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Hey so funny story, AlienS was suppose to be released on Patreon tomorrow, that way everyone here will get this movie 2 weeks ahead of YouTube viewers but..

Well, George is a big dumbdumb and accidentally published AlienS on YouTube instead of Alien so...

TL;DR, everyone is getting AlienS today!


Aliens - Patreon Version


Paul Davey

Alien 3 is terrible and David Fincher has disowned it stating 'nobody hates that movie more than me' But yet again there are two versions, theatrical release and a special edition made more toward Fincher's vision (although completed without his involvement) which is an improvement but not by much. But given that you have a James Cameron theme going on atm, maybe after viewing Se7en, doing Finchers Alien 3 could still be fitting thematically... just be prepared for another Speed 2. Also, so glad you did the extended Aliens, it's much more intense and slowburning than the original cut.


I enjoyed Alien 3, but only the theatrical release version. I tried to watch the 'special edition' recently and I found it very dull and a lot of the changes didn't even make any sense, if you watch Alien 3 you should try to watch the original release


As flawed as it is, I'd still recommend watching Alien 3. The assembly cut really helps the film. I suggest you stop after that one though.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

A bit of trivia for you, and that's usually the right portion... Jenette Goldstein who played Vasquez is Jewish and not at all Mexican or Latino or whatever. Surprised the hell out of me, my family is Mexican and she absolutely nailed the Southern California Chicana badass, accent and vibe. What I heard was she prepared for the role by hanging out with someone who worked on set, makeup or something, who was a local, a Chicana from the LA area, and her friends, for like a week or so. Paid off. Btw: "SPOILER?" Not really, but she has a small part in, probably the next JC movie you guys watch, as you've seen, like a lot of directors, he likes to work with actors he knows he works well with. Cameron, not Christ btw, then again Christ did usually work with like the same dozen or so people too.