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Breaking Bad: Season 4 - Episode 3 -4 - Patreon Exclusive



As far as the episode titles go, most shows (at least prior to streaming), would have episode titles released before, so they would often be fairly cryptic as not to give away any surprises. This can vary from show to show, and some of the bigger prestige dramas would withhold episode titles or omit them prior to release in ads or promotional material, Game of Thrones for example did this several times. Breaking Bad follows this more cryptic model, with the exception of season finales, from which you could glean some limited information about the episodes beforehand, but they would still require a good bit of supposition to call correctly. I just reviewed the titles for S4/S5, and this holds true. If you wanted to be careful, you could get a list of the episodes and omit the finale titles, but it might be tricky because you'd know what you were attempting to avoid looking at. If you want, I could type a short list with the finales ommited for you to screenshot, or you could have someone you know do it for you. Not sure how much looking at the titles beforehand will help, but it could give you a little more structure in your lead-ins. Not that they're lacking now, but some rhythm can help if you're recording early or have reactor's block (to the extent that's a thing) but I've worked in live TV and Radio, and these little things can help even in a recorded-live scenario like yours.

Noe Ramirez

For some reason I had thought you guys did read the titles? Did you start and stop or I'm I having a mandala effect thing happen to me just now. haha