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Pretty Woman - Patreon Version


Gary Fixler

I can't believe I remembered her leg dimensions all these years later. I never forgot it was 44 and 88. Must be a core memory.

Angela D. Mitchell

I have a soft spot for this movie (and yeah, I was totally singing along with Simone at several key moments!). I really like that it doesn't soft-pedal Vivian being a sex worker. It's open about that from minute one, and I liked that they never tried to "damsel" her or make it seem like "she barely does it," etc. I think the integration of sex and coldness in the relationship with Edward works really well to progress the relationship and intimacy in other unexpected ways, instead. And I love the way it's a fairytale anyway, and how the hotel manager and sweet hotel staff are all rooting for them. What kind of gets me the most is the clear bittersweetness of the ending. Viv and Edward will probably work things out and live happily ever after -- but Kit won't. She's doomed. She spends the entire movie giving in and giving excuses and is already just one pimp and party away from an overdose. So that's what always moves me -- Kit isn't going to get out, while Viv is, and they both know it.