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Once the Weasley family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, their sons Ron, Fred, and George, and their daughter Ginny, arrived in the splendidly decorated courtyard of the house, Harry, filled with excitement, wasted no time in dashing towards his companions to express his heartfelt joy at their reunion. With a beaming smile adorning his face, Harry approached Ron and warmly initiated a handshake. As Ron's eyes met Harry's, a twinkle of nostalgic delight danced within them, relishing the exhilarating prospect of spending time together once again. Simultaneously, Ron's gaze drifted towards the house, its whimsical architecture embellished with colorful flowers and enchanting ornaments.

"It's good to see you, Harry but I'm sure you want to greet someone else besides me," Ron greeted enthusiastically with a cheeky smile, sensing that Harry's attention might be drawn elsewhere. He knew Harry must be eager to meet someone other than himself. Meanwhile, Hermione gracefully walked in front, her steps full of confidence and anticipation. She stood before Harry, a rosy blush tinting her cheeks.

Harry's gaze fixated on Hermione, captivated by the sheer radiance that emanated from her. His eyes locked with hers, and he couldn't help but be entranced by the depth and warmth that resided within her chocolate orbs. At that moment, a gravitational force seemed to propel his legs toward her as if they had their own will.

Their bodies collided in a tight embrace. Harry's heart swelled with a mixture of adoration and a sense of belonging. As he held Hermione within his arms, he took a deep breath, savoring her delicate scent that filled his senses. The fragrance she wore intoxicated him, reminiscent of freshly picked strawberries on a warm summer's day. The sweet aroma enveloped him.

Time seemed to stand still in this tender embrace, allowing Harry to appreciate every detail of Hermione's beauty. The way her hair cascaded in flawless waves, the softness of her skin against his touch, and the genuine happiness reflected in her eyes.

"I missed you," Harry whispered affectionately to Hermione, his longing evident in his voice before tenderly planting a gentle kiss on her rosy cheek. The moment his lips touched her skin, Hermione's face instantly flushed a vibrant shade of crimson, mirroring the intense emotions coursing through her. Ron couldn't help but succumb to his mischievous nature as uncontrollable laughter bubbled up within him. Teasing Hermione had always been one of his favorite pastimes, and he seized every opportunity to relish in her blushes. Meanwhile, the mischievous Weasley twins, Fred and George, seized this perfect moment to showcase their playful nature, serenading the newly blossoming romance with a whimsical song. Their tuneful voices filled the air, celebrating Harry's step toward maturity.

"You know Ron,"

"He's even a bigger,"


"Than you," the Weasley twins spoke one after the other, looking at their little brother, who puffed slightly before Ron looked at them, crossing his arms in front of his chest, a proud smirk on his face.

"At least I have someone to hug and kiss when I return back at Hogwarts, all you two have is the pillow," Ron playfully japed, eliciting a merry chuckle of amusement from both Harry and the mischievous twins.

"Ohh, our little brother,"

"Is finally,"


"Some ba-" "Enough kids," Molly Weasley shouted at her twins, her voice filled with a mix of exasperation and warmth as she strived to maintain order. She knew all too well that her mischievous boys could go off on an endless tangent if she didn't intervene.

Her eyes quickly noticed Harry, their honorary family member and the boy who had become an inseparable part of their lives. The sight filled Molly's heart with overwhelming affection. She quickly enveloped him in a big, warm hug.

"Harry, my dear, it's so good to see you," Molly greeted Harry with heartfelt warmth, expressing how genuinely delighted she was to be reunited with him after what felt like an eternity. Without hesitation, she planted gentle, tender kisses on both of Harry's cheeks, causing a flush of embarrassment to creep up on him, as unexpected as it was flattering. Meanwhile, Hermione, casting a subtle sidelong glance towards Molly, betrayed a slight annoyance hinting at a brewing tension beneath the surface.

"You too, miss Weasley," Harry greeted her back with a warm smile, acknowledging her presence. As Ginny walked up to him, her cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink, Harry couldn't help but notice that she still harbored a crush on him. It became apparent by the way she nervously twirled a strand of her vibrant red hair, a habit she had developed whenever she felt flustered. While Harry appreciated Ginny's admiration towards him, he had secretly hoped that she would have moved on by now. After all, he saw her only as a dear friend and a trusted companion, akin to a little sister. Harry cherished their bond and valued her for the person she truly was.

"Ginny, it's good to see you," Harry warmly greeted with a friendly voice, feeling a rush of happiness flood through him upon seeing her. Initially guarded, Ginny's face brightened slightly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Unable to contain her excitement any longer, she quickly closed the distance between them, enveloping him in a tight embrace that was filled with genuine affection. Surprised by her enthusiastic response, Harry stood momentarily frozen, a mix of delight and astonishment evident in his eyes. It took him a few moments to gather himself. Gathering his wits, he eagerly reciprocated the warm hug.

"I hope you had a good journey," Harry said as he pulled away from the warm embrace. Her lips formed a slight scoff; it seemed an air of discontentment lingered around her. Her narrowed eyes quickly shifted to Ron, who involuntarily took a step back, feeling the intensity of her glare. Sensing the tension between them, Harry couldn't help but wonder what had transpired.

"We would have if Ron hadn't vomited on the first Portkey," Ginny spoke with a sly smirk towards Ron, whose mouth was hanging open like a fish out of water.

As Ron tried to recollect himself, "I-I did not," he hastily defended himself against Ginny's playful accusations. However, the slight quiver in his voice betrayed his embarrassment, intensifying as Ginny mischievously pointed at him and let out a playful giggle, causing him to blush even more intensely.

"Yes, you did, this is why we stopped at the drugstore, to get a few potions for mister puke over here," Ginny added, her voice laced with amusement, as she couldn't help but taunt Ron further. Her smirk grew wider as Ginny spoke, enjoying the opportunity to relish in her brother's momentary embarrassment.

Ron's face turned red with frustration, his pride wounded by his siblings' laughter. Evidently, he desperately wanted to object, to defend himself against their mockery. Yet, no words escaped his mouth as he struggled to maintain his composure.

The twins, Fred and George, couldn't contain their amusement any longer, joining Ginny in raucous laughter that filled the air. Ron's frown deepened, both annoyed and embarrassed by how his siblings teased him. It irked him that they would take such joy in his misfortune.

However, amidst the humiliation, Ron's mind suddenly clicked. He recalled something, a cunning plan that filled him with a sense of satisfaction. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he contemplated the perfect retaliation that would wipe the grin off his siblings' faces.

"At least I didn't cry when-" Ron's words muffled amidst the tension that hung in the air. Ginny, swift as an arrow, reacted instinctively, shutting Ron's mouth with her hand, her eyes narrowing with a commanding glare. Determined to silence him, Ron couldn't help but grin in victorious satisfaction from behind her hand, savoring the taste of his triumph at this moment.

Soon, the group, comprising Ron, Ginny, and Hermione, along with others, eagerly stepped into the inviting atmosphere of the house. Their anticipation grew as they crossed the threshold, knowing that Harry had been entrusted with the important task of acquainting them with their new surroundings. With a sense of responsibility, he took the lead, guiding them through the various areas of the house. Beginning with the well-equipped kitchen, Harry showcased its modern appliances and ample space, ensuring that everyone felt at ease and comfortable in this communal space. They marveled at the cozy common room. Finally, as Harry ascended the staircase, he motioned for his friends to follow.

"So, me and Hermione in the same room," As Ginny entered the room, she couldn't help but take in the plainness of the surroundings. The room lacked any extravagant touches and instead offered a simple arrangement with two beds positioned on opposite sides of the wall. Several tables provided a convenient space for their belongings, and nearby stood a modest garderobe, offering a touch of privacy. Eager to make herself comfortable, Ginny strolled further into the room and hopped onto her bed with a curious bounce. She wanted to assess its softness, particularly when it came to the pillow, which held the promise of a restful night's sleep.

"Is actually not that bad," Ginny admitted with a sheepish smile, breaking the room's silence. As Hermione settled onto her own bed, she couldn't help but notice the delightful scent lingering in the air, a combination of lavender and freshly laundered sheets. Looking around, she was struck by the elegant beauty of the room. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, capturing scenes of serene landscapes and blooming flowers. Soft sunlight seeped through the curtains, bathing the room in a warm, golden glow. Hermione's inquisitive nature sparked as she pondered whose room this sanctuary had once belonged to. Ginny closed the door with a gentle click, enclosing them within their private haven. Ginny turned her attention towards Hermione, who had positioned herself in a comfortable cross-legged position on her bed, their eyes meeting.

With her back, Ginny leaned against the closed door and directed her question to Hermione, "Hermione, did you happen to notice how Auror Tonks looked at Harry?" Giving it a moment of thought, Hermione acknowledged that it would have been virtually impossible not to notice. Being well aware of the close relationship between Harry and Tonks, Hermione anticipated that jealousy would creep in, considering Tonks's undeniable charm. However, to her surprise, upon deeper reflection, Hermione found herself not being as bothered by it as she initially expected.

"Well, if you're talking about the fact that she looked at him as if she wanted to find the nearest closet, and shag him, then yeh I noticed," Hermione casually responded, not hesitating to express her perception. Her hand subtly moved around her bushy hair with an air of nonchalance, curiously pondering whether Harry appreciated and admired her distinctive locks.

"I thought you and Harry got together?" Ginny asked, her voice laced with confusion. Deeply perplexed, she simply couldn't fathom why Hermione seemed so nonchalant about the fact that another girl, someone undoubtedly more stunning, was expressing an interest in Hermione's boyfriend. And let's not forget that this boyfriend happened to be none other than Harry Potter himself. Ginny couldn't help but recall the countless instances where numerous girls had shamelessly thrown themselves at Harry. It was undeniable that Harry had a certain allure that attracted attention from all corners. Ginny vividly imagined herself in Hermione's shoes, and the mere thought of anyone daring to look at Harry with such admiration sent a cascade of possessive protectiveness through her veins. In Ginny's mind, there would be no hesitation to unleash her fury upon anyone who dared to encroach upon her claim on Harry.

"We are," Hermione affirmed, a part of her still not knowing how Ginny had found out the truth; Hermione had planned to tell her eventually, but Ginny had one night just told her out of the blue that she knew that she was in a romantic relationship with Harry.

Upon hearing that answer, Ginny looked intently at Hermione, leaning her face forward, her eyebrows furrowing in deep concentration as if she were searching for some hidden meaning. Hermione, slightly taken aback by Ginny's intense gaze, stared quizzically back at her, her eyes subtly communicating a silent question, "why are you looking at me like that?"

Seconds turned into minutes as the atmosphere grew thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of their steady breathing. Both girls remained locked in their silent exchange, their unspoken thoughts bouncing back and forth between them.

Then, in a flash of realization, Ginny's expression transformed. Her eyes widened, a spark of comprehension igniting within them. It was as if a puzzle piece had finally fallen into place, unraveling a mystery that had eluded her for far too long.

"Ohh, you are sharing him?" Ginny asked in disbelief, her eyebrows furrowing together as she struggled to comprehend the situation. Her tone shifted from mere curiosity to a mixture of surprise and disapproval, as if she couldn't fathom the idea of someone willingly sharing a partner. With each word uttered, her voice grew louder, carrying a hint of righteous indignation that emphasized her growing frustration.

God damn it, Ginny," Hermione thought, annoyance seeping through her every thought and action. She could feel an incoming headache, a throbbing tension that settled in her temples, amplifying her frustration. Hermione knew deep down that she wasn't particularly adept at lying, let alone when it came to Ginny. Lying to Ginny seemed like an insurmountable task as if she possessed an uncanny ability to see through the facade. Hermione desperately racked her brain, searching for a convincing answer that would satisfy Ginny's inquisitive nature. Just as she was about to formulate a response, their collective attention was abruptly diverted by a sharp knock on the door.

Oh, thank Merlin, Hermione thought to herself, thanking Merlin silently. Reacting swiftly, she urged the person who knocked to enter, inviting them into her space. Meanwhile, gasping in exasperation, Ginny couldn't help but groan audibly, demonstrating her annoyance. She shifted her position, leaning away from the door. She rotated her body, her hand instinctively reaching out to grasp the cold, metallic round handle. Applying just the right amount of pressure, she gently twisted it, causing the door to swing open gradually. And there, to her utter annoyance, stood Ron, of all people.

"Your existence is annoying me, Ron, you have until I count to five to tell me why you're here?" Ginny exclaimed, her voice laced with frustration as she shot him a piercing, icy glare. Swiftly counting down in her mind, she granted him until the count of five to elucidate his purpose. Meanwhile, Ron appeared rather unfazed by Ginny's vehement words, displaying an unexpected sense of composure. He directed his gaze towards Hermione, who stood just behind Ginny, intensifying the intrigue of the situation.

"I can't find Scabbers," Ron said, his tone laced with a slight hint of concern as he glanced around the room in search of his pet rat. On the other hand, Ginny responded with a scoff, clearly displaying her lack of belief in Ron's words. The idea of Ron fussing over a mere rat seemed absurd to her. She couldn't comprehend why her brother still chose to keep that seemingly worthless creature around, as it held no significance or value in her eyes.

"Perhaps he's just exploring the house," Hermione quickly reasoned as she stood up from her bed and walked over to the door.

"I can help you find him," Hermione added with an innocent smile, a glimmer of mischievousness hidden behind her eyes. Ron raised an eyebrow, silently questioning her motive. Ginny simply scoffed, recognizing Hermione's true intentions - she was using the excuse of finding him as a means to escape the room and steal some private moments with Harry.



"Ohhh," Hermione moaned in unmistakable pleasure as Harry's lips unexpectedly met hers, causing a surge of thrilling sensations to engulf her. He pressed her body against the wall with an irresistible force, heightening the moment's intensity. As Harry's skilled hands traversed her back, Hermione's entire being tingled with a sense of euphoria, each touch sending electric currents through her. Their connection felt celestial, culminating in Harry's hands gradually gliding down, sensually grasping her curvaceous, alluring ass. Hermione's moans of delight echoed in the air as she savored the bliss of his touch, reveling in the long-awaited culmination of their mutual desire. They had sensed a magnetic attraction between them ever since her arrival, and now, finally, they were alone together, fueling Hermione's overflowing happiness.

Harry pressed his lips firmly against hers, tenderly yet assertively. The intensity of his kiss elicited yet another pleasurable moan from her, fueling the fire that was raging between them. Harry's skilled tongue effortlessly glided into her mouth as their lips locked, embarking on an intimate journey to discover every corner and crevice. Simultaneously, his hands savored the curves of her ass, exerting a delicious pressure that sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Overwhelmed by the connection they shared, Harry effortlessly lifted her up, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Oh, Harry," Hermione moaned in pleasure as he tenderly pulled away from their passionate kiss, leaving a trail of soft, lingering kisses along her jawline and the velvety smoothness of her left cheek. He expertly progressed, brushing the warmth of his lips beneath her earlobe, gradually descending with tantalizing slowness along the curve of her neck. Along the way, he occasionally indulged in gentle nibbles, each one sending shivers of delight through her as he explored the delectable expanse of her skin, intensifying their shared desire.

"Ohhh, Harry!!" Hermione moaned, her voice tinged with pleasure, as her hand gently caressed through his dark, lustrous hair, guiding him towards the blossoming swell of her breasts that he could feel rising and falling with every ragged breath. However, Harry resisted the temptation to explore her buxom treasures just yet; he yearned to savor each moment with her, to trace the contours of her elegant neck with his soft lips, feeling the warmth of her skin against his, and relishing in the tender intimacy they shared.

Harry surprised Hermione by moving his lips down to her neck. His warm breath sent shivers down her spine, so he began exploring the sensitive area with gentle kisses. Overwhelmed by the sensation, Hermione couldn't help but let out a loud moan of pleasure, causing her to momentarily forget about her academic achievements. While she had always taken pride in being at the top of her class and achieving the highest grades, nothing could have prepared her for the intense pleasure she was experiencing at that moment. With each touch of Harry's hand on her impressive ass and every lingering kiss on her neck, Hermione felt an overwhelming rush of ecstasy. The once straightforward pleasure was now transcending into new, uncharted levels, rendering her mind helpless to the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body.

Suddenly, Harry's gaze abruptly shifted upwards, meeting Hermione's startled eyes. The profound impact of his captivating stare left Hermione utterly speechless, her mind consuming every detail of the beguiling transformation within his eyes. Once a mesmerizing shade of green, they now twinkled with a magnificent hue of golden radiance, capturing her attention completely. The sheer intensity of his gaze sent a jolt through her entire being, causing her knees to weaken and her breath to hitch involuntarily. Grateful for the sturdy support of his embrace, Hermione found solace in knowing she could lean into him lest her trembling legs give way beneath her. It was as though his eyes beheld a predatory aspect, enigmatic and powerful, reminding her of the vast difference in their physical presence. Nonetheless, an inexplicable attraction pulsed between them, and she couldn't deny the allure of this enigmatic gaze fixated upon her.

Harry kissed Hermione passionately once again, the intensity of their embrace growing as his hand moved with precision, gently unbuttoning her tight jeans, preparing to explore her enticingly bare, beautiful bottom. An unexpected knock echoed through the room, causing both of them to hastily part ways. As the door swung open, Molly Weasley stood there, her presence momentarily disrupting their intimate connection. A surge of embarrassment washed over Hermione, compelling her to instinctively distance herself from Harry, keen on preserving the illusion that their unspoken affections had remained hidden. Sensing her discomfort, Harry acted swiftly, his arm swiftly encircling her waist, drawing her irresistibly closer than before. The subtle display of their affection did not escape Molly's observant gaze, yet she discreetly chose to withhold any remark, letting the unspoken understanding hang in the air.

"Harry," Molly said, her voice laced with genuine remorse, "I'm truly sorry for interrupting," her eyes darting to Harry's tight embrace around Hermione, even though it pained her to witness their intimacy. Yet, despite Molly's disapproval, neither Harry nor Hermione paid her any mind. As Molly discreetly cleared her throat in a feeble attempt to divert their attention, she subtly gestured with her eyes toward the first floor, where an exquisite meal awaited them. Molly's irritation was palpable at that moment, knowing that her carefully prepared dinner had been momentarily disregarded, but both Harry and Hermione remained blissfully unaware of her vexation.

"We will be there soon," Hermione answered with enough courtesy to convey her willingness to comply, but a small hint of annoyance tinged her voice, indicating her impatience. Sensing Hermione's irritation, Molly felt a slight twinge of annoyance. Not wanting to escalate the situation, Molly swiftly made the decision to gracefully exit the room and softly close the door behind her, subtly acknowledging the need for personal space and diffusing any potential tension.

Harry's senses heightened as soon as the heavy wooden door closed with a resounding thud. Hermione unexpectedly pinned him against the closed door, causing a rush of electricity to course through his body. Their lips were mere inches away, their closeness becoming almost palpable. The heat of her breath tickled his skin, making his pulse race with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The passionate intensity in her eyes captured him, revealing a deep desire and undeniable lust that sent a jolt of desire coursing through his veins.

"The dinner can wait," Hermione said with a low, husky voice, her words laced with a hint of desire and anticipation, causing a surge of emotions to swirl in the air. Their surroundings faded into the background as she leaned in, closing the gap between them. With a gentle touch, her lips met Harry's, releasing an electric spark that ignited a fierce passion within them both. In that fleeting moment, time stood still as their kiss deepened, fueled by an overwhelming surge of longing and affection. Harry reciprocated Hermione's intensity, his own desire matching hers, as their lips moved in perfect harmony. As they momentarily forgot about everything else, lost in the world they had created with just one passionate kiss.


"Why are we here, Harry?" Ron asked, his voice laced with a tinge of bewilderment, as almost everyone, including Ron himself, began congregating in the dimly lit basement of the house. The air was thick with anticipation, and a sense of urgency reverberated within the cramped space. Observing the unfolding scene, Molly and Ted promptly united their magical proficiency by casting a powerful shield spell that enveloped the entire area, creating an impervious barrier to protect those gathered. The interplay of questioning and the act of reinforcing defenses added an undeniable air of gravity to the mysterious purpose that had brought them all together.

After finishing their hearty dinner, Ted, filled with an air of urgency, abruptly informed everyone that a trip to the basement was imperative. As the others reluctantly made their way downstairs, Ginny and the twins lingered on the upper floor, oblivious to what was about to unfold. Ron, tightly clutching his rat in his arms, couldn't help but notice the peculiar behavior of his furry companion. The small creature, seemingly determined to break free from Ron's grasp, wriggled incessantly, evoking a sense of unease within him.

"To finally know the truth," Sirius spoke with a hushed tone, emerging from a previously unnoticed hidden corner of the room. To their surprise, he was not alone. Standing just behind him was a powerful witch, renowned as one of England's most formidable witches. With her long-standing reputation and the respect she garnered from countless individuals, it was evident that she held immense power within the magical community. Gripping her wand tightly, she had trained it directly at Sirius's back, her stance poised and determined, ready to take action if necessary.

"Lady Bones, it's good to meet you," a multitude of individuals warmly greeted her, their reverence shining through their words. Despite the overwhelming respect, she maintained an unyielding and composed demeanor; her wand held steady and directed towards Sirius, her eyes intently locked onto the quivering rat who trembled in sheer terror under her scrutinizing gaze.

"What is happening here?" Hermione asked fearfully, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she struggled to comprehend why Sirius Black had suddenly appeared in their midst. Despite her own fears, Hermione instinctively rushed to stand beside Harry, positioning herself in a protective stance. Demonstrating his unwavering loyalty, Ron boldly stepped forward and positioned himself between Harry and Sirius, his eyes locked in a fierce glare that clearly conveyed his utter distrust and determination to keep Harry safe from any potential harm Sirius might pose.

"You have captured Sirius Black?" Molly questioned, her brows knitting together in confusion, her mind reeling with disbelief and astonishment at the unexpected turn of events. She couldn't comprehend what was happening, desperately seeking answers. However, Arthur took a firm step forward, his steady gaze locking onto Sirius Black, his grip tight around the wand in his hand.

"We have reasons to believe that the rat is Peter Pettigrew. Ron Weasley, I command you to drop the rat on the floor," Amelia's commanding voice echoed in the tense room filled with suspicion and apprehension. As her eyes locked onto Ron, his face drained of color, turning as pale as freshly fallen snow. It was a sight that sent a chill down the spines of those gathered around, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and anticipation.

"You can't be serious, he's not Pettigrew?" However, Ron's disbelief couldn't be contained as he lashed out in response to Amelia's shocking accusation. His voice cracked with a blend of anger and disbelief, his face growing even paler, resembling a ghostly sheet. The room fell into a heavy silence as everyone's attention turned to Ron, their gazes filled with various shades of surprise, confusion, and betrayal.

Harry, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by Ron's outburst. Although his friends' doubts hung in the air, he found himself steadfastly trusting his own instincts. His gaze remained fixed on the rat, its beady eyes darting nervously, and a sense of deep conviction washed over him. Despite the uncertainty that loomed, Harry couldn't shake the unwavering confidence within himself, firmly believing that this rat was no other than Peter Pettigrew himself.

Harry crossed the room and pulled the struggling rat out of his protesting friend's hands. "Will it hurt the rat if you are lying?"

"No and if it'll make you feel better, you may even cast the spell yourself," Sirius moved to his side, but Harry didn't feel threatened by the man's close proximity.

"Good." The atmosphere crackled with magic as Harry, his eyes now glowing a brilliant golden hue, quietly expressed his satisfaction. Suddenly, the air pulsed with a blinding flash of light, causing Ron to be forcefully pushed backward, his body jerking involuntarily.

The rat began to levitate, panickedly thrashing about in the air. As the spell took hold, the rat's body underwent a remarkable transformation right before their eyes. Limbs sprouted from its form, morphing into a man who descended to the ground with a heavy thud, effectively replacing the once familiar presence of Scabbers.

A very short man, who had the appearance of having lost a lot of weight in a short time, scrambled to his feet immediately, freezing as he seemed to realize what had happened. and Harry stared at the beady eyes that flashed around nervously before settling on Black beside Harry.

"S-Sirius...L-Lady A-Amelia," the man stuttered out over the gasps of disbelief coming from everyone in the room.

"Amelia, you need to save me; he's come to try and kill me again!" Beady eyes flashed to Amelia, and Amelia swiftly pointed her wand toward him.

"I knew it...I just knew it," she whispered, realization filling her eyes as she stared at the trembling man before her. "You are the traitor, aren't you? You betrayed the Potters to Voldemort."

"I...I didn't, h-he did, and he betrayed Lily and James to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, a spy..." Pettigrew stuttered, what little color his ashen skin had rapidly draining at the sight of her wand steadily aimed at him.

"Don't you dare lie to me, never again? You...you are the one who was the spy, weren't you?"

"No, I've been hiding from h-him, I knew he would come after me," Pettigrew shook his head fiercely.

"How could you have possibly known Sirius would escape from Azkaban, it's never been done before," Molly spat out, while Arthur had moved in front of everyone while shoving Ron behind him, his wand aimed towards Peter.

"He has dark powers the rest of us can only dream of," Pettigrew squeaked at the clear anger in Molly's tone.

"I've never dreamed of dark powers of any sorts, you know very well that I've spend my entire life running away from anything to do with that," Black's tone was surprisingly soft compared to the anger in Molly and Amelia's voice, though Harry could see his hands were balled into fists and trembling in a clear attempt to keep himself under control.

"Why...why did you betray them?"

"He forced me to," Pettigrew seemed to realize it was no use pretending he hadn't as everyone stared at him with equal hatred. "He was gaining so much power and I...I was scared and he forced me..."

"Don't lie," Black hissed. "You went to Voldemort of your own free will when you felt the war was turning to their advantage. You had been passing information for over a year already."


"You forget where I've spent the last twelve years, Peter. I've heard their screams, how they cursed you for your double crossing them. Voldemort went to James and Lily's house on your information. You wouldn't believe the things I've heard in there about you, what they'd do to you if you were still alive, so don't lie, not any more." Sirius growled with growing anger, his face turning red with anger.

"Why did you throw away the best thing that ever happened to us, why did you betray our family?"

"I couldn't go up against him, there was nothing to gain..." Pettigrew almost pleaded, like a rat in a rat trap; he had no place to escape.

"Were we not enough?" Black, overcome with emotions, spoke up, his voice trembling and barely audible. The deep pain in his words resonated through the room. "You were our brother; we loved you and would have died for you. How could you even think of betraying our family the way you did? Lily and James...how could you?" Unable to meet Sirius's anguished gaze, Peter remained silent, his eyes drifting towards Harry, seeking desperate forgiveness. Inching forward on his knees, a plea filled with a mix of sorrow and regret etched on his face, Peter crawled towards Harry, hoping to find solace and redemption.

"Please, Help Me, Your father wouldn't allow this injustice to happen," Peter desperately begged Harry. However, to Peter's dismay, Harry remained silent, not uttering a single word. As Peter observed Harry's demeanor, he noticed a peculiar transformation in his eyes. Harry's usually enchanting golden eyes began to undergo a subtle yet striking change—his pupils, once deep and dark, now gradually transformed into a piercing shade of bright red, betraying a shift within him.

Suddenly everyone felt as if the air itself got ten times heavier, raw magical power spread around the entire house like a violent storm, but not just inside the house. The oppressive weight of the atmosphere made it difficult to breathe as if an invisible force was constricting their lungs. The dense concentration of power was almost suffocating, creating an uneasy tension that hung heavily in the air.

As Harry extended his arm, his hand outstretched and palm open, it seemed to radiate an intense aura of energy. The crackling sparks of magic danced and flickered across his fingertips, illuminating the room with an otherworldly glow.

Yet, the extent of Harry's power was not limited to the confines of the house. It stretched far beyond, extending its influence for miles and miles. It was a force that hadn't been witnessed or harnessed in centuries, a dormant energy that had been awakened from its deep slumber. The remnants of ancient magic mingled with Harry's innate abilities, creating an overwhelming surge of power reverberating throughout the land.

As if the land itself recognized the resurgence of such extraordinary power, nature seemed to respond in kind. The nearby trees trembled, their leaves rustling in synchrony with the surge of Harry's magic. The air crackled with an electric charge, sending shivers down the spines of those who were fortunate enough to witness the spectacle. It was as if a dormant force had finally been unleashed, shaking the very foundations of the magical world and leaving all in awe of Harry's extraordinary capabilities.

"Sanguis Flamma."

Note: Harry has not lost control, but what Harry is doing will be revealed the next Chapter

I hope you have enjoyed the Chapter. Let me know in the comments what you think about the Chapter. I hope you have a Good Day.



So good to see a romantic Harmony moment i really wish it was canon , since pettigrew is been caught it look like Book three will end soon ?


The Book 3 is almost over, Book 4 will start with a Bang. Glad you liked the chapter.


Awesome chapter!