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As Mikasa gradually emerged from her deep slumber, the ethereal touch of the morning sunlight caressed her delicate, porcelain-like complexion, infusing it with a gentle radiance. As the warmth of the sun's rays enveloped her, a myriad of sensations danced across her awakening senses. However, amidst the comforting embrace of the dawn, an unexpected ache began to weave its way through the fibers of her being, cocooning her entire body in a tender embrace. Perhaps it was the result of a peculiar sleeping position, a whimsical twist in the way a nine-year-old slumber. Nevertheless, as Mikasa's consciousness fully returned to the realm of wakefulness, she couldn't help but marvel at the fascinating nuances of her own slumber-induced habits.

With a slow, deliberate effort, Mikasa's hazy lead-tinted eyes pried open, battling against the weight of sleep to finally respond to the gentle rays of sunlight pouring in through the half-open window. As her gaze shifted towards the familiar sight of her cozy bed, she couldn't help but notice a subtle change in its embrace - a shift in its very essence that whispered of something different, something yet unexplored.

Intriguingly, the gears in Mikasa's head began to turn, their quiet ticking resonating in sync with the distant echoes of a memory she had just awakened. It emerged as a vague feeling, like a wisp of smoke gently curling through her consciousness, teasing her with elusive fragments of an enigmatic puzzle.

Her mind was burdened by the realization that the events of the previous night were not mere figments of her imagination. No, there was no dream to shield her from the harsh reality that her beloved parents had been tragically taken away from her. As the sunlight filtered through the curtains and danced upon her innocent irises, the weight of sorrow descended upon her once again, crushing any remnants of hope or optimism that dared to linger from yesterday's memories.

Gone were the days when she would sit captivated, absorbing her mother's teachings of ancient traditions that flowed through the veins of their enigmatic extended lineage, their secrets whispered through generations. No longer would she eagerly await her father's return from a day of toil, anticipating the tales of his adventures in the dense forest that enveloped their humble abode, where he would recount tales of his latest bountiful catch. With a heavy heart, she realized that she would never witness the miracle of her newborn sibling's arrival, the sheer wonderment of beholding their angelic faces for the first time. In her mind's eye, she had already painted a vivid picture of what they would resemble, envisioning locks of golden-brown hair that mirrored their beloved father's.

With her dainty arms gracefully propped up on the plush pillows beneath her, she slowly sat up, her eyes widening in astonishment as she beheld the sight of the magnificent new addition to her bedroom decor - a lavish, oversized white bed that seemed to envelop her in its soft embrace. As her gaze wandered downward, she noticed the meticulously coordinated sheets, their color perfectly mirroring that of the bed, creating a sense of serene harmony. The gentle streams of sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room, enveloping her in a cocoon of serenity. With a delicate touch, she brushed away the remnants of sleep, gently wiping the dirt from her eyes as she let out a contented yawn, fully immersing herself in the familiarity of her newly transformed sanctuary.

In an unexpected, fleeting moment, a rush of memories flooded her mind when the boy rescued her. The name was Eren resurfaced in her recollection as if it were etched in the depths of her consciousness.

Then, Dr. Jaeger had extended an invitation for the girl to find refuge within the sanctuary of his dwelling in Shiganshina alongside his loving wife and their two sons. But it was the way that boy, Eren, had carefully wrapped the gift around her fragile form that lingered in her memories, clinging to her soul like a determined tick latched onto the hide of a deer. The intensity of his passionate teal eyes, peering into her own weary and desolate gray orbs, had ignited a sense of security within her being.

As she reminisced, a torrent of emotions surged through her veins, akin to the nurturing warmth that emulated the tender embrace of her beloved parents. Overwhelmed by the flood of emotions, she found herself instinctively burying her face into the fabric of the garment, tears welling up in her eyes as she embraced the familiar sensation. Even now, as she dwelled upon the memory, she couldn't help but replicate the comforting gesture, finding solace in the mere thought of that extraordinary encounter.

As Mikasa remembered when Eren implored her to "fight" or face the certainty of her demise, an electrifying surge of weighted urgency coursed through her veins, akin to the swift slicing of scissors through delicate paper.

Without a moment's hesitation, she propelled herself forward, thrusting the sharp blade of her knife with unwavering determination into the very core of the third man's back. In the aftermath of this intense encounter, her unshod feet inadvertently shattered the once pristine hardwood floor, causing splinters to scatter like confetti.

And then, for a fleeting instant, an extraordinary sight graced her bewildered gaze—a tempestuous display of lightning crackling across the darkened sky, illuminating a colossal arboreal structure pulsating with a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues. Perplexed by this enigmatic vision, Mikasa pondered her newfound strength.

Yet, the riddle of the ethereal spectacle and the mysteries of her enhanced prowess would have to wait, for presently, her hollow stomach growled with an insistent ache, a reminder of her prolonged abstinence from nourishment since that somber morning drenched in the rain, shared with her beloved parents.

With a determined effort, Mikasa skillfully propelled herself upwards, her body propelled by sheer willpower until she triumphantly landed on the creaking wooden floor. Despite her impressive display of strength, a lingering discomfort persisted in her cheek, a smidge of pain still reminding her of the forceful blow to her face.

As she settled into her new surroundings, she couldn't help but feel the remnants of a "physical epiphany" coursing through her thin legs, rendering them tender and sore. Nevertheless, this dark-haired girl, with her indomitable spirit, continued to navigate her surroundings with surprising agility.

Gazing at her reflection in a nearby mirror, Mikasa noticed a faint glimmer of greasiness on her face, evidence of the topical cream that had been meticulously applied to her cuts and bruises before she surrendered to sleep.

It was the handiwork of the kind and compassionate woman, Dr. Jaeger's wife, who had not only tended to her wounds but also lovingly bathed her and tucked her into bed shortly after the terrified child had stepped foot into this newfound sanctuary. And as Mikasa gingerly moved across the room, she couldn't help but feel the comforting embrace of bandages wrapped around the soles of her feet, providing a gentle support to her weary steps.

She heard the doctor call her Carla before he explained the predicament to her. She didn't look much older than her own mother, and both possessed a captivating luster in their eyes, brimming with warmth and compassion.

However, there was a subtle distinction in Carla's gaze—an intangible hunger that seemed to elude Mikasa's comprehension. Silently, Mikasa treaded into the doctor's two-story abode. Her hazel eyes locked onto the housewife. Though she remained wordless, Mikasa couldn't shake the nagging feeling that it wouldn't be too much trouble to request sustenance from her to quell the growing hunger that gnawed at her insides.

While Mikasa had encountered Grisha multiple times and placed her trust in Eren, she found herself inexplicably drawn to Carla. It was as if her gut instinct urged her to seek solace in Carla's presence, to confide in her about the relentless hunger that plagued her. Naruto, Doctor Grisha's second son, was unknown to her. His concerned expression hinted at a genuine care for Mikasa and Eren's well-being. Despite this, Mikasa couldn't help but harbor reservations, but she didn't know him well yet.

While Mikasa wasn't sure what to make of him, she knew he was Eren's little brother, so she figured he wasn't harmful to her or anyone.

With caution in each step, Mikasa descended the staircase, her slender fingers gently skimming the polished mahogany railing. As she reached the common area, a delightful blend of kitchen and living space, she noticed the absence of Dr. Jaeger, Naruto, and Eren. However, her eyes were immediately drawn to Carla, standing by the sink with diligent hands immersed in dishwashing. The sight of Carla effortlessly maneuvering through the chore sent Mikasa's heart into a wild rhythm, as if a troupe of percussionists had taken residence within her chest cavity. Despite the absence of any logical cause for fear, Mikasa's anxiety, a result of her past emotional turmoil, clung to her like an invisible shroud, betraying her body's instinctual response.

As Mikasa, her heart pounding within her chest, summoned the courage to approach the mysterious woman, her hesitant step echoed through the silent room, resonating with the weight of caution. The faint creaking of the aging floorboard beneath her feet seemed to ax her apprehension, urging her forward into the unknown. As she cautiously advanced, the rhythmic mix of clinking porcelain and sloshing dishwater abruptly ceased, the sudden silence hanging in the air like a suspended breath.

Carla was jolted from her reverie by the disturbance, her head instinctively turning toward the source of the noise. Her focus zeroed in on Mikasa, the new housemate who had emerged from the shadows. At that moment, a warm, comforting smile graced the former waitress's face, radiating a sense of familiarity and acceptance. With genuine joy twinkling in her eyes, she greeted Mikasa, "Oh, Mikasa. You're awake."

Mikasa's breath hitched in her throat as her eyes widened in surprise, causing her to instinctively take a step back. Her heart raced, pounding against her chest, as a mix of emotions flooded her senses. The brown-haired woman's concern etched across her face, eagerly awaiting a response.

Yet, Mikasa felt her voice trapped, her throat constricting with each passing second. Desperation coursed through her veins, urging her to break free from the suffocating silence. Her mind raced, searching for the right words to convey her gratitude, to acknowledge the genuine concern that radiated from the woman before her. But, amidst the chaos within her, a voice, almost a whisper, echoed in her mind, warning her against it.

Carla sensing Mikasa's internal struggle. With a gentle tilt of her head and a soft smile gracing her lips, her eyebrows softened, mirroring the tenderness in her voice. "It's alright," she reassured her words like a soothing balm for Mikasa's anxious soul.

"You don't have to speak if you don't want to. I'm just glad to see you up and about."The weight of those words, laced with empathy and understanding, gently eased Mikasa's racing heart. A sense of relief washed over her, like a warm embrace enveloping her fragile being.

In a swift motion, Mikasa swiftly retraced her unexpected step; her eyes fixated on the intricate patterns of bandages adorning her delicate feet. With a mixture of curiosity and concern, her left hand instinctively clutched onto the bundle of her beloved scarf, seeking comfort in its familiar touch. Amidst the silence that enveloped the room, she managed to release a soft, melodic hum, a subtle yet poignant sign that she acknowledged and absorbed the words uttered by the older woman.

Carla deduced that the young and apprehensive child was undoubtedly pondering the whereabouts of her two valiant saviors. Recognizing the importance of providing solace to the lone companion, she deemed it fitting to disclose the current location of the trio.

With a gentle, empathetic smile adorning her face, her voice carried a soothing tone infused with warmth and reassurance. "Grisha, Naruto, and Eren left to run some errands, so they won't be back for a while."

As Mikasa stood in the room, a soft and melodic hum escaped her lips, creating a delicate harmony that filled the air. However, her eyes were irresistibly drawn to the dinner table that lay before her, adorned with an array of delectable dishes. The tantalizing aroma wafted through the room, tempting her senses and causing her mouth to water involuntarily.

She couldn't help but feel a hint of embarrassment as her scarf discreetly concealed the evidence of her body's reaction. Despite her longing for the delicious food laid out before her, Mikasa found herself unable to muster the courage to ask for something to eat. Just as Mikasa grappled with her internal dilemma, Carla noticed the subtle shift in Mikasa's attention and seized the opportunity to intervene.

With a gentle and caring voice, she interrupted the silence, assuring Mikasa that she had already taken care of her needs."I know I'm washing up," Carla said, her words laced with warmth and affection, "but I set aside some breakfast for you."

With an elegant, unhurried stride, Mikasa gracefully made her way toward the cozy seating area, her charcoal locks swaying in rhythm with her steps. As she approached, her eyes gleamed with a mixture of hunger and excitement, eager to indulge in the delightful feast that awaited her.

With careful precision, she selected a chair that faced the tantalizing spread of food, ensuring her scarf was gently removed and delicately hung on the back of the chair, meticulously safeguarding it from any potential stains that may arise during her delectable journey.

The alluring aroma of the freshly prepared meal wafted through the air, causing Mikasa's nose to twitch with anticipation, heightening her senses to the forthcoming culinary delight. She cast a discerning gaze upon the array of delectable dishes in front of her, her eyes meticulously examining each intricate detail.

A symphony of growls emanated from her stomach as if it were singing a ravenous tune, in perfect harmony with the delectable sight that Carla had created. Astonishingly, even amidst the hustle and bustle of the surroundings, Carla's keen ears picked up on these audible cravings, her heart warmed by the adorable sight that unfolded before her, prompting a soft chuckle to escape her lips.

In the midst of the quaint little dining area, Mikasa found herself confronted with a delightful arrangement of culinary delights. Positioned right before her, like an artistic display, sat a gleaming metal dish, cradling a freshly baked bread roll and a perfectly boiled egg, their appetizing aromas wafting through the air. Adjacent to this tempting sight, a generous bowl of steaming rice porridge awaited her, accompanied by a rustic wooden spoon, inviting her to indulge. As her eyes wandered, they came across a sleek metal pitcher adorned with delicate droplets of condensation glistening in the soft light. Without a doubt, it contained ice-cold water. "I wasn't sure what you wanted, so I just made something easy on the stomach," Carla said.

As she reached for the plate, her anticipation grew, eager to experience the delightful symphony of flavors that awaited her. The roll of dice was not just any ordinary roll; it was light and fluffy as if it had been kissed by clouds, with a subtle hint of sweetness that danced upon her tastebuds, awakening them with a gentle caress.

But that wasn't all. The protein-infused egg sat beside the roll, its yolk jammy and savory, perfectly complementing the delicate sugariness of the roll. As she took a bite, the yolk burst forth like a sunrise, spreading its velvety richness throughout her palate, creating a harmonious blend of flavors that left her longing for more.

The aroma of warm, buttery grains of porridge enveloped her senses, enticing her to take a spoonful. She allowed the porridge to trickle down her throat, its comforting warmth soothing her parched throat and nourishing her from within. With every spoonful, her emotionally frigid body began to thaw, as the sustenance she was indulging in brought a wave of warmth and contentment that spread through her veins.

The combination of the ethereal roll, the tantalizing egg, and the comforting porridge created a symphony of flavors that lingered on her palate.

In a blink of an eye, her dishes were transformed into pristine, gleaming surfaces, free from the remnants of her delicious meal. In a moment of satisfaction, she brought the ice-cold glass of water to her lips, relishing the refreshing sensation as it cascaded down her throat, cleansing away any lingering crumbs or food particles that dared to disrupt the perfection of her palate.

With each revitalizing sip, her weariness ebbed away, replaced by a newfound surge of energy that coursed through her veins, reinvigorating her entire being.

The satisfaction of a clean plate and a satiated appetite brought a triumphant smile to her lips, a silent victory dance performed within the confines of her mind. However, her contentment was abruptly shattered by the hearty, contagious laughter that erupted from Carla, echoing through the room like a burst of joyous fireworks. She turned her attention to Carla, whose eyes twinkled mischievously as she jovially remarked, "I guess you liked it, huh?"

As Mikasa savored the last spoonful of porridge, her taste buds danced with delight. But as she set the empty bowl aside, she sensed a peculiar sensation on her lips.

With a gentle touch, she discovered remnants of the creamy porridge clinging to her delicate skin, leaving a trail of warmth and comfort. In an instant, her face transformed into a canvas of colors, mirroring the vibrant hues of the scarf she had lovingly draped over the chair.

With a determined resolve, Mikasa delicately scraped off the milky grains, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over her as the remnants disappeared. Just as she was about to clear the remnants from the table, her hands instinctively reached for the dishes, ready to hand them off to Carla.

But to her surprise, Carla swiftly intervened, gracefully stepping in to halt her in her tracks."Allow me," Carla insisted, her voice laced with kindness and concern.

"I'll take care of it. Just stay there and rest." Mikasa's eyes met Carla's, a mixture of gratitude and fatigue reflecting in her gaze. Relieved, she settled back into her seat, surrendering to the much-needed respite that awaited her.

Suddenly, both Carla and Mikasa heard the door opening; they turned their heads as Naruto walked inside. With his usual bright smile, Carla quickly walked up to her adorable boy, kissing his cheeks, much to Naruto's annoyance, who desperately tried to escape her loving embrace.

Mikasa watched as Carla showered Naruto in kisses; she couldn't help but remember her own mother showing her that kind of affection, she felt her eyes welling up, but she escaped her thoughts once Naruto started approaching her; for a moment, she thought of taking a step back, but she couldn't help but notice his eyes reminded her a little of her father's eyes, they were the eyes of someone who wanted to protect people.

"We didn't get the chance to talk, My name is Naruto, and you're welcome in our family, Mikasa," Naruto greeted her with a soft voice, trying to sound as friendly as possible, before extending her hand towards her as a sign of friendship.

Mikasa glanced back and forth between his hand and his face. For a moment, she didn't want to shake his hand, but she didn't know why; she had a feeling that she could trust him, and shaking that hand would be the first step; reaching out, she shook his hand.

"My name is Mikasa Ackerman."

Chapter 10 (The Silence Before The Storm)

The Two Girls that will be with Naruto are Annie and Pieck. Let me know in the Comments what you think about it.


William Kwok

i like Annie and Pieck but there is no chance to add Historia? she is one of my favorite girls. i can understand keeping Mikasa with Eren (which i think if the road you are planning).


I will think about it. Mikasa will be with Eren 100%. That’s not changing. Thank you for reading my Story