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Another spider film you should watch is 8 Legged Freaks 2002


Oh boy haha. Better keep y’all low on this one. So another spider movie that I liked was Eight Legged Freaks (2002). That movie is really goofy.

Jihad Lee

The premise reminds me of Eight Legged Freaks another comedy horror film about Spiders. but was made in the 2000’s. I wonder if the director was influenced by this movie heavily. Yall should react to that aswell sometime


This is a fun movie from the Spielberg house of ideas. Also being an Aussie the spiders in this movie are basically identical to Huntsman spiders that I find at least twice a week out here and they’re actually harmless despite their gangly hairiness and jumpiness. Also highly recommend Eight Legged Freaks which takes this concept to a bigger, more action camp level 🕷️🕸️

Odd Thomas

Me: "I subscribe to 3 major streaming services, this is sure to be on one of them" Streaming services: "lol, FU"

Odd Thomas

We all know the best spider movie is Wild Wild West, heh

Keerit Thind

Yessss. Between this, Bg Lebowski, and Flight. John Goodman is the greatest human alive.

Odd Thomas

Another great jungle movie by Frank Marshall is 'Congo'. Based on a novel by Michael Crichton and with the best Tim Curry character you will ever see.

Tacitus G. Kilgore

I was hoping for some high class cinema for my Sunday night but this will do lol


I have arachnophobia but I'm going to brave this movie purely because you are two of my favourite people. I hope you feel honoured but if I die of a heart attack I just want you to know I will find you as a ghost and pour salt in every drink you ever have just to inconvenience you. 😆😣

Nathan Jasper

Sophophobia is the fear of learning/studying. Epistemophobia is the irrational fear of knowledge. Gnosiophobia is the fear of knowledge as a whole.


I watch almost every video. I tend to stay away from reactions to new movies because they are too expensive to buy and there is usually not an option to rent early on. Other than that it has to be something I have zero interest in. I didn't watch The Social Network for instance.


George I am with you with that "small is worse" version of your arachnophobia. And the reason is that I generaly not fear spiders as is. I just hate it to a point of shock when they touch me. And the smaller the spider the bigger the chance of them sneaking up to me. That said, I live in Germany where there are just no dangerous spiders at all. So its insane for me to react in fear anyway. And yes, as a kid I liked playing with them as well. I know when it changed. It was a nightmare wherein I fell into a web and felt like dying in there. I was shocked for days and get chills even today when I think about it. And it created my hate towards sneaky spider deamons

Tim Pierce

Ok, crazy coincidence time. The TV show that was on when Simone mentioned Michael J Fox is Family Ties. The father on that show (also shown on the TV) is Michael Gross, who played Burt Gummer in the Tremors movies you just watched.


I haven’t seen this movie since I was a kid, I liked watching it back then even though I probably wasn’t paying a lot of attention to it because I was playing with toys or whatever other reasons lol but from what I remember I enjoyed, so I’m looking forward to watching it again and seeing you two react to it. I just hope I can find it on a streaming service I have, I have like four so it has to be on one of those idk but if not I’ll probably rent it from Amazon like I’ve done a couple times so that I can follow along with the full length reactions ( sorry for my really long post )


This isn’t high class? I beg to differ ( kidding )


Congo is amazing, I haven’t seen it forever. But I remember renting it over and over after it was released on VHS


Really? I just commented that I hope it’s on one of mine that I have ( I think I have 4 services ) so seeing this comment sucks ( no offense to you lol )


I was wondering if they would recognize Burt but sadly, nope. A side note... the dark haired daughter on screen with Burt is Justine Bateman, Jason Bateman's older IRL sister.


When this movie was released, John Goodman's star power was just starting to rise because of the hit tv show "Roseanne" on ABC. Because of this the studio & marketing decided to use his small role as a selling point to promote the movie. If you're interest in a really good John Goodman movie, I suggest 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016).


I watched this movie when I was far too young, and it definitely gave me a touch of arachnophobia. 'ate Spiders, simple as. Like I dislike spiders so much I'm not sure if I'll ever actually go to Australia, even though I really, really want to. Otherwise, this is a great movie. RIP to the spider scientist with blonde hair whose name I forget, he died end of last year.


Monster features are the highest class of cinema, whatchu talking about lol.


I was petrified of spiders when I was a kid but I loved this movie for some reason. First time revisiting it since my childhood, glad it still holds up. Similarly to Simone, I was okay with spiders until I realised other people weren’t. I found out my dad was afraid of them and of course that changed my perspective. Damned parental baggage.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I mentioned this in another reaction comments, don't remember why, but I wonder if Simone has ever tried my spider scaring (wrangling?) technique haha. I learned it watching two spiders fight, the way they raise and kind of box with their two front legs, if you put your hands together at the thumb knuckles and make your thumbs the fangs and your eight fingers into legs, they think you're a big ass spider, charge them and they will run for their lives, the cannibals they are. Generally I like spiders, I appreciate them, I've been bitten by a couple, no pain just weird bruising (one really weird, two little punctures, a white spot about the size of a nickel, and a purple C around it, felt like a bad bruise, took over a month to heal) but I suffer not a black widow, fuck those guys, my mom got bit by one, was like a really bad flu for three days, but we have a toddler in the house so I dont take chances with widows or anything that looks like a brown recluse. Other than that I usually let them slide. Had a neighbor who had a pet tarantula, Henry, he'd let you pick him up, Henry was chill.

Michael Green

Great reaction, glad you liked it so much! I imagine most of these other horror comedies have already been recommended, but just in case: Dead Alive/Braindead Frighteners Slither Night of the Creeps Fright Night (1985) (though I understand the remake has fans) I'll also make my perennial 10 Cloverfield Lane rec as that has a fantastic Goodman performance (it's not a comedy per se, but it is immensely entertaining) Thanks again!


I to saw this movie as a kid with my parents at the theatre. Not only did I enjoy the movie back then, but that day was especially memorable because they took us back out later in the evening to see the first live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Good times.


I love the Ninja Turtles so much, and the first movie was amazing. It definitely was good times

Wyatt Nuxoll

I thought you guys were gonna do the conjuring this Sunday. I wake up to this great movie , I honestly thought it would never happen. Mostly because of simones fear of spiders but I'm so glad you both enjoyed this film . I do feel bad , however , watching simone scan each corner of her room after the film tells me she probably won't be a able to sleep for a week hahaha 😅

rick movienerd

You should watch Eight legged freaks its a horror comedy also

Grubering Hans

i think runner ups are always the week after poll winner is posted, from what i recall usually thursday but some times sundays. and since descent was yesterday, my guess is conjuring will be next thursday or sunday.


If you guys are looking for natural horror movies "The Ghost and the Darkness" with Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas is based on a true story of man eating lions.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

THAT'S where I remember the wife from, Harley Jane Kozak, I think I did see When Harry Met Sally, but I remember her from PARENTHOOD, the movie not the show. You guys should watch that sometime, funny, wholesome, Steve Martin and Rick Moranis, can't go wrong with that. Plus a young Keanu, and a very young Joaquin Phoenix (believe it or not, Keanu is older than Joaquin).


Jeff Daniels is very good in “Gettysburg” from 1993 which is about the US Civil War. He plays the historical figure Joshua Chamberlain, who was a college professor who volunteered to join the Union Army and received the Medal of Honor due to his actions defending an important hill from multiple Confederate assaults. Throughout his service in the army he was wounded a half dozen times and lived until 1914 when his old war injuries finally caught up with him. Great movie. Not sure if it’s a good one to react to, though.


John Goodman also has rather impactful roles in Raising Arizona (1987) and Barton Fink (1991).


Great reaction to one of my favorite reactor movies! And I wanna vote for always having a heart rate monitor on Simone. I tend to watch every movie you guys show. And for the ones I have never seen before, it's an opportunity for me to watch a new movie with friends!

Moni Castaneda

I watch every video, that's why I'm here... unless it's a movie I definetly don't want to see full lenght but those are rare...


As an actual arachnophobe, I've gotta give this one a big "nope" 😬


I watch every full length reaction unless I don’t have the movie at hand and go back and watch when I do. I found this channel as a recommendation after watching some of Natalie Gold’s reactions, but I’ve stuck with this one and Popcorn in Bed.


I found a 3-inch (including the legs) long wolf spider in my basement some years ago. Captured it and deposited it outside on an old wood pile. https://bugguide.net/node/view/82157/bgimage Spiders are very beneficial and should not be killed. If you have a problem with them, move them outside.


I watch almost all the videos you put out, I just skip the ones with movies or TV shows I hate (or the ones I don't already have or aren't available on a streaming service I have. But with those I will watch the intro on the full length video, switch to the youtube reaction, then back to the full length outro.) I should probably start watching the intros on the full length reactions of things I hate since you two talk about whatever for 20 mins in the intros and I like "hanging out" with you.

Kyle Baker

I love this era, when Hollywood decided John Goodman was a headliner.

David N

I hope one day to be able to put 'spider wrangler' on my resume.

Logan Kerlee

11:24 AM 3/31/2024 lmao, I notice and watch every video. xD Arachnaphobia is a hilarious horror movie. You two are awesome! xD hahahaha This is going to be fun! :) I love that you both are in the dark with this one! I watched this as a kid and had a great time, even then. It did scare me when I was a youngster - I had a rational fear of spiders though as I was nearly killed from a spider bite as a baby. An acquired social fear. An antivenom shot or whatever, yeah. lmao, you're the best Simone! "I will destroy them." This is a young Jeff Daniels long before he became a serious guy on modern tv. I'm hoping that the heart rate monitor works! :) This movie's great fun for me. I'm not sure where all of this was filmed. While I think that it'd be cool if this was China, I'm not sure that they'd have the budget for that. All I've got to say about this expedition is no friggin' thanks! I have not read Children of Time. I'll have to check it out though. This movie's premise is interesting and at the same time not entirely implausible. lmao, yeah - this isn't sci fi cheesiness mixed in with the horror. This is more or less just creature horror. lol, the spider stuff, the venom did that, yeah. Jeff Daniel's character's afraid of spiders, yeah. I don't have any memory of being bitten by the spider when I was kiddo. I'm thankful! I just know what happened and I know to avoid them as a result. Spiders are impressive creatures, 100%. They're incredibly strong and intelligent. Oh, nice! I forgot that Grandma from Happy Gilmore's in this. At least she'll be with lost husband soon. Yep. RIP, no more patients for him. He needs patients in order to earn money. Yeah, he runs a private practice. John Goodman's funny in this. Not hilariously funny but he's definitely a bit ridiculous. :) lol, love how invested you both became in these characters! :) Jeff Daniels is pretty great! Really happy that you both enjoyed this! Obviously an over the top movie that you're not supposed to take seriously. I won't say that this is more comedy than horror, but the comedic bits from Jeff Daniels and John Goodman are awesome! I like that the movie took great care with the spiders! :) I actually didn't know that this was a Disney flick! I like that it was, though! hahahaha, good times!

Kevin Knadle

I wanted you to see this for almost 3 years now and hoped you would love it. When George said fan fucking tastic, it was like a dream come true.

Wyatt Nuxoll

Yah , most likely I know Simone has the other fear of paranormal ghost stuff . So I think the conjuring might be another tough one for her , although she has remained very stoic and strong for these Last two . I know that George will like the conjuring and he will have twice as much fun editing the YouTube cuts


Without a doubt, the greatest killer spider movie ever made. I can not understand how Arachnophobia only has a 54% audience score on RT. People are nuts, this is a great little creature feature. I actually watched this movie in the cinema when it was first released. Never before or since have i heard so much screaming in a movie theatre. 😄 I also just noticed George's head in the YT thumbnail. LOL Since quite a few people are suggesting you watch Eight Legged Freaks, i'll throw out my two cents on that movie as well: It had a superb trailer. The "Do You Hate Spiders" trailer. I mean, that trailer is some kind of masterpiece, and i was so pumped to watch the next great killer spider movie. Well... it wasn't. The big difference between Arachnophobia and Eight Legged Freaks is that director Frank Marshall, despite Arachnophobia being his debut feature, handles the tone of the movie really well. The comedy is subtle and the scares are extremely well crafted. Eight Legged Freaks, on the other hand, tries so hard to be silly b-movie fun but is mostly just loud, witless, unfunny and non-scary. But i still watch that trailer from time to time.


🖤I hope you two eventually get to 10 Cloverfield Lane. John Goodman is so good in that


Here’s a recommendation for some movies I haven’t seen reactions to, “Stand and Deliver” from 1988 and “American Me” from 1992, both with James Edward Olmos (and he directed the latter). These films are based on true stories and are about as different from each other as they can be and are both excellent.


Warm, wet, dark, musty smell, eggsack? Why does that sound so familiar?

Bennett Holleman

Yes that's Michael J Fox and Burt Gummer from Tremors is his father.


He's good in many things, even as the father in Coyote Ugly, despite it being a smaller part.


This film is a classic. RIP Julian Sands :(

Vwlss Nvwls

My ex-wife and I went to see this at the drive in... in lawn chairs in front of the car. Big mistake on our part, because we felt like we had spiders crawling on us the rest of the night. :D

beecroft adams

Good John Goodman films are Barton Fink and Cloverfeild Lane.


I didn’t think I’d have any interest in The Social Network either but it was excellent.


That’s Julian Sands. He died while hiking alone.

John S

I think you should hook Simone's cat up to the heart beat sensor instead...


The "four different dogs" sent me all over again, Simone. Instantly had to go watch the clip.



G Lam

I see those smaller Avondale (Huntsman) spiders quite regularly. I relocated one from my home earlier this week. I remember watching this movie once, when one of them actually walked up the wall behind my TV (it happened during the moment when they were looking for it in the mugs)! I've never seen them jump, but they ARE fast, super fast!. Here's a local trying to catch one. https://youtu.be/bRV4d9LCawU Also, as a production note: Cori Wellins (the actress in the shower) commented that they tried to make the spider jump on her shoulder. When it landed on her face she knew it would be good and went with it.


I never understood in this film why they don't wear any protective clothing. If you knew you where dealing with super egressive super deadly spiders, you would at the very least wear some thick clothes, heavy boots and gloves. Its not like spiders have super long fangs, they probably only reach a few mm. I mean even beekeepers have their suits.

Grand Moff Slackin'

George has always been, and will continue to be, my Delbert McClintock.


anyone else watching to see if they noticed the error when they inject the poison to see what it does and the glass jar is changed?


oh, you can't really see it in the never version its been cropped out mostly, but for those who have never seen the old version, when they inject the mouse with venom and put it in the jar, you can see the jar they put the living mouse is drop down as someone hides it off screen and they focus on a different jar that had a mouse in thats already dead. although you cant really see it, you can still hear the jar being removed

Mr. Writhms

If everyone in horror movies did what they are supposed to do, the movie would be boring-- and about 20 minutes long. 🙃


I saw a making of a long time ago and I recall them talking about using heat to control the movement of the spiders. I think they were mainly talking about scenes at the end where there were many spiders moving on the walls. Something about them having big heating pads on the back side of the walls.

Raven Dark

Haha, you guys' reaction is exactly what my reaction to this film was when I first saw it. George's reaction in particular, because of how excited he got and the way he kept saying how good the movie was. I love this movie. Which is strange, because I'm picky about horror, only really loving a small handful of films in that genre, and the humor used in this film would normally have bothered me. In the wrong hands, the humor could have come off too cheesy to work, but I thought it was well done here. It was used in the right places, and with just the right amount. I agree with George - the acting in this movie is so good. Especially from the spiders. Some top notch acting there. One of them should have won an Oscar. LMAO Oh, and I thought the choice of the music and the shots used at the very start were really interesting. The scenery is very warm, inviting, and even majestic in the first few shots, and it's paired with music that's sweeping and epic, and at times, sounds uplifting and heroic. In the opening scene the movie feels nothing like a horror, or a comedy, to the point where it should have seemed out of place and felt like a jarring mismatch. Instead, when the horror with the spiders starts, it feels like you've been lulled into a false sense of security. It is jarring, but in a fantastic way. About the tender moment between the spiders. That was silly and funny, and while it shouldn't have worked, it did. It somehow managed to convey just the right amount of haha, and oh dear. Also, the scares in this movie didn't feel cheep. They felt earned, and well used. This movie is a great example of fun scares that showcase what people mean when they say they like being scared. The scares probably felt fun because of the mix of humor. It didn't take itself too seriously, and wasn't afraid to get a little silly, but it did take itself seriously enough at the right time. Fantastic reaction, Simone and George. I loved every second of this.

David Davidson

I'm friends with the author of Children of Time, I'll have to let him know he got a shoutout :))


Sorry guys, cant watch this one! I tried watching this years ago and could not get through it! couldn't sleep for a few days afterward either.

brian burke

i know what you mean, i can still watch their review but this movie freaked me out when i saw the whole thing years ago and i never watched it althrough ever again.