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"So you want to kill Enel?" Luffy questioned; the man had revealed himself as Wyper before telling them that he was the leader of the Shandai warriors, a group that was against God Enel. While his story sounded interesting and all to Luffy, the Monkey Brothers were the ones who were paying attention the most to the story that Wypel was telling them.

"Wait, can I ask you something?" Cricket asked with a somewhat shaky voice; his monkey brothers looked at him with concern; the Shandai looked at the three of them with clear distrust but nodded nonetheless.

"Yeh, I guess."

"Have you heard of Noland?" upon hearing the name, Wyper's face turned white for a moment; from his face, everyone immediately knew that Wyper was familiar with the name.

"So the people from the blue sea still remember him," Wyper said with a somewhat small smile, but the crew knew his name wasn't really remembered for good; the world thought of him as a liar, as someone who lied even moments before his death.

"The world doesn't remember him for good; everyone spits on his name. Noland is remembered as Noland 'The Liar, '" Cricket explained. Upon hearing that, Wyper's face turned red with anger and rage, his blood boiling in rage after hearing how Cricket insulted Noland.

Wyper's voice rang out, cutting through the air. "What?!! He was no liar." he exclaimed, his words laced with a mixture of astonishment and indignation. This conviction fueled his anger and rage, causing his emotions to surge within him.

Wyper's hands instinctively tightened around the handle of his sturdy spear, his grip growing firm. However, just as he was about to make his move, an unexpected force halted him in his tracks, rendering him motionless.

The force that held him back came from Luffy, who was using Conqueror's Haki. The sheer intensity of this powerful ability washed over Wyper like a wave, enveloping him in its paralyzing grip.

Wyper started sweating heavily; the air itself felt heavy and hard to breathe in, barely keeping his concussion as Luffy gave him a cold glare, but one thing was new about Luffy's Haki.

Robin quickly noticed that this time, the entire blast was concentrated on Wyper instead of being spread around, usually whenever Luffy used his Conqueror's Haki. Even if his target was one single person, those near Luffy would still feel it, but to a much lesser extent. Robin couldn't feel anything this time, letting everyone know that Luffy was better at controlling his Haki now. And Robin could swear she could see a red outline in Luffy's Haki; she was sure it hadn't been there before.

As the wind grew increasingly harsh and faster. In the distance, a solitary tree stood. Suddenly, the relentless wind exerted its power, resulting in the abrupt severing of the tree's trunk at its very core. The crew observed as the tree toppled with a mighty crash, landing on the sand below. Surprisingly, despite its immense size, the wind effortlessly swept the fallen tree away as if it weighed nothing more than a feather.

Time seemed to freeze as Luffy ceased using his Conqueror's Haki. The wind vanished immediately. The tree fell down.

Wyper breathed heavily. His entire face had gone pale. He looked at Luffy, and for the first time, he showed genuine fear; for a moment, he expected Luffy to attack him, but he did none of that.

"We are having a simple discussion; try that again, and you will find yourself on the bottom of the Blue Sea." Luffy's threat made Wyper shudder; he knew the pirate wasn't making an empty threat, so he took a deep breath to calm himself before looking startled at Cricket.

"What do you know of Noland?" Cricket asked excitedly. Wyper remembered the tales he was told when he had been young.

' "Spearfishing? Why not use nets? Or fishing poles? We can show you how."

Kalgara was leading Norland to the water. He didn't turn to answer but lifted his head high and proud. "We've done it this way in Shandia for hundreds of years. It's all we need." Then Kalgara looked over his shoulder and added, "And sometimes science is less fun."

Norland caught the smile and laughed, following Kalgara good-naturedly across the beach until Kalagara selected a likely spot. Norland shed his great coat and shirt and bent to take off his boots and roll up his pants, tucking his sash in so it wouldn't trail in the water. He hefted the spear, looking uncertain. "You're sure about this?" Smiling a little at his own hesitation, not quite laughing.

Kalgara did laugh, dismissing the question with a decisive "Come on!" He splashed into the water and turned to wait, all challenge and laughter and wind-blown mane.

Norland followed, wading in to stand beside the other man, peering into the water made murky by the sand he'd kicked up. He looked expectantly at Kalgara.

"Get ready and stand still."

Obediently, Norland cocked the spear back, settling into a wide stance as Kalgara watched.

"Like this." Said firm and reassuring, and he felt the smile curl against his cheek.

He felt the sand start to settle around his bare feet. He looked around, searching for fish.

"Should I wait and aim lower? The water bends the light, so--"

"Hush and feel the water. You'll know when to strike."

He laughed softly, and Kalgara nudged him to quiet him. "You'll scare the fish,"

The water was clear, sparkling, and bright under the high sun. He could see the fish now, shimmering and shy.

"Don't move," Kalgara whispered unnecessarily.

The water rushed slowly around them. When something moved at the edge of his vision, startling him back into awareness, Norland was surprised to discover that he had cramped from the wait.

A fish had swum close, curious.

He missed, of course.

Kalgara sniggered.

Norland splashed him and turned to go after the spear.

A great sheet of water barreled into his back, and he crashed face-first into the sea. He came up sputtering as Kalgara clutched at his belly, laughing. Norland swept at Kalgara's knees with the spear, and the other man collapsed in a great confusion of hair and splashing water and limbs.

It wasn't long until the beach was raucous with laughter and the splash of water, all the fish long since terrified away. '

Wyper told them of their tales, as much as he remembered from what he had heard when he had been young; once he was done telling them everything, he asked Cricket. "Do you have any kind of connection with Noland?"

"I'm a descendant of him." Upon hearing those words, Wyper gasped in shock; he looked at him from up close; he could see a few similarities between the two; he had seen how Noland had looked like in an old portrait made at the time before he quickly bowed his head in shame, he wanted to slap himself for being such a big fool.

"I'm really sorry for trying to attack you." Wyper felt ashamed of himself for trying to attack a descendant of Nolan, which was a great crime and an insult to the memory of both Noland and Kalgar.

"Hey, no need for that. Just tell me everything you know, and we are square." Cricket said with a cheerful voice and a laugh that made him look very similar to Noland's portrait.

Wyper nodded without a moment of hesitation; he could almost see Noland's ghost standing behind Cricket. Wyper cleared his throat and told them everything he could; upon hearing everything, Cricket went silent, his face as pale as snow. Luffy looked at him in silence; suddenly, Cricket's eyes filled with tears, tears rolled down his cheeks, and his two monkey brothers quickly were beside him.

"I knew it," Cricket murmured under his breath, his voice shaking, before looking up at Luffy. "I want. I need to see that bell with my own eyes."


"I will ring it. I will let everyone know, even in the Blue Sea, that Noland that he was no Liar." Cricket shouted to the skies above. The crew smiled at him while Wyper nodded in agreement; Luffy was the first to stand up, dusting off his clothes.

"Well. We were going to defeat Enel anyway. My crew. We are going to the Upper Yard." Luffy ordered; everyone prepared. They were expecting to get into the ship and sail towards the upper yard, but Luffy wasn't in the mood to waste their time with something like that.

"We are not using Going Merry." Luffy suddenly announced, much to everyone's confusion; even Zoro wondered what Luffy was talking about. If they weren't using the ship, how were they supposed to go there? And they didn't know how to perform Geppo.

"What do you mean? Are we supposed just to fly there?" Usopp questioned in confusion, with a chuckle of amusement, but when Luffy's eyes remained stoic and serious, Usopp's smile vanished.

"Wait, for Real?! How?" Usopp couldn't help but shout loudly. Luffy didn't answer him. Instead, he looked to his right to see Conis approaching them; Luffy noticed the way she kept shaking as she somehow mustered a smile on her face.

"You should all leave before the God judges you if you leave right now. You can perhaps escape his judgment." Conis shouted with what sounded like a desperate voice.

"She's right." Usopp remarks. "Say, is there a way for us to go back safely?" He asks them. "Can we go back to the Blue Sea?"

"There is a way, though; at this point, I can no longer say it's safe..." Conis confesses. "... if you go to Cloud End, the farthest edge of the clouds."

"Cloud End? How do we get there?" He asks her.

"Cloud End is in the Far East. To get there, you must go down to the White Sea first." She explained, but Luffy could tell she was lying through her teeth.

"Good!" The Sniper cheers. "Then we can go back down to our sea from there, right?"

"No!" Luffy declines. "I'm not going back!"

"Hey, do you wanna stay here and get sentenced to death?" Usopp questions him.

"In any case, if we stay here, it'll cause trouble for Conis and her dad." Chopper reminded them, pointing his finger at him.

"Oh, it's no trouble..." Conis assures him. But Luffy was done with the bullshit; as he turned to face his ship, his eyes focused on something underneath the ship.

"You know, next time. You shouldn't shake so much when you are lying." Luffy, his face contorted with an overwhelming surge of anger and fury, uttered the words with such intensity that it sent chills down everyone's spines.

Conis couldn't help but gasp in alarm, her previously calm and composed demeanor shattering like fragile glass. Her widening eyes mirrored the disbelief and fear that gripped her very being while her complexion drained of color, leaving her trembling with trepidation. She instinctively recoiled, taking several hurried steps backward in a desperate attempt to put some distance between herself and Luffy's fury. However, her retreat was cut short as her feet gave way, causing her to stumble and lose balance, eventually succumbing to the sand beneath her.

Luffy slowly raised his left hand, and a minuscule yet ferocious tornado began to form, spinning violently in a hypnotic display of elemental might.

Suddenly, everyone heard a bloodcurdling scream of pain echoing through the air, causing an immediate sense of dread to wash over them. They turned in unison towards the source, their eyes widening in utter disbelief. Emerging from the clouds, a colossal, hulking crab gradually came into view, easily surpassing their beloved ship, at least ten times bigger. Usopp, overcome by sheer terror, involuntarily unleashed a piercing scream.

"What is that?!!" Chopper shouted, completely taken aback by the size of it. As it slowly floated, now standing several meters above them.

"That's the Super-Express Speedy Shrimps. If you had tried to sail with the ship, you would have gone to the Upper Yard to be executed by Enel." Wyper informed all of them before glaring at the girl, who was shaking from fear.

"I knew we couldn't trust your kind. You-" "You will not touch her." Luffy stopped him mid-sentence. This made Wyper gasp as Luffy sent a bolt of colossal lightning that quickly killed the giant crab; the blood showered the sand, turning red. Luffy brought down his left hand, and the crab stopped floating, falling down, her massive body slamming against the beach, the sand blown out, flying everywhere, before falling back down.

"We were the ones that came to her home. And we caused problems. We will deal with this so-called God. Conis and her people are not part of this." Luffy spoke with a commanding voice that made it clear that he wouldn't change his mind, and Wyper better follow his orders.

"I-I'm Sorry." Conis suddenly apologized as tears rolled down her face.

Conis is on the verge of tears and falls to her knees, failing to keep her tears at bay. "I'm sorry!" She cries.

"For what?" Vivi questions gently, almost wanting to run to her.

"I was the one who called the Super-Express Lobster!" Conis reveals, shocking almost everyone. Luffy's appeared blank, but Robin, Nami, and Zoro could tell right away that he was pissed.

"Once we know someone's a criminal, we'll be killed if we don't lead them to the place of judgment!" The blond girl cries out, and Vivi sees the dark clouds appearing above them.

"Are you serious?!" Usopp gasps.

"I'm sorry!" She cried out.

"Don't be stupid!" Vivi argues. "You didn't have any choice, right?!" She looks at her darkly.

"... why are you telling us?!" The Pirates shouted, surprising Conis, who stopped crying, and Vivi rushed to her, kneeling before her.

"Your life is in danger!"

Luffy watched as a bolt of lightning was about to strike both Vivi and Conis. The lightning bolt was enormous, strong enough to wipe out an entire village, but Luffy wasn't afraid as he whispered a name.


The bolt of lightning was stopped abruptly just a meter above Vivi. Both girls gasped when Nami blocked the attack with her Zoan form.

"NAMI-SWANNN!!!" Sanji drooled at the sight of Nami completely handling the bolt of lightning. As the last rays of light vanished, Nami emerged unscathed from the fading glow. With her majestic wings gracefully outstretched, it was a mesmerizing sight. The incandescent purple flames, flickering in a hypnotic rhythm, cloaked her exquisite form, illuminating her every contour and enhancing the enchanting aura that surrounded her, but Luffy quickly noticed something new, something that might make Nami even stronger now.

Usually, whenever she used her form, Nami's eyes turned golden, but now they appeared a dark red, and she had tiny golden scales adorning her smooth cheeks. The rest of her body was embellished with a magnificent suit of body armor crafted meticulously from golden scales, evoking the resemblance of a majestic dragon's skin. Her back displayed an impressive pair of wings coated in the same radiant gold, stretching gracefully and enveloping her figure like a shield. These wings are far grander than Going Merry itself. Her legs resembled those of a mythical Phoenix, sculpted intricately from shimmering gold.

Once Nami gracefully descended onto the warm sandy beach, her Mythical Zoan transformation gradually faded away. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she playfully winked at Luffy, beckoning him closer. Luffy couldn't resist planting a gentle kiss on Nami's lips. As the passionate moment unfolded, Sanji erupted into a fit of fury, pounding the ground beneath him with each forceful stomp.

"You're always so magnificent, Nami," Luffy said with a genuine smile as he cupped her cheek with his left hand, and for the first time since their loss from Akainu, his smile was truly genuine.

Nami's heart swelled in an overwhelming rush of pure, unadulterated joy at the sight before her. She found herself unable to resist the irresistible desire to press her soft, eager lips against his, savoring the taste. As her hands moved with instinctive urgency, she gently guided his hand towards her sumptuous, alluring breasts, knowing all too well the delights he found in exploring their enticing curves.

At that moment, Luffy and Nami shared a passionate kiss. Luffy's touch grew tender as his hand instinctively cupped her voluptuous breast, which spilled over his palm, eliciting an involuntary moan of pleasure from Nami. Pulling back from the kiss, whispering, "I love you." With his arm wrapped securely around her slender waist, he pulled her even closer. While Luffy wouldn't mind spending more time with Nami, he knew they needed to deal with Enel first.

"Everyone gather around me, except you, Conis." The others looked at one another in confusion before approaching Luffy and Nami.

"What are we doing, Captain?" Zoro questioned, but suddenly, they suddenly felt a subtle tremor coursing through the ground beneath their feet, causing a slight shake. To their astonishment, they found themselves effortlessly lifted off the ground, defying gravity's hold. They were floating, each of them suspended in mid-air. Among the group, Usopp's fear manifested itself into a series of frantic movements. With desperation and determination, he instinctively began flailing his arms, mimicking the swimming motions.

"No worries, this is simply easier. We will continue our road like this," Luffy told everyone as they were now floating twenty meters above the ground.

As Robin gazed in awe, she couldn't help but express her astonishment, exclaiming, "Ohh, wow. This is Amazing!" She was drawn to her beloved captain and gently placed her arms around him from behind, ensuring her chest was lightly pressed against his back. The intimate gesture invoked a playful chuckle of amusement from Luffy.

"What about the Ship?" Zoro couldn't help but ask, knowing the ship right now was completely alone with no one there to protect it.

"No worries, I put a trap in our ship. But I highly doubt anyone will try to steal it, especially in Skypiea." Luffy informed them with a smile.

"Where are we going now?" Usopp asked fearfully; by now, he had stopped moving around while Chopper was having the time of his life, enjoying the feeling of flying.

Luffy smirked in excitement as he answered. "Straight to our Dear God, Enel."

Chapter 59 (Straw Hats Vs God), Long Chapter.



Great chapter, Luffy is getting stronger crazily fast.


So Nami is immune to Enel fruit good good she could really help in the fight, now if the next chapter is the fight doest it mean that the will be over soon ? Anyway i can't wait to see a long chapter in this story take care.


This Arc will end soon; Nami is getting stronger and stronger, and she might fight another Yonko one day. Who knows? I’m glad you liked it.