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YouTube version will come later today and tomorrow, it has to be a 2 parter due to how many awesome long monologues we want to use, but copyright detectors on YT only allows so much of the movie footage.


Pulp Fiction - Full Patreon Version


Ricardo Alanis

Direct inspiration for 22 Short Films About Springfield especially the Zed scene.

Deadly Ramon

Vincent Vega was probably expecting Mr. Wallace to return with some food, which explains the SMG on the counter, Vincent not being concerned about the door opening, and Mr. Wallace being confronted on the street, with food, a short distance away from Butch's apartment. Don't let the language bother you too much. Tarantino's just playing a character (Jimmie) who uses that kind of verbiage. Jules is probably cool with it because they have a history in the criminal underworld (Jules referred to Jimmie as his partner while he was looking for someplace nearby to hide the car), and the two might even be brothers-in-law if Bonnie, Jimmie's wife, is Jules's sister. Tarantino was raised by a single mother who dated black men, and he picked up their dialogue as well as what he was exposed to from blaxploitation movies (several of which had the n-word in the title, and at least one of those films was even rated PG) and preserved it for later professional use. It is never revealed what was in the briefcase. I like to think it was a miniaturized Ark of the Covenant.

Deadly Ramon

The scene where Mr. Wallace was getting raped was indeed intense, but having Butch pull him from the brink made for a very satisfying conclusion, especially since Mr. Wallace called off the assassination order against Butch provided Butch evacuates the city and never returns. The Gimp was probably some poor abductee with Stockholm Syndrome.


make another discord for us! maybe? :3 you look great with short hair! I'm sorry for how it went down though lol


yeah we've been thinking about that! we'll likely create one when there's sufficient amount of people to use it :) critical mass so to speak haha. but its definitely coming down the road.

Chris B

There are many essays, you can find online, written on the topic of contextual determinants on the meaning of the N word in Tarantinos Pulp Fiction, closely examining each use of the word and when a slur is a slur and when it is not. The use of the word is much more extreme in Tarantinos other movies, especially Django and Hateful Eight. Tarantino has been often criticised by critics on this topic but on the other hand - S jackson and many other black actors and directors have defended his use of the N word.

Michael Barootian

So just a little easter egg for you...the bible verse Sam L was quoting...Ezekiel 25:17...the first line of it shows ups in Captain America the Winter Soldier. Its towards the end of the move on a tombstone.

Michael Kang-Beats

the Rectangle thing Mia does was just visualizing calling Vincent a square, or a prude.


He wasn’t supposed to be Nixon. He was supposed to be Ed Sullivan.

Travis Starnes

He's been good exactly once. He played an excellent psychopath in Dusk till Dawn. He was really really creepy. Although it called for the character to be emotionally flat, which probably helped.


There's a theory that the case had their boss' soul in it since it was something glowing though it could just be gold. But the code to unlock the case was 666. Perhaps they were retrieving his soul from the guy who tried stealing it or something not sure. Also the film is out of order because something to do with films in the old days were cut and rearranged and it was called pulp or something like that my dad once told me.


The guy hiding in the bathroom was the late Alexis Arquette who was transgender and related to David Arquette who played Dewey in Scream.


The memes are the reason I watched this in high school and after I went on to watch a bunch of older movies that made me realize how bad newer movies are in comparison


I discovered Cinebinge last month, and it was your Pulp Fiction reaction that convinced me to become a member! Did you make that playlist you mentioned? If you didn't but you're still thinking about it, just buy the whole soundtrack album. It's perfection--and it's more than just the songs.

Thomas Yanez

This is the first Tarantino reaction of yours I've watched, and I really enjoy your content, but I hope that for the other Tarantino reactions, y'all didn't talk over so much dialogue. Y'all missed a LOT of stuff that the movie told you directly. Tarantion's movies are all about the dialogue.

Thomas Yanez

I love all the wrong guesses you guys are making based on your experience with watching movies that weren't written by Tarantino.

Thomas Yanez

Vincent didn't react to Butch entering the apartment, because he was expecting that Marsellus would be back at any moment from the donut shop (or wherever he went to get the snacks/beverages he was carrying when Butch saw him.)


So towards the end of your reaction Simone mentioned her cut of the movie might’ve been slow and laggy I was wondering if you slowed down the run of the movie to help her reaction, because when I watched it with you guys my version kept going slightly faster than yours and kept having to pause it and I was just wondering if that was the reason? You probably won’t see this but I was just wondering if that was the reason.