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"Are you ready, Harry?" Sirius asked, the words carried in a soft whisper, his voice filled with anticipation. A gentle breeze swept across the field, causing the blades of grass to sway and dance in rhythmic harmony. The vibrant green leaves mirrored the gleaming emerald shade as they shimmered under the radiant morning sun, painting an ethereal canvas across the landscape.

They had woken up early in the morning; the sun was rising from the sky, casting a gentle golden glow over the tranquil landscape. Its rays seeped through the curtains, gently illuminating the nooks and crannies of the house, including a quaint kitchen with a large window that overlooked a lush, open field nearby. Harry, Sirius, and Nym feeling the weight of their eyelids, had risen from their beds well before their usual time. Despite their mutual dislike for early mornings, Harry had taken the initiative to alleviate their grogginess by preparing a steaming pot of homemade hot chocolate. The rich aroma of cocoa filled the air, enticing their senses as they shuffled into the kitchen. A glimpse of satisfaction crossed Harry's face as he watched Nym's eyes light up with delight upon tasting the velvety liquid he had expertly whipped up.

Harry had spent the whole second half of the third year and the summer training on his Holy Magic, reading every text and trying every spell.

Harry spent hours studying and perfecting his abilities, but as Sirius liked to put it.

'You can read all the books you want, but it will never come close to training and actual fighting.'

Harry had agreed with him, so since the summer started, he started living with Sirius; his Godfather was overjoyed that they were living together, saying he would make up for the lost years. Kreacher was displeased by Harry's presence in the house, but the young Wizard didn't really care if Kreacher wanted him there or not. The portrait of Sirius's mother hadn't really been happy upon seeing Harry; she was quick to make her feelings known quite clearly.

Harry had used a spell to silence her so she could scream all she wanted and no one would hear her. Sirius had thanked him, saying that hearing her annoying voice was torture for him.

Since he lived in Sirius's house, he had time and space to practice as much as he wanted. Sirius knew of his Holy Magic, so Harry had no reason to hide his abilities. Sirius often helped him make sense of some of the text written in the books.

Harry had made sure to keep contact with all his friends, which resulted in Sirius teasing him about his two girlfriends; despite how much he told Sirius to stop, the old dog enjoyed every bit of teasing. Hermione would talk about her summer, how many books she was reading, and how much she missed him.

In his letters, Ron talked about his family and how he wished that the fourth year would start soon; he also mentioned that he hoped the fourth year would be a normal one since in the first year, they had Professor Quirrel, in the second year they had the Basilisk. In the first half of the third year, they had Sirius Black. Harry agreed with him that a year without problems sounded good, but he had a feeling that the following year would only be worse somehow.

Nym's letters were a little different; she talked about her job as an Aurora in case Harry wanted to become one in the future. She spoke of how dangerous it was and everything else, but she also mentioned how the Ministry had taken a huge blow because of Sirius's proven innocence, saying the other countries were making fun of Fudge. But she also wrote about the increase of attacks throughout London, saying the Death Eaters had started becoming more active.

Harry knew the time was coming to fight them; he wondered when they would decide to strike in another smaller and secret letter. Tonks talked about their relationship and sent him quite a few photos, but Harry hid them from Sirius's eyes.

During July, Harry and Sirius went to Italy for vacation, and his Godfather said that the food there was incredible.

Sirius had also volunteered to train Harry in real fights. He had made sure to spend everyday training. Eventually, Harry got the hand of using Holy Magic in combat, and Sirius made sure to attack him relentlessly.

'In a real fight, you have no time to think, believe your instincts, and survive.' Sirius had told him. Eventually, Harry was able to defeat Sirius in a one-on-one fight; his Godfather laughed out loud once the fight ended, saying how much he wished James had been there to see him on with his ass on the ground, defeated by his son.

Harry and Sirius had been invited to Andromeda's house at the beginning of August. Nym had been overjoyed to spend time with Harry, and now Harry wanted to test his abilities against both Sirius and Nym at the same time.

Nym had been hesitant at first for both her and Sirius to fight Harry at the same time, but his Godfather made it clear that his godson could handle everything. She had agreed, but they wouldn't use lethal spells, only disarming ones.

They had started this over a week ago; despite his Holy Magic, fighting two strong wizards at once had proven difficult, resulting in Harry losing, but every time he fought, he got better and better and learned from every mistake he made.

Now Harry felt confident enough to fight them and come out victorious.

"Alright, Harry. Ready to lose again?" Tonks teased with a grin as she gripped her wand, as did Sirius.

"I don't know about that, I like the way I always win every night with you," Harry said with a cheeky grin. Sirius laughed out loud, feeling proud of his godson, while Tonks pressed her lips into a thin line.

She was sure that Harry had become too dangerous with his words. "For that, you will be cold tonight, Mister Potter." Tonks threatened with a slight smile of amusement, but despite how mean she tried to appear, it seemed Harry saw right through her.

"Me, cold tonight. Impossible. Last time I checked, you are the one carvi-" "Take this!" Tonks forcefully interrupted any words Harry had intended to utter, her wand expertly casting a spell that summoned a colossal rock hurtling through the air, set on a direct trajectory toward Harry.

"Protego." Unlike Sirius and Tonks's shields, Harry's shield was always gold, and his eyes always turned golden-red whenever he fought. The rock was obliterated the moment it touched Harry's shield.

Tonks expected the rocks to fall down. Instead, Harry shouted out a spell. "Impetum Defensionis." The obliterated rocks had turned into a hundred small rocks, now floating above Harry, like a weapon he was just waiting for the right moment to command.

"Draco Incendio," Sirius shouted, his voice filled with determination and intensity. A burst of fiery flames erupted from the tip of his wand, hurtling towards Harry with astonishing speed. Transforming into a magnificent creature, the flames morphed into the shape of a fearsome dragon, its elongated neck stretching out as it soared through the air, aiming directly at its intended target. As the Dragon drew closer, its jaw opened wide, and the grass beneath it ignited in a blaze of red and gold. The intense heat radiating from the Dragon's presence engulfed the surroundings, causing the air to sizzle and shimmer.

Sirius expected Harry to try to use an anti-spell, but the moment the fire dragon collided with Harry's shield, the entire thing collapsed; the fire spread around him, making the little rocks floating around Harry turn yellow like melted rocks.

"Let's see how you can escape this," Harry said as he did another spell. Suddenly, Harry hurtled the floating burning rocks toward Tonks with an alarming speed. Reacting swiftly, Tonks summoned her magical shield, bracing herself for the impending impact. To her surprise, the rocks abruptly halted right before colliding with her shield. They swirled around her protective barrier, their fiery glow illuminating the area, resembling a mesmerizing dance of elemental forces. Tonks, caught off guard by the sudden intensity, felt a suffocating wave of heat engulf her body, causing beads of sweat to form on her forehead and trickle down her tense face. Gasping for air, she tried to steady her trembling breaths, her heart pounding in her chest, all the while desperately trying to maintain her shield against the relentless assault.

"Tenebris Flamma," Sirius shouted with a fierce determination, his wand held high. A magnificent burst of black flames erupted in response, spreading ferociously towards Harry. Despite Harry's valiant efforts to shield himself, the intensity of the flames proved overwhelming, ruthlessly shattering his protective barrier and leaving him with no choice but to hastily retreat. As Harry hastily retreated, the floating burning rocks gradually lost their fiery glow, descending one after another. Each rock returned to its original state as smoke trailed behind.

Tonks breathed easily as the heat disappeared; she dropped her shield, and her eyes found Harry protecting himself from a barrage of Sirius's attacks.

"Petrificus Totalus." But instead of Harry being snapped into a fixed position, not being able to move a finger. She watched as the spell was deflected by itself, even though she was sure she heard no spell being cast by him.

"Yggdrasil: Draco." The moment Harry said those words. Brilliant, golden small lights materialized out of thin air, illuminating the entire field in a breathtaking display. The sheer quantity of these radiant lights was so overwhelming that they transformed the surroundings into a majestic sea of shimmering gold. Tonks instinctively shielded her eyes from the dazzling radiance, causing her to blink involuntarily in an attempt to protect her vision from being temporarily blinded.

In the blink of an eye, all the lights came together in a single point, creating a magnificent Dragon composed entirely of shimmering golden lights with every gleaming scale and sinew of its body exuding an uncanny lifelike quality. The creature captured the attention of both Tonks and Sirius. With an intense gaze, the Dragon locked eyes with them. The Dragon swiftly unfurled its expansive wings in a protective gesture, cocooning Harry within its towering form. A surge of golden flames erupted from the Dragon's mighty jaws, hurtling toward Tonks and Sirius.

"Protego." The fire ravaged the grass surrounding the field with its voracious appetite, devouring everything in its path. As the flames engulfed the trees, their once towering presence was reduced to a chaotic dance of falling timber, crackling and popping in the scorching inferno. Embers, glowing like fiery fairies, danced and twirled through the air, carried by the billowing smoke that blanketed the landscape in an eerie haze. The fire proved powerless against the shields.

"Okay, enough, game-" Tonks stopped mid-sentence. Suddenly, the Dragon burst into thousands of golden lights; the fire disappeared right away, and the golden lights descended upon the ground, turning into a fog that grew larger and thicker; soon enough, Tonks couldn't see anything around her. She called out for Sirius; it seemed Harry was playing Hide and Seek now. She was ready to use a spell to clear the fog.

"Κenodiastma." The words were heard all around the fog surrounding them as if the fog itself was speaking to them. Suddenly, Tonks sank to her knees, and an invisible hand gripped her throat. She tried to speak, but no words came out. She tried to cast a spell, but she couldn't talk; she sank further, as she tried to, but no words, as the grip around her throat tightened...

Suddenly, the hand was no longer there. Tonks gasped loudly as she took the deepest breath she had ever taken in her life. The air had never tasted sweeter; looking up, she saw Harry standing near her and Sirius, who was breathing just as deeply as her. Their wands were on Harry's hands, and the fog had cleared away.

She hadn't even felt him taking their wands away. After several more deep breaths, Tonks found the strength to speak. "What was that?" She rasped, still feeling weak on her knees; her lungs still felt empty somehow.

"It's a new spell I'm trying to master. It's called 'Κenodiastma'. It creates an Empty Space."

"Empty Space?" Sirius questioned as he rubbed his throat; he still took deep breaths as he stood up on his feet; he felt like he was choking on nothing, and despite trying everything, he couldn't breathe.

"Yes, it's a spell that creates a small empty space around the head of the attacker, with no oxygen to breathe, and for the majority of the wizards, they need to say the spell before being able to use it; when you can't breathe, you can't talk," Harry explained, knowing the spell wouldn't work as well against powerful wizards; he was certain that even Sirius and Tonks would be able to escape it if they knew what the spell was doing to them.

"Holy shit, Harry. You know you should probably warn us before using a spell like that. I was really worried." Tonks said breathlessly, her face still a little red from not breathing; her words caused Harry to look apologetic.

"I'm sorry-" "No worries, Harry. Don't bother your little head with what Nymphadora says, she's just jealous that you were able to beat both of us." Sirius says teasingly, while Tonks's hair turns red upon hearing her full name; she glares at Sirius with rage for using her full name, knowing she hates her name.

"I'm not jealous. I didn't even know what was even happening." Tonks quickly defended herself, still holding her head high. "And don't call me that." Tonks spat the words with venom, glaring at Sirius, who seemed to be enjoying her frustration as he gave Harry a side hug.

"Does that mean I can call you, Nym?" Sirius asked teasingly, the wide grin not leaving his face. At this point, Tonks knew he was just making fun of her.

"No, you can't call me that."

"What about me? Can I call you Nym?" Harry asked teasingly while flashing one of his adorable smiles that made him both cute and handsome.

Damn it, Harry, Tonks cursed under her breath with a groan; Harry sometimes knew how to play with her; it made her both frustrated and thrilled; she loved the way he would often just talk in a very demanding way; it made her excited. The way his deep voice made her weak in her knees.

"Yes, Harry you can. But not you, Sirius." Tonks answered with a cheeky grin towards her first cousin.

"Ohh, you hurt me, Tonks. See, Harry, my family holds no love for me." Sirius said dramatically while holding his heart as if it was hurting. Tonks rolled her eyes at his childish antics while Harry snickered, enjoying the time together.

Eventually, they started fighting again, but despite Tobks and Sirius knowing of his new spell, they found it difficult to see it coming since, unlike other spells, it was very quiet, and Harry still managed to beat both of them three more times without using the new spell, to make it clear that he was better than them now.

"You know, you should teach me one of your spells, Harry," Tonks suggested teasingly as they walked back to the house. Harry gave her a small kiss on the lips; she wanted more, but the bloody tease pulled away before winking at her.

"No worries, Nym. I can teach you a few things." Harry promised, his arm around her beautiful waist, keeping her close to him. But he knew he couldn't teach her any real Holy Spells since they were impossible to cast unless someone could use Holy Magic.

"Harry, have you thought of advancing Κenodiastma, perhaps make it so that the temperature increases instead?" Sirius eventually asked as they walked inside the house; as expected, Andromeda was already awake, preparing food for them.

"Good Morning," they greeted her. Harry sat down in the common room, with Tonks sitting beside him. It wasn't really a secret anymore that Harry and Tonks had a thing, but Sirius was the only one who knew about Hermione also being part of the couple.

"Yes, Sirius. I tried to expand the empty space, but casting the spell is difficult, I have tried to increase the pressure, but I can't increase it enough." Sirius listened as Harry explained more about his spell. He told him that simply casting the spells was difficult and creating a larger empty space was too difficult.



Harry and Sirius stayed at the Tonks until Ron invited Harry to his house to stay. Sirius had decided to tag along since he would stay there only for a few days.

Upon entering Weasley's house, Harry was greeted by everyone, including his best mate. "Harry!" Ron greeted as they both shook their hands, but their little reunion was interrupted by a certain Bushy Hair Girl.

"I missed you, Harry!" Hermione's voice echoed with pure joy as she embraced him tightly, unable to contain her excitement at seeing him again. Her lips instinctively sought his, drawing him into a passionate kiss. However, the reality of their surroundings quickly brought them back to their senses, and they abruptly broke apart, their faces flushed with embarrassment. The intensity of their emotions had momentarily overshadowed any concern for their public display of affection.

"Hermione, you disappointed me, girl. I thought you were going to ride-" Ginny's words were interrupted by Hermione, who silenced her with a wand wave. Ginny grinned evilly at her friend whose cheeks had turned red like blood; Harry chuckled in amusement; being with them felt like a second home.

After staying for three days, they all went to the Quidditch World Cup; on the way there, they met Cedric and his father, who was quite eager to boast about his son.


It was loud.

"...almost there Harry. Did you see that man with the-"

Sound hammered in on him from all sides. Sporadically, lights flashed in the corner of his eyes. The arena was enormous.

Harry often thought before that things were enormous. Hogwarts. Hagrid. Uncle Vernon. No. This here was the literal interpretation of the definition. Wizards and Witches from all over the world packed together in celebration of Quidditch. A magical sport played on broomsticks.

"Quit leaning over so far Ronald!"

Titling his head, Harry peered up the staircases. He tried to spot the end of it. He couldn't, though they had to be close to the Minster's box at any rate.

Harry shuffled to the side, closed his eyes, and relished being this high in the air. With the wind slicing through every so often, the thundering vibrations beneath his feet ... he could almost pretend he was back at Hogwarts. Preparing for a game of his own.

He wouldn't be able to fly again until school started in September. Not properly.

"...official beater's sticks. I wonder if they hit any harder than the ones at school-"

It was almost time for the start of the Quidditch World Cup.

Surprisingly, the large crowds weren't so bad. Spending the day among the numerous unlikely-shaped tents, the painted faces, and the crazy Quidditch fans had rubbed off on him. It was actually sort of fun.

If nothing else, he might learn new maneuvers to try out in his games.

Harry peered over to look as well. It was rather a far cry from the ground. Probably for the best, he wasn't afraid of heights.

"Blimey, Dad, how far up do you think we are?" Ron asked.

"Let's put it this way: if it rains, you will be the first to know." The raven-haired teen stepped closer to the railing to see Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco on the level just below them. Both Slytherins were far more well-dressed than anyone needed to be at a Quidditch game. All in black, of course.

The last time Harry and the Malfoy Lord were in the same place, the Gryffindor accused him of attempted murder. Looking back, it was not one of his cleverest moments. Now, they were discussing the weather. It was sort of absurd.

Harry supposed even sociopaths had to make small talk from time to time.

The littler Malfoy caught his eye and grinned. "Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself!" Draco said, excited. It wasn't the first time the blonde had bragged to him. Excitement, however, was usually reserved for earning Gryffindors detention with Snape. Seeing the other teen excited at something, well, normal, was a little surreal.

"Lord Malfoy, it is good to see you again; I hope your hand feels better," Harry said smugly, looking down at the man. Draco looked confused, as did Hermione and the rest, but not Lucius, whose face turned red with anger; with the black suit and the red face, he looked like a traffic red light.

"It feels better, Mister Potter. Perhaps you should keep your words to yourself." Lucius said somewhat threateningly, but before Harry could say anything, his Godfather stepped forward, looking down at the big Malfoy while placing his hand on Harry's shoulder and keeping him behind.

"Lucius, it's good to see you; I'm sure you are happy to see me. Send a 'Thank you' to Narcissa for me for keeping the house clean until I returned. Though I doubt you even remember the last time you said that to your wife." Sirius said smugly. Draco growled while Lucius glared at the man.

Harry snickered, knowing that Sirius wasn't in Azkaban anymore. Draco couldn't inherit the treasures of House Black from his mother, which was a big blow to their pride and power; even Draco had been more furious than usual during the second part of the third year, not that he could actually do anything if he tried, Harry would make sure that he would see true hell.

"Come on, Draco." Lucius ordered his son as they both walked away.

Soon enough, the game was about to start when Harry suddenly felt a strange sensation on his body as a group of girls started dancing in the arena. He didn't know why, but he knew right away that there was something strange about them; suddenly, his eyes turned golden on their own, his magic; it felt stranger.

The girls were dancing and looked normal, but there was definitely something odd about them. Sure, they were stunning, but Harry had seen Tonks and Hermione every day, so he didn't understand why his body was reacting so strangely.

"Harry!" Upon hearing his name called, he escaped his thoughts and turned to face Hermione, who looked bewildered.


"How are you not effected?" She questioned, and now Harry was even more confused.


"Do you see the girls dancing there, Harry?" Sirius questioned as he looked mostly okay before pointing at the arena down below.


"They are Veela, Harry. Be careful, they can melt your brain with their beauty." Sirius teased, but there was a hint of warning, too. Harry could see all the girls down there were beautiful, but he thought his Godfather was exaggerating a little until he caught sight of Ron, Fred, and George; they all looked dazed by the Veela's presence.

"Oh!" Harry thought, now understanding what his Godfather meant, but he was a little confused. While he felt something, it wasn't anything like how Ron was acting. Harry thought they were beautiful but wasn't trying to jump down to the arena.

"I don't think Lavender will be happy to see you like that," Harry teased. Ron quickly regained his composure and suddenly looked somewhat normal again, with Arthur laughing.

"Can't blame, Ron, just look at their behinds!" Ginny whispered with a wicked smile before letting out a whistle; her father started coughing, while Hermione looked embarrassed by what she just heard from her friend.


"George! Wake up! It's urgent,"

Groggily, George blinked his eyes open. It took him a couple of seconds to remember that the struts he could see above were the top bunk of the bed he was sleeping in because they were camping at the Quidditch World Cup.

"Quickly," the voice- it was Dad- continued, and a finger started prodding George in the ribs.

"What?" he answered groggily.

"You need to go outside. Get up and go outside," babbled Dad, "Run!"

"Have we got an invite to the after-party?" George heard Fred mumble from the bunk above.

"This is serious!" Dad snapped, "Fred, come down now,"

George was shocked; Dad had hardly ever bossed them about it like this.

"Keep you hair on," grumbled Fred, jumping down from his bunk and landing with a thud beside Dad.

"Shoes on, bring a jumper. Move!" Dad bellowed.

George crawled out of bed and scrabbled on the floor for his shoes and the hoody he'd been wearing during the day. Dad grabbed Fred's jumper from the chair and threw it at him.

"I'll be outside in a minute," Dad hissed, prodding them towards the tent door before speeding off towards Harry and Ron's bunk.

George chucked Fred's shoes at him, and they both jammed their feet into their trainers while Dad yelled at Ron to wake up.

"Let's go," murmured Fred, and George followed him through the tent door. Outside, the first thing George noticed was that it was much colder than he anticipated. The second thing he noticed was the noise. There weren't only soft night-time sounds but bangs from wands and fast footsteps as if people were running. There were yelps, too, although George couldn't tell if they were of fear, pain, or mirth. A man tore past them towards the woods, dragging a young boy with him, and then another family crashed through the row of tents, almost knocking Fred over.

"Watch it," Fred muttered.

"Looks like everyone's invited to the party," noted George, with a joviality he wasn't feeling.

"Bet they're racing for the free booze," agreed Fred in the same nervous voice.

Ron and Harry spilled out of the tent, looking as perplexed as the twins felt. Ron was hopping on one foot while he tugged his shoe on, while Harry was wriggling into his jacket. Dad charged out and over to Hermione and Ginny's tent. George was about to call to Harry and Ron when a jet of green sprung from the ground, blasting color into the sky. The place where the footsteps and yelps were coming from was now illuminated, and George could make out a pack of people with hoods over their faces stampeding over the camping field. George saw another spell jet out from the group, hitting a tent and spinning it into the next field. Some of the screechings, George realized, were from the bunch of marching wizards as they laughed and cackled, although most screams were from the agitated crowd rushing to get out of the way.

"Look," hissed Fred, tugging George's sleeve, "What's that above them?"

In the sky, over the marching crowd were four figures: a man, a woman, a girl, and a boy. Fred realized that they were being levitated there by the masked marchers.

"The campsite family," George answered.

"Oh God," winced Fred. He shuffled closer to his twin. Whatever was happening was freaky and unsettling. It's not the kind of thing anyone wanted or expected the night of the World Cup Final. More disconcerting was the fact that he was drawing blanks on any jokes to make. Fred hoped that George would make one for him, but George didn't say anything either. The levitated family suddenly started moving. One of the masked mobs must have shot a spell because the Muggle mother started spinning upside-down. The father's limbs began to flail madly. The little boy was spun round and round and round, and the toddler girl started whacking herself in the face with her arms.

Fred heard George swear under his breath.

"Who's doing this?" Fred asked as the mob crowed merrily.

"Bastards," answered George, "That girl's younger than Ginny,"

Ginny herself appeared then, stumbling out of her tent with Hermione, whose hair was puffed up by sleep. Dad hurried out with them, and they all dashed over to the twins as Percy, Bill, and Charlie legged it out of the boys' tent. They were dressed, although Charlie had his jumper on backward. The three of them started to sprint towards the crowd. Percy, Fred thought for perhaps the first time in his life, was actually pretty brave. Of course, Bill and Charlie would leap into action, but for Percy to join them was unexpected. He'd only turned eighteen three days ago. Still, Fred reckoned it best not to give Bighead Boy too much credit. He'd probably try to give whoever was underneath the masks a detention.

"We're going to help the Ministry. You lot, get into the woods and stick together," commanded Dad, "I'll come and fetch you when we've sorted this out,"


People were screaming all around them while running with his friends to safety. Someone had slammed against him, and by the time he stood on his feet, Hermione and Ron were gone; he didn't know where they went, but he needed to do something else right now.

His green eyes turned golden-red as he unsheathed his wand. Near him were seven bastards playing with four people, throwing them around the ground, playing with their bodies like they were toys.

"Flóga Aímatos!" Harry's voice reverberated as he released a resounding shout that echoed through the air. A torrent of crimson flames, akin to molten lava, surged forward, finding its mark on one of the Death Eaters. The man's anguished cry pierced the air as the scorching heat consumed him, stripping away his skin with terrifying ease, leaving only bare bones exposed. As the flames dissipated, wisps of smoke gracefully rose from the lifeless corpse. Unfazed by the grisly aftermath, Harry boldly advanced towards the remaining six Death Eaters.

"Avada Kedavra!" One shouted right away, pointing their wand towards Harry. A burst of green magic rushed towards him, but he quickly used it.

"Humano Accio!" One of the alive Death Eaters suddenly was in front of Harry like a shield, taking the killing curse instead. Reacting swiftly, propelling the motionless body forward with a powerful force akin to a projectile. With a resounding impact, the lifeless form collided violently against one of the remaining Death Eaters, causing him to emit a piercing cry of agony.

"Maxima Κenodiastma." Upon saying that spell, a wave of ethereal energy materialized into a semi-invisible sphere of air enveloping the remaining five death eaters. Helpless, they dropped to their knees, mouths agape, yet eerie silence reigned as no screams escaped their rigid vocal cords. Their eyes mirrored sheer terror, wild and untamed, as the invisible vortex mercilessly expelled the very air from their lungs. The unmistakable signs of agony etched across their features were intensified by the sudden disappearance of their corpulent forms as if someone had instantaneously drained their bodies of almost all their excess fat. Inevitably, their lifeless bodies crumpled to the ground.

Harry found himself smiling at the sight; that's what they all deserved. People like them had killed his parents; people like them tortured people and didn't care. Well, he would make them feel what these poor people had felt. The power he felt whenever he used Holy Magic, when his eyes were gold, and the power rushed through his veins. Sometimes, Harry didn't want to leave. Why should I? Harry asked himself. The power, having so many things under his control. It felt Right. It felt Good.

Suddenly, he heard someone shouting in French near him.

"Ne fais pas de mal à ma sœur."

Harry rushed without thought, and he saw a Deatheater bursting in flames, his screams being drowned by the many other screams around them; he collapsed on the ground, his corpse still burning; upon getting closer, he saw one of the Veela he had seen before, behind her was a little girl.

"Où est maman?"

"I will tear your heart out!" One shouted, pointing his wand at the Veela, but before Harry could use his magic to kill him, the Veela let out a burst of golden flames that engulfed the man, who started screaming in pain.

"Qui es-tu?" Harry didn't know what she was saying as she turned to face him, but he quickly raised his hands as she pointed her wand at him to show he was friendly.

"I'm not an enemy." Harry shouted but quickly saw three more Death Eaters pointing their wands at them.

"Yggdrasil: Light!" Harry shouted as hundreds of tiny golden lights formed in front of Harry and the two girls, forming a giant shield, while the others rained down on the Death Eaters, whose eyes burned yellow with madness. They all held their heads as they screamed until they all collapsed on the ground. Their eyes had turned entirely yellow like gold, but they were all dead.

"Quel était ce sort?" The Veela asked warily, still keeping the little girl behind her. Harry knew she was still a little wary of him, but he could tell she seemed less tense.

"I don't know what you are saying, but my name is Harry Potter. We need to leave." Harry said, almost in a commanding way; upon hearing his name, the two Veelas looked shocked, but the one who seemed older than him seemed to regain her composure faster.

"My name iz Fleur Delacour, and Zis is my sister, Gabrielle. Follow uz."

Every Like and Review is appreciated. I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter.



Always a delight to see Fleur make an appearance! Great chapter, good to see Harry putting all that training to good use.


I’m glad you liked. I like Fleur stories, and there will definitely be more of Harry and Fleur.


I love the teasing between Harry and Tonks , so the goblet of fire has officially begun can't wait for what next. Nice to see Fleur so early it would be a nice surprise when they will see each other at Hogwarts , holy shit Harry doesn't fuck around against the death eater but it is much better than be just getting knocked up like in the movie. Thank you take care.


Yeah, Harry goes for the kill, and for him, those Death Eaters are a perfect opportunity to test his spells. Harry and Fleur will have a lot of scenes together. I’m glad you liked it.