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Breaking Bad: Season 4 - Episode 5 -6 - Patreon Exclusive


Jeff K

“Knock knock.” “Who’s there?” “The one.” “The one who?” “The one who knocks.” (I’m so sorry for this)

Tay Schumaker

One of the best scenes in the show in episode 6. Not just from Cranston, but how Anna Gunn reacts to it.


"Who the hell are you" "I'm Mary Poppins y'all!"


And now Skyler has met Heisenberg.

Jeff K

Watching the start of episode 6 makes me think: you guys should check out the Netflix show Narcos, if you’ve never seen it. The cartel guy who eats the chips in that first scene is in Narcos (which stars Boyd Holbrook and Pedro Pescal), and the first two seasons are about the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar. Really good show.


Nahhh the purple stuff everywhere lmao


For Mike's back story, Better Call Saul covers it quit a bit. As much as it covers Saul, it also focuses on Mike, Gus and a few more characters old and new. I highly recommend watching it, even if you don't do it on the channel.

Chris B

I would say "don't spoil" (characters who appear) but honestly, if it encourages them to watch Better Call Saul and they otherwise wouldn't....mybe for the best ;))


I hope they watch the Breaking Bad movie "El Camino" after this, then Better Call Saul. <3

Jeff K

I think you might want to edit out part of your post for spoilers, as much as I’m dying for them to get to BCS. They never made it any sort of secret that Banks was going to be in that show, but the second person you mention (not naming the character in case you do choose to edit it out) was definitely kept under wraps (even if there was a lot of speculation about whether that character would appear given it’s a prequel series). Just my opinion, and I know you’re not meaning to spoil anything, to be clear!

Tenn Seven

I love that Mike's sandwich in episode 6 is a pimento cheese. His "caviar of the south" line in Better Call Saul might be my favorite line in the entire show.

J. Valentine

Watching this with a fever too! yay


Don't think I connected before Bogdan's taunting, saying that Walt as a boss would just sit back and let others do the work, with him hiring the women to do his job while he sat back and had coffee.


Recommending El Camino once you're finished with BB before moving to Better Call Saul

Don Britt

I have been waiting for y'all to get to S04E06 for months. Can't wait to get into it!

Actuarial Lurker

Was waiting for Simone and George to hear one of the best lines of the Series: "I'm the one who knocks" and the other "Someone's got to protect this family from the man who protects this family"

Vwlss Nvwls

The story is getting so good. I hate having to wait a week to watch with you all. :D

Jeffrey Tanita

I don't want to glorify pettiness, but I bet that Coke tasted delicious.


I understand your worries about weird sounds and poor presentation while you're sick, but the fact that you continue to power through reactions while under the weather has earned you more than enough leeway to expel the occasional mucus. Gotta let it out? let it out! If anyone complains... oh well, f**k em! Get well soon.

Mike Minerals

I have the weirdest feeling that George is just not digging the series... Why is Walter's head so white? I dunno man. Filming and continuity? Why is it a cold war? I dunno what a cold war really means... The methheads could have watched Jesse get into the car with Mike? Yes, I guess that's possible.


im not sure how asking those questions translates to me not enjoying something. but i will try to clarify and say that they are all just random thoughts that bubble up and vocalized, as is with everything said by both of us. did they come across to you as criticisms? if so, they were not meant as such. but even if they were, which they arent, having criticisms doesnt automatically mean not enjoying something. perhaps it is in how i said it? maybe its just my voice and how i sound. i dont know, and i am not sure why those questions came across as me not liking the show. in anycase, to reiterate: when i am actually not enjoying something, i will pretty much just sit there silently waiting the clock out, because i am not engaged. so ill just clarify this once and for all. I am loving this show.

Grubering Hans

yeah i gotta say i dont understand how you drew the conclusion of "hes not digging the show" from those questions when the rest of the video and all previous videos, theres been numerous moments you can see glee and excitement in his face...

Mike Minerals

@hans Good point and thank you for bringing it up... I think I was just taking George's random observations as criticisms... and of course you don't want to watch a show with friends if they're not digging it. My bad!

Dan Holmes

Gale is only supposed to be 34 in this show! ugh...

Travis H

I am still a week or two behind because of some personal stuff but wanted to say that “The one who knocks” speech became so popular that someone got Samuel L Jackson to film himself doing the monologue. Here is the video link if interested: https://youtu.be/OuoZqLyMMI4?si=LYkVumlyBExDkKF2

mojo shivers

Walter’s “I am the one who knocks…” speech is one of the most memorable quotes from the show. Powerful scene where Skyler finally realizes who Walter has become or maybe who he always was.

Jeff K

"Who he always was." You nailed it with that. They said in the reaction something about how she's realizing that's not the man she married, but I think it absolutely IS the man she married; he just had that stuff buried deep down and was too meek before to let her ever see it because he was beaten down and felt defeated by where he found himself in life. Once he got some semblance of power, the real Walter White emerged, and it was always there. Who Skyler married was not the real Walt.

Jeff K

I just want to say that they're not Mike Rocks, they're Mike Minerals.

mojo shivers

I agree. His whole life he craved recognition and power, but the choices he made didn’t exactly lead to those outcomes. He gave up any sort of ambition. But once he got those things, all of that lust for acknowledgement, recognition, and even fear by others just came roaring back like a hurricane.

Mike Minerals

@Jeff My real last name is Miner so I thought it would be appropriate, ha. Thank you for noticing!


🖤Regular Coke < Mexican Coke (has real sugar in it) < Pettiness Coke

John S

Don't die on us George, we need you...

Honey Hermsen

Again, I do not understand why Skyler is bitching about the money when they just bought a car wash for 800k $

Deadly Ramon

I wouldn't even know that George was sick if he hadn't declared it in recent videos. He talks and sounds normal, and the occasional cough doesn't detract from the high quality of his reaction.

Deadly Ramon

Narcos and Narcos Mexico should appeal to all fans of Breaking Bad, so I second your recommendation.

Philipp Roensch

Walt really is the danger, the greatest danger to himself. :D Love the ploy of Gus to get Jesse into work with Mike, keeping him occupied. Last episode, Mike kind of laid that nest for himself, he suggested something to be done about Jesse's drug habits. And even if the first stunt was stages, after the interaction with meth heads, I think Jesse has earned a place outside of being Walt's pawn.

Jeff K

I still haven't finished Narcos Mexico. I really need to go back and watch. But Narcos, especially the first season, was *INCREDIBLE* television. That first season is one of my favorite seasons of TV ever made. It's just so fucking good.

Erika R

George, the song you liked is "1977" by Ana Tijoux. Great reaction as always guys 😊


Aww man... I wanted to hear Simone's tea kettle theories. C'mon George... She lets you guess wrongly for 10 minutes straight sometimes. Let her be wrong tooo. It's only fair! :P :P :P


Mike is unbothered for sure, but he is simultaneously also utterly bothered, all the time.


Because they had to invent an entire story to justify that, including cooperation of multiple other entities (Saul, casino owners that Saul knows who reported Walt's fake winnings, etc.) and tax records. They have given the IRS a specific number on how much Walt "won", and until they begin to launder money through the car wash EVERYTHING has to be covered by that amount. Including all the money they spend in their day-to-day lives on their normal bills and mortgage, plus Hank's hospital bills, etc. To add another $30,000 on TOP of that (3% of the entire amount they spent on the car wash) is ridiculous and highly suspicious. People who own moderately successful local business don't splurge-buy giant purchases like that, especially not WHILE they're making such a huge investment. After it's been up and running for a while and they can launder new money through it, sure. But not now. It's about the story.


Remember what Saul said to Walt & Jesse back when he first met them in season two: They might be good cooks, but they're HORRIBLE criminals. Walt proves that again every time he plans to do anything overt or violent, being so incredibly obvious and unskilled in every area. When Jesse grabs his keys to defend himself against Mike, that scene always reminds me of a scene in a (completely unconnected) novel. The Heroine and the Villain are going to have a duel, and since the villain is of the "slimy and wormy creep" style everybody knows that she's going to win. There's not supposed to be any suspense for the audience, we know how it's going to play out. One character tries to suggest that MAYBE she'll lose, but he can't even finish the thought because the very idea that this putz could possibly defeat her is ridiculous. And that's how I felt at the idea that Jesse could defend himself against Mike. If Mike ever wanted to kill him, he'd be dead. Plain and simple. For the "plan" that Gus has, remember back to the first time we saw the cartel moving onto his turf in season three. When they took over that warehouse and Mike killed them all. Afterwards, Mike specifically noted to Gus that these people WEREN'T their top-of-the-line crew. Same for the people that Mike killed in the truck robbery two episodes ago. Just thugs with guns. But this time, they were definitely a step up with their gas attack. It means that the cartel is taking it more seriously. We don't yet know WHY, but Gus drew the situation out until it was more than just their bottom-henchmen involved.

Charley matthews

The bald head one threw me, like come on, you can put two and two together and assume it’s a filming thing and Bryan Cranston lives with hair usually. Same as asking “why is Hurley still fat?” In Lost.


"Someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family" best line of the entire show tbh

Bennett Holleman

While we're at it as a southerner I must with good humor object to George's dismissal of pimento cheese, a zesty concoction that is far from simple Kraft on bread.

Starman Deluxe

George with Lionel Hutz business card on his shirt

Jesse Coombs

Nice. Thanks for letting us know. I'm going to play it at work tomorrow!

Thirty Year Old Mulberry Field

She bae AF (known of this song since FIFA 11). And to throw a little shade at Giancarlo Esposito’s otherwise phenomenal performance as Gus Fring, this is what a Chilean accent should sound like!

Thirty Year Old Mulberry Field

Between the 2 parents of the house, Skylar was the one who was truly looking out for her family. As mentioned in other episodes, Walt had his outs but chose not to take them (which if nothing else is consistent to his true character) and Skylar, as well as many others, have to deal with the real repercussions.

Thirty Year Old Mulberry Field

It’s crazy how often that “one who knocks” line isn’t read like a narcissist bullying his wife (not saying this group isn’t aware of that). Skylar says just before his speech that he’s way in over his head about this whole ordeal (which he always was) but of course Walt takes that as another blow to his ego and now he has to posture like he’s Pablo Escobar, as if that’s something to be proud of. It’s a testament to Bryan Cranston’s abilities that it’s such an exalted moment to some of the fandom.


eventually, the famous line "I AM the Danger! I am the one who knocks!" 😱

Jeff K

By the way, George, since you've commented on wanting to try Los Pollos Hermanos: it's obviously not the exact thing, but Binging with Babish did a video where he did his closest approximation. Since you're good in the kitchen, you might be able to watch that and make your own version.

Justin Leone

George, since you thought to ask for details on Mike's pimento cheese sandwich, it may interest you to know that the man himself has released a brief video tutorial that reveals all there is to know about his signature lunch. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/C6NlgpBv6ao

Adam smith

Wanna know more about mike and his backstory? You’re gonna have to watch better call Saul for that one 😜


Please watch Cowboy Bebop!!! It's a great anime with only one 26 episode season and a movie that doesn't necessarily need to be watched but it's also great. PLEASE!!! 🙏🙏🙏 Also please watch the Count of Monte Cristo as well


I think we all know Better Call Saul is a lock at this point

Deadly Ramon

Cinebinge should binge that right after they finish Breaking Bad and El Camino.

Honey Hermsen

That makes sense. If Skyler didn't offer 70k more for the car wash initially

Noe Ramirez

There’s some interesting stuff about the color theory and this show. Almost every character has a certain color that goes with them. I watched a video about it. lol 😂 I like analyzing movies but color stuff is always confusing to me but it’s a fun thing to look into and so obvious because of all the purple with Marie. No real insight here just that the color thing is something a lot of people have noticed and pointed out so it’s worth looking into after your done with the show.


Jesse selling to recovering addicts is worse

Patrick W

Every single episode George immediately says Jesse is going to die. It's hilarious.

Logan Kerlee

Enjoyed watching these with you both. :) About to jump to the next two, then I'll be caught up. :)

Logan Kerlee

I wasn't huge on the movie - but that's me. The anime is TOP NOTCH but the film is ehhh.. That's my take on it, at least.

Angela D. Mitchell

I know everyone loves the "one who knocks" line from Walt, but to me he's just such an arrogant, petty little man at this point the speech is the opposite of badass. I always think Skylar's line of "Someone has to protect this family from the person who protects this family" is so much more effective, because it's said by the one person of the two of them with total awareness of their actual situation. Cranston is magnificent because I hate Walt at this point but I still find myself so invested in what happens to him. How many lives has Walt's silly little arrogance and pride cost at this point? Hundreds. He can't even stand for someone to -- posthumously! -- respect Gale Boettenger! Everything Walt touches, he poisons.