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It appears George's mic got damaged during the move, it sounds a little rough. A new one will be arriving Monday, hopefully before the shoot.  :(

YouTube version of this episode will be available later this evening!


Band of Brothers - Episode 3 - Full Patreon Length


Logan Kerlee

This show is amazing! I remember first watching this back when I was in highschool. So many memories.


I’m new to the patreon thing. Can someone explain why I sync up my copy with the reaction and within seconds I’m frames ahead again. I have to pause my copy constantly over the course of the episode to get it back in sync. It’s not like it’s extra/missing scenes or anything. It happens immediately within the same scene. I’d estimate that if I didn’t keep pausing, over the course of an hour I would be about 30 seconds ahead.


Hi Ari, the reason there are these minor seconds of desynch is because of regional variances. Different parts of the world has rules on frame rates when it comes to streaming, some regions do 29.965, others do 24 or 23.98. as such over time it will slowly desynch. Theres unfortunately not much we can do from our end since we have no way to know where every single patron is watching from. One solution other patrons have figured out is to either have our video play back at 104% speed, or the movie you have at 104% speed depending on if your region is faster or slower than our 30fps. As well, depending on the platform you are using, you may be able to right click and in put a more specific % of play back speed, alternatively you can also go to a third party website that allows you to download youtube videos as a file, and download our entire reaction then play it back at precise % speeds on VLC player. either at 96% if we are faster, or 104% if our video is slower than your streaming platform. We wish there were simpler solutions but sadly long before us media distributers and regional rules decided on these differences and it carried forward onto digital platforms for no particular reasons at all.


You say that you in fact know what happened with Speirs and the prisoners but you never actually saw anything on screen besides him giving them cigarettes. There are gunshots offscreen and even Malarkey says he didn't actually see it.

Robert Durant

That's what i loved about this series, this legend of Speirs and what he "supposedly" did. I enjoyed this mystery of this one soldier and the question of was he a really psychotic soldier or just one that wasn't affected by the horror of the war.


One big thing that they got wrong in this episode is that Albert Blithe didn't die from his wounds in 1948. He survived and was a career soldier serving in Korea and Europe. He died in 1967 from a perforated ulcer while on active duty in Europe.


In fairness to Stephen Ambrose who wrote the book the series is based on, he was writing a book to document the stories and memories of the veterans of Easy Company rather than do a true history book where everything would be double checked with official documents. When was told by a couple of veterans that they remembered going to Blithe's funeral in 1948, he wasn't going to tell them that they were wrong. This is the risk of doing a memoir book. Your information is only as good as somebody's memory.


Albert Blithe actually died on 17 december 1967, Also served in the Korean war and had 1 son. (edit) i see someone already commented this but i will leave it in the comments.