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The Youtube version is still rendering and will be ready later; unfortunately we have to keep trimming/rendering/uploading to test if it will/wont get copy right striked. and each time we do that, it takes like 2 hours.

There's just so much we want to keep in our YT version for this film, cause everything was so great but the copy right detection is strict and powerful~


Forrest Gump (1994) - Full Patreon Version


Kim Murphy

I think that you would really enjoy the movie "Being There" from 1979. Peter Sellers last role. This may be the seeds that the character "Forrest Gump" grew from... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078841/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

Sumner Hayes

The sequel to the novel reveals that in the author's mind Jenny had Hepatitis C, but some of the filmmakers have said that they had HIV/AIDS in mind when making the film (and the sequel novel was released well after the film). It almost doesn't matter, both were unknown viruses at the time with terrible prognoses in the 1980s.


Loved your reaction again... :-) If I may suggest some good Tom Hanks movies, I really would suggest the Robert Langdon serie. (Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Inferno) Very good movies....

Mike Lipke

a great new Tom Hanks movie is News of the World . I cant stop watching it


Sleepless in Seattle, YES! You'll love it, really.