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Back to The Future - Patreon Version



Grats on the start of your exciting new journey! :D

Paul Davey

Yes, Rick & Morty is taken from Doc and Marty and no, Marty looking like 'Marty' never comes up in the movies. Unfortunately it's just a plothole that can't be corrected without significantly altering the movie we got to see. Given how great this movie is, it's a plothole I'm glad exists.


Man, Back to the Future isn't a movie that sits in my consciousness like Star Wars or LOTR. But every time I watch it, I am entirely pleased to have done so.

Alec S

You missed the whole plutonium kerfuffle while talking to each other . Doc Brown took plutonium from Lybian terrorists, promising to build them a nuclear bomb. Instead he gave them a dud, and kept plutonium for his experiments. Which is why Lybians were trying to whack him.

Travis Starnes

Yep, Rick and Morty is roughly based on Doc and Marty. And the name Simone was thinking of was a Rube Goldberg device. Also, a fun easter egg, the guy who says "you're just too darn loud" is the Huey Lewis, the actual singer of the song that he was playing on stage and that played when Marty was going to school.


The Back to the Future movies have always been some of my favorites to watch time and time again when I was younger. They're all fun!😋👍

Nerd Going Outside

Love this series, and both the sequels are great and worth watching. A few fun past/future easter eggs from this one you may have missed (there are tons): 1. In the beginning of the movie, the mall where they meet for the experiment is called Twin Pines Mall. Doc mentions that the land used to be owned by 'Old Man Peabody' who had a 'crazy idea about breeding pine trees.' When Marty arrives in the past and is fleeing from the old farmer with the shotgun, he runs over one of two pine trees next the the property gate with the Delorian, presumably killing the tree. The old man shouts after him "My piiiine!" As Marty speeds away, a mailbox labeled 'Peabody' can be seen before it is taken out by a shotgun blast. When Marty gets back to the future and runs back to the mall to save Doc, there is a brief shot of the mall sign again - the mall is now called Lone Pine Mall. 2. In 1985, Jennifer is trying to get Marty to send his demo to the record companies, but he fears rejection. She says "Like Doc is always saying, if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything." Then, in 1955, when trying to convince George to ask Lorraine to the dance, Marty tells him "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." Then, back in 1985, George is talking about his novel and says "Like I've always told you, if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything." So this little bit of advice makes it from Doc to Jennifer to Marty to past-George, where he apparently internalizes it and it helps drive his success. He then gives the same advice to... Marty. lol. 3. In the opening montage, we see a newspaper article saying the Brown family mansion burned down and the land was sold off. Not long after, Doc says it took him "30 years and his entire family fortune" to build the time machine. In 1955, we see he has a huge house (mansion?) and a two-car garage down the hill from it that he uses as a workshop. But earlier in the film, when Marty first goes to Doc's place with all his clocks, we see a shot of the outside... and it is that same garage/workshop! It's now surrounded by commercial buildings (where the mansion was is now a burger king) and is old, shabby, and out of place... but it's the only piece of that family estate Doc still owns - ironically, since it's the workshop that he nearly catches on fire in the movie.

Texas Anla'Shok

So, who do you think is the actual hero of the story, Marty or George?

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

You guys have to watch the rest of the trilogy, I won't spoil anything except to say I think you'll really enjoy them, it really is one of the most solid trilogies ever.

Paul Davey



Interesting facts about this movie: Huey Lewis is the man behind the megaphone when Marty is playing with his band. He's the artist behind the song they were performing. At the start of the film the mall is called "Twin Pines" at the end it's called "Lone Pine" because the tree was destroyed going back in time. The Flux Capacitor is a real part listed on O'Reilly Auto Parts website. It's part number is "121g" 1.21 gigawatts is enough energy to power 6.2 modern aircraft carriers simultaneously.

Rumpus Parable

I, personally, doubt either parent would make any significant looks-connection between past and present Marty. While he was the focus of this story for those two he'd be a kid who nagged his dad and his mom had a crush on for a week 23 years ago and for them the Biff attempted-rape and George-punch would be the big life event. Plus, I grew up where by all appearances their high school had more people than my town… graduated with a class of 38. I can’t pull up the face of te girl who was my best friend from grades 1-12… nor that of a very serious boyfriend I was at for about 2 years from a “nearby” town. Random classmate of years I literally saw for hours every day for 13 years except summer break (where I still saw most on and off… like said, small town)? Face to face meeting after a couple decades I’d have no clue, heck I can’t tell it’s them on FB images without and usually *with* their names. Then add in the perception shaping that would take place from watching him as their 3rd kid growing up…