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' As the morning sun spilled into the room, its warm rays delicately caressed her face, infusing her with a renewed sense of joy and vitality. With a contented smile adorning her lips, Kya gracefully extended her arm, gently pushing aside the cozy blanket that had enveloped her throughout the night. Slowly, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, making contact with the cool touch of the wooden floor beneath her feet. A fleeting shiver ran down her spine, momentarily interrupting her tranquility, yet she brushed it aside, undeterred by the slight chill. Fixating her gaze on the door that led to Naruto's room.

As Kya gazed upon the door, a slight frown etched its way onto her face, mirroring her growing concern. At the tender age of six, despite their numerous attempts, he had not yet displayed even the faintest glimmer of talent in bending any of the four elements. They had tirelessly experimented with each element, hoping to unlock his dormant abilities, but alas, Naruto remained impervious to their efforts. This disheartening reality weighed heavily on him, casting a shadow over his mood with each passing day, exacerbating the depths of his frustration.

Kya didn't care whether or not her son could bend an element, to her he was still her son, not being able to bend wouldn't change that, but the same wasn't for her little boy who would occasionally get angry that he couldn't bend any of the elements, often bringing up the fact that he was Avatar Aang's grandson, and he needed to be able to bend.

Naruto would often bring it up that he was Aang's grandson and that he should be able to bend either Air or Water; Kya didn't like that her son thought of himself as less if he couldn't bend any of the elements. Sokka had tried to remind him that there was nothing wrong with being a non-bender, but Naruto still didn't like the fact that he might not be a bender. Even Korra had once commented on him being unable to bend.

"You can't bend! But you're Avatar Aang's grandson, it doesn't make sense." That had been Korra had commented, her words had caused young Naruto's determination to ignite like an unstoppable fire. Previously, he would diligently practice bending for a mere two hours each day, but now, fueled by Korra's comment, he started spending an astonishing five hours daily in relentless pursuit of mastering the elements. Unfortunately, despite Naruto's unwavering dedication, his efforts proved to be in vain, leaving him crestfallen and disheartened as he returned home each day, his face etched with a profound frown.

With a sense of anticipation, Kya approached the sturdy door of Naruto's room, her footsteps echoing softly in the quiet hallway. As she reached out to grasp the cool metal handle, her heart brimming with the familiar image of her little boy peacefully asleep, she turned it gently, allowing the door to swing open on well-oiled hinges. Stepping into the room, she expected to find her son nestled snugly in his bed, oblivious to the early morning hour as the sun began its ascent. However, to her surprise, the space where his small frame should have rested was eerily vacant, the once neatly arranged blanket carelessly strewn upon the floor in disarray. A flicker of concern danced across Kya's face as she cast her searching gaze around the room, desperately seeking any trace of her missing child. The closed window reassured her that he hadn't ventured outside through this means, leaving her with a growing sense of unease and myriad of unanswered questions.

"Naruto!" Kya's voice pierced through the silence, resonating with urgency as she called out his name. Anticipating a swift response, she eagerly awaited the sound of his voice reverberating within the hollow walls of their home. However, the only sound that greeted her anxious ears was the haunting echo of her own plea bouncing off the deserted corridors, intensifying her growing concern. Determined not to succumb to panic, traversing every nook and cranny of the vacant abode, her voice resonating with escalating worry as she persistently called out his name, desperately seeking any sign of her beloved Naruto's presence.

As Kya hurriedly burst through the creaking wooden door, her heart raced with anticipation. Stepping into the outside world, she couldn't contain her worry any longer and let out a piercing cry that echoed through the air, "Naruto!" With every ounce of hope, she scanned the surroundings, her eyes darting from one corner of the house to another, desperately seeking a glimpse of her beloved little boy. Yet, to her dismay, he was nowhere to be found. A gentle cold wind swept through the summer air, brushing against her cheeks as if in a cruel twist of fate. Even though the season dictated warmth and sunshine, the ground beneath her feet remained a pristine white blanket of snow, reminiscent of the icy landscapes of the South Pole.

As Kya stood there, her heart pounding with anticipation, she prepared herself to utter his name once more. Just as she was about to call out, a delicate whisper of sound reached her ears, carrying on the wind from afar. It was a haunting sob, echoing through the vast expanse, filling the air with its melancholic melody.

Intrigued and concerned, Kya's eyes darted towards a nearby small hill, its gentle slope inviting her to uncover the source of this sorrowful symphony. Without hesitation, Kya propelled herself forward, her feet swiftly ascending the hill with a sense of urgency and determination.

What could have caused such profound anguish? Who could be the bearer of this inconsolable pain? Finally, as Kya reached the summit, her breath caught in her throat. A vast expanse of untouched snow stretched out before her, coating the landscape in pristine white. The air was heavy with an ethereal stillness as if time itself had paused to witness the heartbreak that unfolded within this snowy haven.

And there, in the midst of the snow-covered clearing, knelt Naruto, his body trembling with grief, tears streaming down his face like crystalline rivers. The magnitude of his sorrow was palpable, reaching out to touch the very core of Kya's being.

As Kya trudged through the snowy terrain, her heart sank with a mix of trepidation and anxiety, consumed by the fear that something truly dreadful had transpired to her precious little boy. Ignoring her own weariness and fatigue, her every fiber of being propelled her forward as if driven by an unstoppable force. The snowflakes, enchanting and ethereal, swirled around her in a graceful dance, creating a whimsical spectacle that mirrored the urgency and determination in her steps.

As she cautiously approached, Kya's heart sank at the sight before her. The bitter cold of the snowy ground seemed to seep into her own bones as she drew nearer. Naruto, his small frame huddled in a protective embrace, looked utterly vulnerable and alone. Like a haunting melody, his sobs echoed through the wintry air, growing in intensity with each passing second. In front of him, a small puddle mirrored his despair, its icy surface reflecting the bleakness of the moment. Closing the distance between them, Kya's footsteps were muffled by the snow; she reached out to Naruto, her voice gentle and soothing. Yet, his tears continued to cascade down his cheeks, oblivious to her presence.

Kya gazed at the forlorn figure before her, her heart aching with a mix of concern and affection. With a tender, loving voice, she whispered, "My beautiful boy, what are you doing here?" Her hand, warm and gentle, found its way to his trembling shoulder, offering solace and support. As Naruto's sobs wracked his frame, he flinched ever so slightly at the unexpected touch, his vulnerability exposed. Yet, despite his momentary apprehension, he instinctively sought comfort, wrapping his arms around his curled-up legs even tighter, seeking refuge in his own embrace.

In the midst of the biting cold, Naruto's anguished declaration of "I'm a failure!" pierced through the serene winter air, carrying the weight of his despair. Clutching his legs with a desperate grip, he sought solace in the icy embrace of his tears, cascading down his face like crystalline trails of sorrow, only to meet their fate on the powdery expanse of the snowy ground below. Kya swiftly enveloped Naruto in her arms, weaving a blanket of warmth around him. With a tender gesture, she pressed a gentle kiss upon the crown of his head, hoping to make him feel better.

"Shhh, you're the most precious boy in the world. Why are you saying that?" Kya asked softly; she leaned in and softly inquired, her lips grazing his warm cheek. The touch of her affectionate kiss brought solace to his troubled heart, causing Naruto to release his grip on his legs and embrace her instead, seeking comfort in her loving embrace. With his tear-streaked face buried against her shoulder, his sobs were muffled by the fabric of her clothes.

Naruto, his eyes filled with tears, softly murmured, "Being a non-bender and being Aang's grandson doesn't make sense, does it," As his voice trembled with emotion, Kya swiftly comprehended that someone had dared to utter those perplexing words to her beloved little boy. A surge of fiery anger surged through her veins, leaving her pondering who could have possibly uttered such audacious remarks to her precious child.

"Who told you that?" Kya's voice rang out, a mixture of curiosity and concern evident in her tone. With a tender touch, she maintained her composure, not wanting to display any hint of anger in front of her young boy. Naruto's tear-streaked face slowly ceased its sobbing as he mustered the courage to respond. However, as he tried to find the right words, his voice faltered, and his attempts at speaking turned into a series of futile attempts. Moments passed, with his mouth opening and closing in a silent struggle, until finally, he summoned the strength to whisper, the words barely audible, "It doesn't matter."

Kya wanted to say that it mattered but understood that for whatever reason, her little boy wanted to keep it secret; Naruto usually told her everything, so for him to keep quiet must mean that whoever told him that was important to him. Kya let out a weary sigh; she leaned in, gently pressing tender kisses on both of his flushed cheeks, hoping to convey her unwavering support and unconditional love. As she pulled away, her hands cradled his cherubic face, her thumbs tenderly wiping away the tears that streamed down his rosy cheeks.

"Naruto," Kya began with a gentle yet authoritative tone that resonated with motherly wisdom, her eyes filled with a mixture of compassion and firmness, "whenever or not you're a bender doesn't change anything." As Naruto instinctively prepared to interject and defend his honor, Kya gracefully extended her delicate finger, pressing it gently but firmly against his lips, effectively silencing any objections that were about to escape his mouth.

"Do you know your uncle, Bumi?" Kya questioned; Naruto's expression shifted to one of astonishment, causing his eyebrow to rise ever so slightly as he processed the unexpected query. Breaking the silence, Naruto replied with a simple "Yes."

Eager to delve further into the topic, Kya wasted no time and fired off another question, her voice filled with anticipation, "What is his job?"

Naruto, still perplexed as to why his mother was suddenly so interested in Uncle Bumi, responded without hesitation, "He's the commander of the second division of the United Forces."

Leaning closer to Naruto, Kya's eyes met her son's, her gaze unwavering as she posed an unexpected follow-up question, "Would you say he's a failure?" The intensity in her eyes was mirrored by the piercing blue gaze of Naruto, who found himself slightly taken aback by his mother's directness.

Shaking off the surprise, Naruto's voice brimmed with conviction as he defended his uncle's honor, "Absolutely not. Uncle Bumi is a badass, and he's funny," Naruto's response carried a hint of offense, his disbelief at his mother's insinuation evident in his tone.

"He's a nonbender," Kya added with a purposeful tone; her words caused young Naruto's eyes to widen and his mouth wide open. He couldn't believe what his mother was saying; he was ready to say that she must be wrong when he remembered that not once had he seen Bumi bend an element. Now that he thought about it, Naruto didn't remember ever seeing his uncle bend an element, not one of them.

Naruto, his voice laced with astonishment, stumbled over his words as he desperately tried to comprehend the unfathomable truth before him. "H-he can't!" he stammered, his disbelief evident. The realization hit him like a wave crashing against a rocky shore, leaving him bewildered. How could someone as significant as Bumi, a figure of great influence and power, be a non-bender? Naruto's gaze slowly descended, his eyes filled with a mix of confusion and pity. It was as if the weight of this revelation had settled upon his shoulders, causing him to bear an unspoken shame. Sensing her son's turmoil, Kya, with her heart brimming with compassion, swiftly enveloped Naruto in a tender, heartfelt embrace. Her warm touch soothed his troubled spirit, her hand delicately caressing his middle back, offering solace in the face of the inexplicable.

With a tender, motherly voice that held a comforting tone, Kya spoke, "Not being able to bend doesn't determine your worth, never think that," As she leaned in, planting a soft, affectionate kiss on his tiny nose, a giggle escaped his lips, breaking through the remnants of tears that had left his eyes red. With a heartwarming smile gracing his face, the young boy, turned his gaze away, his adorable expression captivating all who laid eyes upon him.

Filled with gratitude and overflowing affection, he spoke with utmost sincerity, "Thank you, Mother, I love you so much," In a beautiful display of reciprocated love, he pressed a tender kiss upon his mother's cheek. '

As the morning light filtered through the window, casting a gentle glow on the room, Kya found herself lost in a whirlwind of introspective thoughts. However, her trance was abruptly shattered when the unmistakable sound of the candlestick phone reverberated through the house, piercing the serene silence.

Curiosity sparked within her, causing her brow to furrow with intrigue as she pondered who could possibly be calling at such an early hour. With a determined resolve, she rose from her comfortable chair, the fabric softly sighing beneath her weight, and traversed the room toward the table where the phone resided. As she approached, her fingers tingling with anticipation, she deftly pulled out a nearby chair and settled herself, ready to answer the call. Grasping the receiver of the candlestick phone, she could feel the cool, smooth texture beneath her fingertips.

"You better have a good reason for this call," With an air of irritation and a barely stifled yawn, Kya's voice cut through the silence as she picked up the vintage candlestick phone, her mind racing with anticipation for the caller's identity. As her eyes met the device's ornate receiver, she couldn't help but wonder who would dare disturb her at this hour. Her thoughts drifted to Bumi, or perhaps it was someone from the White Lotus organization.

On the other end of the phone, Tenzin's voice rushed into Kya's ears, its urgency palpable. "Kya, is mother there with you, I need to tell you both something," he exclaimed, his words tumbling out in rapid succession. Kya's heart skipped a beat as she registered the strain in his tone, a clear indication that he was breathless and deeply troubled.

With a tone of growing concern, Kya anxiously addressed Tenzin. Her eyes filled with genuine concern as she posed the question, "Tenzin, what's wrong, is Naruto alright? Did something happened to the baby?" Meanwhile, as Kya voiced her worries, Katara stealthily approached from behind, her gaze fixed on her daughter and the intense phone conversation unfolding before her. Fully aware of the gravity of the situation, Katara attentively listened, her keen focus directed towards the person on the other end of the line, silently hoping for reassuring news.

As Kya pressed the phone to her ear, she couldn't help but notice the subtle sound of Tenzin's gulp resonating through the receiver, followed by the rhythmic release of short breaths. An air of anticipation hung in the silence, punctuated only by the faint echo of her own heartbeat.

"Is mother there?" Tenzin's voice finally pierced through the hushed atmosphere, causing Kya's frustration to simmer beneath the surface. The disappointment in her tone grew palpable, almost manifesting as a low growl escaping her lips. Sensing her daughter's mounting exasperation, Katara strode forward, snatching the receiver from Kya's grasp. With a swift and decisive motion, she took charge of the conversation.

"Tenzin, I'm right here," Katara answered the transmitter. With the receiver pressed against her ear, she immersed herself in the conversation, her eyes fixated on the distant horizon. Meanwhile, her heart pulsating with anticipation, Kya stood beside her mother, her patience testing the boundaries of time itself. A minute felt like an eternity as the seconds slipped away. With each passing moment, Kya's eyes were drawn to the subtle transformation of her mother's complexion, a ghostly pallor emerging like an ethereal specter. Concerned tendrils of worry curled around her thoughts, leaving her pondering the enigmatic contents of Tenzin's words whispered through the telephone line.

"Tenzin," Katara spoke with solemnity, her voice weighted with the gravity of her words, "we will be there by tomorrow morning," With a sense of urgency, she swiftly ended the call, her weathered countenance now displaying an ashen hue, betraying the weight of her distress. In response, Kya immediately rose from her seat; her eyes fixated on her mother.

With a tinge of desperation in her voice, Kya anxiously implored her mother, her eyes filled with worry, fearing the worst. "Mother, did something happen to Naruto?" she pleaded, her voice tinged with fear and hope, desperately yearning for reassuring words.

"Kya," Katara said with sudden sadness in her old voice, Kya felt her own heart beating faster from concern, hoping nothing had happened to her son.

"Naruto is in the Iron Prison,"

Let me know in the comments what you think about the Chapter. I hope you have a Wonderful Day.


William Kwok

Honestly some of my favorite parts are the wholesome Kya and naruto mother and son relationship so I really appreciated the flashback. And Kya leaning that her son is in prison. I am sure next chapter there will be a massive reaction


Kya will have the biggest reaction. I loved writing that scene.