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Star Wars Episode VI: Return of The Jedi - Full Patreon Length



I think it's best if everyone just ignores that any of the Disney star wars even exists, they're terrible. Except Rogue One, that one actually is decent. In regards to the power vacuum, the galaxy splinters up into different factions. There are a lot of worlds that loved the empire's way of doing things, lots of worlds that wanted freedom and something new, and there were grand admirals still out in the galaxy with powerful fleets that secured their own territory for themselves and some fight each other, criminal organizations that took advantage of the crumbling empire. There are warlords, imperial sectors, sectors that tried to build something new, the rebel alliance tries to build a new republic from the ground up. It's pretty complex and there are a lot of good stories and intrigue in the star wars novels from the 90's. You mentioned the Project hail mary novel, I haven't read it but it's on my list. If you're interested in the follow up of what happens after return of the jedi there are quite a few good novels. The first trilogy of novels that was published after star wars was in 1991, quite a bit after the movies. It's the 'Thrawn' trilogy written by Timothy Zahn: heir to the empire, dark force rising, the last command. They are amazing novels and well worth reading, in fact it's not an exaggeration to say that the prequel movies probably would never have been made if the thrawn trilogy hadn't been so good and renewed interest in star wars so much again. I would say the thrawn trilogy are my favorite novels I've ever read.

Travis Starnes

I'm not sure who told yall that Empire was the least favorite film. Generally, Empire is considered the best of all of the films, followed by New Hope.

Travis Starnes

Also, for the time jumps. Empire started 3 years after a new hope and Return of the Jedi was a year after that.