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Last weeks winner was Silence of the Lambsi, we will be filming it tonight and it should be ready for Patreon by Thursday.

Until then, here is this weeks poll with your suggestions as well as returning titles from previous polls.

Remember, you can vote for more than one movie!


Anne Hummel

Some parts of The Fifth Element hasn't aged super well, but it is still great entertainment. It's a ride 😀


Yes! Come on Scott Pilgrim!!


Scott Pilgrim is criminally underrated

Mark Campbell

Watchmen stands head and shoulders above other superhero movies. True Romance is a great Tarantino script. Gladiator is a timeless epic. Good stuff on this list. Consider In Bruges sometime.

Jenny Tolls

This is too many good movies at once!! Definitely check out Fifth Element! It’s a really good sci if movie with nice funny humor


I admit there are a lot of good movies here but come on people vote for Scott Pilgrim vs The World! I ain't to proud to beg! ;)

Paul Davey

Which Poltergeist are we talking here? Original or remake?

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

All great, but I had to vote for the losers, Poltergeist is a classic, every kind of scare but also about a family, the acting performances though... and True Romance is great for at least two reasons, the casting bench is deep in this, and the writing is quintessentially Quentin Tarantino.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Of the winners I lean Scott Pilgrim, but I'd be lying if said I didn't feel like watching Gladiator again. I'm watching True Romance right now btw, the scene with one of my favorite Soundgarden songs playing in the background.


In your intro text it has 'Silence of the Lambsi' as the winner of last weeks poll, it makes the movie sound almost cute, lmao! Please don't edit that as it's making me smile every time I read it!


Gimme some of that Fifth Element cheese...


How about doing the top 2? rofl....I have to try, worst thing you can say is no. Love your reactions so far.


We would if we could! but we have limited time each week to film due to our day jobs :( However, 2nd and 3rd places of each poll does mean they will return to polls again very shortly, especially when its very close to first place.


Dang! Day late and a dollar short. All good though. Would love to see the Fifth Element again with these two. Gladiator is a great one as well so yay. IMHO, nothing is a loss as long as these two are doing things.