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Knives Out | Canadian First Time Watching | Movie Reaction | Movie Review | Movie Commentary

Simone & George are reacting to Knives Out for the first time! Canadians React! For unedited full length version go to https://www.patreon.com/Cinebinge Merch Store: https://www.cinebinge.ca 00:00 - Intro 01:30 - Knives Out 32:45 - Discussion Subscribe | Like | Share | Comment Early Access & Full Reaction available on Patreon! #moviereaction #moviereview #knivesout Instagram: @cinebingechannel Instagram: @simone.swan Movie Reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakYDfILlxWOp8Rwm60i6s31 The Witcher Reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakPpBOOSyThaEu9GBs7h5af Squid Games Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakSIA0kJIJkUmcxmms0m_Q0 Band of Brothers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHanBD7cksu-blgCyxZOJrgT0 Blind Playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHan3qPNF7wNbOvo653VjhxOR


mojo shivers

Probably one of the best films to come out right before the Pandemic with a great pair of twists at the end. The sequel was good too, but this set the bar high for the franchise. I love how the painting changes expressions from being dour in the beginning to smiling once Ransom is found out and Marta cleared of all wrongdoing.

Jeff K

This was the last movie I saw in the theaters before the pandemic hit. It was one of those movies that, 5 minutes in, I already knew I loved. And I think I even prefer Glass Onion, too. Can’t wait for the third one.

Christina Doxstader

Love, love, LOVE this movie. I saw it probably 5 times in the theater. The casting is just perfect. You should check out Glass Onion as well. It's a different kind of mystery but pretty good.

mojo shivers

Glass Onion was good, but this had a more satisfying conclusion and comeuppance for the evildoer. Also, I just like this cast a bit better. But, as a whole, Blanc is a great character to base a franchise around. And, the format allows for awesome one-time supporting casts every film.

Travis H

Funnily enough the next Benoit Blanc movie title was officially announced yesterday. The 3rd movie will be titled “Wake Up Dead Man” coming out next year.


I feel like Hereditary has given Simone an irrational fear of Toni Collette, and I'm kinda sad about it.

Christopher Henderson

Now I need y'alls glass onion reaction! Don't anybody reply to me about their opinion of the movie. I still want their reaction.

Mike FromOz

Her face in Hereditary is the best reaction from this channel. The sheer, absolute fear and terror in her face. Sorry Simone, but it's just amazing to see how scared you were 😅

Jeff K

Continuing the tradition of taking the title from song lyrics (Knives Out - Radiohead; Glass Onion - The Beatles; Wake Up Dead Man - U2). Also, I'm choosing to believe Rian Johnson is a Cinebinge patron and knew this was coming, so he dropped the title to coincide.

Simon Pegged Me

I love Knives Out and Glass Onion. Another whodunnit (sort of) that would be a good source for a reaction is Primal Fear (1996). It'll keep you guessing right up to the last scene.


In the minority for this as I’m meh on this movie and glass onion is so much worse in every way. Looking forward to tomorrows reaction though!


In a different era, I might have agreed (and I do about Glass Onion - eat the rich movie paying Edward Norton a small nation's GDP?), but in the modern world of Marvel, Disney, and Fast & Furious 93, this is a gem.

Jeff K

If you want more of Daniel Craig with a deep southern accent, highly recommend Logan Lucky (aka redneck Ocean’s 11).


'Logan Lucky' is another great film were Daniel Craig plays a great character

Ariel Sims

YES! Thank you Jeff K. I haven't seen anyone else react to it. It's quick and smart and funny as all get out! "People say that?!" YES!

Charmaine N

1. Can’t wait for your reaction to Knives out 2: Glass Onion. 2. Can’t wait to watch number 3 “Wake up dead man” next year and 3. Can’t wait to your reaction to Knives out 3

Justin James

I love this movie! I think it does a great job of capturing the zeitgeist in which it is set, such that it can be watched in 20 or 30 years time and paint a pretty good picture of the late 2010s to early 20s, while still having a timeless quality! I think the same goes for the sequel "Glass Onion", even if rooted a bit more in absurdity and maybe not quite as timeless. It's still definitely worth watching and generally well regarded!


You guys should watch some short horror film

Nathan Swapp

Glass Onion is worth watching but it gets better on the rewatch

Jeff K

Shortly after this movie came out, Rian Johnson did one of those videos breaking down a scene (I can't remember what YouTube channel... Vanity Fair or Empire or something; either way, not important), and revealed a pretty cool little movie-making secret that gave away the murderer, for anyone who knows about it. Apple apparently lets movie productions use iPhones for free in their movies, but they're only free if the villain doesn't use an iPhone. If you watch the movie, you'll notice that Ransom is the only character who doesn't use an iPhone, thus revealing him to be the murderer. Also, this movie was all filmed around Boston, and while the exterior shots of the house are of a private home, the interiors are from Ames Mansion, which is open to the public since it's in a state park. Some of Shutter Island was filmed in the same park (Borderland State Park).

Jeff K

It's also super fun, and has a terrific cast. Such a good and under-seen movie.


Yeah, so wait - A Timbit has a hole in it, too? It should be pointed out that this isn't really a "whodunnit", at least the audience doesn't think so. It's much more like an episode of the old Columbo TV series, where we (think) we see the murder, and the story is how the detective catches the culprit. There actually was a Columbo just like this ("Last Salute to the Commodore"), where we think we know who the murderer is, but are misled by the storytelling structure. Quite a feat of storytelling legerdemain - in both cases.

Jeff K

It's funny you mention Columbo, because Paul Giamatti has said he'd love to be in a future Knives Out movie as a rival detective to Blanc, and it made me realize Giamatti would be an INCREDIBLE Columbo-type detective and now that's all I want.


This film is pretty much the anti-typecast for most of the cast. After Daniel Craig spent years as the tough, suave badass James Bond he's now a cooky, southern detective. After Chris Evans made a career out of playing Upright Superheroes he's now the scummiest scum. After Michael Shannon's history as imposing and towering authority figures he's now meek and ieneffectual. I always loved that skewed angle on all of them.

Jeff K

To add to that, Jamie Lee Curtis has predominantly played extremely likable characters, sometimes even frazzled-but-heroic (I think you could put Halloween and True Lies in this category), so to see her playing a stone-cold bitch was not something I ever imagined.


Glass Onion is absolutely worth a watch.

Lynda Ward

Whenever I watch the scene that takes place inside the security guard’s shack, I always laugh at the sight of all that “modern” RadioShack computer hardware. We had all that exact same equipment in our home office back in the late 1970s.

Nikolina Liubenova

the question is why are all of them the way they are though ;)

Ed Stephens

Janelle Monae is brilliant in Glass Onion


saw it in the cinema when it came out, what a fantastic movie film of the year for me

Raimund Keller

Knives out and Glass Onion are both great


Yaaasssss. Love this. Glass onion is amazing too. benoit blanc is an homage to hercule periot and others. I love him. Craig definitely is having a blast playing him, so much more life than Bond.

Dan Holmes

For more great Daniel Craig acting pls check out Road to Perdition For more great Michael Shannon acting pls check out The Shape of Water For a great film co starring Chris Evans pls check out SUNSHINE


Another incredible Michael Shannon movie is 99 Homes if you haven't seen it. It's kind of like an unofficial sequel to The Big Short. Andrew Garfield is also incredible in it.

Jim Saul

For Daniel Craig, don't forget "Layer Cake". That was the first time I noticed him, and I was blown away.


TV Series Request: - Sigmund and the Sea Monsters (2 seasons 1973 and 1974)


Opinions are very split on Glass Onion. I know some people who didn't like it at all. I liked it but prefer this one. But I agree, 100% worth a watch.


Layer Cake is fantastic. Craig is also very good in Cowboys & Aliens. Which is, well, half of a good movie at least.


I second this. Logan Lucky is at better than any of the Oceans sequels and nearly as good as the first one. And I wouldn't begrudge anyone who said it was better.


I agree about Glass Onion. The characters in this film get more room to breathe and the overall space just feels more "lived-in". Glass Onion is just a little too slick for me. Still absolutely worth a watch. But this is a tough act to follow.

mojo shivers

Yeah, it was always going to be a different type of story just to avoid copying and pasting the same type of mystery. But just like the various books of the great mystery writers, there are just going to be some types of mystery plots and certain casts of characters that the reader will find more appealing. I think all the Knives Out mysteries will be good, but some will just feel that much more satisfying depending on your tastes. For me the first movie was that, while Glass Onion was maybe one tier below.

Jeff K

Layer Cake is fantastic, and if I'm not mistaken, was basically the entire reason he got Bond.

Da Big Appa

Also I don't know why but in the thumbnail seeing George with that hair is just off putting lol


I definitely agree with some others that, while not as good as this one, Glass Onion is definitely worth a watch!


Captain America telling a room full of people to eat shit is one of the best scenes ever put to film. 😂


Glass Onion is differently good, the sort that rewards a rewatch, but it's still entertaining even if only for some of the character portrayals.


A fascinating angle to this film that I didn't realize until after I'd seen it more than once was that even Harlan didn't really respect Marta, either. He definitely seemed to have honest affection for her -- more than his kids did anyway -- but he completely rejected her medical decisions out of hand when he thought he was dying. if he respected her as a Medical Professional he would have let her call the ambulance, would have let her monitor his symptoms, and do everything else that she wanted to do. But instead he thought that his knowledge as a Mystery Writer was more valuable in this situation. That doesn't make him a villain or "the real criminal" or anything like that, but it does highlight that even he looked down on her instead of as an Equal or True Friend. It's charming, paternalistic looking-down (Like an old man with a surrogate child), but looking-down regardless. Like Benoit Blanc said at the end, if he had just let the TRAINED NURSE take control of the MEDICAL SITUATION, none of this would have happened.

Pepijn Schmitz

31:56: you missed a gag: Harlan's portrait has changed. He was frowning throughout the movie; now he's smiling. 😄


Jamie Lee Curtis's character was sinister but she did nothing wrong. Her husband got them cut off, not her. She even refused to turn against the family during the interrogation. She lost everything all at once.


"I want this to be his his new James Bond." You're in luck, movie #3 was just announced...

Rachel W

I've noticed that British actors do much better w/American southern accents than with an American standard accent--which most Brit actors really struggle with.

Rachel W

A great Michael Shannon performance is in Revolutionary Road, also starring DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. It's so good.

Matthew Blackwood

As someone from the American South I think the opposite is true. Even fantastic actors like Emma Thompson can’t help but way overdo it. I think most Brit actors can do a passable American accent just from watching our TV so much. But TV didn’t give them good southern accents to listen to growing up bc American actors suck at it also. (That said, Craig nails this because he’s doing something extremely specific, not just *southern* but old money gentile Mississippi - an anachronistic and very silly sounding but 100% real voice. And he based it on a well-known historian here, so it’s almost more of an impression. Aim small, miss small.)


Fun little movie detail but also a stupid rule on Apple's part. Feels like some marketing person trying to justify their position.

Renee MeowMeow Beans

I first "got" Daniel Craig with Logan Lucky - he's so charismatic and charming and weird in that! And I would also say a little against type compared to what I have seen. I love that movie - Soderbergh and heist movies, man - I can't get enough of that combo. 😁

Blake Gorf

You should give an example to get more traction. That reminds me. I would love if they reacted to V/H/S.

Al Karnov

Yes!! In my mind It's almost like a follow-on piece to The Big Short. Regardless Shannon is amazing

Christina Doxstader

True but at the same time Marta believed she injected him with 100 mg of morphine which meant he was going to die from an overdose and there was nothing they could do to stop it so Harlan did what he had to do to make sure she got the inheritance.

Christina Doxstader

Yeah I think it's important to point out that Jamie's character didn't need Harlan like the others did. Yes he gave her the money to start her business but that was a long time ago and she is apparently a huge success, I really think she was more upset about losing the house and the possession more than the money. She loved her dad and wanted those things to hold on to.

Christina Doxstader

Yeah, I like Glass Onion and I'd definitely recommend that people watch it. It's just different in a lot of ways compared to this one so if you're expecting a similar movie you'll probably be disappointed.


I think probably more Americans are familiar with a generic American accent and thus can be more critical of it, while fewer people live in the South and can differentiate between genuine accents and stereotypes.