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Memento - Patreon Version


Steve DeVries

Was "Kandra Crimes" a Mistborn reference?

Andrew Roach

So two stars in this film just came off of The Matrix. I have seen this movie many times, discovering new things each time but I never caught two things you did: 1 When Lenny writes "don't believe her lies" he intentionally uses fake hand writing because he is being forced to write it and doesn't necessarily believe it. Even if he hadn't scratched it out right there later after he forgot he would look at the note, realize it was not his hand writing, not believe it and scratch it out anyway. 2 This one I should have caught but always assumed Lenny got those scratches from the incident but his fight with the drug guy is when he did. Natalie is not really that bad for using Lenny to get rid of Dod as it was actually Teddy's, and by ignorance Lenny's, fault by killing the drug guy and taking the money that she got into trouble. She just used him to get her out of the trouble he caused. I also fully believe Teddy at the end because really... why lie? Lenny is going to forget what he says anyway so why make up convoluted stories? My only fault I find is while Lenny could actively replace the memory of him giving his wife insulin with him pinching her... why? He can't form new memories after the incident so he can't remember she survived or that he perhaps killed her via overdose. Indeed, why would he even have that story in his head even assuming it was true.

Philipp Roensch

Secret Frame: If you see it frame-by-frame, in the final memory of Sammy in the psychic ward, you can see Leonard sitting in his chair as the nurse passes by. Truly one of Nolan's greatest films, so intricate and exact, with the neat trick of playing the scenes forwards but backwards in chronology. The theme of protagonist in search of purpose, while trapped in a future they build for themselves also carries over is other films. Batman is clearly seeing how long he can do this justice thing before becoming the villain, much like Leonard, and the Joker is his Teddy trying to coax the real him out. Loved the reaction, guessing along with such a novel thriller is alsways fun :D