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"My name iz Fleur Delacour, and Zis is my sister, Gabrielle. Follow uz." The Veela urged, holding the hand of the little girl. Harry quickly nodded, his eyes glowing gold as they ran towards the forest. A golden circle formed just above his palms as they hurried; they could hear the sound of screams and people calling out names with grief and loss. Harry felt a flare of anger inside him as they kept walking through the dense forest; a fog had appeared out of nowhere, making it difficult to see where they were going.

With a chilling malevolence in his eyes, one Deatheater unleashed. "Avada Kadavra," his voice echoed through the desolate night. The green curse hurtled towards the innocent little girl. A nearby tree responded to Harry's command with a flick of his wrist. It surged forward, positioning itself in front of the girl.

The curse collided with the tree; it splintered into thousands of pieces, dancing through the air. Harry's eyes blazed with rage; he commanded the fragments of the shattered tree to stop mid-air before hurtling towards the Deatheater. The tiny pieces pierced through the air arrows. The man's body erupted in a red mist. The once-black cloak was now red with fresh blood. His limbs were strewn across the forest.

Two Deatheaters loomed in the distance. Fleur quickly turned into what seemed like a harpy, with her once-human form now adorned with majestic feathers and ethereal wings. Without hesitation, Fleur unleashed torrents of scorching flames from her outstretched hands.

The inferno soared towards the advancing Deatheaters. However, they swiftly conjured protective shields. "Protego."

As the flames collided with the barriers. The grass surrounding them ignited, its blades turning to ash, embers flying through the air. The flames didn't destroy the shields.

"Caecus ignis." The embers floating in the air erupted in a blinding white light, the Deatheaters closed their eyes, burning from pain, using their arms to shield their faces.

"Stella," Fleur shouted in her harpy body; from the tip of her wand, a red flying star with a long tail burst out, flying towards the Two Deatheaters. They kept their shields on, but the flying star broke through their shields easily before puncturing their bodies; they let out screams of anguish as they fell to the ground. Harry arched an eyebrow at the clear display of power.

"That was amazing." Harry turned to look at her, but she had already turned back into her human form, and they noticed the little girl staring at the corpses.

"Ne regarde pas, Gabrielle." Fleur hid her face with her hand before they started running away again; Harry followed behind, his golden eyes looking at the slowest movement around him; he quickly noticed two Deatheaters playing with a girl, one of them using Crucio on her. Harry almost roared in fury, pointing his arm towards them.

"Ignis: Duo Sanguinis Malediction!" Two fireballs of pure blue flames formed from his palm, increasing in size as they gradually moved away from Harry's palm before launching themselves at the two death eaters.

Fleur watched, memorized and horrified, as the two bastards let go of the poor girl they were torturing; their eyes burst into golden flames, and they kept screaming while grasping their heads until their screams died down, and both fell on the ground, their eyeballs had turned bright yellow, and tiny golden circles had formed on their foreheads.

"I will protect you both; just stay near me," Harry said a little breathless as he turned to face the two sisters. He didn't know if they understood anything he was saying, but it seemed the older one understood him as she nodded while her younger sister looked up at him with amazement.

"Zank you for saving us," Fleur said with gratitude. Harry smiled back at her, his eyes glancing down at the girl as they kept walking through the forest. The screams had quieted down, and they could hear the sound of people running around; the sound of spells being cast reached their ears.

Fleur kept her sister hidden behind her as they approached the poor girl the two death eaters were torturing; Harry's eyes widened in shock as he recognized her right away.

"Susan! Are you alright?" Harry shouted with concern, quickly kneeling to her, he nudged her shoulder, but she wasn't saying anything; he sucked a deep breath before placing his hand just above her stomach; a golden light enveloped his hand.

"Sana." Fleur didn't know who the girl was, but she figured Harry knew who she was. Her body looked intact, but she was sure she must have suffered from the Crucio curse. Her sister tried to watch, but Fleur kept her behind her as a golden light enveloped the girl entirely; a tree made of golden light appeared briefly above the girl before disappearing quickly, and soon the golden light faded away, sinking inside Harry's hand, and the girl stirred up, her grey eyes looked up in confusion. Confusion lingered in her gaze as she attempted to make sense of her surroundings.

"H-Harry?" She questioned with a raspy voice as if she didn't know for sure if she was dreaming. Harry placed his arm around her shoulder, helping her to stand up; she looked around in confusion when she felt images in her head flying by very fast.

"Qui est-elle?" Susan blinked. She didn't understand what the girl said, but she remembered the Deatheaters that had used the Crucio Curse on her; she remembered that she had fallen unconscious after the first hit, suddenly her body limped down like a mannequin having its strings cut, but Harry quickly grabbed her, supporting her up with his body, tears burst from her eyes before she could stop them.

"T-The-They asked me about my aunt-" "Hey, hey. You are safe now. They will never hurt you again." Harry spoke smoothly as he kept supporting her, her face snuggled against his shoulder; her eyes saw the two men who attacked her, both lying down dead, with horrified faces. Susan didn't know what kind of spell Harry had used and did not care, he had saved her, and that's all that mattered to her, eventually, as she regained strength in her legs, she started walking on her own, the noise had died down, and they could barely hear anything around them, besides some people walking around, they could see their silhouettes walking through the forest, but Harry couldn't tell who they were, but he was sure they weren't the enemy.

"Fleur, this is Susan Bones. We are both from Hogwarts." Harry introduced the Hufflepuff girl, who still seemed a little in shock from what happened but was slowly gaining back her composure.

"I hopz we kould have meet in better times," Fleur said with her French accent; Harry had to admit she sounded sweet.

"Me too. Thank you again for saving me. Did you two know each other, Harry?" Susan asked, turning to look at Harry as she asked. She didn't know him well, and after the incident in the second year, she had been ashamed to have been amongst those who thought Harry was somehow petrifying the students. Despite knowing the truth for more than a year now, Susan had never really apologized to him. She had wanted to, but then the whole Sirius Black incident started, and even after he was proven innocent and Wormtail was proved to be the traitor, she hadn't apologized to Harry; perhaps it was pride, she didn't know, but now she felt ashamed for not saying anything, for not trying to talk to him and perhaps become friends, but she quickly reminded herself that she still had time to do all that.

"No, Fleur, Gabrielle, and I met during this whole mess. Deatheaters were attacking her, and I helped her defeat them." Harry explained. Susan nodded in understanding; she found it amusing that he had saved them tonight, like a white knight in shining armor.

"Yez, this shi iz my sizter Gabrielle." Fleur said sweetly while pointing at the little girl still hugging her waist; she still seemed scared. Susan couldn't blame her; she could see bodies lying on the ground some distance away from them; this whole place had turned into a war zone.

"J'ai sommeil." The girl said, yawning and looking up at her sister.

"Is she okay?"

"Yez, she ees just sleppi," Fleur answered, caressing the little girl's head. Harry quickly realized their walking speed was perhaps too fast for her, not including the whole mess they had just gone through. Even though he was tired, they still had to find Fleur's parents, Lady Bones, Hermione, and everyone else.

"I can carry her." Harry quickly suggested with a smile as he kneeled to her level before pointing at his back. Gabrielle furrowed a brow; she looked uncertain before looking up at her sister, a smile growing on her face.

"Les livres disaient la vérité. Je te l'ai dit." She said with a voice that sounded almost smug. Harry didn't understand a single word, but the face Fleur made reminded him of Hermione whenever Ron did something right and gloated his victory to her face.

"Comme un chevalier brillant. Maintenant, vous pouvez monter sur son dos. Je serai ici avec toi." Fleur said something in French, and the little girl giggled cutely before jumping on his shoulder. He ensured she wouldn't fall from his arms before they started heading out of the forest.

"My sister is a big fan of yours, Arry." Harry couldn't help but shudder at her accent; she sounded majestic, and the way she spoke his name, he knew he wouldn't mind her saying his name more often.

"Ohh, well. Tell her that I didn't kill any dragons when I was four years old." Harry teased with a smile, earning a giggle from Fleur and even from Susan, who seemed to have regained her composure and come out of her shock.

"You know, Harry. I used to read them when I was little; I especially loved the part where you took on a whole army of bad wizards, with only a sword in your hand and atop your dragon." Susan added teasingly; Harry groaned while Fleur giggled more, as did her little sister, despite not understanding a single word they were saying. He knew those books talked nonsense, but it seemed whoever wrote them wanted him to seem like the second coming of Merlin.

"By myself. I think that dragon would have come in handy in my first three years at Hogwarts, perjury that troll in the bathroom would have been too afraid." Harry added, and this made Fleur jerk her head towards him.

"A trollz? Wee heard storizes, butt even in French is talked about youu Arry Potter. But hoz did a trollz entered the bathrooms?" Fleur questioned with a smile of amusement across her flawless face; again, Harry shuddered from her accent; until today, he had no idea he liked French accents, or perhaps it was just Fleur.

"My friend Ron and I were eating in the Great Ha-" Harry went on and explained the incident with the troll, how Professor Quill had burst inside the Hall, shouting about a troll. How he, Ron, and Hermione had barely taken him down, and they had survived because of dumb luck. Fleur looked impressed by what she heard; trolls were dangerous for first years, and what really caught her off guard was Harry not bragging more; many people would have tried to elevate themselves, especially in front of her. A Veela. She knew she was gorgeous, and Harry calling their victory 'Dumb Luck' impressed her. She found him amusing.

"Harry, why are your eyes like that?" Susan suddenly asked, pointing at his golden eyes; they seemed to glitter, but she couldn't help but feel captivated by them as if his eyes alone held immense power. She didn't know what it was, but they seemed unnatural.

"My magic is different; whenever I use magic, my eyes change color," Harry answered almost dismissively as he moved his arms a little, ensuring Gabrielle wouldn't fall down; he could hear her snoring quietly, letting him know she was sleeping.

"I don't thinz I have seeen anyone with eyez like zours," Fleur added while getting a good look at his eyes.

They were strange; she had never seen nor heard of anyone having this kind of eyes, but it wasn't just the eyes. There was something about Arry; she couldn't help but feel a pull towards him; she knew just from being close that he was powerful, the way he walked, the way he killed those bastards so easily. It made her heart skip a beat, and she had noticed how he wasn't affected by her Allure. Instead, she was the one affected by whatever power he held, and she felt the need to walk closer to him, but not right now. That could wait.

Right now, they still needed to find her parents and get Gabrielle to safety, and then perhaps she and Arry could have a normal, friendly conversation.

"Fleur, are you here because of the Triwizard Tournament?" Susan asked, earning a raised eyebrow from Harry, who didn't know what she was talking about.

"Oui. I will come to Ogwarts for the Tournament." Fleur answered, sounding excited. Harry shared her excitement, knowing she would be at Hogwarts and he could spend more time with her, but he still didn't know what the Triwizard Tournament was.

"I'm sorry, what Tournament are you talking about?" Harry asked as he looked at both Susan and Fleur, waiting for answers.

"Triwizard Tournament will be held in Hogwarts, Harry. Students from Beauxbatons, the Wizards School from France, and Durmstrang will be invited to Hogwarts to attend this Tournament. One student from each school will be chosen for this Tournament." Susan explained. Harry looked intrigued by what he heard but quickly decided it was better to skip this one. He still needed to get stronger, and having his hands full with a Tournament wasn't on his list.

"That means you will be at Hogwarts, Fleur," Harry said, not bothering to hide the smile and the excitement; Fleur giggled cutely at the way he looked at her.

"If I didn't know any better. I think you want me at Oagwarts, Arry." Fleur teased with a low, husky voice; her voice made Harry shudder; she sounded sweet, like honey.

"Well, I wouldn't mind getting to know you better., Harry answered bluntly; Fleur hummed at his words while Susan couldn't help but find the situation amusing.

Susan thought this would be a good moment to apologize when they all heard approaching footsteps. Harry quickly handed the little girl to Fleur. Susan shuddered, remembering the way they had attacked her; they had come out of nowhere, and she hadn't even had the time to pull out her wand before being captured, but despite her shaking hands, she somehow managed to grasp her wand and aimed it at the direction where the footsteps were coming from.

"Lumos," her voice reverberated through the air. From the tip of her wand, a surge of dazzling brilliance burst forth, illuminating the shadowy surroundings in a radiant cascade of pure white light. Its ethereal glow danced across every nook and cranny. As the luminous aura expanded, it revealed the startling presence of seven Aurors, their poised stances and focused gazes locked upon them.

"Stop it, you fools. It's Harry Potter." He quickly recognized the voice that stepped forward, looking at the Aurors before turning to look at him. In the blink of an eye, Nym rushed towards him and embraced him with such force and intensity that it caught him off guard, causing his body to waver precariously.

"You scared all of us, you bastard," Tonks shouted, still hugging him, afraid that he might disappear from her sight; he hugged her back, apologizing for getting her concerned. They both pulled away, but Sirius quickly hugged him.

"I'm so glad to see you, Harry." He sighed with relief before pulling him away, his tone quickly changing to a scolding one. "What happened, Harry? Where were you?" Sirius demanded as he pulled away, looking down at him. He had been looking for him for two hours now. He couldn't remember the last time he had been so afraid, so scared out of his mind; the situation had reminded him too much of when he had rushed towards Jaime's house, only to find him and Lily dead on the ground fourteen years ago,

"He zaved uz mizter, me and my zister." Fleur explained, quickly defending Harry. She didn't know who this man was, but she wanted to show everyone that Harry had done a good deed. The man and the female Auror looked at her, quickly realizing she was from France.

"Susan!" They all turned to see Amelia Bones hurrying towards her niece, hugging her before looking at her from up close, trying to see if she was hurt anywhere.

"Where were you my dear?" Amelia asked, concern still seeping into her voice.

"Harry saved me, Auntie," Susan answered with a smile of gratitude before looking at Harry; the boy now could feel the eyes of many in him, many of them perhaps wondering how he could fight against Deatheaters.

"How?" One Auror asked, looking at Harry suspiciously, but Amelia was quick to come to his aid.

"We can ask questions later. Right now, search for any survivors. Susan, go to my tent; I will join you as soon as possible." Amelia commanded firmly, her voice alone, silencing everyone nearby. Harry could understand why Tonks saw her as a good leader and someone worth following orders from.

"Harry. I have to go, Sirius, take him to the tent." Tonks hurriedly said, ready to follow the others, but Fleur grabbed her attention.

"What abouz my parents? Where can I look for them?" She questioned with a hint of concern in her voice as she kept holding Gabrielle in her arms.

"My lady, almost everyone is over there. Tents have been placed everywhere, and there are Aurors all over the place. I'm sure your parents are there, and even if they are... not there. The Aurors will help you to find them." Sirius offered, pointing his hand at the many little lights in the distance. Harry helped her carry Gabrielle, and soon enough, they reached the tents.

Susan quickly found Daphne among the many Hogwarts students; they all had gathered in different groups; knowing she would have to wait until the school year started, she decided that now was the best moment. With a rush of gratitude, she eagerly embraced her savior, savoring the comforting strength of his arms as they enveloped her in a warm, reassuring embrace. Her delicate, rosy lips gently brushed against his cheek in that tender moment, imprinting a soft, lingering kiss.

"Harry. I don't really know what else to say, but Thank you for saving my life, you too, Fleur." Susan started with gratitude and another sigh of relief; she wasn't yet out of shock; she could still feel how much it had hurt. The boy opened his mouth, perhaps to say she owed him nothing, but she continued before he could.

"Harry, back in Second Year. I was one of those that truly believed that you were petrifying the students. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for that. Is there any way I can do to fix this." Harry smiled sweetly towards her.

"No worries, Susan. I will be honest. I didn't like the way you all just decided to blame me despite knowing what happened to my parents." Harry said with pursed lips. Susan lowered her head in shame; looking back at it now, she felt incredibly stupid for even thinking that Harry, the Boy Who Lived, the same one who lost both of his parents because of You-Know-Who, would ever do something like that but she had been younger, and hadn't really thought much about it. They all needed someone to blame, and when the blame fell on Harry, many of them automatically just jumped on the train and decided to go along with it without thinking themselves if what they were doing made any sense.

"But I still forgive you. You are my friend, Susan." Harry added with a smile; her heart skipped a beat, and she looked away, her face suddenly on fire.

"Thank you, Harry."

"When we return to Hogwarts, you can sit with us if you want. I'm sure Hermione wouldn't mind having another girl in our group." Harry offered. Susan felt she didn't deserve his apology but still wanted to be his friend.

"Thank you. I will see you later." Susan said as she walked away to join Daphne.

Harry noticed Fleur and Sirius were away, trying to talk with an Auror. As he approached, he quickly noticed the look of distress on her face.

"Fleur." Harry called out.

"Arry, I can't finz mz parentz," Fleur said in distress, Gabrielle was half awake holding her hand. Harry was ready to talk with the Auror when he noticed Arthur talking with someone nearby.

"Mister Weasley," Harry shouted; the big man turned towards him upon hearing his name; his face brightened right away the moment he recognized Harry.

"Harry, oh thank Merlin." The man said almost breathlessly as he rushed towards him, his arms wide open, engulfing Harry in a big hug, much to his embarrassment.

"Where have you been? We all have been looking for you?" Arthur asked, looking at him from up close, trying to see if he had any injuries.

"Mister Weasley, where are the people from France placed here? Lady Fleur needs to find her parents." Harry interrupted him mid-sentence before pointing at Fleur and Gabrielle.

Arthur seemed ready to ask his own questions but decided to answer Harry's questions first. "I see, well, follow me. I will lead you to your parents." Arthur said with a friendly smile. Fleur grasped Harry's hand, and he quickly followed her behind.

Soon, they found a group of tents; people were all over the place, but all his attention turned to the two sisters when they screamed and started running towards two people in particular.



The two ran towards a couple; the man and woman looked relieved and happy upon seeing Fleur and Gabrielle; they quickly shared a big hug while talking in French. Harry didn't understand what they were saying, but he couldn't help but feel a little envy at the sight of Fleur and Gabrielle hugging their parents; for a moment, he imagined what it would be like if his own parents were still alive, but he quickly dismissed the thought, he wasn't alone anymore, Sirius was his godfather, and he had all his dear friends with him. That was Enough.

Harry wondered if he should now return to his tent; he knew Hermione and Ron were worried sick. But Fleur called out his name before he could take a step away.

"Arry, come here!" Harry turned around and walked up to them; he could feel how her parents were looking at him. Sirius walked beside him, too, puffing out his chest; he looked ready to defend Harry if needed.

"Thiz iz Arry, he protected uz," Fleur said with a sweet smile; her mother was the first to greet him, and he could see where Fleur got her beauty from; he blushed slightly, looking away in embarrassment, much to their amusement.

"Thank you for saving our daughter, Mister Potter. My name is Fleix Delacour." The man said in perfect English. Harry wondered if he often had jobs that included speaking English.

"I'm Apolline Delacour. Fleur told us everything you did; we are thankful for saving our daughters." The woman said with gratitude.

"I'm Harry Potter, and I didn't do much; your daughter was more than capable on her own," Harry said with a friendly smile, looking at their clothes; it reminded him of The Minister's clothes; he wondered who Fleur's parents were, especially from the gold choker around Miss Delacour's neck.

"Arry, you are too zweet." Fleur said with a blush on her cheeks; her mother hummed at the sight of her daughter blushing like that, while her father smiled in amusement before looking at Sirius.

"You are mister?"

"Sirius Black, Mister Delacour. I wasn't expecting someone like you here. I imagined you would want to stay in French." Upon hearing his name, both Mister and Miss Delacour looked surprised, but Fleur's father quickly shook his hand.

"Lord Black, I'm happy to meet someone from such an old house as yours." The man greeted Sirius, who smiled with courtesy.

"My House is still as strong as ever, but I have no doubt that with Harry, it will only grow stronger," Sirius answered; the man did not react to what Sirius said besides a nod of approval.

"Well, House Delacour is happy to help you whenever you need us, Mister Potter. Dear, the portkey will be ready soon. We need to leave." The man said with a slight haste, turning to look at his daughter. Fleur looked clearly displeased by what she heard; she swiftly pivoted on her heels, closing the distance between herself and Harry in a single fluid motion, enfolding him in a warm embrace. As their bodies intertwined, his arms instinctively encircled her slender figure, his fingertips delicately grazing the strands of her beautiful silver hair.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes and a sultry tone in her voice. "I will zee you in Oagwarts, Arry," she purred, her silky voice sending electrifying shivers down his spine like a spell had been cast upon him. As her lips delicately grazed the corner of his mouth, a tingling sensation spread throughout his entire being, leaving him utterly captivated by her Allure. With a playful wink, Fleur left him spellbound.

"I will be waiting for you, Fleur," Harry said a little breathlessly. Fleur giggled, but Gabrielle hugged him again; she looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Peux-tu venir avec nous?" Harry didn't understand what she said, but Fleur and her mother quickly said something to her in French.

"She is asking if you can come with us." Oh, Harry quickly kneeled to her level before hugging her.

"I promise I will come during Summer." Harry said before kissing her forehead; the little girl jumped up and down once Fleur translated Harry's words to her.

"Well, Mister Potter. I wish you good luck. You are a great young man." Fleix said before shaking Harry's hand. Soon, they walked away, leaving Sirius and Harry, his godfather, smiling in pride before patting his godson on the back.

"You are making friends everywhere, Harry. Mister Delacour is a great friend of the Minister of Magic in French." Sirius said with a smile before telling him they needed to return to the Weasley's Tent.

That's good to know, Harry thought as he followed his godfather. It seems this year will be very interesting.



So fleur can turn into a harpie and she can kicks some ass thats neat , i am agree with harry this year is going to be interesting.


Yeh, she can kick a lot of ass. Harry has no idea just how interesting this year in particular will be.


I love Harry and Fleur fics, Harry should take the time to learn French before they meet again.


I love Harry/Fleur fics, too, and yes, Harry will try to learn French before they meet again in Hogwarts. I’m sorry for the late reply.