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After completing his training that day, Naruto and Yoruichi made their way back, but this time, they decided to rest in a hotel. Tomorrow would be the Day of The Raikage Festival, and everyone was celebrating, so the two had decided to spend the night together in a hotel.

After eating and drinking, Naruto returned to his room, but as he opened the door and closed it, the sight before him made him gasp.

In all her sensual splendor, a curvy woman with a dark complexion and a high ponytail lewdly was in front of him. As she moved nearer, her dark, rosy lips stretched into a smug sneer while her golden eyes twinkled with hunger and wickedness.

Her upper torso swelled with a pair of swaying breasts that rose like hills, with dark pink nipples that were already erect from excitement before the dusky areolas.

Following suit was a taut stomach fit for a warrior, an amazing flare of wide hips, and an incredibly thick, dark bottom that was beautifully supported by plump womanly thighs.

"How about we skip the dinner and get straight to the dessert," she suggested seductively, her hand on his cheek before giving Naruto a sloppy kiss; the blonde returned the kiss before squeezing her ass cheeks that he loved so much.

"Ahhh, Yes," she moaned, always liking the feeling of Naruto's hand on her.

Yoruichi gasped in delight as Naruto's long, hard cock sprung out, a pillar of flesh standing erect below her eyes. Naruto's cock stood angrily, its tip pressing into Yoruichi's own wet cunt. Seeking its home, Yoruichi thought to herself in aroused amusement.

"Well, I can see someone's ready. And very excited." Yoruichi giggled to herself at the sight of her lover's member becoming riled up. She looked up with a coquettish look in her eyes, gazing at Naruto. He had not taken his eyes off of her, gazing at her with a lustful look and a hot breath. Yoruichi knew that he was aching to jump her right then.

There was no harm in seeing how much longer he could resist her.

She reached down with a soft hand and took a gentle grip on Naruto's cock, making him groan lightly in pleasure and bite his lip at the sensation. He squeezed his hands together, focusing on resisting the urge to take Yoruichi right there.

"I do like the look of this. Let's warm it up, shall we?" Yoruichi mused, planting a quick kiss on Naruto's chin. She started to slowly rub her hand up and down the long length of his cock, rubbing the stiff flesh with gentle strokes of her fingers from the tip to the balls. Making sure to give Naruto pleasure while leaving him desperate for more. The smile on his face certainly showed that.

"Oh fuck." Naruto breathed out in pleasure, delighting Yoruichi while she stroked his erect cock with a silky touch that stimulated all his nerves that sent shockwaves up his body. She could control him with such a single touch, leaving him helpless. And at this point, he wouldn't want it any other way.

"Soon, Naruto." Yoruichi teased as she continued to massage and caress Naruto's rock-hard member with her expert touch. She would run a finger around the tip, then slowly glide in downwards towards his base while her other hand fondled his large, firm balls in enjoyment. She was keeping him on the edge. Occasionally, Naruto would duck his head down, eager for a kiss, but she cheekily ducked her head out of the way. "Not yet, naughty boy. Just a bit longer."

But just when it looked like she was finished with her teasing and would give Naruto what he most desired, she certainly withdrew her hands from his cock and looked up at Naruto with an innocent, doe-eyed gaze.

"That's enough for now, don't you agree?" She asked provocatively, biting her lip and smirking at the desperate look on her lover's face, denying him more of her stimulating touch.

"Now, what to do ne-Umm!" Yoruichi's arousing behavior was suddenly cut off by an eager Naruto, unable to resist any longer, who grasped her by the waist, pulled her close, and crashed his lips down onto hers for a passionate kiss. Yoruichi was caught off guard only for a moment by her lover's brazenness and quickly matched him in their lip lock. Their tongues writhed around one another; their full lips collided together, his naked body pressed tightly against her own scantily clad one.

Naruto cupped Yoruichi's head with one hand to lean down and kiss her while the other gripped her hip possessively. Yoruichi linked her hands around Naruto's head, curling a leg around Naruto's waist. With their eyes closed and passionate in their minds, they swapped spit and matched the movements of each other's lips - their tongues swirled and danced in an erotic duel in a hot, passionate duel.

In the midst of their kiss, Naruto reached around Yoruichi's shapely waist with one hand and grasped one of the globes of her large rear with one hand, squeezing her soft flesh. Yoruichi gave a little squeal of surprised delight inside Naruto's mouth at this. Looking to return the favor, she reached one of her own hands and gave his own round, uncovered arse a firm squeeze. Naruto jumped at the sensation with a shocked gasp, and the two broke off their kiss, breathless, flushed, and with full, red lips.

"My goodness! You are eager tonight." Yoruichi giggled with a flush. She tucked a loose lock of her hair back behind her ear. "Enjoy that, did you?"

"It seems that you enjoyed it just as much as I did," Naruto said with a little grin. He held onto Yoruichi, keeping her body flush against his as if he were afraid to let her go and ruin their moment.

"Well, I can't deny that," Yoruichi admitted, licking her lips. "You're a natural kisser, Naruto."

"Thanks. But one of us is slightly overdressed, wouldn't you agree?" Naruto suggested coyly. Yoruichi gently moved her hand to his chest.

"Hop down into the pool, and I'll rectify that for you, my lover." Yoruichi leaned up and whispered seductively into Naruto's ear before giving him a little shove backward away from her. This gave Yoruichi a chance to look upon Naruto in all his naked glory. She knew that he was perfect, a beautifully sculpted man molded by the gods to fit perfectly with her.

"If you insist." Naruto laughed, turning around to go down the steps and enter the pool.

She moved forward to the edge of the pool, looking down at her naked lover, standing in the middle of the pool with the water reaching up to his waist.

"Enjoy the show, Naruto." Yoruichi said as she battered her eyes and began to take off her clothes.

It was now Naruto's turn to watch the disrobing of his lover and what a treat it was. He stepped up; his pupils dilated with pure desire as Yoruichi stood directly in his line of sight.

Before his eyes, Yoruichi moved achingly slow, her eyes never leaving his and her seductive, teasing look never leaving her face as Naruto gazed up at her, erect and excited.

"Like what you see?" Yoruichi grinned down at her lover, shamelessly ogling at her like a starving man. Her humourous words immediately snapped him back to reality. He snapped his head up to look into her eyes and blushed at being caught by her. Yoruichi giggled again at that, running her hands through her hair in an erotic pose.

"You know I do. Come join me and I'll show you exactly how much I like it." Naruto said, stroking his stiff, wet cock slowly, invitingly.

"Well, if you insist." Yoruichi smiled provocatively in response. She then began to daintily walk down the steps and into the pool, humming in pleasure as she entered the water, and she felt her body submerge into the cool liquid of the pool.

The two lovers met in the middle of the pool. Soft and intimate purple light illuminated them in the darkness as they came together for an impassioned kiss, clasping at one another, pouring out their love and lust in a romantic lip lock.

Naruto and Yoruichi could not keep their hands off of one another. In the time they kissed, they grabbed and fondled one another's bodies with ease, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Naruto squeezed Yoruichi's breasts and arse and dipped his fingers down to tenderly stroke her pussy, whilst Yoruichi caressed his cock lovingly and cradled his balls in her hands. As such, the two lovers standing entwined in the water let out groans and growls of pleasure while they feverishly kissed, only breaking their lips apart to breathe before they resumed their kiss.

She grabbed his head, fervently pushing their lips closer together in an impassioned frenzy before she broke their kiss off and held his face in between her hands.

Then, as if they shared one mind, they moved in sync and once again kissed. This one was full of their lust. And right now, they kissed each other deeply, tasting the thick saliva off of their lips, their hearts pounding and bodies quivering as they desperately clutched one another.

While they kissed, full of raw sexual desire, Yoruichi, with heat rising from her chest and her legs rubbing together to stimulate her wet cunt, decided she could wait no longer and took things to the next step. As she had done earlier, she reached her silky-smooth hands down to wrap them around the thick, meaty girth of his cock, slowly moving up his length as she stroked him.

"Now, where were we?" Yoruichi breathed with a seductive bite of her lips.

"Right here, I believe." Naruto grinned back at her. He then dipped his hand to kiss and suck at her neck, eagerly tasting her flesh with his wild tongue. One of his hands dipped down to firmly grab her supple arse, his digits gripping her cheek as he took sexual rapture in feeling Yoruichi's stunning body once more. The other hand took hold of her breast, teasing her soft flesh, gliding over glorious curves.

"Oh, this is nice!" Yoruichi purred in delight. She let out a little whimper of pleasure when he took her dark pink nipple in between his fingers and squeezed it gently before softly rubbing his fingers around her nipple - all the while ravenously kissing her gilded neck.

Not to be outdone, Yoruichi, with mischief in her mind, leaned her head down and ran her tongue up the inside of Naruto's ear. The wet sensation made Naruto break off from her neck with a gasp.

"Did you like that?" She asked him with innocent wide eyes, with her seductive twinkle ever present behind her virtuous guise.

"Yes. But I need more." Naruto growled like a hungry wolf, his eyes wide, his breath bated, chomping at the bit for her.

In one swift motion, he reached his arms down under her thick thighs and lifted her up so that her legs were hanging in the hair, held up his muscular arms, and that she was now able to look down to see him. Yoruichi shrieked in surprised excitement as he did so, impressed and aroused by the strength of her man, latched her arms around his neck.

"Eager, aren't we?" Yoruichi giggled, delighting in the ease with which he picked her up.

"What can I say? You're irresistible." Naruto replied huskily, hunger lacing his words.

He started wading through the water towards the side, Yoruichi held firmly in his arms. When he walked, her dripping pussy would rub up against his hands, smearing them with her juices.

"And you're insatiable," Yoruichi remarked, bumping his nose with a finger and then rubbing their noses together affectionately. The two shared a grin at the childishness, reveling in how carefree they felt together.

Naruto sat Yoruichi on the edge of the pool and spread her legs to stand between them. He stepped forward and suddenly lowered his head to kiss and suck at Yoruichi's bountiful breasts, fulfilling the desire he had felt the moment he first saw her that evening. He massaged her chest with firm yet gentle hands, leaving Yoruichi to relax and let her lover pleasure her.

"Mmmmmm, about time! Oh, that IS good. Ooooh!" Yoruichi moaned with a wide smile, clutching Naruto's head closer to her incredible bust. Naruto was worshipping her body, her large bosom, squeezing her massive boobs like a man possessed. He sucked and kissed her erect nipples, teasing the tip with his tongue before pushing her breasts together and running his tongue up and down her skin. All the while, his hands were grasping, stroking, touching all the parts of her beautiful breasts that he could.

"Oh YES! Now, lick me Naruto. Worship my pussy." Yoruichi gasped out while Naruto was flickering his tongue around one of her nipples while he squeezed the other one with his fingers. She moaned in delight when Naruto pushed her tits together and sucked on both of her pert and sensitive nipples in his mouth at once. He latched his mouth with an obscene wet smack.

"Patience, Yoruichi," Naruto commanded her throatily. With a final pair of kisses to her nipples, he began to move down her body. He ran his hands down her sides, kissing and licking her belly as he did so until he lowered himself so that his head was facing her pussy.

There was so much that Naruto loved about Yoruichi, and one thing he adored was her cunt. It was beautiful, slick, and welcoming, with tender flaps and her soft clit. He could spend hours feasting on her, making her come undone in pleasure under his tongue and touch. And he was very much looking forward to doing that here.

Naruto breathed hot breaths into Yoruichi's wet pussy, while holding her tightly by the waist. He enjoyed feeling her squirm in his arms, knowing how much she desired his tongue on her pussy.

"Are you going to stay down there all night or are you going t-Oooo!" Yoruichi squealed in pleasure, throwing her head back with wide eyes as Naruto suddenly dove forward to start eagerly licking her pussy. His tongue shot out into her cunt, eagerly exploring her wet heat and stimulating all her nerves with his slick touch. Yoruichi gasped and....

"Oh YES. Naruto! Right there, right there." Yoruichi groaned. Grabbing his hair. She arched her back while Naruto started to eat her pussy.

All of a sudden, without warning, Naruto suddenly withdrew his mouth from her, leaving an extremely wet Yoruichi, letting out small girly whimpers for him to return his mouth to her aching pussy.

"Beg me for more." Naruto ordered her in a low, commanding tone.

"P-Please!" She pleaded with a whisper, but he didn't seem satisfied.

"Beg." He commanded.

"Please, Naruto. Eat me out. Please eat my pussy, Naruto!" Yoruichi begged desperately in her honeyed voice, quick to comply with her lover's wish, rolling her waist forward and clutching one of her tits.

With a smirk, Naruto was quick to bury his face back between her legs and begin to kiss and lick her cunt, eating her out ravenously. He traced out his name with his tongue, tongue kissed her pussy, exploring every inch of her cunt. Ensuring that Yoruichi felt nothing but the greatest of ecstasy.

"OOOOH YES! Oh fuck, baby, that's amazing. AH! You're amazing. You're AMAZING," Yoruichi wildly moaned, her eyes rolling backward. She fell back onto the water, hugging her body at the tremendous pleasure, and shrieked without shame. "Eat me out! Suck my juices! Eat me! OH YES! YES!"

She gripped his hair tightly, grinding her pussy into his face while she cried out at his ministrations, desperate to feel his tongue drive further into pussy; Naruto eagerly obliged, holding her legs up in the air by her thighs so he could get more access to her.

Finally, after several minutes of intense cunnilingus, Naruto wrapped his mouth around her soft clit and sucked hard upon it. This was enough to send Yoruichi over the edge at last.

"AH FUUCK! CUUMMMING!!" Yoruichi wailed, falling back and cumming hard. Her legs quivered, and she flung her hands backward. Her juices came squirting out hard, spilling onto Naruto's eager face. Rather than turning away, he greedily began to lap and drink her juices down and kept his mouth firmly on her cunt. After half a minute, he pulled away from her leaking pussy and began to gently stroke her body lovingly and lay tender, wet kisses on her inside thighs.

A sweaty Yoruichi, with matted hair and flushed skin, rose upright to a seated position while taking deep breaths, recovering from a glorious orgasm. She looked down to see Naruto's handsome face soaking wet, baptized in her juices that dripped from his cheekbones.

"Did you enjoy that, Yoruichi?" Naruto asked her with a cock grin.

Time to return the favor.

"Very much so, Naruto." Yoruichi remarked. She moved back away from the pool and onto her knees, looking back at her lover with a seductive look as she held up her tits and licked her lips excitedly.

"In fact, why don't you come up here and let me repay you." Yoruichi purred, her face a mask of lust and sexual craving.

"With pleasure," Naruto replied, bounding up the steps of the pool and coming to a stop just ahead of her, transfixed by her sexual image. His massive cock stood erect and eager for her, straight and hard just ahead of her. He had made her come undone and fall apart with his mouth; now she would do the same.

"My turn." Yoruichi drawled. She took Naruto's cock in her hands, barely encircling the girth of his huge member, gripping her base, and licked from his balls up to his tip in one slow motion.

"Fuuuck!." Naruto groaned immediately at the sensation, much to Yoruichi's amusement.

Yoruichi then began to place licks and kisses around Naruto's cock, all over his member. She placed numerous kisses all over his tip, then swirled her tongue back and forth around his head, then moved down to take one of Naruto's big balls into her mouth and slobber all over them. She made sure to cover every single inch of Naruto's thick and mighty cock with her saliva, even spitting on her hand before rubbing it up and down the length so that it was slick and wet. All the while, Naruto was grunting and gasping in pleasure, closing his eyes and running his hands through Yoruichi's hair as she pleasured his cock.

"Now for the main course." Yoruichi said greedily.

Yoruichi took Naruto's cock deep into her mouth, beginning to suck on his cock. She bobbed her head back and forth, taking the thick cock into her warm mouth repeatedly, all while rubbing the base of his cock with her hands. She kept her eyes locked onto Naruto and her mouth and throat full of Naruto's cock, watching him sweat and squirm.

"FUCK, Yoruichi! YES! Right there. Oh gods, you're incredible. You're fucking insatiable. Keep doing that. Uggggh!" Naruto moaned loudly at her blowjob, squeezing his hands.

When she pulled off to breathe for air, thick globs of saliva draped off of his bulbous and into her mouth and fell on her bronze breasts, coating them with wet spit. Obscene sounds filled as Yoruichi eagerly gagged on Naruto's cock. She squeezed his swollen balls and drove her back and forth with Naruto's dick held firmly in her sinful mouth, making sure to suck, lick and kiss all over his thick member.

"Let's try something else, shall we?" Yoruichi suggested. Naruto nodded eagerly at her suggestion.

Yoruichi took her large breasts and wrapped them around his cock. Despite the incredible size of her bust, the head of his cock still poked out through her cleavage. Yoruichi then began to caress her breasts up and down her cock, massaging his big, stiff dick with her soft fleshy tits. Naruto moaned out in pleasure. His knees almost buckled at the feeling.

"Come on, lover boy." Yoruichi pleaded, her eyes hooded with aching desire. "You know what you want to do. Fuck my tits!"

"Gods, yes!" Naruto cried out with breathless exhilaration. He started immediately to thrust his cock up through Yoruichi's cleavage, savoring the smooth warmth as her doughy, full breasts smothered gingerly around his length. She still could not take all of his cock, but that only left her hungry for more.

"You love my tits, don't you Naruto." Yoruichi giggled up at Naruto as she tenderly massaged his shaft with her wonderfully soft skin.

"Ohh! Yess!" Naruto growled out forcefully, relishing in the sensation. It took nearly all of his endurance to stop himself from cumming all over Yoruichi's beautiful face.

"I know." Yoruichi giggled in reply.

She wrapped her soft lips around the thick head of his cock to suck on it as well while squeezing her tits against his cock. All of Naruto's cock was enveloped in pleasure as Yoruichi teased him to the very edge with her breasts and mouth, leaving his cock slick and hard as iron and Naruto a growling mess.

"Oh, Gods!" Naruto whimpered with a wide smile on his face.

"Time to give me my load," Yoruichi replied as she popped her mouth off of his cock.

Yoruichi took her tits away from his cock and, with a quick wink, suddenly deepthroated all of Naruto's cock in one swift movement. She grabbed his arse to ensure she got all of his impressive cock inside of her mouth. All the inches of his magnificent members were taken down Yoruichi's throat, leaving her nose driven all the way into his groin in a feat of sexual mastery.

"OOOOH FUCK!." Naruto yelled out in ecstasy, flinging his head back as Yoruichi took all of his cock in her mouth with ease, every single inch. Her mouth was like a vortex of pleasure. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, trying to hold out for as long as possible before his fast-approaching release. Eventually, he shuddered and groaned. And could hold back no longer.

"I'm CUMMING!" He bellowed loudly, bucked his pelvis forward, and began to spill his seed into Yoruichi's throat. His cock erupted, sending thick spurts of cum for an eager Yoruichi to drink up. She accepted his huge load with enthusiasm, gulping down his salty seed for around thirty seconds, all without letting his cock out of her mouth until he finally ceased with a breathless groan. Yoruichi moved her head back until she was gently sucking on his tip, ensuring she had milked his load, before finally releasing his cock with a wet sound.

"Hmmmmmm." She hummed in pleasure, her cheeks bulging with his cum, then, in one motion, swallowed the whole of his load down her mouth with a loud gulp.

"Delicious." Yoruichi giggled with glee, smacking her full lips with delight in an erotic manner. She looked to see that Naruto's cock remained stiff and hard, with full balls containing another load of cum for another hole. And she, too, was ready for another wondrous load.

"I think we both know what's next," Yoruichi said in her soft but seductive tone, batting her golden eyes. She fell back slowly to lie on her back. She spread her legs wide open, feeling her juices flow down her pussy, aching for Naruto to come down and fuck her brains out. This would be the first time he was inside her, they had slept together before, but he had never fucked. That would change right now.

Naruto descended down towards Yoruichi. He eagerly mounted her body, sinking down between her thighs. Yoruichi bit her lip, whimpering with eagerness as her loving Naruto sank closer to her.

Naruto kissed Yoruichi passionately while he aligned his cock with her cunt. Yoruichi matched each thrust of his tongue and sucked off his lips, clutching his body and wrapping her legs around his back to bring him into her.

"You ready?" Naruto asked. His slick cock stood rigid just inches away from her moist, dripping pussy, eager to enter her warm cunt at long last.

"Do it. I need you inside of me, Naruto. I need you to fuck me right now." Yoruichi smiled up at her lover, a romantic and desperate expression on her face, and both lust and love matched by the man on top of her.

That was all that was needed to spur her man into action. In one thrust, Naruto drove his hips forward and sent his cock forward to penetrate her deep and hungry pussy in one fluid motion. Yoruichi's wet, yearning cunt immediately clamped down upon the stiff cock, massaging each of his bulging veins. Naruto moaned; her pussy felt divine, he felt like he was losing his mind, and Yoruichi quickly used her lightning chakra, causing the pleasure that Naruto felt to skyrocket.

"Ohhhh!! Wh-What is happening?!!" Naruto moaned; he felt light; his cock felt like it would melt, and the delicious pussy walls wrapped around his cock. He felt like he was in a fog; the pleasure was way too much.

"Shhh. Don't worry, sweet Naruto. You are about to experience true pleasure." Yoruichi spoke sweetly to his ears before channeling more lightning chakra into the right places.

A rush of pure ecstasy, a magical sensory overload, washed through the two young lovers. All that they felt was one another and the indescribable waves of sexual bliss - a heavenly feeling unmatched by anything else in their worlds.

"AAAAAHHH! FUUUUCK!" Yoruichi screamed out at the dizzying pleasure. Her eyes shot wide open, and her hands reached up to grip at Naruto's body, raking her nails on his skin.

Wasting no time, Naruto took hold of her hips and began to drive his throbbing cock in and out of Yoruichi's famished pussy. The Pleasure. He felt like he was losing his mind. His big, musky balls slapped against her ass, and Naruto began to fuck Yoruichi like an animal in heat, bottoming out into her sopping and leaking cunt like there was no tomorrow, with squelching sounds echoing around the pool.

"OH YES NARUTO! BY THE GODS!! FUCK ME HARDER, GIVE ME YOUR BIG COCK!!!!!" Yoruichi shrieked like a banshee, as shameless as a wanton whore, writhing on the floor as Naruto pounded deep into her like a god. Yoruichi's tits were squashed into his chest as they made love passionately.

Naruto thrusted forward with hard movements again and again, filling Yoruichi's juicy pussy with his thick cock meat. His lust-filled, obscene grunts and moans and her high-pitched screams and squeals of desire filled the air along with the slaps of their sweaty flesh that writhed together. The two were addicted to one another and the rapturous bliss that they felt when they were together.

A cacophony of lust echoed around them as the minutes went by, neither stopping nor slowing down even a split second. They fucked hard and fast.

"Yes, Yes, YES, YES, YES!! YOU'RE FUCKING PERFECT!!!" Yoruichi howled in triumph as she began to feel her climax approach gradually. He crashed his lips down onto Yoruichi's for a messy exchange of spit.

"CUMING," She moaned in pure bliss, feeling incredible pleasure. Feeling Naruto's cum filling her, so much that his seed started dripping from her pussy. He gasped as he kept cumming until he felt an uncomfortable sensation on his balls like they were being squeezed, but thankfully it disappeared quickly after he stopped.

Naruto grabbed her into his arms, leading her to their bedroom. Laying beside her, Yoruichi was resting her head against his chest, his arms around her shoulders, keeping her close.

Yoruichi smiled, loving the feeling of having him close to her. She didn't know what this feeling was; the feeling she had with him wasn't something she had ever felt before. She wondered if it was 'that' feeling, but she quickly ignored it as they fell asleep into each other's embrace.


The morning had just started; he could hear the sound of people opening the shops; the city's farmers were already working on the vast fields of Kumo where the food grew. The people here were taught how to unlock their chakras, but only farmers, since unlocking it meant they could do their job much faster and more efficiently. Naruto watched as their hands moved like blurs on the fields.

Naruto had decided to buy something for Yoruichi; the festival would last three days. He escaped his thoughts when he bumped into a stranger, causing all her items to drop on the ground.

"I'm sorry- here, let me help you," Naruto said, embarrassed. The woman was old, too old, but he paid it no mind as he grabbed the small books, but there were ten of them.

Why would an old woman carry so many books?! He wondered, a little perplexed as he lifted them up.

"Thank you so much. If it's not too much bother. Can you carry them for me, please?" The old lady requested with a friendly smile. Naruto wanted to say 'No,' but he knew his sensei would be disappointed if he refused to help the old lady.

"Sure, led the way." Naruto didn't think much as he followed her to the east, but as they walked further, he quickly noticed something odd. The number of other people on the road was almost zero; they had been walking for three hundred meters now.

"Who are you?" Naruto demanded, letting go of the books; his eyes narrowed toward the old lady who had stopped leading him.

Suddenly, the old lady turned into a puff of smoke, and when it cleared away, a toad was standing there.


"Don't worry, Naruto. I won't hurt you." Someone spoke behind him, much to his shock. Naruto hadn't felt him moving, but he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck; the vision went blurry; before darkness embraced him, he caught sight of an old man with long white hair.

Let me know in the comments if you think I should add Rangiku from Bleach in this Story?


William Kwok

Oh baby just as naruto thought life couldn’t get any better Jiraiya is the San in Aka Kohona had to intervene at the very end lol.


Well, Jiraiya loves ruining the Fun. But Yoruichi is not going to allow him to get far.

Patric Fortin

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