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Despite their arrival in the Sky Island, the crew maintained an unusual silence. Rather than being filled with cheer and excitement, they were gripped by an anxious anticipation, anxiously awaiting Luffy's emergence from the ship. Occasional whispers punctuated their silence as they harbored uncertainty about the extent of their captain's injuries. Amidst this tense atmosphere, the three monkey brothers stood out as the only ones engaged in any activity. Armed with binoculars, they tirelessly scanned the distant horizon, their eyes straining to penetrate the billowing clouds that enveloped them. With each passing moment, it became increasingly apparent that their ship was navigating through clouds.

Lacking any comprehension of the underlying mechanism, each individual among the group shared absolute bewilderment as to how such a peculiar occurrence could ever be possible: the ship found itself gliding effortlessly through the boundless expanse of clouds. Prior to this incredible phenomenon, Usopp had daringly proposed the notion of testing whether one could gallantly stride upon these fluffy masses by plunging into the watery abyss below, causing ripples of both curiosity and hesitation among his comrades.

However, Zoro swiftly urged Usopp to remain steadfastly aboard the vessel; he shouldn't do anything until Luffy returns.

Cricket, filled with curiosity, diligently peered through the binoculars, desperately scouring the vast expanse of the sky in search of something other than the obscuring clouds. However, much to his disappointment, their ship remained enveloped by an endless sea of billowing white. Despite the disappointment that engulfed him, Cricket's infectious grin persisted, unaffected by his inability to spot what he had eagerly anticipated.

"It's here," Cricket suddenly claimed with confidence; despite having no real proof, Cricket was convinced this was where the Golden City was, somewhere around here, and all left would be for him to find it.

"How can you be so sure?" Shoujou questioned, his voice filled with a subtle sense of disbelief, as he leaned forward and cupped his hands above his eyes to shield them from the piercing sunlight. With squinted eyes, he strained to catch even the slightest glimpse of the distant horizon, desperately hoping to find some evidence that backed up his doubts. However, as his gaze extended towards the expansive sky, all that greeted him were billowing clouds, their fluffy forms stretching endlessly in every direction.

"I just know it, the city of gold was never sunk, it was thrown in the air by the Knock Up Stream, and part of the island ended up here. We just need to find it now, I will prove once and for all that Noland was never a liar," Cricket, with an unwavering sense of self-assurance, conveyed his thoughts and aspirations with such conviction that both Masira and Shoujou couldn't help but notice the resolute gleam in his eyes, akin to radiant gems reflecting his inner resolve. Amidst the shimmering determination that emanated from him, they were acutely aware of this grand endeavor's immense significance for their collective aspirations. However, amid the palpable atmosphere of purpose and commitment, there lingered an elusive uncertainty that Masira couldn't fully comprehend, leaving him with a lingering question that remained unanswered.

"Do you think there are people here?" Cricket asked, his voice filled with uncertainty and curiosity.

The question seemed to hang in the air, lingering for a moment before catching the attention of a few crew members. Their puzzled expressions mirrored Cricket's confusion as they turned to face Masira, awaiting his response. "People?" The mere thought of people inhabiting this desolate place hadn't crossed their minds until now, and they were eager to hear Masira's thoughts on the matter.

"Yes, while we just arrived here, we don't know how this place works, but there's a chance there are people that live in this place, that call this place their home," Masira explained with a voice that carried authority and confidence. As his words reverberated through the salty air, they didn't go unnoticed merely by a few but captivated the entire crew who were meticulously stationed on the bustling main deck of the boat, eagerly hanging onto each syllable that escaped Masira's lips.

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Usopp, reflected in the faint beads of perspiration that appeared on his forehead. Being known for his exaggerated reactions, Zoro couldn't help but anticipate Usopp's imminent freak-out, his expression silently preparing for the intense display of panic that he expected to witness. However, in a surprising turn of events, Usopp defied his own nature as he took deep breaths, his chest expanding and contracting rhythmically.

Intriguingly, Usopp seemed to channel an inner calm as he regained control over his nerves. It was as if he had tapped into a newfound reservoir of strength that allowed him to center himself amidst the tumultuous circumstances surrounding them.

"Do you think these people might be hostile towards us?" Usopp questioned with a hint of concern in his voice. His hands subconsciously brushed against one of his trusty revolvers, each small movement primed as if preparing himself for any potential hidden attack. The weight of his revolvers offered a sense of reassurance in this uncertain situation, ready to be swiftly drawn at a moment's notice to protect himself and his companions.

"They might be, after all, if there are people here that call this place their home, then right now we are intruders, people they don't know and don't trust. There might be a chance they might be the type of 'Attack first, and ask questions later,' " Masira explained with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. Standing beside him, Cricket couldn't help but frown, acknowledging the potential accuracy of his friend's observation. However, this realization did not falter his determination in the slightest – he had come so far and would persist in his pursuit without hesitation.

"If these people of the sky try anything," Zoro started, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he spoke with a confident grin, his fingers expertly unsheathing one of his trusty swords. With a swift and fluid motion, he positioned the blade over his shoulder. "They will meet their maker sooner than they thought," he finished, his grin now transforming into a knowing smirk that conveyed the depths of his determination and skill.

"Huh, I wonder if there are any unique animals around here, I wonder what their meat tastes like," Sanji wondered out loud. With a cigarette between his fingers, Sanji took a deep drag, finding solace. The nicotine-laden smoke filled his lungs, providing a momentary escape from the multitude of concerns that typically occupied his mind. As the gray wisps dissipated into the air, Sanji's mind became clearer, allowing him to focus solely on the thrill of uncovering the unique flavors that these mysterious animals might possess.

"Huh, well if there are animals here, I think they might be flat, and not have much weight in them," Robin added in the conversation; this earned a look of intrigue from Sanji, who wondered how the meat would taste like.

"Has anyone noticed that it is kind of hard to breathe in here?" Usopp wondered out loud, his eyebrows furrowing in concern as he meticulously cleaned his revolver with a napkin. The others gathered around him, their faces reflecting the shared realization. Ever since they arrived in the Sky Island, amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of the surroundings, one of the first things that struck them immediately was the undeniable difficulty in drawing breath. It felt as if an invisible force was gripping their lungs, restricting the influx of air, no matter how many times they attempted to inhale deeply. Their chests felt heavy as if burdened by the ethereal atmosphere that surrounded them.

"The higher we are, the more difficult it becomes to breathe, this is why climbers of very high mountains sometimes bring tanks with oxygen before climbing," Robin elaborated, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a sense of wonder. Reflecting upon her self-perception as someone who was usually vigilant and hard to startle, she couldn't help but acknowledge that being on Sky Island was a novel experience for her. Unable to conceal the awe that flooded her features, she momentarily embraced a profound childlike wonder, invoking memories of a long-forgotten day when she last experienced such pure fascination and amazement.

Robin couldn't help but flinch just a little bit as she felt a tingling sensation in her arms. The excruciating pain caused by the burns she had sustained seemed to persist, refusing to subside. Her arms were noticeably scorched, the once smooth and unblemished skin now bearing the evidence of her recent ordeal.

However, amidst the agony, Robin found solace in Chopper's reassurance. The reliable doctor informed her that he had already treated some of her wounds, allowing a small sense of relief to wash over her. Fortunately, her burns weren't as severe as she initially feared. While she would need time to fully heal, the extent of the damage was not as dire as it appeared.

Yet, as Robin examined her arms, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of melancholy. The burn mark was a constant reminder of her harrowing experience.

The pain sensation was relatively bearable as Robin gently ran her finger along the raised, discolored burn mark on her arm. However, deep in her heart, Robin understood that she would be unable to give her all in any physical combat for the next few weeks. The burn mark served as a constant reminder of her vulnerability.

'The captain of the Ship is Sakazuki, ' Robin remembered; the name had been burned on her brain since she heard it, yet, last night, Robin had been frozen by fear; she had hardly fought against him; the man was a Demon after all.

Robin escaped her thoughts when she heard Sanji say, "Where are Vivi and Nojiko?"

Zoro scoffed loudly as soon as he caught wind of the mention of Vivi's name. This reaction did not go unnoticed by Sanji, who immediately grew wary of Zoro's behavior and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Sensing the tension in the air, Sanji couldn't help but confront Zoro, his voice dripping with irritation, "Is there something you'd like to say, you stubborn moss head?" Sanji's glare intensified, his gaze fixated on Zoro's defiant expression. Fueled by frustration, Sanji swiftly snatched the cigarette from between his index and middle fingers, launching it disdainfully into the sky before it plummeted into the abyss below.

"Yes, I understand that Vivi is sad over what happened in Alabasta, but I can see in her eyes that she now regrets joining us, and I find that pathetic. One can't just join the crew and decide that they don't like it within a few weeks of staying. A crew can't be strong if one can just walk in and walk out every time they feel like it." Zoro said bluntly; he wasn't one to keep his thoughts inside. His words were genuine, but Sanji's glare towards Zoro grew.

"She doesn't regret it, Vivi might not like what happened, but remember that she has a strong will, if she didn't, she would have died a long time ago," Sanji reminded Zoro; the latter had a thoughtful look.

"Perhaps, but she should have seen this outcome, pirates are hated by the majority of the world, the world government and the marines. As far as they are concerned, everyone under a pirate flag deserves to have their heads on top of spike for everyone to see. Vivi was a princess of a country that has direct links with the world government, I find it difficult to believe that she thought she could just join a pirate crew and for there to be no reaction from the World Government, she's a princess after all. This is treason to them, and they wouldn't just stand around and do nothing," Zoro, with a mild irritation evident in his voice, took a moment to explain the situation. As his scabbard rhythmically tapped against the ship's wooden floor, Usopp anticipated a fiery response from Sanji. However, much to Usopp's surprise, Sanji's reaction was quite the opposite. Rather than confronting Zoro or engaging in an argument, Sanji simply averted his gaze, appearing disinterested, and silently made his way into the kitchen, leaving Usopp and Zoro in a perplexed silence.


"Vivi, you can't stay here forever," Nojiko gently and compassionately reminded Vivi, her voice filled with concern. She sat beside her on the bed, the room enveloped in an eerie darkness despite it being the middle of the day. The heavy curtains, tightly drawn over the small windows, acted as an impenetrable barrier against any light shimmer, casting a gloom over the space. The room seemed to hold its breath, its silence suffocating, broken only by the heart-wrenching sound of Vivi's inconsolable sobs, echoing like a mournful melody in the stillness.

Vivi didn't say anything. Instead, she kept sobbing, her arms covering her face. She tried to stop, but all she could think of was Alabasta. She had no doubts that her father was forced into marrying again; Vivi knew how much his father still loved her mother; it would crush him, the thought of marrying another woman and having children again.

My country will be torn apart, Vivi thought, knowing that her country would be split apart; all of them would want to know why the Princess wasn't in Alabasta anymore, and when they were told the truth, Vivi had no doubts, many of them will curse her, the people will be split into two groups, after all they just had a rebellion, the city was still in shambles, and Vivi, the Princess had left her home to go out in the seas.

Vivi knew that her decision to join the Straw Hats and leave Alabasta right after a massive Rebellion was perhaps selfish, but Vivi had never predicted it would come to this. She had thought that perhaps her father would rule until her journey in the seas ended, but it seemed the World Government had somehow learned the truth about her becoming a Pirate.

Vivi wasn't sure what to think anymore; being in the seas was the most fun she had ever had; she felt alive, she felt like she belonged in the seas with her friends, yet, now that she knew how the situation in Alabasta, Vivi could perhaps lie to others but not herself, she wasn't sure anymore what she wanted.

My father is alone, and instead of being with him...Vivi's thoughts trailed off; she forced herself not to think like that. She had made the decision herself; no one had forced her, yet here she was, regretting her decision, wishing to be back with her father.

No, Vivi thought, almost shouting the word, not sure herself how to feel; a part of her wanted to return back to her father and be there for him, yet another part wanted to sail all the seas and do what she truly wanted, to explore the whole world, to feel alive.

"Vivi, what do you want?" Nojiko questioned softly, her voice laced with genuine concern as she leaned closer to Vivi, their faces almost touching. Her gentle touch met Vivi's forehead, leaving behind a lingering warmth as a token of affection.

"I Don't Know!!" Vivi snapped, her face red with anger; she didn't even know what to feel anymore.

"Who should know if you don't know?" Nojiko questioned, tilting her head to the side and looking at Vivi, who seemed lost in her thoughts. On the other hand, Vivi refused to meet Nojiko's gaze, her eyes fixated on the blankness of the wall in front of her. Her eyes were now red and bloodshot, her cheeks swollen and marked with traces of dried tears.

"Vivi, before last night, you enjoyed every minute of being a pirate, but it changed last night because of the consequences that come with it," Nojiko soothingly conveyed, her hand gently caressing the middle of Vivi's back in an effort to provide comfort and solace. Nonetheless, Vivi's distress seemed to consume her entirely as tears continuously streamed down her face, causing her to only fleetingly acknowledge Nojiko's compassionate words amidst her profound sorrow.

"That shows to me that you like being a pirate. It is not my place to tell you what to do, but you should decide; no one can decide for you, not Luffy, not your father, only you can decide, it is not my place to tell you what's best for you, Vivi, but you should ask yourself. Are you a Princess or a Pirate?" Nojiko, feeling a mix of curiosity and urgency, posed her question as she anxiously awaited a response. Swiftly, she leaped off the bed, her feet barely making contact with the wooden floor. With a determined stride, Nojiko approached the floor-to-ceiling curtains that concealed the outside world. As she reached out her hand, her fingertips grazing the fabric, a surge of exhilaration coursed through her veins. Collecting her resolve, she forcefully drew the curtains back, revealing breathtaking clouds bathed in the morning sunlight. The room, once cloaked in darkness, was now alive with vibrant hues of golden rays cascading through the window, instantly illuminating every nook and cranny.

With a furrowed brow and narrowed eyes, Vivi squinted intensively as the warm, glowing rays of sunlight made their way through the windowpane, delicately brushing against her face. As the sunlight cascaded into the room, its golden stream seemed to breathe life into every corner, causing the entire space to be bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. However, Nojiko's attention was quickly diverted as her eyes fell upon the aftermath of Vivi's outburst. Then she noticed Vivi's fury had taken a destructive turn, as evident by the shattered remnants of a once-cherished wine bottle forcefully colliding with the wall. Like a tempestuous river, the vibrant red liquid had eagerly splattered across the delicate fibers of the carpet, leaving an ominous stain. Amidst this chaotic scene, the tiny shards of glass, like diamonds in the rough, glistened enticingly in the sunlight.

"It does you no good to stay in the dark, you're from Alabasta after all," Nojiko said assertively, her voice resonating with concern. As she approached the sturdy wooden door, a solemn expression crossed her face when she caught a glimpse of Vivi's defeated countenance once more. Nojiko paused momentarily, her hand reaching out to grasp the cold iron handle. With a firm grip, she slowly swung open the door. With a lingering glance, Nojiko left Vivi grappling with her thoughts and feelings.

6 Hours Later

Zoro swiftly pivoted on his heels, his attention instantly captured by the unmistakable sound of a door creaking open. The rest of the crew mirrored his reaction, their gazes instinctively drawn towards the source of the disturbance. It was none other than Luffy, emerging from his quarters with Chopper and Nami trailing behind him. Despite his best efforts to conceal it, Zoro's worry betrayed itself through a subtle flicker in his eyes. His gaze momentarily flicked towards Luffy's arm, which was encased in a multitude of bandages, signifying the extent of his injury. The arm hung limp at his side, barely mobile, and Zoro realized in that instant that Luffy would be severely limited in what he could accomplish with that arm, at least for the time being.



"Luffy, how are you feeling?"

As Usopp attempted to rush toward Luffy, his instinctive desire to embrace his friend and offer solace was quickly thwarted by Nami's swift intervention. Her quick thinking reminded Usopp of the gravity of the situation - their captain was grievously injured.

Luffy leaned in towards Usopp and bestowed upon him a small, comforting smile, ensuring his loyal crewmate that everything was going to be alright. However, not wanting to overlook anyone, Luffy swiftly shifted his gaze towards the rest of the crew gathered on the main deck. A genuine sense of happiness washed over him as he realized everyone, including Vivi, was accounted for. Yet, Luffy's observant eyes did not fail to notice the traces left behind by tears emanating from Vivi's reddened eyes, a telltale sign that she had endured a sleepless night filled with inconsolable distress.

Luffy wanted to ask Vivi if she wanted to return back to Alabasta after everything that had happened, but knew that would be pointless to ask right now; from what he could tell, they were in the Sky Island, and they knew nothing about the place, or how to even go down back to the Sea surface, so instead, Luffy walked up to Vivi, placing his left hand on her shoulder, making Vivi look up at Luffy.

In a moment filled with unspoken understanding, both Vivi and Luffy chose silence as their means of communication. Vivi, wanting to convey her deep affection and support, tightly embraced Luffy's chest, being careful to avoid touching his burned arm. Sensing her unspoken concern, Luffy gently ran his left hand through her silky blue locks, tenderly caressing her hair. In a gesture filled with love and comfort, he leaned down and gently kissed the top of her head to remind her that she was never alone in her struggles.

Pulling away from the hug, Luffy turned his attention towards Robin, his eyes filled with worry and affection. Stepping closer to her, he tenderly reached out and gently clasped her injured arm, the sensation of her burnt flesh causing his heart to ache in sympathy. With a mix of remorse and compassion, he couldn't help but direct his gaze towards her, his facial expression betraying a hint of guilt. Offering an apology that carried the weight of his emotions, he softly uttered, "I'm sorry this happened to you,"

Despite her efforts to hide it, Robin couldn't help but enjoy the sensation of his hand on her arm and the genuine concern he showed towards her. It was a rare experience for her, as she had encountered countless deceivers in her past who had made it difficult for her to trust anyone. However, with Luffy, she could sense the authenticity in his actions and words. It touched her deeply, knowing that he genuinely cared for her well-being. This level of sincerity meant the world to her, and she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude towards him.

"Thank you for your concern, Captain," Robin said with a small smile, her blue eyes briefly glancing at his bandaged arm. It was clear to Robin that the captain had endured a severe injury; the tightly wrapped bandages were evidence of the gravity of the situation. As someone without medical expertise, Robin could only observe and empathize with the captain's pain and struggle. The sight of his wounded arm conveyed the undeniable truth: it would be a lengthy and arduous journey to restore his arm to its former strength and mobility.

With his eyes fixed on Nami, Luffy swiveled his entire body to face her properly, clearly indicating his sincere curiosity. His tone shifted to a more solemn one, characteristic of a true captain who shoulders the weighty responsibility of leading his crew. "So what do we know about this place exactly?

Robin explained that the clouds function similarly to a sea, and with her abilities, she had been able to see creatures floating around and not much else.

Before Nami could say anything in response, Cricket suddenly exclaimed, "A Ship!" Instantly, all eyes were drawn to their right, where, in the distance, another vessel came into view. However, upon closer inspection, it became evident that this newly spotted ship appeared to be in a considerably dilapidated state. Its structure displayed clear signs of damage, with visible cracks and sections that had been partially destroyed. Furthermore, the flag fluttering high above the ship looked as though it had endured some sort of blazing fire, leaving it charred and only half intact.

"There's someone there," Luffy suddenly said, his voice cutting through the stillness, filled with a combination of urgency and determination. With unwavering confidence, he took a bold step forward, assuming the position of a shield for his loyal crewmates.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion erupted, shattering the tranquility that once enveloped the scene. The force of the blast tore through the air, causing shockwaves to ripple through the surroundings. The entire ship now burst into flames, engulfed in a devastating inferno.

The resulting chaos sent debris hurtling into the sky. Some of the scattered remnants fell uncontrollably, descending like confetti, only to find their resting place within the confines of Luffy's beloved ship, Going Merry.

Luffy's unwavering gaze remained locked on the remnants of the destroyed ship.

"What Was That!!" Usopp shouted in fear, his heart pounding wildly against his chest, as he desperately scanned the surroundings with his trembling hands gripping his revolvers tightly. Beads of cold sweat dripped down his forehead; his face contorted with terror as he tried to comprehend the source of the sudden and unexpected explosion that had sent a shiver down his spine.

Zoro's urgent voice cut through the air, filling the crew with a sense of imminent danger as he bellowed, "Someone's approaching us!" Everyone's attention snapped upward, and a mysterious figure appeared, effortlessly traversing from one fluffy cloud to another. It was almost as if he was defying the laws of gravity, confidently walking atop the cotton-like formations. Until he abruptly ascended with a nimble leap, gracefully landing on the ship's main deck, an unexpected arrival that sent shockwaves through the entire crew.

"Eliminate," the figure shouted with a fierce determination in his eyes, his voice echoing through the air. Without wasting a moment, he propelled himself towards Nami, his agile movements fueled by adrenaline. Meanwhile, Nami, realizing the imminent danger, prepared herself to unleash the power of her devil fruit, her muscles tensing in anticipation.

However, before Nami could unleash her attack, a sudden blow came out of nowhere, impacting the figure's stomach with a resounding thud. The punch's force was staggering, momentarily stunning the figure and causing him to stagger back, gasping for air. In that split second, Luffy, with his unwavering gaze fixed on the figure.

Luffy activated his formidable ability, his hands emitting a silver aura as he delivered a devastating punch directly to the figure's vulnerable stomach. The impact was bone-crushing, eliciting an explosive burst of pain that radiated through the figure's body. The sheer intensity of the attack compelled the figure to expel saliva mixed with blood.

Overwhelmed by the excruciating pain, the figure staggered, his knees buckling under his weakened state. As his body succumbed to the merciless effects of Luffy's strike, he collapsed to his knees, his strength completely drained. Finally, unable to withstand the relentless assault, the figure crumpled onto the unforgiving wooden floor, surrendering to the embrace of unconsciousness.

"It seems you were right, Masira," Cricket commented with a hint of surprise in his voice, his keen eyes immediately fixating on the strange mask the attacker was wearing. Intrigued by its eerie design, he couldn't help but wonder about its purpose or significance. However, before any of them could engage in a discussion or attempt to identify the mysterious assailant, Luffy's unmistakable voice rang out with a sense of urgency, instantly capturing everyone's attention and diverting their focus away from the peculiar mask.

"There's someone else here," Luffy stated, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and curiosity, as he craned his neck to look up at a figure standing atop the crow's nest of the ship. From the furrows etched deep into the old man's weathered face, it was apparent to everyone present that this mysterious individual was indeed an aged individual.

The new guy. Standing at an average height. His long white hair cascades down to his shoulders, blending seamlessly with the well-groomed mustache and beard that frame his weathered face.

What truly captures attention, however, is his choice of attire. Donning a striking metal armor, he presents himself as a formidable figure, ready to face any challenges that come his way. The armor gleams under the sunlight, a testament to its pristine craftsmanship. Beneath the protective plates, he wears a dark red shirt that adds a touch of color to his overall ensemble, complementing the vibrant palette of his persona.

For leg protection, he opts for sturdy brown pants, offering optimal mobility while maintaining a rugged appearance fitting his character. Ever committed to his role as a knight, he perpetually keeps the visor of his armor raised, allowing others to gaze upon his steadfast features.

But there is more to his attire than meets the eye. Draped gracefully over his armored shoulders, he wears a long dark blue cloak that billows softly in the wind as he moves. Intricately woven, the cloak reveals a surprise whenever he gracefully swirls it aside – the inside and back are adorned with a stunning shade of yellow, injecting a dash of unexpected vibrancy to his overall appearance.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the Knight of the Sky!"

Let me know in the comments what you think about the Chapter. I Hope you have a wonderful day.



Thank for the chapter and i get it for she think that alabasta will going on a another civil war, but now it is too late to go back the only ways to stop it is to destroy the world government. For now she need to be a pirate and i hope she will take Enel fruit.


There will be small scenes that show Alabasta from time to time. Vivi is conflicted about what she should do. Destroying The World Government is not going to magically fix all the problems, but let’s wait and see.


Is nami injured a lot to her stomach which is important for certain activities makes me feel bad about certain things for the future. Though good chapters as always, can’t wait for more. Hope also for luffy to have a captains coat in the future if you would like to Add that to this fanfic