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"Korra, are you out of your mind?!" Aang shouted in her head for the tenth time now, and Korra was really starting to get annoyed by him, and it wasn't just him talking nonstop in her mind. It was the whole small gang of Avatars. At first, Korra was really happy to communicate with her past lives; the support they gave her was welcomed, but now, she wasn't so sure anymore. She wondered if there was any way for her to stop them talking.

Upon hearing that she wanted to learn Bloodbending, Aang was the first to quickly point out that it was against the law to learn it, and it would be terrible for her reputation if the Avatar learned Bloodbending; it would drag her reputation through the mud. Roku had agreed with Aang, but the same didn't go for Kuruk, Kyoshi, and Yangchen, who supported her.

"Aang, the girl needs every ability possible, if she truly wants to protect her boyfriend then she needs to get stronger, she still can't even use the Avatar State properly." Kyoshi reasoned right away.

Korra groaned. It was hard to focus on what was happening around her in real life and on what the past Avatars were telling her. Korra knew she was in the common room, and Katara was busy discussing something with Tenzin while Kya was talking with Asami, but she found it very difficult to focus on both the Avatars and what was happening in front of her.

"Korra doesn't need Bloodbending, there's a reason why learning and practicing it is considered illegal. I myself voted to make it illegal. How do you think the world will feel when they find out that Korra, the Avatar, was taught and is using Bloodbending."

"Aang, back in my day, I didn't give two fucks what the others thought of me. I threatened world leaders, and they should know better than to be against the Avatar. The Avatar is the guardian of this world for a reason and has been for thousands of years, and if Korra needs to learn Bloodbending to keep doing that, then she will learn it." Kyoshi said, almost shouting by the end.

"What even is the point? Korra isn't like Amon and Tarrlok; she can't use Bloodbending unless it is a full moon." Aang reminded them, and it seemed his words got his point across.

"Aang, you do realise that the Avatar State might help me to completely bypass that rule." Korra spoke to Aang, who let out a sigh.

"Korra. I still think you shouldn't learn it. Bloodbending is horrible, you are taking over someone's body and using them like a puppet. Why do you want it so bad? The Avatar State is enough." Aang reasoned, but Korra wasn't in the mood to argue. She was slowly getting irritated, but somehow, she could handle herself.

After Naruto and what had happened the past nine months had taught her to keep herself at bay and not lose control.

"Aang. We both know the Avatar State isn't enough, but Bloodbending boosted up by the Avatar State might be enough to keep Naruto at bay." Korra said, reminding Aang that the Avatar State wasn't really enough against Naruto when he was in his rage.

"Korra— I still disagree with you, but this is your life, not mine." Aang said, and his voice slowly faded away.

Korra sighed, she didn't pay much attention to everything after her discussion, but she noticed that Kya and Asami seemed to be still talking with one another. Korra could see in Kya's eyes that she liked Asami and probably thought Naruto did a good job choosing her.

The rest of the dinner felt like a fever dream until Korra requested that Katara talk with her outside. Her old Master agreed right away, and they both walked outside; the stars were swimming through the sky, she could feel the gentle wind on her cheeks, and the sound of a frog jumping in the water was heard.

"What is that you wanted to talk about, Korra?" Katara eventually asked; as they stopped walking near the shore of the sea, the lights of the Republic City illuminated the surface, dancing in the waves like stars in the sky.

Korra could feel her heart beating faster, but she wasn't one to cover in fear, so she decided to be as blunt as possible in this situation. "Master Katar. I need you to teach me Bloodbending."

Silence. That's all that could be heard; Korra expected her old Master to get angry with her, maybe even shout, but instead, Katara looked at her dead in the eye for the longest time.

"Why?" The question finally came out, and Korra couldn't help but feel a shudder. Despite being the Avatar, Korra felt like Katara was somehow stronger than her.

"For Naruto. I believe I can help him to keep his spirit at bay. To make sure that if he loses control again, I can handle him." Korra reasoned, looking straight at her. Katara looked at her closely; her blue eyes suddenly looked colder.


"Obviously, trying to control his body won't work, but I will try to make him fall unconscious; I can try to slow down his heart to the point that he falls unconscious, or I can try to make his blood colder. Anything just so we can prevent him from losing it again." Korra reasoned, trying to sound as convincing as possible. Korra didn't want something like that to be repeated ever again.

Katara looked at her in silence. Korra wasn't sure what her Master was thinking; maybe she was disappointed. Korra didn't know, but a part of her didn't care much; she would do everything to protect Naruto; she would learn Bloodbending, one way or the other; if she refused, then Korra would learn it by herself.

"Korra, you do realize what this ability means; there's a reason why it is considered illegal. The act of controlling someone's body is cruel and sinful. I would have refused you, but I can see it in your eyes that you would have tried to learn it by yourself if necessary."

Am I that easy to read? Korra wondered while scratching the top of her head. A part of her wondered if she could somehow fix that, too, but for now, she needed to start learning Bloodbending.

"I would have, will you teach me?" Korra asked hopefully, her blue eyes almost glittering with hope. Katara remained silent; her eyes turned to look at the sea that surrounded the Air Temple Island.

Aang, forgive me. She needs protection that no one will be able to offer her. Spirits please let me be making the right decision. Katara thought to herself.

"I have decided what needs to be done," her eyes shone with her aged knowledge. "Korra, I need you to understand something."

"Anything, Master Katara," the young woman said right away.

"I thought I told you the need to call me master had ended," she reprimanded with a teasing lift of her lips, earning a stiff nod from Korra. She took her hands in her own, noticing how they were slightly warmer. She thought it must be the Firebender in her, and she brought the clasped pairs close to her heart. "Understand that the things we do, the things I do, are done for your safety." Another nod. "Korra, I'm lifting my ban. Starting next full moon, I will begin teaching you the ways of Bloodbending."

"Master Katara, thank you very much," Korra said with a brighter smile; her old Master didn't look happy with herself, but she nodded her head nonetheless.

"You are allowed to use it only when is absolutely necessary. I don't want to hear you using it every time you can." Katara spoke strictly.

"I promise."

Days Later

A full moon hung in the bitter winter sky, going all but unnoticed by all of the inhabitants in the Ait Temple. All but One.

"Mother, what are you still doing up?"

The elderly woman turned her head to the side, catching only a glimpse of her son, and smiled her usual warm smile.

"It's a full moon, dear," she laughed quietly when she saw him tense. "But I'm only thinking, Tenzin. A lot has happened in these past few months."

Tenzin stroked a hand down his beard thoughtfully while watching her eye the window carefully, almost as though she were judging something rather than thinking.

"That is certainly true. I can honestly say, though, I am quite surprised another certain Waterbender is not awake as well."

Katara sighed, her shoulder dropping the tiniest fraction, but kept her eyes on the window.

"Korra is strong," she spoke, knowing it was a matter of fact. "However, it is good she is finally resting. She has been through a lot. She has met many new people who have proven themselves capable of standing by the Avatar, but she also met many troubles along the way. One being her Airbending," she chuckled, and Tenzin could not fight the upward twitch of his lips. "Your father would be proud of the way you taught her."

"I hope so, Mother. I hope so."

"Well," Katara stood while rubbing the heels of her hands against her legs. "Why are we just standing around here like two stone pillars? Shouldn't my little Airbender be in bed at this time?" Amusement colored her bright blue eyes, and Tenzin shook his head.

"I don't believe I fit the 'little Airbender' position any longer. It seems as though Meelo is determined to become the next Master." Thoughts of the hyperactive boy and his infamous "fart-bending" made him shudder.

"I wouldn't fill that position so fast, Tenzin. There is still Rohan."

"For Pema's sanity, Rohan will grow to be a non-bender. Spirits know we have our hands full with three-,"

"But, think of it like this," Katara said as she stood before her son and placed a firm hand on his shoulder. "Your family is the last Airbender's in the world, and while Korra can Airbend now, she won't be around forever. And we aren't sure what elements the next Avatar will master easily other than Earthbending. So to have more children who are Airbenders that will, in time, slowly repopulate the Air Nomads is a good thing." She stepped aside and began heading in the direction of her bedroom, but not before a somber-minded comment reached her.

"I'd rather not think of the next Avatar just yet."

"I know, dear. I do not wish to think of that yet, either."


The darkness of the room was meant to be comforting. After all the assault she had taken in the past day, everyone saw it fit that she rest, but the intended comfort felt stifling to her. Every part of her was itching to be up, move, and bend.

Like normal, Naga had fallen asleep hours ago at the foot of her bed, her snores reverberating around the small room.

Sighing quietly in relief, she tiptoed the rest of the way to the door, gaze flickering to the slumbering polar bear dog every so often, but she didn't even stir once. With one hand on the handle, she pushed herself against the door to muffle the sound of it sliding open, but it really did not affect it. Naga still slept on, though, and Korra smiled lovingly at her pet turned best friend before swiftly vanishing through the door, leaving it open only a little so no one would get too suspicious if they came by.

Now came the tricky part. She still had the main room to cross through, and she could clearly see the lights on from where she stood. If someone was still awake, they'd more than likely question her to death about why she was awake, all while guiding her annoyingly back to her room, insisting she get some sleep. If it was one of the Airbending kids, she could handle them easily; Jinora never questioned her that much, and Ikki would eventually stop talking. Even Meelo was no match for her speed despite being a talented Air Scooter rider. But if it was someone else, that probably wouldn't end in her favor. Tenzin or Pema would, of course, only have her best interest at heart since they had become like a second set of parents to her, and even Chief Beifong had grown some form of attachment to her, much to Korra's surprise. Any of the three would send her back to bed as well.

The door was open, providing Korra with an advantage. She could see parts of the room before getting too near; from what she could tell, it was empty. But she refused to let her guard down just yet; she hadn't been so careful in moving about for nothing. As she cautiously neared her destination, her thoughts wandered back to Air Temple Island during the Equalist ambush.

What you're saying is that we need to be patient.

You're learning well.

Huh, she almost laughed. It seemed as though Tenzin's crackdown about patience was finally paying off. The Korra before her trip would have rushed in there head first, not caring who she ran into or what they would have to say. The Korra, however, had now become a person she was proud to identify as Avatar.

The soft light of the, thankfully, empty room was a welcome energy change to the bustling Avatar, and she stretched her arms above her head in an exaggerated manner. The morning-is-evil Korra must have vanished somewhere with her lack of patience because she was almost certain it had to be the earliest hours of the morning. Her eyes flickered towards the same window Katara had stared through just moments before, a smile spreading over her worn-down face.

"Good morning, Yue. You look especially beautiful today." The bright white orb glistened against the velvet backdrop, beckoning the Waterbender within to bend.

Us Waterbenders are at our highest power during the full moon; Katara had once told her during one of her extensive night training sessions. That had been the night she learned the water whip, almost tackling the Waterbending Master to the ground out of excitement.

Korra could feel the energy of the full moon rushing through her, like some unseen force drawing her very spirit to the water. It wasn't an unknown feeling, but it still startled her how powerful it was every time. She flicked her wrist, drawing the water from a glass left on the table by someone out, letting it ripple lazily around the rim before pulling it into her hands, caressing it into shapes constructed of soft edges and pure grace.

"That is possibly the most graceful thing I've seen you do."

The voice snapped Korra out of her reverie, and she lost her hold on the water, splashing down over the floor and her boots and staining them darkly. Her head whipped around at breakneck speed, only to be met with the blue eyes of her Master.

"I see you are awake."

"Yes, master Katara." Korra said right away, bowing her head respectfully. Katara eyed her like a hawk; Korra had to admit that she felt a little uncomfortable under her eyes.

"Come with me then."




The two sat close together at a small table in Korra's room, hunched over sheets of anatomical drawings that Katara had sketched. The kerosene lamp above them cast a sullen orange glow over the room. Korra stared at the worksheets in dismay. She hated studying from books and papers.

"How are you going to learn in a few days what takes weeks, months, maybe even years?" She sighed.

"Err...Avatar Powers?" she shrugged. Katara frowned. "Aaaaand a great teacher,"

"The most crucial element of bloodbending is a solid grasp of human anatomy. Before we even get to the meridians, you need to understand the musculoskeletal system. Have you memorized these charts?"

Korra groaned and flopped forehead-first onto the table, scattering the worksheets everywhere. "Yes, Katara, I know them. I learned most of this, okay? Can I get some real practice now?"

"Listen, Korra. If you mess up, you could kill somebody," she said. "Squeeze my heart just a little too long and I'm dead. You're not skilled enough to resuscitate me with bloodbending."

"Okay, geez."

"You have no idea how lethal bloodbending can be."

Korra grew nervous. For the first time, she understood the power that Katara wielded.

Katara saw her pained expression and softened. "Let's try something different. Put your hands here and try to move me, one muscle at a time. Okay? When you're better you can try it from a distance. Start with my arm."

Katara pulled back her sleeve and placed her forearm palm down in front of her. Korra gulped and put both her hands on her. Her heart pounded.

"Alright," she said gently. "Don't do anything yet. Just concentrate and feel the water in my flesh."

Korra slowly ran her fingers up and down the length of her forearm. She turned her hand over so that her palm was facing upwards. With trembling fingers, she traced a path from her wrist to the crook of her elbow.

"Got it?" she asked softly.

Korra nodded excitedly. She felt the water inside her, the molecules coursing and vibrating along the contours of her muscle fibers. Why hadn't she tried this on her own before?

"Okay. What are you feeling?"

"Your flexor muscles. Each of them," she replied, trailing her finger from the thin skin on the inside of her elbow back to her wrist.

Katara was impressed. "You can feel the boundaries of each muscle? Not bad for a beginner."

Katara paused for a moment. "Alright, Korra. Gently—and I cannot emphasize this enough—gently bend the water in my muscles."

Korra steadied herself with a deep breath. Keeping both her palms on her forearm, she counted out loud to three and pushed the water in her muscles. Her arm instantly jerked inwards and up to her shoulder as her wrist curled inwards to form a claw. Katara winced.

But Korra gasped and toppled backward in amazement. She did it. She had bloodbended Katara. Her eyes shone in wonder as she gazed ecstatically at her.

"Well done. You didn't kill me," she patted her on the back. "This is a good start. We need to get you acquainted with the rest of my—the human musculoskeletal system."

"Don't worry," she said breathlessly. "I'll be careful. I will keep this chart next to me the whole time, so I know what I'm doing. And eventually..." she hesitated, "...eventually, I'll need to get a feel for your heart and lungs so I know not to touch them."

"Fair enough," she warily agreed.

"Okay, I'm gonna put more space around you. Don't move!" Without waiting for her reply, Korra grabbed her chair and pulled her towards the empty space near the bed. She sat down at the edge of the bed, facing her.

"Here goes."

Neither spoke a word as Korra focused intently on Katara's body, running her hands over her from part to part like a doctor inspecting a patient. For the next hour or so, Korra checked each different muscle and what movements it was responsible for. The silence between them was punctuated only by the sound of their breathing and the occasional groan if Korra contracted a muscle too hard.

Eventually, Korra finished acquainting herself with every muscle in Katara's body and had even managed to gingerly take hold of her heart and make it skip a beat. That was the last stop she made, and Katara called it a day. The two stood up to stretch.

"Alright," Katara announced, "I've had enough of playing specimen for the day. It's time to rest."

She was less than a foot away; Korra reached her hands in front of her, felt through the air for every single muscle in her body, and yanked her to the ground.

"Ack!" a yelp was cut off in her throat as her windpipe seized up. Her muscles contracted in every direction, and she convulsed to the floor. Korra squealed in delight and clapped her hands with glee.

Katara rolled onto her back and caught her breath. She smiled up at her, strangely proud of her student. "What was that?"

"My first bloodbending fight move!" she punched the air excitedly.

She got up and brushed herself. "You bloodbend like a brute."

"It's my first time," she said defensively. "And bloodbending is for brutes."

"You're wrong. Bloodbending is an extremely subtle art. Do you know what it takes to be a master bloodbender?" She tilted her head and smiled mysteriously.

"Uh...cruelty? Meanness? No offense." She was still flushed and elated from her little success.

"No," she said quietly. "It's sensitivity, and empathy. The ability to enter another person's body and feel what they're feeling."

"Well, that's kind of creepy."


She stood tall with her hands behind her back and trained a cool gaze on her. A few seconds passed. Nothing. Then, slowly but surely, Korra bent her knees and began to lower herself to the floor. She gasped. She wasn't doing this. She twitched and struggled but was locked in a relentless embrace. Lower, she went till both her knees gently touched the ground. Her descent felt so natural that she couldn't tell if she was in control or not. It was like sleepwalking. Looking down, she found, to her horror, that her hands were folded neatly across her lap. She didn't remember moving them there. She stared up at Katara, mouth agape. Her hands had only moved just enough.

"Still think this is for brutes?"

Korra was dumbfounded, still in the same position she had placed her in.

"I'm not bending you anymore," she said as she strode towards her, took both her hands, and helped her to her feet. She couldn't tell when it had stopped.

Korra shook herself like a wet dog. "UGH!" she punched her in the arm. "That was creepy!"

"You wanted to learn bloodbending, Korra," she smiled and draped her arm over her shoulder to guide her out the door. "Noodles?"


One month later

Korra wasn't sure what to expect, but she felt her heart almost bursting from her chest. The day had finally come. The trial would start today, Naruto would be judged, and his fate would be decided.

Korra has been training with Katara for the last month to learn bloodbending. Her Master told her she still had a long way to go but was proud of her.

Her past lives hadn't really talked with her much since the day she started learning how to Bloodbend. Kyoshi had made a few comments about how she wished she had thought of bloodbending when she was alive, saying she would be unstoppable in her Avatar State.

Korra agreed with her; while she didn't know how to use the Avatar State yet, she was certain she would eventually get the hang of it. Aang had been quiet the last month. Korra knew her decision didn't sit well with the Airbender Avatar, but Korra had made her decisions and wouldn't back down from them.

'You are Korra, you are The Avatar.' Kuruk's words repeated in her head every time she needed further encouragement.

Now, they were going to Naruto's cell in the Iron Prison. Korra couldn't help but feel anxious. He had been here for a while, in the deepest cell in the prison, and he wasn't allowed to leave, and the entire cell was always engulfed in darkness.

Korra hoped that Naruto was still the same that she remembered. Eventually, Lin led them to an elevator that would take them underground. Korra expected one minute at best, but it took ten minutes for the elevator to finally reach the floor where his cell was located.

"Why so deep underground? He's just a boy." Korra heard Kya murmur under her breath; she looked on the verge of tears. Korra couldn't help but agree as the elevator door glided open smoothly, revealing a spacious square room entirely constructed from robust iron. Twenty-five skilled metal benders stood on each side of the room with focused gazes.

At the end of this massive square chamber, her eyes were drawn to an object that stood out amongst the industrial decor: an imposing giant square safe. It seemed to possess an impregnable quality, resembling a fortress-like structure with its sturdy construction. However, perplexingly, there was no discernible handle or mechanism apparent to unlock it.

"Family Meeting," Lin informed the soldiers, and they said nothing as they walked towards the safe; they all put their hands on the giant metal door. Korra watched as the middle started opening, the two sides of the door sliding away from one another, revealing another door behind it.

"The metal used here is difficult to bend; that's why it takes at least fifty metal benders to open the gate of his cell," Lin explained as the giant metal gate opened fully. The gates were five meters thick and made entirely of pure metal.

"Follow me," Lin instructed as they walked across the square room; there was a five-meter space between the first and second doors. Lin placed her hand on the metal; it cracked open, and the gate opened. Korra's heart almost burst from her chest as she gulped; she almost wanted to run inside.

The light illuminated the room's darkness inside, and blue exhausted eyes revealed before them.

"N-Naruto!" Kya choked out, her voice filled with shock and concern, as she caught sight of her beloved boy lying motionless on the ground. The sight immediately grabbed Korra's attention, causing her breath to catch in her throat. Naruto looked noticeably thinner than the last time she had seen him. His once vibrant and energetic presence seemed hollowed out. Dark bags under his eyes. Even his bright blue eyes now mirrored weariness and exhaustion.

"M-Mom!" Korra heard Naruto's trembling voice utter almost in a whisper. Gradually, with immense effort, the blond started to rise to his feet. Tremors coursing through his trembling legs, he displayed a fierce determination to regain his strength despite the immense physical and emotional toll he had endured. Korra's legs instinctively moved towards him, her own emotions overflowing. Silent tears streamed down her face. Kya, Asami, and even Tenzin, as they came together in a united embrace, enveloping Naruto in a heartfelt and encompassing hug.

"I missed you, my son." Kya sobbed as she kissed his cheeks several times while holding him close, almost afraid that he would disappear from her sight.

Naruto breathed heavily; despite the exhaustion, he looked at each one with hope and desperation. "P-please tell me this is not a Dream." Naruto rasped; Kya sobbed as she engulfed him in another hug.

"No, my baby boy. You will be Home soon." Upon hearing her words, Naruto managed a small smile.

"I-I missed you all."


William Kwok

Huh interesting idea to use Blood bringing to subdue naruto if he goes version 1 or version 2 (albeit they don’t know that the name of the states just that naruto “spirit” is making him go insane). As shown many times in canon (specifically by the Akatsuaki) that jinchuuiki are not even invincible and can be knocked even in tailed beast states.


Korra in the Avatar State using Bloodbending might be able to stand a chance against Three Tails, but four tails is where everything goes to shit.


Another great chapter! I keep forgetting to comment I’m such a bad reviewer 😭. You actually made me rewatch show and damn lin had it rough didn’t she. Hate her sister and tenzin pema the smirks about him leaving her omg


Don’t worry. You are a great Reviewer. Lin and her relationship with her sister is a part I like a lot from Book 3 of Legend of Korra. It’s always fun to tease Tenzin.