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Band of Brother - Episode 7 - Full Patreon Length



This set design is AMAZING! 20+ years and every time I watch it I can’t believe there is no real forest and that they are all indoors so they could control the look and weather. It’s all foam core trees and fake snow. You’d never believe it’s a giant studio warehouse.

Michael Barootian

Just a FYI, if after you are finished with the series and want another great watch check out "We Stand Alone Together: The Men of Easy Company". Its a hour documentary about the men, you get interviews with the survivors and some great insight into the story as whole. Its on HBO Max or YouTube. A bonus reaction video would be kinda cool I think. Anyways, keep the amazing content coming you two!! :)

Nanette Davis

On D-Day when Spiers shot the prisoners, I had understood that were given orders to not take prisoners because the invasion was not considered successful yet and they did not have the resources to handle them. They had to use everyone they had to hang on to their foothold in Normandy.


They probably put the intro interview in before the opening credits to allow people to really take it in and discuss it before the episode really pushes you over the edge.


It's important to remember that people like Dike - who was a massively stylized, editorialized version of the real person who was reported to be a dedicated soldier having had a really bad day amidst highly traumatic encounters - are just trying to cope with some insane nonsense in their own ways. Yeah, the show's Dike is incompetent and frustrating, but he's also everyone of us getting stage fright or messing up in a variety of ways. BoB and Ambrose in particular are taking HUGE amounts of liberties with the very one-sided material taken from fairly unreliable accounts. Anecdotes blending into facts is a given - and then he seems to have a penchant for just blatantly making-up facts? Never trust any documentary to paint the whole picture, much less the dramatization of very real events. I feel like Spielberg was doing some sort of insert with Spears pointing out the speculative nature of things with Lipton, but lots of stuff in this show (or any show out there) is just vague guesswork. Same for Blithe, same for probably most of Easy and the rest of the effort. Just something one should always keep in mind, I'd hate to judge real people who sacrificed their sanity based on wonky memories and necessitated exaggeration, as much as I think BoB makes most of it work. Great show, but the flaws are all the more important considering the serious subject matter.


While the depiction of Dike is off by a lot, it shows the idea that his troops had of him. Which is extremely detrimental to a unit. By all accounts, Dike was a competent combat leader who only 'failed; when he was already wounded twice after multiple firefights. Having spent 57 months of my own 21 year career in combat as an infantryman (finally retiring as an interim 1SG), I don't hold it against him in any way. But also on that account, Spiers scares me. I have met only a handful of people like him. Individuals who seem to have been constructed in some factory simply to wage war. I have a memory of my company commander, now Colonel Buddihas, coordinating 81mm, 60mm, and a specter gunship to drop fire on the enemy all while controlling a company under fire. The man was a machine and to this day I'm not entirely sure was human. Also, in all honesty, I'm not sure I would have survived any of the world wars. But I also think that's simply a Soldier's viewpoint. Before he passed, my grandfather said he didn't know how I handled modern warfare and not 'knowing' who the enemy was along with the equipment we carried (he himself was a WWII and Korea vet as a cable dog). So that may just be the way Soldiers view it.