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First things first thank you all so much for your support, it really means the world to us because we love doing all of this and your support and encouragement keeps us going! So thank you!

But just a heads up, at the end of next week (end of July into August), George is moving to a new place. If all go as planned, there should be no interruption to usual releases, but then things rarely go as planned do they... So fingers crossed that the internet at the new place just works, and that nothing important is damaged during the move.

Second thing is around the third week of August, Simone has to leave town on a trip for an entire week, which means there will be no new content releases during that week. Precise dates are still pending, we're hoping it occurs between the filming days of 2 weeks so we actually miss nothing, but that may be wishful thinking. Will keep you all updated as it develops.

Thank you all again for your support, feedback and suggestions. There are so many films, shows and soon games we want to do for your entertainment, and we hope you all continue to enjoy them as much as we do!




I hope the move goes Smooth George, and without any problems. And Simone, have a nice trip. And have fun. But please be carefull both of you please, with all the Covid problems around the world. Greetings Raymond.