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Chapter 90 (The Last Word)

"Naruto. Why do this?" Hiruzen questioned amidst heavy breathing; droplets of blood escaped his mouth. His left arm remained hanging down, limping; the black rod that had punctured it made it impossible to move.

Naruto didn't answer to him right away. Instead, he kneeled down, using his chains to seal the body. Once he was done, he turned to face him.

Hiruzen Sarutobi wished Enma was with him right now. Sadly, one of the first things his surrogate grandson had done once he joined the fight was attack the Monkey King with his black rods; Enma had been caught off guard since Orochimaru had been there and hadn't thought to defend himself from Naruto.

The moment the black rod punctured his shoulder, Enma was forcefully returned back, leaving Hiruzen by himself, which resulted in the situation he was in right now. His left arm kept bleeding, and after fighting for so long, he wasn't sure if he could really defeat Naruto, especially after his fight.

"You ask why? Hiruzen." His voice, the old Hokage knew his surrogate grandson was angry with him; he had seen the small looks of disappointment, that much was obvious, but he had never heard him talk like that. His voice, he was furious with him. His Rinnegan eyes were cold like ice as he slowly approached him.

Hiruzen clenched his teeth; he had no way out, and the barrier Naruto had created was indestructible. Not even Raikage's strongest attack had left a single mark, not even a crack.

"Tell me, Sarutobi. Do you know what it is like not knowing why everyone hates your guts? You were there. Shikamaru told me his father wanted to adopt me after the Kyuubi attack. I could have had a family, but you refused his offer. Instead, you dumped me into the orphanage and just hoped for the best. You visited me once in a while, but you didn't seem to care much. I know you are the Hokage, you had duties. I'm not saying you should have raised me, but why refuse every opportunity I had to be raised by a family instead of leaving me alone and just praying that everything would be alright." Naruto spoke with absolute loathing towards him; his eyes showed nothing but rage; the air itself felt heavier as a powerful gust of wind hit the old Hokage, his legs shaking slightly.

Hiruzen couldn't help but look away. Naruto's childhood was one of his biggest regrets; he knew he should have done more. But, instead, he had done the bare minimum.

"When they kicked me out of the orphanage, you had another opportunity to fix what you did, but once again. You dumped me into an apartment and just hoped that things would work themselves out." Naruto continued; suddenly, he kicked him in the stomach before kicking his face.

Hiruzen slammed against the tiles of the roof, his nose broken and bleeding heavily. He tried to fight back, but the black rod was messing up everything; his chakra felt disoriented, making it difficult to concentrate.

"But. The worst thing you did. You let my Uchiha Family be killed. You had a whole year to mend things between the village and the Clan. Kill Danzo for his obvious ploys, but No. You did nothing, and instead. You put all the responsibility on my big brother. On a fourteen-year-old boy because you and your small council couldn't figure out a way out of this one." Naruto spoke right before him; his Rinnegan eyes had turned red once again.

Hiruzen wondered if Naruto would do what he did against Hashirama.

"Can you answer? For once in your life, can you answer truthfully, with no lies, why you did nothing? You could have prevented all of this." Naruto demanded, his voice rising, causing the entire building, what was left of it, to shake.

"Your parents wouldn't have approve of this." For a moment, Naruto was sure he must have heard him wrong as a black rod grew from under his sleeve.

"What did you say?" Naruto demanded with a low, threatening voice.

"Your parents-" he coughed blood, some landing on Naruto's face. "They wouldn't have wanted this, and you know it Naruto. They would be ashamed to know their child killed the very same village they died trying to save. They died for you, for the entire village, and you will just spit in their sacrifice. The world won't just decide to completely change their way of living because you say so, this path you are walking. Is not going to bring you or anyone peace, and neither will bring a better world. In the End. You will be all Alone. All the friends you made will abandon you. You will be in the same place you were when you were a child." Hiruzen coughed even more blood.

"My parents are dead, Sarutobi. They are the reason why I'm doing this, this world, this Shinobi System. It brought so much suffering. I will make sure it will never happen again." His words widened Hiruzen's eyes; his blood went cold like ice.

"Naruto. What is your Goal?" Hiruzen demands with a raspy voice, but the blonde merely smirks.

"The World I'm creating has no Room for Shinobis."



This teaser... I'm so looking forward to when the actual chapters release... But oh my god... Even now, the Third STILL refused to give Naruto a straight answer... Completely dodged the question and tried to use the memory of his parents as leverage to make him stop... I honestly hope I get to read a verbal lashing from Naruto when it comes... But good teaser overall. ^^


I’m glad you liked it. Hiruzen knows he’s at the end of the rope, he’s dying and Naruto just declared war to the entire world, so his priority right now is to change Naruto’s mind in any way he can.

Rocket The Raccon

Nice teaser! Can’t wait for the full chapter release!