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The Game - Patreon Version


Chase Schleich

Turkey pepperoni Simone?..... TURKEY PEPPERONI?!! Why don't you just go have some turkey bacon too while you're at it. Go full psycho. They shouldn't even be able to call turkey pepperoni, pepperoni. It's an imposter and doesn't deserve the name pepperoni. The same goes for turkey bacon. Actually, it goes double for turkey bacon. Back when I lived at home as a kid my mom would only buy turkey bacon so I was tortured for years with fake imposter bacon. Turkey pepperoni should be called Turkey Rounds and turkey bacon should be called Turkey Breakfast Strips.


The convenience of the airbag being in just the right spot is the least implausible thing in this movie. If the story had ended with the jump being “real” and his dying, the movie would have been perfect, aside from the DOWNER ending. That said, I enjoyed the movie quite a bit overall.


Aside from the difficulty of getting all the “background” and secondary character/actors together who need to interact with Van Orton to steer him on the right path, not to mention all of the arrangement of hotels and vehicles and all the little stuff to pull off this fantastically elaborate undertaking, there are 2 massive issues that need to be dealt with in a way that must never go wrong: the fall/airbag and the guns. I know I said earlier that the airbag was the least of my concerns, but the thing is, Van Orton jumps with the intent to die. He cannot see the airbag and has absolutely no idea it’s there. He’s “shot” his brother and that just capped off a whole series of crazy events that have basically ended his whole world. So the thing with the airbag is not that it’s there or how they can be sure he will jump from the right spot, it is rather how can anyone working for Consumer Recreation Services be completely sure that Van Orton is going land on his back when he hits the airbag? If he happens to dive head first, he’s a dead man. Stunt personnel are trained how to land on airbags and head first is not the way to go. The jumper *must* land on his or her back. Anything else risks serious injury or death. How they can possibly guarantee that stretches my imagination way too far. As to the guns, first of all, when Van Orton grabs the gun off of the “private investigator” and then shoots the car, I don’t think that was a blank-firing gun. So they have the possibility and then reality of Van Orton acquiring a gun loaded with live rounds, which means it’s possible he can accidentally or intentionally kill a CRS employee or even an innocent bystander. Speaking of blanks, firing automatic weapons loaded with blank rounds apparently directly into a large crowd (as seen in the cafeteria room/floor is insane. Just because a gun fires a blank, it doesn’t mean it’s not potentially deadly. Bruce Lee’s son Brandon died after being struck from a blank-firing gun by fellow actor Michael Massee during filming of the movie “The Crow.” One of the dummy bullets that were improperly left in the revolver for filming purposes was shot out of the weapon, propelled by the blank round’s charge and the dummy bullet hit Lee. So the CRS shooters spraying the room with blank firing guns could easily have gone very badly if any debris managed to leave the gun barrels.


George, in case no one has mentioned this already, Hank Azaria based the voice of Chief Wiggum on an impression of Mel Blanc doing an impression of Edward G. Robinson. In fact, in a Simpsons episode where Chief Wiggum is arresting Ned Flanders, he says, "Where's your messiah now, Flanders?"...a direct reference to Edward G. Robinson's character in "The Ten Commandments". Fun stuff.

Angela D. Mitchell

WARNING: SUICIDE ATTEMPTS/IDEATION DISCUSSION. Thank you for reacting to this! It's one of my favorite movies. For what it's worth, I don't think the Game was a cheap breach of trust or just some massive prank on Nicholas. It's the opposite. It's much deeper than that. Conrad's gift to his brother is one of life, love, appreciation, awareness, and reawakening. Conrad saves his brother's life by endangering it with The Game. When the movie starts, on the same birthday for Nicholas as when his own father killed himself, we see ourselves that Nicholas is obsessed with his father's suicide, and that it plays out over and over again his head. The movie quickly establishes that he has begun to fixate on it, while also showing us that he has disconnected from almost all of the relationships in his life. But we do see that out of everyone, he still takes his ex-wife's call, and he drops everything to have lunch with his rebellious little brother -- both of whom are visibly very worried about him. (And as added texture, Conrad has spent years angry and addicted but whatever his Game was, he himself is now clean and sober, happy, and filled with hope. I think that's an important detail -- he knows it works. I read an article a few years ago that has haunted me ever since (in a good way), that was about the attempted suicides who had jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge -- and survived. There are evidently always a few every year. And in every single case -- EVERY SINGLE CASE -- the first thought that crossed each person's mind as they let go of that rail and began to fall was, "Oh my God I don't want to do this. I want to live." This is why Conrad's gift is so incredible and the Game is so profound for Nicholas. Everything in Nicholas's gift is built to propel him to this very realization -- to let him live out this mistaken idea he has that he wants to kill himself -- and SURVIVE IT. And that's what Conrad does. And in doing so, he reawakens Nicholas's courage and kindness. He reminds him of what it was like to be young and hungry and alive and awake. The people who love him show him how much he depends on his brother and his ex-wife and the few people he trusts. And then he jumps and he realizes he wants to live. And then he is hugged by his brother... and then celebrated by every single person in his life, and I just love that so much. Nicholas ends the film free and awake and able to really live -- maybe for the first time. I think this is such a profound film, and the warmest of Fincher's movies by far. TRIVIA: I do think it was easy for CRS to "shepherd" Nicholas to the right stepping-off point. He faces the elevator, shoots Conrad, then walks in a straight line right off the roof. I buy it. The initials "CRS" appear throughout the movie as various law enforcement, services, even cabs used by Nicholas (California Regal Sedans, Cable Repair Services, and Consumer Recreation Services). It's all part of the Game. The Game had already begun the moment Conrad gave Nicholas his birthday present. Christine/Claire waits on them at that lunch and spill her tea on Nicholas, who is irritated, but lets it go. Cheers -- thanks as always for the great reactions!


I feel bad for people that can't enjoy a movie like this and have to logic every detail. It's a movie... you are supposed to suspend reality a bit. This movie is fantastic.


Seeing that adorable cat on Simone's shoulder like a fabulous scarf makes me wonder: Is there a Video or Post where Simone talks about her kitty cat(s)? Names, quirks, etc? One of my *favorite* things is when a reaction suddenly has a Purring Commentary Track. 😍


I think she talks a bit about Luna and Maggie in one of the AMAs. Maybe in both. ;)

Brendan Rafferty

Worst casting… George C Scott as John Rainbird in Stephen King’s Firestarter (1984) The character in the book is a seven foot tall physically imposing Native American… and a master assassin They cast very white and very old and out of shape George C Scott… but filmed him with other characters reacting as though this fat old man in a girdle was still physically imposing https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8m6CWngM2XOC6suYyLLmdZ4CrM1GvURNrSkGufLb9vH0nfkwhplXz9K2AaSwfwUD-TJR9TYHYf_Rl1Fe6G_QBZ-WL5WctH-xHX1p2EO1nqWiaqxDJaXi6PJmo98_lQmE9MdMEFhnUVYtv/s987/firestarter2.jpg

Brendan Rafferty

Wrong race casting… This one was a surprise considering it was 2005 and you would think Hollywood would have stopped doing this by the 21st century. Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li, and Michelle Yeoh… three Chinese actresses cast as the three main leads, playing Japanese geishas in the 2005 film Memoirs of a Geisha. So as recent as 2005, Hollywood was still treating all Asians as interchangeable