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3 February - The Storm Pirates Chapter 59

6 February - Attack on Titan: A Warrior of Devils Chapter 14

8 February - A Shinobi of Paradis Chapter 20

11 February - The Last Woodbender Chapter 39 (Long Chapter)

13 February - Harry Potter and The Force of Magic Chapter 31 

14 February - A Nundu for A Pet Chapter 3

16 February - A Hungry Dragon Chapter 1

19 February - A Prince of House Targaryen Chapter 79 (Long Chapter)

23 February - Dance of The Dragonwolf Chapter 35 and Chapter 36

27 February - The Conqueror of The Shinobi World Chapter 85 and Chapter 86

28 February - The Empire of Titans Chapter 72, 73, 74, and Chapter 75

29 February - The Purple Flash of Kumo Chapter 35 



what about A Dragon Kissed by Sun?

Liam 1234

Will ur new story a hungry dragon see Jon’s grandmother try to make him king?