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Now that we are half way through book 2 of ATLA, lets start a poll on what to watch next?

This show will be Patreon Exclusive, which means there will be edited no safe for YT version. Just the full length reactions.

Remember, you can vote for more than one show!



To Your Eternity. (20 Eps) anime.

Jenny Tolls

You gotta finish the Avatar series if you’re already halfway through it


oh we will for sure! its just a matter of when. we dont want patrons who are not a fan of ATLA to sit and wait for us to do 3 seasons worth before getting a vote. so we do a new poll as we finish each season.

Its ame mario

Season 3 of last Airbender is a masterpiece but the boys is such a fun reaction show


yeahhhh kinda been wanting ATLA since yall started your patron lol

Texas Anla'Shok

Had either of you seen Babylon 5?


we have not! but we can definitely include it in the next round of Patreon Exclusive votes!

Anne Hummel

Good Omens (miniseries, 6 episodes). Based on book by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Lots of fun 😁🌟


I am an ATLA fan, so I will always say season 3 of it before anything else. However, I would like to point out a few other TV series that you may want to take a look at: Sci-Fi: Space Above and Beyond Babylon 5 Comedy: Police Squad think Airplane! but a TV cop series that was so zany, it couldn't go more than 6 episodes. The Naked Gun 3 movies, based on characters from the Police Squad series Action/Western/Comedy/Sci-Fi: The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. early to mid-90s series that mixes action and western, throws in some comedy and sci-fi, just to get the X-files fans to watch it too