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Alan Kobb

Christopher Walken and just about any other actor would be hilarious, since his way of talking is so frequently copied. https://youtu.be/ccBiVIhOwio?si=HqCTFfqaZzXTaR7Y

Manuel Phelouzat

About AI impersonating you, @PirateSoftware thought on that and part of his solution has been to tell his bank and other important links to not do any transaction without him being physically present. It's laughably easy to fake a voice using AI, particularly with someone you can find loads of recording.

Simone's Coconut Squire

When you mentioned doves at the beginning I laughed my ass off. So many doves.


I love the nonsense of this movie. John Woo rule of cool. Its got style, its got flair and its got ....bleh..... peaches

Gary Fixler

I haven't seen this since it was in theaters, and it's even more insane than I remember, right to the very end, when the wife was waiting at HOME, not at the hospital, for her husband who almost died 50x to get out of surgery. He just heals up for days, then arrives at home, perfect, AND with a kid. None of this film makes any sense, and I love it. I kept waiting for the hanging off the high-speed boat by a chain, because of how impossible that felt to me in the theater. Oh, and I vividly remember Adam listening to classical music in his headphones during the gun battle, and everyone in the theater laughing, because of the juxtaposition of glorious music in the middle of a slaughter (but it was Wonderful World?), but then George and Simone just have horrified looks on their faces the whole time. Ha ha. We didn't care about anyone back then.

Angela D. Mitchell

Y'all's alternating expressions of glee, "awww" and WTF while watching this were everything. I saw this in the theatre and still remember the audience laughing (but in a good way) at how over-the-top Cage was. And I think Travolta was stealth-brilliant at capturing Cage's voice and mannerisms. He visibly had a blast here. And oh, the doves! So many slow-motion doves. John Woo and his slo-mo doves! I never thought the ending with the little boy was unexpected for Sean's wife or daughter -- it seemed to me that her nod to him was more, "Yep, it's happening" and not acceptance of "Whoops, okay, let's take in this kid." Especially since they have the room prepared for him (I don't think it's just their dead son's room at this point, etc.). I agree with those noting that Wesley Snipes is also a really good dramatic actor, not just an action star. Loved that you guys caught all the "Wire" actors who showed up here! I always love seeing Chris Bauer (Frank Sobotka) especially. And I'm always thrilled to see Colm Feore, the doctor -- a Shakespearean actor who went on to some really big things later on -- some headline roles in "Storm of the Century," "Thor," "City of Angels," and "Chronicles of Riddick," etc. One of the scene stealers here for me was Nick Cassavetes, who played Sasha's (Gina Gershon's) brother. He had so much charisma -- he's the son of famed actor/filmmaker John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands, and like his father, is a respected actor and writer/director himself.