being reacted to here, but I actually agree with almost every criticism that has been made for seasons one and two so far (The only exception is Naomi Nagata: She was one of my favorite characters from the beginning). The writing is slipshod, the interpersonal conflicts are aggravating and create False Drama, and if I had watched it when it first aired and needed to wait a week between episodes I likely would have gotten bored and left before season one ended. When I recommend the show to friends, I preface it with the caveat that it starts rough, but that if you persevere through it it all comes together. Personally, I wouldn't say the series becomes recommend-worthy until season three. I enjoy these early episodes now, in retrospect, because later developments made me really invested in these characters so I can go back and say "Oh yes, that time when X did Y, that lays the groundwork for Z in the next season..." Without that connection that comes later, some of it is just not very good. That's why the expectations clash so hard with reality when you start at the beginning (And that blow can taint the entire experience). I've seen it in many other reactions from people who got into the show because their friends were raving in seasons three, four, and five, only to be so confused when they got hamfisted melodrama at the beginning instead of the masterpiece they were expecting. Like I said, given how good it becomes I will say that it is worth the time to slog through the early episodes, and it really does build into something special. I was so impressed by season five that I began reading the books and plowed through the series in a week between episodes. But despite my affection for the series as a whole, even I won't say that the beginning isn't rough, and you were put down a bad path by not being cautioned against the beginning.