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After her interview in the center of the Republic City, within a day, the entire world learned that Avatar Korra didn't seek the destruction of the Monster of Republic City but instead put all the blame on a spirit that had control over Naruto.

As Korra and everyone in the Air Temple had expected, her words had caused all hell to break loose, everywhere, everyone talked about the upcoming trial. The People split into groups; many cursed the Avatar's name, some saying that Korra was doing all this because of personal feelings towards Naruto.

Even a week after the interview, the situation had not calmed down; if anything, people were getting angrier and angrier with Korra. The newspaper reported Korra's words, but many of the same newspapers also covered the damage that Naruto's blind rage had caused in Republic City.

People in the Republic City wanted someone they could blame, someone they wanted to be punished. Everyone had hoped that Avatar Korra would be the one to bring justice just like how her past lives had done for centuries, but after Korra made it clear that Naruto would no longer be imprisoned the moment the Spirit inside him was dealt with. That's when people get even angrier toward the Avatar.

Many people saw it as Korra spitting on them, not bringing justice to the one that had caused so much destruction; many didn't want to hear that it was the Spirit's Fault; they all wanted to blame Naruto since Spirits were something the majority of the population in the world never dealt with, some people around the world were convinced that the Spirit World didn't even exist to begin with. Many people said that she was 'The Worst Avatar' to have ever lived, some comparing her to Avatar Kuruk, who, in the eyes of many, had done nothing during his lifetime.

According to Tenzin, the reason why many people were angry was because The Spirit World was a hidden place, something someone needed to find on their own, and the number of times Spirits had been genuine threats to the Human world was during Yangchen and Kuruk's Lifetime. Due to Kuruk's slaughter, the Dark Spirits hadn't been being able to reach the same level of strength for a long time. Kuruk had fought their strongest, most powerful Dark Spirit and had somehow come out on top; that alone had caused too much damage to the Dark Spirits.

Due to Kuruk's actions, the Spirits had been a much lesser threat to Humans for over five centuries now since Kyoshi had somehow managed to live for 240 years before dying in her sleep one night. Roku and Aang had done a good enough job during their lifetime.

And since Spirits hadn't been a real threat for a long time, many people around the world never really thought of them as a real threat, some questioning their existence; for this reason, when Korra came out and said that it was a Spirit's fault for what happened to the Republic City. Many people started blaming her, saying she defended Naruto for a different reason.

But just as many people had turned against Korra, many people were on her side, saying she was doing what Avatar Aang would have done, many of them believing that keeping Naruto alive was the better option. Many people reasoned that keeping the Spirit inside Naruto was a better option than killing it and letting it go free.

Korra found herself in her room once again. It had been a week now; usually, at this time of the day, Korra would have wanted to explore the City, but the moment she stepped foot into the City, she would immediately get various looks from everyone, and since her face was plastered all over in the newspapers. The whole world knew what she looked like, but Korra didn't allow herself to feel regret despite their clear displeasure—anything but regret.

Don't forget who you are. You are Avatar Korra.

Kuruk's words repeated in her head every time she felt even the smallest self-doubt; Korra reminded herself of who she was and the most important thing. She wouldn't regret her decisions, and if those were the bad ones to make, then Korra wouldn't live with regrets; all she did was protect someone she loved, which was as simple as that. She knew deep down that even someone like Kyoshi would have tried to protect her loved one; she might act all taught, but if roles were reserved, Korra was certain Kyoshi would have done even more to protect Rangi.

Asami fully supported Korra; she, too, wanted Naruto's freedom. But the same couldn't be said for Mako. He hadn't even tried to hide how much against her he was.

'"Korra. I never saw myself as a man without flaws, but I'm an honest man, at least I try to be. Naruto is dangerous, plain and simple." Mako said, looking straight into Korra's eyes without blinking, making his feelings clear towards Naruto.

Korra clenched her teeth in anger, her hands turning to fists. She looked ready to beat up Mako, but before anything could happen, Bolin got between them, looking at them both nervously. "Enough, you both. Mako, Korra made her decision, and you should accept it." Bolin said, sounding surprisingly serious; for someone who was mostly goofy, it was surprising to hear him talk with that tone. Mako looked at his brother before reluctantly nodding in agreement with him.

"And you, Korra." Bolin started as he turned to face Korra. "Never forget you are the Avatar. You should be an example." '

Korra knew Bolin was right; she wouldn't allow her anger to get the best of her; if Mako wanted to run his mouth, then so be it. Korra would prove to him that Naruto was no Danger. Korra knew it would be difficult, but since the interview, she had spent some time trying to come up with ways to help Naruto control his rage. She was convinced that the way she had come up with would definitely help Naruto; sadly, Korra needed Katara's help for this one, and Korra already knew her old master would be furious with her.

For the last week, Korra had wasted no time; she had trained, trying to get stronger, but she still had to reach perfect control of the Avatar State, and even her Airbending was barely there. She needed to get stronger and prove that if it was needed, she was strong enough to beat Naruto in his rage mode. Korra was certain that Aang would have been able to handle Naruto, so she needed to get as strong as him.

Since that day, Korra meditated, trained, and ran around the island every day until she got exhausted in hopes of getting better; fortunately, she hadn't been alone in her training; Jinora and sometimes Tenzin had been more than happy to help her on her Airbending Training. Even if they didn't train, their company was more than enough. By the end of the day, Korra would drop on her bed almost like a rock and fall asleep within a minute, dreaming of Naruto being free.

During the last week, Korra checked several times if she could still talk about her past lives like she did when she was in the car, hoping that hadn't been a one-time thing. It turned out it hadn't been a one-time thing. She could still clearly talk with them occasionally. From her past lives, Aang was the one who could talk with her the most, and the same was true for Kuruk.

Kyoshi made it more than clear that she disagreed with her decision to protect Naruto.

'Look Korra. We can talk all day about whatever you are doing is right or wrong. I don't agree with you, but I accept your decision. I too made decisions that Kuruk and Yangchen didn't agree with. If you think this is the best decision, then I will still try to help you whenever you need help.'

Korra, feeling exhausted, let out a wearisome sigh, the weight of fatigue evident in her every breath. With her fingertips gently kneading her tender muscles, she could feel the burn spreading throughout her entire body. As beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, the unmistakable odor coated her skin, clinging to her with an unwelcome tenacity as if it had become a part of her.

Recognizing the need to cleanse herself from the accumulated grime, Korra's thoughts turned to the pressing necessity of taking a refreshing shower. After running the whole day and training relentlessly, she knew she needed to rest, but she didn't feel like resting; she could rest after Naruto was free; her hands tickled just at the thought of him, the way he would smile at her, the way he held her, his beautiful blue eyes, Korra wanted to feel all that again and more. Korra stoops up from her body, stretching her body, bending the sweat from her body, before throwing it outside the window. Korra was just about to prepare a hot bath when.

"Korra!" Startled by the sound of her name, she managed to tear herself away from her racing thoughts. The voice belonged to Jinora, who called out from the corridor just outside her room. Not only did she hear Jinora's voice, but also the unmistakable sound of footsteps growing closer. Korra's attention shifted towards the entrance of her room as the door swung open. And there, standing before her with contagious joy radiating from her face, was Jinora, wearing a big, wide smile that instantly brightened up the entire room.

Before Korra could even ask what was wrong, Jinora spoke. "Grandmother is Here, Korra. She, Firelord Zuko, Aunt Kya, and Aunt Toph. They all are coming here!!" Jinora shouted with the biggest smile Korra had ever seen; what she had just heard made Korra recoil a bit until she fully understood what she had just heard from Jinora's mouth.

"Yes. Yes, Yes, Yes." Korra cheered, with Lord Zuko and Toph Benifong backing her, Korra was certain that Naruto would be free soon.

Katara used to tell her that she had actually met Toph before, like two times at least, but Korra couldn't really remember that ever happening before, and the same for Lord Zuko; again, she remembered almost nothing, but she figured that must have happened when she had been way too young to remember anything, after all, she was acknowledged as the Avatar at an extremely young age, much younger than usual.

Korra wasted no time leaving the temple and walking outside; she wasn't surprised to see Tenzin, his family, and the rest of the White Lotus waiting at the docks. Korra couldn't help but groan again; they should have told her in advance that they were arriving, but as she cleared her throat and made her presence known, Tenzin was the first to turn around and look at her.

"Who told you they were coming?"

"We just got a call from Bumi. Apperantly he didn't tell us earlier because he wanted this to be a big 'surprise.'" Tenzin said sounding annoyed while shaking his head. Gradually, as time ticked away, the once distant and indistinct shape morphed into a clear and defined image of a vessel, cutting through the vast expanse of the sea. Its silhouette emerged ever so slowly from the distant edge of the horizon. With the passage of a few more moments, Korra's eyes saw the entirety of the ship. As if a mirage had materialized, Kya stood at the forefront of the ship.

"Kya." Tenzin murmured her name with sadness on his old face.

"Isn't she Naruto's mother?" Asami suddenly spoke beside her, taking Korra by surprise; she hadn't heard her approach, not even a little, but she quickly remembered what Asami just said as she looked back at the approaching ship.

"Yes, she is. You have met her right?" Korra asked, expecting to receive a 'Yes,' but instead, Asami frowned deeply, suddenly looking downwards.

"Naruto wanted us to meet soon. He wanted it to be a special occasion. He told me once the whole Amon thing was over, he would introduce me to his mother. The way he would get excited." Asami's voice cracked, her hand touching the wound on her stomach, it had been almost two weeks, but the wound was still there; it was closed, and Asami could freely walk now; the Waterbending healing had easily fixed almost the entire wound, but the scar would never disappear.

Korra saw her eyes getting foggy. "He wanted to tell her that he wanted to marry me. My parents were going to meet Kya, and me and Naruto would marry soon after that." Tears rolling down her cheeks. "We promised each other that we would be together. And now, I can hardly do anything to help him." Asami's voice cracked even more; Korra quickly pulled her into a hug, and Asami quickly hugged her back, her face resting on the crook of her neck.

"Naruto will return to us. We have to wait a little longer." Korra promised with a genuine voice, looking right at Asami's beautiful green eyes; Asami gave her a tearful smile before nodding in agreement.

Soon, with the pleasant sound of seagulls echoing above them, the ship glided into the harbor. On the deck, a group of sturdy men could be seen meticulously carrying large bags. As the ship maneuvered closer to the bustling docks, a long, gleaming metal bridge was carefully lowered from the main deck, connecting the vessel to the land below.

Korra quickly recognised Katara, and everyone else, including Toph Beifong, the only ones she didn't recognise was a woman around Lin's age, with a girl and a boy by her side.

"Who are they?" Korra asked herself out loud as she stepped forward.

"Mother, it's good to see you again." Tenzin greeted Katara with a smile before sharing a hug; their hug was quickly interrupted by Bumi, who jumped on Tenzin, hugging him with the biggest grin on his face.

"How are you doing, little brother? You haven't changed at all." Bumi shouted with a stupid grin; Tenzin looked at his brother, bored and annoyed, before letting out a weary sigh. Korra chuckled; she found the situation quite funny, especially knowing that Bumi was still the Second Commander.

After greeting her grandchildren, Katara turned to face Korra, who bowed respectfully towards her old Waterbending master.

"It's good to see you, Master Katara."

She's as beautiful as Ever.

"Good to see you too, Korra. I see you have changed a lot." Katara said proudly. Korra wondered what she was talking about; it had been only nine months since she arrived in Republic City, and she didn't feel that different.

"Thank you, Master Katara," Korra said respectfully as Lord Zuko and Toph Beifong approached her. Korra's eyes widened slightly; she couldn't help but feel as if she had known them for much longer than just two simple meetings a long time ago.

Korra, don't let Toph's granny face fool you. She will make you regret being the Avatar.

Korra ignored the voice as she stepped forward; she didn't know what else to say to two people whose fame was as big as hers. "Lord Zuko, Lady Benifong. It's an honor to meet you both." Korra said respectfully, bowing her head.

"The Honour is Mine, Avatar Korra," Zuko said with a slight chuckle before looking at her up close. "You have grown stronger from the last time I saw you," Zuko said with a melancholy smile on his face. Korra knew it must feel weird to talk with the Avatar and not have Aang in front of him.

"Avatar Korra." Toph suddenly shouted, looking straight at Korra. Korra didn't know why, but she quickly straightened herself in front of her as Toph approached her menacingly; Korra expected her to say something when...

Toph delivered a swift and powerful punch to Korra's arm, exerting such force that sent Korra soaring through the air before falling heavily like a sack of potatoes. The impact was accompanied by Toph's uncontrollable fit of maniacal laughter. Meanwhile, Korra, feeling the throbbing pain in her shoulder, instinctively began massaging it while glaring up at Toph, her eyes filled with annoyance.

"Nice to see you, Twinkle Toes," Toph said with a genuine smile on her face. Korra couldn't help but smile in return as she heard Aang laughing in her head before saying something about Toph not changing.

Asami saw Kya approaching her, she quickly walked up to her, bowing her head respectfully before speaking. "Lady Kya, it's good to meet you." Asami said with a sad smile, she had hoped to meet in much better circumstances, but it seemed fate loved their twisted jokes.

Kya's eyes looked back at her, looking at her closely, before a smile formed on her face; Asami quickly noticed the dark bags under Kya's eyes; she looked tired. "You must be Asami. Naruto often talked about you." Kya said with a sad smile before grasping Asami's arm as they turned to walk towards the temple.

"He talked about all of you." Asami said, hoping she could help her in any way.

We can talk over a cup of tea. I would like to know more about the woman who stole my son's heart." Kya requested tearfully; Asami quickly nodded in agreement, hoping it would make her feel better.

Korra was walking along as they all walked inside. Apparently, the unknown woman's name was Suyin. Korra didn't recognize her, but she remembered Naruto mentioning her name a long time ago when Lin had arrested both her and Naruto when she arrived in Republic City. She kept rubbing her sore shoulder, but she couldn't help but look at Katara as they walked towards the temple. Korra hoped Katara would agree; she was the only one who could teach her, after all. Korra knew Katara would probably be against it; hell, anyone would be against it, but she needed to learn it in order to get stronger.

'Korra, what are you thinking about? What do you want Katara to teach you? I thought she has already taught you everything?' Aang's voice rang in her ears. Korra knew that Aang would be against it right away, but she needed to learn it. If she was right, then learning that technique could be the key to helping Naruto control his power in the future.

"Ohh, you were listening on Aang," Korra asked cheekily.

'Korra, I'm always here, now answer the question.' Aang's voice came firm and commanding. Korra was tempted to tell him it was none of his business, but she didn't want to be a jerk towards Aang.

"Yes, Katara taught me everything about Waterbending, but not everything." Korra answered mentally, already knowing what Aang's reaction would be.

'KORRA,' his voice came out firm and a little warning; for the first time, Korra felt nervous hearing Aang's voice.

"Yes, Aang?"

'What ability you want to learn from Katara?' Aang asked, with a voice that made it clear that he didn't want her dodging the question. Again. Korra took a deep breath, preparing herself for his reaction.



Note: Well, Korra wants to learn Bloodbending to help Naruto with his 'Spirit' problem. Who knows how Katara will react? 🤔😀

Every Like and Review is appreciated. I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter and have a Good Day.


Luna Wolf

Looking forward to seeing what happens next as well as looking forward to seeing how the meeting goes when Korra meets Kurama


It won’t be a fun one. Kurama still hates humanity’s guts.