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Note: I'm sorry for the Short Chapter. I have been sick since yesterday. My whole family had it, and now it is my turn. I hope you enjoy the Chapter.


"Come in." He called out as the door opened; his wife sat near him; she seemed anxious, but Ned couldn't blame her as his nephew walked inside, followed by Prince Oberyn Martell and Ser Arthur Dayne. Ned could see the way Ser Arthur eyed them like a hawk; he seemed ready to use his sword, as he always was. Ned sometimes thanked the old gods he hadn't fought against them that day in front of the tower. Ned didn't know how that fight would have went, but he was confident that it wouldn't have ended well.

"Lord Stark, you wanted to speak with us," Oberyn said with a welcoming smile; Ned nodded as his wife shifted uncomfortably on her seat; he couldn't blame her; she had almost fainted when he told her that Jon Sand was Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, the Rightful Heir of the Throne.

' "Ned, what about our children? King Robert will have all their heads on spikes." Catelyn had almost shouted, her face red from stress as she walked around the room aimlessly.

"Catelyn, I promised my sister I would make my nephew king if he wanted to pursue the Iron Throne, and you know I never break my word." Ned reminded her. It had taken an hour for Ned to explain everything that happened in the Rebellion, and after telling her everything, Catelyn was almost losing her mind at this point.

Upon hearing his words, she stopped walking and sat down on a nearby chair, her hands gripping her knees, her face still red as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

"Ned, you always told me that you despise War. Am I supposed to wait for you again? What if you don't return this time, and this time Robb will have to fight too? What if he dies in the War? What if-" She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes welling up with tears as she covered her mouth with her hand as tears spilled from her eyes. "I can't go through that again, Ned. I don't want to be alone again." Catelyn said as she let out a sob, remembering when she first received the news of Brandon's death.

Upon hearing that Brandon had gone to King's Landing and had been put in the black cells by the King, Lord Rickard had departed, promising that he would return with his son home. After he left, Catelyn prayed daily to the Seven for their safe return, but two weeks after Lord Stark's departure, Catelyn decided to pray to the Old Gods for the first time.

She knew Brandon followed the old gods, so she read a few books on how to pray and went to the Weirwood Tree of Riverrun to pray. The next day, the raven arrived, informing them of Brandon and Rickard Stark's deaths.

Catelyn had broken down crying, but she wasn't allowed to mourn; soon, her father told her that she would marry Eddard Stark, the younger brother of Brandon, so House Stark would have the army of House Tully. Catelyn had done her duty to her house and had married Ned without any protest, and why would she protest, it is not like her father would change his mind; she would marry, whether she liked it or not. It would happen.

Catelyn remembered the first time she looked at Ned. She had expected a younger version of Brandon, just as handsome, but while Ned wasn't bad-looking, he was nowhere near Brandon. But again, she had done her duty; she had laid with Ned, and they had consummated their marriage; the very next day, Ned had left to fight in the War alongside Robert Baratheon.

After his return, Catelyn presented his son, Robb Stark, to him. Eventually, over the years, she fell in love with his personality, and Ned became the man she loved. When The Greyjoy Rebellion happened, Ned had told her that if he didn't return, Robb would rule Winterfell with her and Maester Luwin's help until he came of age. But the Old Gods had listened this time; Ned returned home safe.

But now, she was supposed to wait again; she didn't want that; she wanted her family home, not to fight a war they could lose. A war they could ignore. But deep down, she knew Ned wouldn't listen to her and that it was his duty to his family.

She escaped her thoughts when she felt his arms around her; his lips touched the crown of her head, her arms moved around his form, her ears listening to his heartbeat. "I will return to Winterfell. It's my home. I have nowhere else I want to be." Ned promised before kissing her lips.'

After that discussion, Catelyn requested a meeting with the Prince, saying she wanted to have a discussion with him, which was easy since Ned, too, wanted to have a discussion with him.

Now, Ned looked at his nephew; he looked like a Stark, except for his purple eyes; they were from his father. Ned wondered how Lyanna would feel right now, how she would feel at the sight of her little boy.

"Nephew, since you came here. We never really had a face-to-face discussion. It's good to meet you." Ned said with a genuine smile; his nephew smiled warmly before shaking his head.

"This is my Lady Wife, Catelyn Tully Stark." Ned introduced her as Jae grasped and kissed her hand to greet her.

"It's a honor to meet you, your grace." Catelyn said with courtesy.

"How has your life been in Sunspear, Nephew?" Ned questioned as his nephew sat down while Oberyn poured himself a cup of wine.

"It's my home, Uncle. Sunspear will always feel like one; I know everyone there, and it is a beautiful place. I think you should visit it someday." Jae suggested, earning a smile from Oberyn, who remembered Lord Stark's first and only time in Sunspear fourteen years ago.

"I might, nephew, but I'm not really used to the deserts. I'm happy to hear that your life there is a good one." Ned said with a sigh of relief; there were many other things he wanted to discuss, like who he would marry. He knew his nephew and Princess Arianne had a thing, but Ned felt like a better wife would be Princess Daenerys, but he decided to discuss that later when Catelyn wasn't around.

The Prince then went on to talk about his life in Sunspear and his little journey in Highgarden; he boasted about how he had killed the Mountain, which was quite a feat to achieve. And then, there was his friendship with Alyanne and Arya, apparently.

"Arya said that she was having secret training from the best swordsman in Westeros." Catelyn teased with a smile; his nephew chuckled in amusement.

"I'm not the best, my Lady, as long as this one here is still sucking air." Jae japed while pointing at Arthur, who rolled his eyes; Oberyn chuckled in amusement.

"Thank you for spending time with my daughter. She was always a big fan of swordfighting." Catelyn said sincerely with a bow of her head.

"She's like all my sisters, My Lady. Arya is a joy to have around, she is like a younger version of my sister, Nymeria." Jae said with a genuine smile.

"Your grace. My husband told me last night that you want to take back the Iron Throne." Catelyn suddenly said Ned saw the cold looks he got from Prince Oberyn and Arthur, but Jae didn't seem as bothered; if anything, he smiled as if an idea was already brewing in his head.

"Did he?" He questioned, his eyes flickering at Lord Stark before returning to Lady Catelyn.

"Were you raised with your siblings, my Lady?"

"Yes, your grace."

"When I was young, I once dreamed of my brother and sister. The Mountain butchered them, and the King laughed at the sight of their bodies. The King did not Justice that day." Jae said with a look of rage and sadness in his eyes. Ned shuddered, remembering it quite well as if it had happened yesterday, but it was Catelyn who gulped at the words she had just heard. She had heard rumors but always thought they were exaggerated; she had thought of asking Ned but had decided otherwise, knowing it wouldn't be a topic he would like to discuss.

"But this is not just revenge, my lady; I know he won't show mercy to anyone who is a traitor; my Uncle is part of my family. I will need to protect him if the truth ever comes, and something like this cannot remain hidden forever. And the main reason Robert is a great warrior but a terrible King is he has run the Realm dry." His nephew stopped mid-sentence, letting the information sink in. Ned wasn't sure if he wanted to hear the number; he knew from Oberyn's rare letters that the Realm was in debt, but he hoped that Jon Arryn was able to refrain from Robert's worst impulses.

"How much?" Catelyn questioned, her voice shaking a little.

"Six Million Gold Coins." Ned was aghast. When he met Robert during the Greyjoy Rebellion, he had noticed the extra weight he had added, and he had talked with Jon about how it felt to be Hand of the King and everything else. Jon had warned him that Robert was spending too much gold on tourneys and feasts. Ned had warned Robert, telling him he should spend less money, but his words had fallen on deaf ears.

"Six Million?" Catelyn gasped. She had tried to help Ned as much as possible when it came to coins, and she knew Six Million Gold Coins was way too much.

"Was the Treasury empty, Ned? When Robert took over the Kingdom?" Catelyn asked, turning to face her husband; even if it was empty, it wasn't an excuse, but still, it would make a little more sense. Ned closed his eyes in disappointment before shaking his head.

"No. The Treasury had three million gold dragon coins, not counting the amount of coins that they take every month from Taxes." Ned answered with a clenched jaw; he felt the need to travel all the way to King's Landing just to slap Robert in the face; perhaps that would help.

"I'm not seeking out the Iron Throne just for revenge, but for the good of the Realm. Not only that, but-" Jae went on and explained that the Royal Children looked nothing like the King, how the King's bastard children all had dark hair, and then mentioned how there was a rumor in King's Landing that Queen Cersei's children were all bastards she had with her cousin, and Uncle.

Upon hearing the last bit, Ned felt dizzy. "Gods be Good." He murmured under his breath before standing up.

"I'm sorry. I need to be alone in God's Wood right now." Ned apologized, leaving his own Solar before they could even reply.

Jaehaerys prepared to leave himself when Lady Stark spoke. "Your grace, my family rebelled against yours during the Rebellion. What will happen to them?" She questioned fearfully, her voice cracking with fear.

"My father has been sick for two months now; My brother says that he is slowly dying. My brother-" "Lady Stark, if House Tully supports me during the Rebellion, then I will ensure that your House will keep its place, but you will have to pay a fee and 30% more taxes for the next ten years after I retake the Iron Throne." Jae spoke firmly; he no longer sounded like a young boy but like a King.

Catelyn knew the amount of gold coins they would have to give was too much, but she quickly remembered what would happen if Robert won. She shuddered; her children and Ned, hanging crows, had gathered to eat their flesh; Catelyn would never let that happen.

"House Tully fully supports you, your grace. I will make sure, Edmure will support you. I can't promise anything for The Vale, but my sister Lysa is married to Jon Arryn, she might help." Catelyn said a little doubtfully at the end. Her brother, while he wasn't always the sharpest tool in the shop, at least he knew to listen and was willing to learn.

Lysa, on the other hand. Catelyn shuddered; her sister was sometimes normal and often not so much; Cat quickly remembered her Uncle's letters, many mentioning Lysa and her son, Robin.

'The Boy is three name days, and she's still breastfeeding him.' Catelyn had almost vomited when she had read that for the first time. She didn't know what her sister was trying to do, and that letter was two years ago. She hoped Lysa had stopped breastfeeding him and was trying to raise him properly.

"No words to anyone yet, Lady Stark. I will send a raven when the time comes." The Prince commanded; Catelyn nodded right away, feeling a little relieved, as the Prince left the Solar, followed by Prince Oberyn and Ser Arthur Dayne.

Now that she was alone, Catelyn slumped down on her seat; she wondered what she should do now; perhaps she could spend time with Sansa, but she quickly remembered that she had yet to talk with Lady Alyanna.

Catelyn couldn't find it in her heart to blame the girl for what happened during the Rebellion. It was outside of anyone's control. So, with that in mind, she decided to have a conversation with her.


After his talk with his Uncle, Jae sparred with Lady Dacey in the Training Yard; well, they flirted more than they actually fought, and soon enough, they found themselves at his chambers.

Dacey engulfed Jae in a tight embrace, wrapping her arms lovingly around his broad shoulders. As their bodies connected, she passionately pressed her lips against his. The sensation of her velvety lips, as soft as rose petals, against his own sent waves of delight coursing through Jae's veins.

Jae let out a pleasurable moan. He instinctively reciprocated Dacey's affections, diving deeper into the passionate exchange. As the heat between them intensified, Jae's arms began to rise, ready to envelop Dacey in an embrace.

Before he could hug her, Dacey broke the passionate kiss they were sharing, leaving Jae slightly bewildered. Dacey slowly descended to her knees right before him. His heart raced as she deftly undid his belt, swiftly moving to effortlessly remove his pants.

"Wow," she murmured, staring at his dick with undisguised arousal as it grew hard in her hand. "I could tell you were hiding something big, but I didn't know you were hiding a monster."

She m extended her tongue. She sensually brushed it against the sensitive tip of his erect member, causing Jae to emit a deep, guttural moan of desire. Dacey's tongue skillfully traversed the length of his throbbing manhood, igniting an electrifying surge of pleasure within him. Her tongue effortlessly swirled around the delicate head, tracing tantalizing circles that heightened his pleasure with each passing second. Continuing her arousing exploration, she fervently glided her tongue along the entirety of his pulsating shaft, lavishing attention upon him from the very tip to the base, leaving no inch untouched and flawlessly coating him with a thorough and lascivious caress.

Dacey's lips gently part. Her lips encircled the sensitive tip of his erect member. Her skilled mouth enveloped his cockhead, delicately suckling.

Dacey continued to keep her position unchanged, effortlessly pleasuring her partner. As her gaze met his, she exuded an intoxicating mix of confidence and desire. Simultaneously, her hands moved in a synchronized rhythm, providing an alternating grip that brought him immeasurable pleasure.

Dacey happily sucked his cock, her tongue licking every inch, Jae felt in heaven as she pleasured him, his sight found her great ass, bigger than Arianne's ass. He wanted to sink his hands on her ass cheeks, as Dacey sucked his cock, it felt good, and she loved the taste, but more than that, she loved to play little games.

Jae reached a breaking point where he felt he could no longer endure the situation. However, just as he was about to find release, Dacey's quick actions surprised him as she abruptly withdrew his member from her mouth, denying him the satisfaction of climaxing. Jae's frustration grew, causing him to let out a deep, audible groan of disappointment and irritation.

"Dacey," Jae groaned loudly, as a wave of frustration washed over him. He desperately wanted to release the pent-up pleasure that had been building inside him. The sudden halt in pleasure left Jae feeling both annoyed and disappointed, his breath heavy with a mixture of frustration and anticipation. Noticing Jae's reaction, Dacey met his groan with a mischievous wink, playfully batting her eyelashes at him, adding a touch of sweetness.

"Not yet, Jon," Dacey playfully teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she savored his exquisite torment, deliberately denying him the release he desperately craved. With deliberate slowness, she seductively lowered her pants, revealing her luscious, perfectly sculpted, beautiful ass, which seemed to beckon Jae's gaze uncontrollably. As he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from her mesmerizing behind, an overwhelming desire consumed him, he really wanted to worship her ass.

Dacey, with a look of playful allure in her eyes, bestowed a mischievous wink upon him, beckoning him closer with a seductive gesture of her hand. As she reclined gracefully on the bed. She purposefully positioned herself on her back, extending her legs provocatively to reveal her dripping cunt. He crawled towards her with a mix of anticipation and curiosity, his face ultimately coming within inches of her tantalizing thighs.

"Make me cum, Jon, if you do. I might let you cum." Dacey instructed seductively, but at the same time, it sounded like a command.

As he pressed a tender kiss to the side of her knee, his lips trailed a path of warmth and anticipation up her thigh, sending shivers of delight coursing through her body. With each kiss, he skillfully invited her imagination to run wild, wondering how his velvety lips would feel on her pussy. The mere thought ignited a symphony of tingles, caressing her engorged clit.

When he reached her upper thigh, his warm, wet tongue gently grazed against her skin, eliciting an immediate response from her body. A surge of anticipation coursed through her veins as she felt the cool droplets of arousal that had trickled down her inner thigh being collected by his touch. "Ohhhh." The sensation sent shivers of pleasure up her spine, causing her to instinctively let out a passionate moan.

He eagerly set to work himself, delving into the depths of her folds. She felt an overwhelming sense of pleasure rushing through her. However, as much as she enjoyed the experience, she craved something more. "More." A primal grunt escaped her lips as she maintained her steady grind, smearing her juices across his face.

His striking purple eyes, filled with desire and anticipation, were visible just above her intimate area while the evident effect of her arousal glistened on his flushed face. With each skilled movement of his tongue, he pressed further into her delicate folds, eliciting a symphony of moans from both of them, intensifying her pleasure. She gently tightened her grip on his head, guiding him upwards.

"Higher," she ordered, her voice trembling with desperation and longing. As his tongue delicately danced over her sensitive core and the intense vacuum of his mouth created a tantalizing suction, a wave of pleasure surged through her body, eclipsing any other sensations.

The overwhelming ecstasy rendered her legs weak, causing her to surrender to the inviting softness of the bed beneath her, casting her hair back in abandon. "Oh yes! Oh fuck yes! Ooooh FUCK!" Her voice erupted into a symphony of unrestrained pleasure as she cascaded into bliss, her impassioned cries echoing through the room. She tightly clamped her thighs around his head, propelling her pleasure further as she convulsed and writhed against his skilled mouth.

"I think you enjoyed that?" Jae asked almost smugly, his eyes sparkling as he savored the last drops of her luscious juices. Sensing his satisfaction, Dacey couldn't help but meet his gaze with a dreamy look, her heart racing with admiration.

She passionately pressed her lips against his, hungry with desire, stealing his breath away, while her tongue danced within his mouth, eagerly exploring every nook and cranny.

As Dacey rolled sensuously, her body pressed against his, a tantalizing smirk played on her lips. Her confident grip tightened around his throbbing erection as she skillfully moved her hand up and down, creating intense pleasure.

After smacking her lips together a few times to savor the taste, she wholeheartedly resumed pleasuring him with her mouth, focusing all her attention on his erect member. With delicate yet purposeful kisses, she traced a trail of tender affection from the tip of his shaft down to its very base, her lips gliding smoothly along his sensitive skin. Every gentle touch from her loving mouth sent shivers of pleasure coursing through his body, causing his erection to respond eagerly.

She eagerly bobbed her head lower, taking more of his length in her mouth. Jae couldn't help but emit a deep, guttural moan.

"Ohh, Dacey!" Jae moaned, much to Dacey's satisfaction, who smirked.

As she maintained her relentless descent, she continued to take him deeper and deeper, determined to consume every inch of his impressive length. She expertly accommodated his entire shaft within the depths of her throat. As his testicles gently grazed her chin, a rush of pleasure surged through both of them.

Surprisingly, not even a single hint of gagging emerged. From her position, she gazed up at him with her mesmerizing eyes, their intensity piercing through to his very core. In that intimate moment, it felt as though she could see straight into his soul.

Even when Dacey pulled her lips back up his cock, she didn't fully remove him from her warm and wet mouth. She skillfully retreated until only the sensitive tip of his member remained enveloped in the hot embrace, teasing him momentarily before resuming her rhythmic descent. As her head bobbed with increasing speed, her artful tongue and the tightness of her throat worked harmoniously, coaxing Jae's moans of pleasure to escape.

An overflow of saliva cascaded out of her mouth, leaving behind a glistening trail that liberally coated her chin. Droplets succumbed to its pull and landed on the luxurious carpet beneath them.

Jae, with a sense of impending release building up within him, could feel the pulsating sensation of his eager arousal reaching its peak. As the intense pleasure surged through his body, he was on the verge of cumming. However, just as Jae was about to cum, Dacey abruptly withdrew her mouth from his throbbing member, halting his impending orgasm in its tracks and leaving him yearning for the release that evaded him.

"Dacey!!!" Jae's voice reverberated through the room, the sheer desperation and discomfort evident in his trembling tone. The second instance of the sensation hitting him was even more unbearable. It felt as if his swollen testicles were about to burst under the overwhelming pressure building within them. In response, Dacey's lips curved into a smug smile, basking in the satisfaction derived from witnessing Jae's vulnerable state. The sight of him helplessly pleading for mercy only fuelled her own enjoyment.

"Do you want to cum?"

"Yes!" Jae exclaimed, the strain evident in his heavy breathing and the weakness he felt in his knees. Dacey, with her mischievous smile and innocent demeanor, turned playfully behind her, revealing her stunning, curvaceous figure. As if teasing him further, she confidently slapped her own perfectly shaped ass, causing it to bounce and jiggle enticingly.

"I have seen the way you look at my ass, Jon. How about you show it some love," Dacey instructed seductively, positioning herself on all fours; Dacey presented her ass tantalizingly up in the air, effortlessly capturing Jae's undivided attention.

His fingers firmly grasped the inviting flesh, his caress sending a shiver of delight down his spine. His fingertips sank into her flesh.

He slowly leaned his face forward, bridging the gap between them, and bestowed a small, teasing lick across her velvety ass cheek. The taste of her skin blended with his own desire, fueling his fervent desire to explore and please her. Dacey's arousal became evident as a passionate moan escaped her lips, echoing her reaction fueling his determination.

Jae skillfully continued his sensual exploration, his kisses, licks, and gentle bites caressing her ass cheeks with a delicate fervor. As her hands tightly gripped the bed sheets, and Dacey's moans grew more fervent. Every movement he made became a source of unmitigated pleasure, her body responding to his every touch with cascades of bliss.

"Jon, Ohhhh. YESSS!" Dacey whispered breathlessly, her voice filled with a mixture of admiration and desire. As Jae continued to lavish attention on her exquisite ass, a mischievous smile danced across Dacey's lips. Jae cupped her supple ass cheeks, his hands unable to contain their voluptuousness. He gently pulled them apart, revealing the enticing sight of Dacey's glistening, eager cunt. Jae wasted no time, skillfully exploring her velvety folds with the tip of his tongue, delving deeper into her cunt. Dacey involuntarily pressed her buttocks closer against his face.

Each kiss and lick that he placed upon her delicate skin filled him with indescribable pleasure as his face nestled securely between the supple curves of her enticing ass cheeks. His hands passionately explored every inch of her captivating posterior, caressing and cherishing every contour.

Dacey, overcome with intense pleasure, let out a euphoric scream of "Ohhh, Yesssss!" Her body quivered uncontrollably as she reached her second intense orgasm, her orgasmic juices pouring forth onto Jae's face. A blissful smile graced Jae's lips as he eagerly indulged in the delectable nectar, relishing the taste and feeling a deep sense of satisfaction.

Dacey's breaths came in short, heavy gasps as she shifted her gaze to the bed where Jae lay, his pulsating manhood standing tall and firm like a solid rock. She wrapped her delicate hand around his throbbing member, expertly stroking him with a firm yet tender touch. The sensation drove Jae wild with desire, and as Dacey sensed his desperate longing, she paused briefly to wet her succulent lips before diving down upon him in one swift, passionate motion, taking him fully into the warmth and depths of her mouth.

"Cum!" Dacey's authoritative tone almost commanded Jae to release his pent-up desires. With an eruption of pleasure, his voice nearly reaching a scream, Jae succumbed to the climax that had been building within him. Wave after wave of his essence surged forth from his throbbing member, vigorously erupting from the tip and cascading relentlessly toward Dacey's waiting throat. Dacey eagerly indulged in every drop, relishing the taste of Jae's essence.

Yet, this time was different for Jae. As the ecstasy washed over him, he found himself unable to halt the ceaseless stream of his release.

So incredibly tasty and satisfying! Dacey's mind was filled with sheer delight as she skillfully continued pleasuring him with her mouth, ensuring not a single drop of his essence went to waste. The exquisite flavor overwhelmed her senses, bringing her immense pleasure that she couldn't resist. Taking her time to savor the taste, Dacey gently withdrew his now-spent member from her warm and welcoming mouth, eagerly cleaning every inch of it with the flick of her talented tongue. She shifted her gaze towards Jae, who lay on the bed, his face adorned with a contented smile.

Dacey couldn't help but let out a playful giggle, her eyes gleaming mischievously as she settled down beside him.

"That was fun."

"Yes," Jae said mischievously before kissing her lips. Now, he was taking control.

NOTE: The teaser of 'A Hungry Dragon' will come out on 20 Jan since it is my Birthday.


Orion Chung

When’s the Empire of Titans chapter coming out hopefully 2 chapters


Dance of Dragons and The Conqueror will be updated next. Then is The Empire of Titans.


So who will be jae's lovers in this? We've got Ari, Dany, and now Dacey. Anyone else?


I won’t add anyone else, and Jae will only marry Arianne and Dany.