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Ghostbusters 2 - Patreon Version



Oh I needed this. Yes. Comfort viewing.

Joshua White

Neat. Not as good as the first, but somehow more fun. "Two in the box! Ready to go!"


Neat! I've always loved Ghostbusters 2, despite the guff it gets. I grew up with them both as a pair, as long as I can remember, so I've never bought into the negativity. I've a lot of time for all the movies, tbf (though I've not seen the latest one). I'd even go so far as to recommend Afterlife to people.

Marko T.

Yes! I think this might be even better than the first movie.


Always had a soft spot for this film, even though I can understand the mixed reception. Less fresh but it’s still a lot of fun! Also “this man has no dick” is a top tier insult I’ve… had levelled at me a few times by friends lol

Tomas Gaspar

Great Fun...in my opinion the best SFX in the movie is when Janosh is walking in the dark hallway and his eyes are working as flashlights and turning perfecrly with his head when he looks around. I wonder how long it took to get like that.

Chase Lonnergan

Hell yeah! I hoping on this one and Afterlife.

Haye Zeus

Nice. This reaction is going to be too hot to handle and too cold to hold for some people. This is the one I grew up with the most and I consider it to be more fun than the first. Yes, i guess it’s objectively toned down and it is derivative of the first. But idc. Never was the biggest fan of the first even tho I acknowledge it’s a classic. I just find this one more enjoyable.


I think if you were one of those kids who also grew up with the cartoon and toys, this movie felt more in tune with that. As does the latest movie.

Marko T.

If you like Ghostbusters and want something scarier I recommend Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon from 1997. I was a big fan of that. It has more horror elements.


I wanted to watch this since the beginning of the year. Hadn't rewatched it in the current decade, but since it's the 35th anniversary this summer, it was time. Then I was thinking "but CB did the first, and they might do the second one soon. Be patient". Every week I was looking at the Ghostbusters II 4K on the shelf, thinking "I really wanna watch it"...but I didn't. Long story short, the bowl is packed, I'll be off work in an hour. Can't wait!


I had a friend that would occasionally blurt out "He is Vigo!" in Yanosh's accent. Try it, its surprisingly fun to do, and it confuses the shit outta people.

Martin Nicholls

Pleasant surprise. Also, general reminder that the Ghostbusters movies are 84, 89, 2021 and 2024 ;)

Ryan Raventhal

I saw the original in the theatre and this one at the drive-in with my Dad back in the '80s. Good times! ♥️📼👻


In a similar vein to Ghostbusters, and still primarily a comedy, but with a dark side - The Frighteners with Michael J Fox.


"You are like the buzzing of flies, to him!" Also, "Where is ze ay-beebee?... Oh, I 'WOO'd" I would say more about Peter MacNicol's character, but I'll wait until I watch to see if they cover it in the trivia section.

Nathan Jasper

Ghostbusters is always fun. The 2016 one with Melissa McCarthy is an alternate universe and not connected to the main timeline. Ghostbusters Afterlife is in the main timeline and picks up decades later. So totally up to you if you wanna see the 2016 one, it's still pretty fun because of Kate McKinnon.


I haven’t watched the reaction yet, but if you guys enjoy Peter MacNicol do check him out in the 1981 movie Dragonslayer. He doesn’t seem like your typical sword and sorcery hero but it’s a great movie. I just watched it for the first time about a month ago.


Peter MacNicol plays a very similar role (possessed servant) in 1995 Mel Brooks/Leslie Nielsen spoof comedy Dracula: Dead and Loving It.


He’s a great actor. Definitely the standout in Ally McBeal, even with Robert Downey Jr in season 4

Douglas Selby

This film is less quippy, but the jokes are just as good.

Tony E Crumpton

Seeing Bill Murry's psychic show in this reminds me of how great he is in Tim Burton's ED WOOD. It is my favorite Burton film and has some outstanding performances from an amazing cast. Heck, you've already done PLAN 9, so why not watch the Academy Award nominated comedy about the making of the "worst film" ever made?

Michael Green

Looking up Vigo's actor Wilhelm Von Homburg's life story is a wild ride, be prepared for a bunch of gross, confusing, and ultimately deeply depressing details if you do.


Off topic but I see the murdering scumbag OJ Simpson is dead. Anyone who hasn't seen Ezra Edelman's 'OJ: Made in America' from 2016, I can't recommend it highly enough. It's an incredible documentary series.

Moni Castaneda

Awesome! Ghostbusters was my very first full length when I joined Patreon, more than two years ago...


I think you should add "Stripes" to the list. I'm not sure how well it has aged but it's classic Murray. The actor who plays Egon is also in it as well as John Candy

Odd Thomas

I know a lot of reactors skip Ghostbusters 2016 but I thought it was pretty funny. The number of sad old men living in their mother's basements who gave it a bad review because it dared to have women in it. WOMEN. Can you imagine.


I feel like IMDb users have a propensity to go with knee-jerk 1 or 10 star ratings, whereas the people on Letterboxd try to be more refined, but also come across slightly pretentious... at least judging by the written reviews. My ratings usually fall somewhere in between. ...and if it's horror, I mentally add one star, because horror never gets the love it deserves and my tolerance for the cheap stuff is pretty high.

Anna Komnena

I agree that Kristen Wiig can be pretty funny. She is a master at playing awkwardness! I love her. But I respectfully disagree that the fact that WOMEN played in a comedy is the reason that Ghostbusters 2016 is so universally detested. The reason IMHO is that some lazy filmmakers thought they could prove that women can be as funny as men by replacing the leading men of a classic comedy franchise with women. It's an obvious attempt to live off the success of others (instead of, for instance, come up with an own idea for a movie with female comedians), and fans of the original Ghostbusters rightfully were angry that their beloved comedies had been exploited for political reasons.

Odd Thomas

For more Bill Murray: The Life Aquatic Dan Ackroyd: Grosse Pointe Blank Ernie Hudson: Congo Sigourney Weaver: Alien 3 (theatrical cut)

Chase Lonnergan

No... He totally American Pie'd the slime. And I have Bob Ross painting the Vigo portrait as my phone wallpaper.

Haye Zeus

Oh definitely. I loved the cartoon. For a kid’s show it was kind of scary. That’s the thing about this movie is that It also scared me more than the original. I remember when Peter Macnicols eyes lit up in the dark hallway freaked the shit out of me as kid.

Justin James

The Life Aquatic is awesome! The best Wes Anderson film in my opinion, and certainly underrated.


It's also my favourite Johnny Depp performance. I think it's Burton's best film by a mile.

Mr. Writhms

George, you mentioned "Ghostbusters" probably being one of the best movie soundtracks because of the title song. You should check out Prince's "Purple Rain" (1984). In fact... please react to some music biopics on the channel. Like: "Purple Rain", "Ray" or "The Doors", etc. 😊 Or is it a copyright nightmare?

Gary Fixler

Speaking of Ally McBeal, Da Vinci's Notebook has a good acapella song (to the tune of Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan) to catch George up on the details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA457cxLNhI If anyone's heard of musical comedy duo, Paul and Storm, they're two of the four members of DVN.

Marko T.

They made Ghostbusters game in 2009 and all the Ghostbusters returned to voice their characters. It was great to see them together again. Harold Ramis (Egon) was in it too. He died in 2014. The new movies Afterlife and Frozen Empire don't consider the game canon but its a great game.

Gary Fixler

The kids at the birthday party were shouting for He-Man ("Who ya gonna call?" "HE-MAN!"), my favorite cartoon and toy line as a little 80s boy.

Queen of Farts

Still patiently waiting on the reactions for Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) and Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey (1991). Both super fun and unhinged sequels to 80’s movies!

Shane Driscoll

The beginning of this movie turned out to be an eerily accurate prediction of how first responders would be treated after 9/11. Also, how does Ernie Hudson look younger than he did in the first one?


I don't think I've ever seen this one, but I enjoyed the first one more than I thought I would. It was much funnier than I anticipated...although I'm not sure why considering it has such a comedic cast.


Totally unrealted, but there's a fantastic mashup on youtube with the ghostbusters theme song mixed with MobDeep - get it twisted, and the video has clips from the movie and the music video. I DARE you not to move your hips.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1uK6c5VQc4&ab_channel=Peacemaker2

Moni Castaneda

Well imagine how weird it is to see Peter McNicol in this and Ally McBeal for those of us who first met him as a Dragonslayer...

Gary Fixler

Yeah, people really ragged on that over the gender swapping, and comparing/contrasting it too hard with the originals, but on it's own, I thought it was really fun.


No need for apology. You actually wrote it before me. I was writing mine during the movie. Then saw you posted about 10 minutes earlier. They must watch Dragonslayer!

Gary Fixler

My buddy did some work as an extra some years ago, on a show with Ernie Hudson, and ended up chatting with him, and he got to ask him the question he always wanted to know: "Why weren't you on the original Ghostbusters movie poster?" (example: https://www.greatbigcanvas.com/view/ghostbusters-1984,mg0081953/) Ernie said it was because he wasn't really a Ghostbuster. The other guys had gone to college and studied ghosts, etc. - it was their life - and he was just brought in as a hired hand, because they needed some extra muscle. Flash forward some years, and Ernie did a Howard Stern interview where he told a different story - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ernie-hudson-reflects-being-left-150000926.html Personally, I say there are, and always were four Ghostbusters. Okay, five, if we count Louis.

Young Blood Priest

The black guy with the cool haircut is original New Edition member and ex-husband of Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown. He’s singing the new theme, which was a fairly popular song when it came out.

Ludovic Ligot

You should watch these two movies : Bean (1997) with Peter McNicol and (of course) Rowan Atkinson. Very silly and funny ! Be Kind Rewind (2008), with a great reference to Ghostbusters... and also starring Sigourney in a small role ! Very funny too.

Gary Fixler

RIP to Hank, one of the twins who played baby Oscar. He checked out in 2017, after suffering from schizoaffective disorder. https://www.today.com/popculture/hank-deutschendorf-baby-oscar-ghostbusters-ii-dies-age-28-t113011

Nathan Jasper

Exactly! Not everything has to be a comparison/contrast essay for private college, you know what I mean? Just sit back and enjoy things :)

Nathan Jasper

But the original actors weren't angry enough to turn down cameos. If Aykroyd and Murray can shrug it off, so can the "fans".


They should totally watch Dragonslayer. He makes quite an interesting hero in that movie.


Either Simone and George didn’t understand what the kids were saying or they didn’t know who it is? I thought he was pretty well-known even today with the resurgence of the cartoon on Netflix, etc.


My problem is that it’s simply not a very good movie and it ignores the continuity of the first two movies when it should’ve continued in the same universe. The cameos are pointless if they’re not even playing the same characters. The whole thing is a mess. I would’ve loved to seen a third installment with women as the leads, but it just did not work as a story.


I don’t think George and Simone recognize Brian Doyle Murphy as Bill Murray’s brother. He played the doctor in the mental hospital talking to the Ghostbusters at the table. He was also in Groundhog Day and several other movies.


Not only that, but he had a fairly successful solo career for several years around that time as well. His music was on the radio a lot during that time.

Jesse Coombs

The soundtrack to this is so ridiculous and so great.

Michael Green

I thought the gameplay was about as good as we're ever likely to get emulating what it would be like to bust a ghost. As I recall Murray was phoning it in a bit while Ernie Hudson actually has voice acting experience and did a great job.

Michael Green

Grosse Pointe is an all time favorite of mine, just a beautifully made little gem of a movie.

Michael Green

I know from living through the reaction online that there were a lot of chuds who seemed upset by lady Ghostbusters, for sure. That being said, I think the casting was perfect but the script largely didn't do it for me, though I remember enjoying the last third or so. I think I just don't vibe with Paul Feig? Still, certainly among the least-bad reboot attempts of beloved properties, and not worth all the sturm und drang.

Alex Ch

The actor who played Walter “Dickless” Peck is a really fun character in the Val Kilmer comedy Real Genius.

Young Blood Priest

This movie was a nice surprise. Glad you guys liked it.


I'm doing the same thing with "Nobody". The soundtrack for that movie is fantastic.


Well said. They hired him, they needed him, they busted ghosts with him. He is a Ghostbuster.


The Bob Odenkirk Nobody? Think they're gonna do that one in the near future? That would also be a lot of fun.

Spence Lee

It would be so great if you would add “Reality Bites” to one of your polls

Tyler Foster

I am a lifelong fan of the original Ghostbusters, and I would have definitely preferred a sequel to the 2016 movie over Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Remakes, reimaginings, reboots, they can and should happen. Nothing should be sacred or be drawn out forever. That said, I thought Frozen Empire was a significant improvement on Afterlife, so I'm also fairly happy where we ended up. But the 2016 movie is not universally detested (there are a handful of people here and on YouTube saying it's worth a look, including me), nor is the 2016 movie any more of an exploitation of the original than Ghostbusters II, Afterlife, and Frozen Empire. I also disagree that it should've been in continuity with the original. It would take so much away from the movie if the characters were not the inventors of the technology in their story. I don't want them to be following in the footsteps of someone else, taking the torch. Glad it exists, glad it's it's own thing, wish there had been more of it. This is why "for the fans" is nonsense. Fans aren't a monolith! Everyone wants something different!

Tyler Foster

IMO, the only version of Alien³ worth watching is the Workprint/Special Edition.

Tyler Foster

Murray was apparently scheduled to do two days of recording for the game, and he bailed on the second, forcing the others to pick up the slack. But he also made sure Ernie Hudson got the treatment he deserved on the game, so that's something.

Tyler Foster

They are making Nobody 2, so hopefully that will inspire Cinebinge to watch the first one.

Kevin O

Wreck it Ralph! Such an underrated gem of a movie

Kevin O

Vigo used to scare me so much as a kid


I would love for them to react to it as well, but Wreck It Ralph is in no way underrated. It got stellar critic & audience reviews all across the board, and made enough money that it had the biggest opening for a Disney Animation Studios movie at the time.


Scrooged should be in the Christmas list. Also a great Bill Murray movie


Peter MacNicol is also goofy and hilarious in Dracula Dead and Loving It. Mel Brooks spoof movie. Great movie!

Rooster Aleution

George and Simone should watch The Frighteners directed by Peter Jackson and starring Michael J. Fox. It's really fun while being creepy also.