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Regarding Letterboxd question: https://boxd.it/7dpyn 

Regarding side project question: (271) Year by Year - YouTube

Regarding George's boots question: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/KarolShoes?ref=yr_purchases 



Love you guys thanks for doing this! 🍿🥤

Nathan Jasper

I love these so much! Literally stopped everything I was doing when this posted. Thanks for taking time to do this!

Happy Hanukkah

3:11:38 "It's very dense ... that's just me." Care to rephrase that? :-) (Yes, I listened to this at 25x speed. Doesn't everyone?)


Will have to check this out over the course of the day after work but thanks for doing this again, especially while George is sick and standing with a bad back! I imagine there’s months worth of questions everyone has banked up to keep these going.


Watch with professionals: Invite a science teacher on a Breaking Bad watch

Red Freckle

ooh on that note of having professionals on who can relate to whatever film, Dr. Bernard Hsu (Chubbyemu) would be an awesome guest... as a working doctor he's probably one of the busiest youtubers out there but I've seen him guest on podcasts a couple times, so maybe not impossible


If you guys (or anyone) do decide to give Due South a try, be aware that it starts with a "TV movie"/pilot which apparently some streaming services don't include in the first season. But there are HD upscales of Due South for free on Youtube, including the TV movie pilot ("S00E01").

Jon Burrows

What if they are not real? Hmm Simone…. Sim one…. O.o

Happy Hanukkah

3:42:48 For unto us a child is born, and his name shall be called Exceptional! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAGRRdjOy6A :-)

Happy Hanukkah

0:23 - 0:36 Whoah dude, we're just getting started and my mind is already blown! I'm not sure my poor brain can take this! I mean all I wanted was a calm, normal AMA, not some Christopher Nolan epic! :-P ADDED after too many long minutes: But seriously, I hope you are now feeling better, George.


@26:10 P for Prison Wallet @41:00 Phrasing! @47:45 Richard Castle of the show Castle, played by Nathan Fillion. @1:24:15 Of the 2 of you to receive unsolicited eggplant pics, I'd have never guessed George. May both of you never see another unrequested vegetable. @1:29:30 [sound of a slowly deflating balloon] @1:51:30 Hmm... John Wick. @2:03:20 George! Dont do it! Have some self respect, you're worth more! @2:10:42 Yeah ya do. @2:15:30 I sat my wife down to watch The Princess Bride, and she was like Meh about it. I think I ignored her for the next week, because she was an INHUMAN MONSTER. :) @3:09:00 Cinebinge plays to win! @3:30:00 [in German] Waaaah, I'm sad! @3:33:00 Ya hear that everybody? Simone gives good sad, so quit warning her! :) @3:34:00 Hmm... I dunno about anyone else, but I'm on the spectrum. I'm old enough that I'm pretty well acclimated and I catch most stuff. One thing I have difficulty doing is connecting with my emotions. Having someone else there, even by proxy, helps me connect to the moment on a deeper level, and that brings about a catharsis thats hard to get anywhere else.

Danny Bryant

There is one character in a movie that Keanu Reeves was in that you do not want coming to dinner. The movie is the watcher.


George, ever heard of Only Connect? It's a quiz show on BBC, but not one where you answer random trivia. Hard to expalin how it works but I think you might enjoy it. Victoria Coren hosts and she's brilliant.

Sam Fuller

I think if Simone had said, "Mr. McGregg" George would have gotten the Simpsons reference. Ah well, it's all good.


@2:30 😅 so I’ve noticed everyone that reads my name Simone, Zoe and now George. Sounds confused after reading the “Mike” part. B,D,R, and X is my last name if you remove the vowels, “BOUDREAUX”. Maybe I should change it 🤷🏻‍♂️ 😂


For each person there are”bad movies” we still love. For me one of them is “Saturday the 14th”(1981). Reply with any “bad movie you love”.

Jeff K

When it comes to toilet paper: #TeamSimone all the way

Grand Moff Slackin'

You should go watch Dune 2 together at the theater and rewatch for the channel. Real fans won’t mind 😏

Happy Hanukkah

I hope you'll join me in demanding a reaction to the movie starring Chance Boudreaux!

Drew Acheson

Simone, you talk more about You've Got Mail than I do, but I contend I'm a bigger fan than you. Sorry.


broadchurch is a great brittish show with david tennant. Trailer Park Boys probably best show to ever come out of canada

Grand Moff Slackin'

Did anyone ask what the volumetric capacity of George’s giant mug is? If not, what is it??


Drat, it’s stuck in my head. Grr. First thoughts…..The human is definitely Gandalf. The hobbits: gonzo and Rizzo for Marry and Pippin…Bert and Ernie for Sam and Frodo. Kermit for Aragorn. Which means Miss Piggie for Arwen. Sam the Bald eagle as Boromire. Janice as Galadriel. Fozzie is Elrond. Animal as Golem. Beaker is Legolas and Brunsen Huneydew is Gimli.

Jeff K

49:15 "Also I want to watch Speed again..." That's hilarious, because I JUST re-watched y'all's reaction to Speed this afternoon. And Simone, what are you talking about having nothing to offer? Bring copies of Android Night Punch to sign at an expo. Duh! Also also: it's funny that, in an early question in the AMA, y'all joked about Patrons being AI/bots, and Simone being AI... when there's an Al Pacino movie called S1M0NE that's about an AI actress.

Craig Bruce

19:25 There's a 2002 film called "Simone" somewhat related.


You said the thing I said!! All love for you two and the very kind who made that video

Drew Acheson

I have a question: would you guys like to join play in a Starfinder campaign?


I would absolutely support a Star Trek reaction, and I would specifically want TNG lol. I'm not a huge fan of any of the other series.


I think George answered my first question with "People come to the channel for you". The creepy comments are coming from inside the channel.


First season of TNG is pretty rough, if it's been awhile since yo watched it. I'd almost wonder for a series with that many episodes if a selected episodes type situation might be better.


Movie reaction fan con where you and other reactors just sit in booths and react to the people who show up.


I'm actually watching another reaction channel going through tng right now. They're mid season 2 and it's been a blast to watch. That channel has nothing on this one though, so I'd be super hyped to watch the whole thing.


I will die on the hill that humans in fantasy settings are incredibly interesting because they are the only race that actually exist in real life. The way a real life species interacts with imaginary ones in a fantasy world has such rich storytelling value especially considering how short-lived humans are compared to other races. You tell Aragorn to his face that he's boring and white bread ;)

Dwight Scarn

Ya know what crazy the Call Saul Actor was almost Michael Scott in The Office.


The worst part was when George couldn't pronounce my name and then didn't see my comment where I explained how to pronounce my name.

Martin Roca

Thanks for reading my question!


Anya Tayler-Joy and George Takei. The most famous people I can think of that are a compliment looking like


As much as I love Bobby Lee thats rude to say someone looks like that


I really don't think Gandalf is the human - he's already so larger than life, he's a perfect Muppet. I can't out my finger on which, though... Oh! Yoda's a Muppet! Gandalf is Yoda. The human is Boromir - can't you picture him getting more and more frustrated trying to get anybody to please pay attention to Gondor while he's surrounded by Muppets going nuts?

Tyler Foster

Simone loves You've Got Mail so much, I hear she's even gotten mail herself in real life.

Scott Greene

Your comments about the coffee chain made me think about the really revolting food franchises that I've tried...For me, the absolute worst are White Castle burgers. The chicken is barely passable, the fish is completely flavorless, even with sauce. But the burgers are nothing more than small slabs of cooking grease on a bun. Even worse than McDonalds, on those burgers are pretty darn bad. (I don't drink coffee.) A question: If you did decide to have a fan gathering, where would be the ideal location for it? Also: I think you both would be totally delighted by the 1966 Batman movie.

Logan Kerlee

DC animated movies!! Ooh, hell yeah! Here's a list of many amazing movies IN ORDER (of when they were released)- https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/dc-animated-movies-in-order/ Not every movie is necessary, obviously. Certain ones are strongly recommended, though. One of which is Batman: Under the Red Hood. That movie is NECESSARY viewing for animated Batman fans. lmao, how did you both not know that there's a whole DCAU (DC Animated Universe)?! xD It's always been common knowledge for me. :)


I vote the ENTIRE DCAU from 1992 to 2005. And a handful of the DCAU Movies....


Damnit, no YouTube link, sigh


Keanu from Speed would totally bring along Ortiz the Dog Boy from Freaked

Thijs D

I would love to see you guys react to pitchmeetings from Ryan George for movies that you reacted to. I think you would love him.

Thijs D

Bobby Lee is great, but he looks like he is a 30 year old who is ill or a 70 year old who is doing great.

j c

Re: Tim Horton's: Their coffee used to be fantastic, but then the contract with their coffee supplier expired and they were outbid by other companies for it. I don't even know who sells that coffee now. Shockingly it was McDonald's for a couple years inbetween.

Stephen S

If you guys wanna watch a horror movie about the catacombs underneath Paris watch As above so below

Dwight Scarn

I was thinking same thing 🤣 I think he was tricked somewhat into taking that role and fired his agent.


Am I banned or something? There is no answer for my question like it doesnt exist. What I've done wrong?

Dazzler & Em

Thanks again Simone and George for spending a large ammount of time answering our random questions. 😁😁

Dan Holmes

Adding a rec I should've added to this AMA: Running Scared 2006 One of the most bonkers movies I've ever seen and literally no one has reacted to it.

Scott Greene

I recommended that one too, mostly because I couldn't think of any other movies where one of the main characters is named Simone.

Scott Greene

They would have to post those reactions to another platform. YT would automatically shut them down.

Happy Hanukkah

1:30:01 Sure, you say this, but what happens when reactors start stealing each other's material? "Yo, it's me Simone, as you guys can see, I'm wearing this beautiful black hat, Wooooo! Thbbbt!" 🤣 (Of course what we really want is for George to channel Curtis.) 1:39:14-1:39:34, 1:40:00 I now find myself doubting that the Google speaker picked up the word "licorice." 2:48:10 Come on, it's not as if George is a quadruped! Just think of him as a big chicken, that makes it OK! :-) And speaking of The Most Dangerous Game, I hereby request Hard Target (1993, John Woo, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Lance Henriksen). 3:16:45 What refined patrons of impeccable taste you have! I had never previously heard of this movie, but I now have no choice but to spontaneously join in this support for a The 13th Warrior (1999) reaction! 3:19:25 3:35:40 Gasp! Strong recommend for Ryan George's Pitch Meeting channel. https://www.youtube.com/@PitchMeetings/videos


Thank you for taking the time to do this, you guys are amazing

Jeff K

George googling who Ryan George is will be super easy! Barely an inconvenience!

Andrew Jackson (snabbk..)

Given that Jen is already doing all of TNG, and Cassie is doing 3 episodes of each season of it selected by her patrons, and given that I take it Simone has already seen all of TNG, I think the best approach would be for Simone to look at wikipedia and memory alpha to remind herself which TNG episodes are must-sees for George, and then react to those. The ones Cassie's patrons have selected are probably the right ones, and would likely win again in any poll that you hold. Simone might disagree with that list, which is good, because then you aren't doing exactly the same as Cassie.

Jesse Coombs

The animated Lord of the Rings (and The Hobbit) would be a really interesting reaction.


Armstrong on the Moon was a great answer. Mine was Nelson Mandela when he was realised from South African prison.

Thomas Larsen

Just FYI if you can get good mobile broadband where you live you can online-game via your stable wired network and stream via the mobile broadband. Or vice-versa if the mobile net would be more stable with less delay.

Mister Forbez

Regarding the Simone and George dynamic (him behind the scenes, her in front of the camera): I started watching long enough ago that Simone was usually the only one in the thumbnails (no mugging or photo shop, just reacting to the screen). One day her sweet little face showed up on my suggestions list out of nowhere. I don't remember the movie, but I know it was a movie I liked, and figured her reaction could be interesting. I was pleasantly surprised to find that she wasn't alone, and that her partner turned out to be a lot like her: more than just a pretty face. TL;DR: I came for Simone, but I stayed for George.

Grubering Hans (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-04 16:50:25 there was like 270 something questions. they prob missed a few. 🤷‍♂️
2024-03-14 15:03:31 there was like 270 something questions. they prob missed a few. 🤷‍♂️

there was like 270 something questions. they prob missed a few. 🤷‍♂️

Danny Bryant

Yeah, story circling the net is that a friend signed contract for him and he was to nice to say no.

Chris Pugsley

@00:34:44 What's your favorite Sunday? A Hot Fuzz reference? Interview question constantly asked by the journalist (before his untimely death)


I got to the point in the video where you guys said you've only seen a couple episodes of stranger things. You guys should totally watch the rest of it! I'd love to see your reactions.

Odd Thomas

Please watch Sunshine (2007)


Especially with the DnD influences on the series.


George is surprised that eBay still exists? Why?


If I were to start Star Trek fresh, start with the original cast movies, then TNG, DS9 and then… that’s it! 😄


I'm really glad at least one of you got the vigs reference because I was slightly worried of coming across a complete lunatic if you didn't.


As a side note, Dan Olsen's video on the movie and creator is a super interesting watch.


I’m watching it too. STNG is so great.


Pirates lol RIP Jesse Jane


Thanks for answering my question! (most embarrassing moment) that’s definitely something that would happen to me George, I feel you 😂

Andrew Jackson (snabbk..)

The "Why are you so popular? q was a reference to Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish, season 2 episode 4

Ronny Boss

Hey I would pay for an onlyfans magic the gathering card account, Those things have amazing art. Now I want to start collecting again

Odd Thomas

Speaking of video game movies, I would say Silent Hill was the best. Please watch it. I would otherwise say TLOU but that's a TV show.

Odd Thomas

I think with Star Trek you should just stick to the movies because even just The Next Generation series is A LOT to get through


I can’t believe George missed a Simpson’s reference (5:25) - especially since it was from Dr. Nick, who attended Hollywood Upstairs Medical College! :-)

Odd Thomas

I have the perfect Cinecringe: Highlander 2. Everyone knows it, everyone knows it's awful BUT it's an entertaining kind of awful.

Ludovic Ligot

Thanks for the answer about Epica, now I really want to hear Simone singing Unleashed ! 😅🎶

Dan Holmes

Simone I challenge you to a You've got mail trivia contest :)


Nope. Tried it when it premiered, watched a few seasons and then gave up as I found it severely lacking. Actors are fine but it was just too silly for me.


I think it's worth seeing the original series, just to see where it all came from, and how it changed. But there's no need to watch anything close to every episode - I'd watch maybe 6 or 8 from each season (of TOS, which only has 3 seasons - less than that per season of TNG). That way you get the ones that are especially important and memorable plus a handful of also-rans so you don't get the idea they're all like that.


Thanks for indulging my current LotR obsession! Yeah, the Silmarillion is rough, like trying to read the Bible including all the "begets". There's some great stuff in there but it's hard to pick out. There's no need to read all of it, but it's cool to dip into some of the individual stories, if you're ok with having to look up who half the characters are each time. For more Tolkien I'd really strongly recommend The Children of Húrin (published in 2007) - it's the only thing published after his death that his son finished off into a satisfying story with a beginning and end, rather than gluing unfinished drafts together with dry or confusing summaries. (Also, I'm listening to The Hobbit in audiobook to fall asleep right now, so I totally get it.)


Late comment here but check out the documentary “Tim's Vermeer” from 2013. I think you both would enjoy it. It’s about an inventor named Tim Jenison trying to discover how Johannes Vermeer created his paintings and the techniques possibly used.


George! Another missed Simpsons reference at ~2:19:00. “I’m very disappointed and terrified.” ;-)

Tacitus G. Kilgore

Yeah I think a lot of people would totally sign up... there'd also be a significant number of people that would sign up for the wrong reasons and be a little confused lol...which would be funny in and of itself. Let's call it a social experiment... But from what I can tell, people love Magic the Gathering. I think Simone underestimates how well it would do haha.

Tacitus G. Kilgore

That is fantastic... I might be wrong but did that not have Penn from Penn and Teller as host/narrator?... watched that many years ago. Glad you reminded me of it. Thanks.


First I'm really liking the AMA's, it takes me nearly a week to get through a bit every night. Second on the British film front you should give Get Carter (1971) and last Night In Soho peek.

Philipp Roensch

Warhammer 40k Lore is best run down by Bricky on YT, if you contact him, he usually allows reactions with credit. Also Numbskulls have good explainers of lore, they are more conversational though and probably better on your own. Thanks for these AMAs and getting to every question, and the letterbox link :). The name is with a German ö instead of oe, but I can put in a nickname nexttime. Now I have movie recommendations that would be fun with prize-winning pron editor George: Pleasure Red Rocket (they are not literal pron, just movies from performers perspective, just like Boogie Nights)

Tay Schumaker

Finally getting around to this, thanks for the answer on the 50/50 finance question, wasn't implying anything by it, just genuinely curious. And George totally get what you meant with your explanation. Thanks for the answer.

Ginge Tomassi

Industry professionals picking holes in movies for trivial things is one of the most annoying things when watching a movie.


Regarding a possible Simpsons reaction, maybe George can pick out his top 2-4 of the best episodes per season of seasons 2-9 (or 10 or whatever) and react to those. That way it won't take up that much time. The same may not work well for Star Trek, since some of the series are at least somewhat connected instead of completely stand alone episodes.

Jim Saul

Regarding the talent vs tech split, of course many new viewers are attracted by the cute woman. But once I found the channel and began enjoying the videos, I find that look forward to both Simone and George sharing their experiences with us. In addition to the complexity of their individual perspectives, they both emote the appealing sincerity of enjoyment which makes reaction videos worth watching. They also both have great voices.