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Last weeks winner was a tie between Fifth Element and The Martian, so we're gonna flip a coin and decide which one to watch! The movie that didn't win will be added to the schedule rather than being voted on again.

We will be filming it tonight and it should be ready for Patreon by Thursday.

Until then, here is this weeks poll with your suggestions as well as returning 2nd/3rd place titles from previous polls.




Come on Patrons...lets give our Canadian friends a movie that involves Canada!! Please, Please vote Scott Pilgrim vs The World!!! :)

Mark Campbell

The Godfather is a true masterpiece and blows these other films out of the water.


I've been hoping for so long! I love that movie and the nostalgia for the places in the movie.


No denying that but I think it would be nice for them to get to do a "fun" movie for once.

Travis Starnes

It's sad to see the mummy getting so little love. That movie is a gem.


Come on Vote Scott Pilgrim and you won't hear me whine for a movie ever again!!!

Anne Hummel

Dune is AMAZING! But really ought to be seen on the big screen for a first watch... I have rarely seen a movie so deserving of a huge screen 😊❤🤩 And the sound design is amazing! The seats where almost vibrating! SO awesome!


we debated about this for so long, whether to do a first time watching for the channel, or just enjoy it in the theatre. we decided on letting patrons vote first, and if it doesnt win then we will just watch it in the theatre.


If you end up watching The Martian, try to get the extended cut. Adds about 10 minutes to the film, and it’s a good 10 minutes.

Mark Campbell

ID4 is going to win, lame.

Tic Toc Melody

Not even close, "The Godfather", obviously.


Gotta be Godfather

Jenny Tolls

This is wayyy too many good movies on one list lol


Godfather is a good movie but it's cookie cutter out there for all reactors. I may be fighting an impossible fight but I believe that they would love Scott Pilgrim and it's Canadian references and I believe they would do an excellent job reacting to it. I will say it again, let them have a fun one to do every once and awhile.


You're right. I hadn't actually watched any Godfather reactions, so I watched a couple. It would be another great S/G performance.


At this point, with the strong vote talley in multiple polls combined with your impassioned pleas, I don't see how the management of Cinebinge Inc could do anything less than REACT! it would seem so un-Canadian not too.

Jenny Tolls

We got Dune, Django, The Mummy, and The Godfather up there but y’all voting for Independence Day and Total Recall??? Y’all really got some wack ass movie tastes smh

David Crabtree

Excited to see you guys watch Independence Day. Should be a really fun reaction!


How anything is winning above The Godfather is beyond me


Independence Day has the most votes but I doubt many are "my first choice is" votes. I'm not a fan of the Patreon poll format for this very fact.

Adam Wetstein

we need to go to the mattresses with anybody who votes for anything else


In all honesty even if Independence Day wins, it'll be a great reaction. Its S/G. Lennon said, "I'm an artist. You give me a f***ing tuba, I'll get you something out of it."


1st of all, all these movies are worth watching and if anyone has paid attention I personally have been pushing for Scott Pilgrim but with that being said: I feel this format would be better served with fewer movies to choose from. Plus as mentioned by another Patron above, maybe it would be better if only everyone was given 1 vote or even 2 rather than I could vote every movie if I wanted to. This is Cinebinge's channel and I won't pretend I know the ends and outs of the work that goes behind this but even if "my" movie that I want doesn't get chosen it would feel like a better sample of what the patron's want reacted to. I hope this is considered as constructive criticism and not an attack because I still feel you guys do a good job at a "fresh eyed" reaction to the movies you watch.


thank you for the feedback and we will keep it into consideration. the primary reason we swapped to this multivote system a while back is because we noticed in a lot of the early polls, a single movie would dominate early on, and cause patrons who have yet to vote to disgard their vote as they see it as pointless from that point onwards. And polls would conclude with less than half of the patrons having cast their vote. After switching to this format, we started to notice that the total unique voter each week is equal to our total patron count if at most off by a few rather than near half. We theorize the reason for this is because patrons who vote later in the week would notice their preferred film to be only to be a little bit behind the first movie, or if it isnt, their personal 2nd or even 3rd choice would be very close to the current winner. Which in turn gives them a reason to cast their vote meaningfully. Rather than just 1 vote, thrown away or uncasted simply because its day 3 and their personally preferred movie is in last place.


Please react to the Gotham tv series, it ran for 5 seasons and it's about Bruce Wayne as a child before he became Batman, the show also creates their own origin stories for Batman's enemys like the Joker, Scarecrow, Ban etc. It was a fantastic show and if you loved the Dark Knight trilogy movies you'll love this show.