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As Jaime settled comfortably onto the polished wooden chair, he couldn't help but be captivated by the heartwarming tableau unfolding before his eyes. The evening air was filled with an aura of contentment as the room buzzed with the delightful sounds of clinking cutlery and hearty laughter. Each face at the communal table was adorned with genuine smiles, a testament to the joyous camaraderie shared among friends and family. Amidst the harmonious symphony of conversation, Sasha stood out like a radiant sunbeam in a sky of clouds; she was even more cheerful than usual.

As Jaime basked in the delightful ambiance, an involuntary smile played across his lips, radiating a heartwarming sense of contentment. The sheer sight of every face adorned with sincere smiles filled his being with immense and profound joy as if a thousand suns had suddenly illuminated his soul. "Look, Arthur," Jaime whispered wistfully, his voice tinged with a melancholic undertone as his eyes grew dim with longing. "I can make people smile. I-I really wish you were here," His gaze shifted downwards, a hint of sadness lingering in his eyes, and his hands gently came to rest on his lap. Slowly, almost hesitantly, his right hand ascended to caress the scar etched above his right eyebrow.

' "You know," young Arthur exclaimed with an air of innocence, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he gazed at Jaime, the hapless big bro attempting to conjure up a palatable meal amidst their dire circumstances. With a mischievous grin, Arthur mused aloud, "If only you knew how to cook, we could eat as good as the King," The pair's stomachs grumbled in unison, a testament to their meager rations consisting only of yesterday's captured rat. Undeterred by their limited resources, Jaime valiantly persevered, diligently coaxing a flickering flame into existence, eagerly trying to start a fire to cook the rat.

With a mischievous grin plastered across his face, the audacious young Jaime effortlessly dismissed the notion of the King's opulent feasts, exclaiming, "The King, nah, we could eat even better than him," As he spoke, his eyes twinkled mischievously, locking onto his little bro Arthur who gazed up at him with a mixture of awe and curiosity. The air filled with a chorus of chuckles as Arthur succumbed to the infectious amusement, reveling in the lighthearted banter. However, their moment of mirth was abruptly interrupted when Arthur's stomach let out a thunderous growl.

Leaning back against the rough, weathered stone wall, Arthur's stomach growled incessantly. The tattered remains of his clothes clung desperately to his emaciated frame, the black shirt adorned with deep scratches. It was a mere semblance of a garment, barely recognizable as a shirt at all. Jaime observed the distress etched upon his face; he selflessly pushed aside his own gnawing hunger. With determination in his eyes, Jaime swiftly rose to his feet, his tiny legs propelling him forward with unwavering speed.

"You know, you should try-" "I should try to think about something else. I know," Arthur interrupted Jaime's words with a loud pout; the sound of his growling belly echoed through the room. Arthur's worn-out pants hung loosely on his small frame. His unkempt nails, once neatly trimmed, had grown long and unruly, with several of them painfully broken. In their dire circumstances, the only available tool for grooming their nails was Jaime's small dagger, a precious possession that he always kept safely tucked away in his pocket, ready to fulfill their basic needs.

Jaime's heart sank as he gazed away, consumed by a deep sense of hopelessness that engulfed him. The weight of his little brother's sadness was almost unbearable as he desperately sought a way to bring a flicker of joy back into their weary lives. His weary eyes wandered aimlessly until they stumbled upon a quaint meat shop nestled down the road, its savory aroma wafting through the air, sizzling with temptation. In that serendipitous moment, an idea began to sprout in Jaime's mind, like a seedling breaking through the cracks of desolation. With a newfound spark of determination, he swiftly turned his gaze back to Arthur, his face illuminating with a radiant smile that pierced through the darkness of their humble abode, a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows.

"Arthur, you know we will have a feast tomorrow. We both will eat until our tummies are full," Jaime said softly, sitting beside Arthur; the corners of Arthur's mouth twitched, barely hinting at a smile, as he glanced at Jaime, who sat beside him.

"A feast?" he questioned skeptically, a hint of curiosity lacing his words. With a dismissive shake of his head, Arthur continued, "Where can we find a feast?" In response, Jaime's arm gently encircled Arthur's shoulder, pulling him closer.

"Close your eyes." Jaime requested softly; Arthur looked at him skeptically before reluctantly closing his eyes.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Jaime leaned closer to Arthur, his voice barely above a whisper. "Now, you know Boser's sausage shop down the road?" The corners of Jaime's lips curled into a knowing smile as Arthur's senses came alive, his taste buds tingling with anticipation. Memories flooded his mind, recalling countless moments when he found himself transfixed in front of that shop, succumbing to the tantalizing fragrance that wafted through the air, teasing his olfactory senses and igniting a primal hunger from within. He often stayed near the shop, enjoying the aroma.

"I do," Arthur answered, still keeping his eyes closed, drooling a little from his mouth.

"Now," Jaime's voice echoed through the room, his words filled with a tantalizing promise, "imagine a table full of meat and bread,"

As Arthur obediently shut his eyes, a mischievous smile curved his lips, anticipation dancing in his mind. With each passing second, his senses heightened, as if he were transported to a world where taste and aroma intertwined seamlessly. In the depths of his imagination, Arthur could vividly perceive the tantalizing scent of freshly baked bread, its warmth embracing his nostrils.

The aroma mingled harmoniously with the savory essence of succulent, perfectly roasted meat, teasing his taste buds and leaving him yearning for more. The table, expansive and abundant, stretched out before him like a culinary masterpiece, brimming with culinary delights. As Arthur's mind wandered through this sensory wonderland, his hand instinctively twitched, almost reaching out to grasp a delectable piece of bread.

The mere thought of sinking his teeth into the soft, warm interior of the loaf filled him with an unquenchable desire. But alas, he remained rooted in his seat, obediently adhering to Jaime's instructions, savoring the experience of his imagination's exquisite creation. With each passing moment, the table grew richer and more diverse, a gastronomic symphony of flavors.

Alongside the bread and meat, Arthur could now envision an array of luscious, creamy milk, ready to soothe and refresh his palate.

With his eyes closed, Arthur questioned, a tinge of anticipation in his voice, "We will have a feast?" As the words escaped his lips, his hunger momentarily vanished, replaced by a vivid image in his mind's eye—a grand banquet spread out before him, overflowing with delectable delicacies that beckoned him to partake. In this tantalizing daydream, he envisioned himself savoring each bite, relishing the flavors that danced on his tongue, and filling his tummy to its brim until contentment washed over him like a warm embrace.

"We will. Tomorrow, we will have a feast. We will eat like Kings," Jaime promised wholeheartedly as he gave his little bro a side hug before kissing the top of his head. That night, Arthur ate dinner while Jaime looked at the meat shop down the road with narrowed eyes.

As Jaime found himself lost in his own thoughts, a gentle nudge on his shoulder jolted him back to reality. Startled, his gaze swiftly darted to the right, only to discover Krista's concerned eyes fixed upon him. Meanwhile, Ymir, engrossed in savoring her flavorful stew, seemed oblivious to the unfolding moment. Yet, deep down, Jaime sensed that Ymir's seemingly casual indulgence did not deter her from subtly observing their shared interaction.

"Jaime, are you-" Krista's voice trailed off as she noticed the distant, haunted look in his eyes. Jaime swiftly interrupted, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and determination as if trying to convince himself, "I'm alright, Krista." With a gulp that betrayed the weight of his thoughts, he swallowed hard, his mind racing to escape the clutches of the past that had ensnared him once again. As his trembling hand instinctively reached up to ruffle his hair.

Jaime quickly gave Krista his usual smile, trying to reassure her. As his eyes met hers, he could sense the flicker of doubt, the lingering traces of worry etched upon her features. With a gentle timbre, he spoke, his words laced with sincerity, "I'm just happy that everyone is enjoying the food," A subtle exchange of glances passed between Krista and Ymir, they seemed unconvinced, yet they chose not to delve into the intricacies of Jaime's affairs.

"Jaime, I heard you have beautiful drawings. Can I look at them," Armin suddenly asked from the table near Jaime's table; the latter arched an eyebrow before sending a look at Jean, knowing he was probably the one that had spread the word; Jean quickly looked away when Jaime gave him a deadpan look.

With an air of casual indifference, Jaime responded, "Sure, here," his voice laced with nonchalance as he deftly reached into his bag, snatching his cherished Art notebook. Passing it to Armin, who could hardly contain his anticipation, Jaime couldn't help but notice Eren and a small cluster of curious onlookers, all leaning in with intense intrigue, their eyes fixated on his remarkable drawings.

Armin found himself irresistibly captivated by the intricate allure of the drawings, each stroke of the pencil exuding a breathtaking beauty that left him in awe. Each page unfolded a mesmerizing tapestry of creativity, meticulously crafted with an undeniable passion. As he gingerly turned to the next page, his eyes widened in delight as a picturesque farm scene emerged before him. A charming tableau emerged, with graceful cows grazing contentedly on the emerald carpet of grass while a loving family basked in the warm embrace of nature's sanctuary.

"What is that?" Sasha asked, her brows furrowed in confusion, her slender finger pointing with cautious curiosity at the quaint, small-looking house that emerged from the intricate lines of the drawing. Armin, momentarily taken aback by Sasha's query, opened his mouth to provide an answer, only to be outpaced by the swift response of Connie.

"That's a Cow House," Connie answered with a proud look, while his answer made everyone look at him strangely, especially Jaime, who arched an eyebrow.

"A Cow House?" Jaime questioned Connie with a deadpan look; even Sasha looked confused while Jean was shaking his head, almost in shame.

"Yehh, where they Live. The Cows," Connie answered with a confused look, not understanding why nobody seemed to understand what he was talking about; his confusion only grew when everyone around him looked at him as if he was stupid.

Jaime pinched the bridge of his nose before he quickly softened his demeanor, extending his hand to pat Connie gently on the back as if trying to comfort a little child who had just made an amusing observation. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Jaime chuckled and responded, "You're right, Baldy," provoking an indignant "Hey!" from Connie.

Armin couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as he leisurely turned the page of the Art Notebook. However, the moment his eyes landed on the next drawing, a gasp involuntarily escaped his lips, mirroring the astonishment that etched across Eren's face. They both found themselves utterly captivated by the intricate lines and vivid colors that seemed to leap off the page. A sea of bewildered onlookers surrounded them. Their brows furrowed in confusion. Yet, amidst the puzzled crowd, two individuals stood out distinctly, their foreheads glistening with beads of sweat and their complexion paling.

Armin couldn't contain himself and blurted out, "Jaime, how do you know about the Ocean?" The question lingered in the air, a mix of intrigue and wonderment as Armin's voice unintentionally carried a bit louder than he had intended. His head lifted, eyes fixated on Jaime, who met his gaze with a raised eyebrow, a clear sign of perplexity.

Puzzled by Armin's inquiry, Jaime's voice dripped with genuine confusion as he inquired, "Ocean? What are you talking about?" The perplexity in Jaime's voice mirrored the bewilderment on his face. With nimble fingers, Armin deftly turned the art notebook around, showing him the drawing.

Curiosity sparked in Jaime's eyes as he delicately scratched the top of his head, his gaze fixed upon the mesmerizing drawing that Armin was enthusiastically pointing at. "Oh, is that what that is called?"

The drawing before them depicted a scene where the vast expanse of the sky played host to peculiar avian creatures soaring amidst the clouds. Beneath the heavenly panorama, an eternal body of water stretched into the horizon, seemingly boundless and perpetually flowing. The ethereal union of the celestial firmament and the aqueous depths harmoniously merged at the very heart of the artwork.

"How did you draw this?" Reiner questioned with a sudden seriousness in his voice as he stepped forward towards Jaime, who arched an eyebrow in confusion, wondering why Reiner seemed so concerned about a simple drawing.

"It was my first drawing, a year after I met my mentor. I dreamed of that place," Jaime explained with a little shrug of his shoulders as he pointed at the drawing.

"Once I woke up, I drew what I dreamed," Jaime answered nonchalantly. His answer seemed to satisfy Reiner, who almost looked relieved in a way, his shoulders slumping down; Jaime wondered what his problem was when Armin grabbed his attention.

"It's better than the drawing in my book," he asserted. As his words hung in the air, a wave of curiosity washed over his fellow peers, causing some to pause in their tracks and divert their attention towards him. Yet, the majority of the room continued on their separate conversations, especially Jean, who started giving Connie a long explanation about what a Cow House was.

Armin's words earned Jaime's attention, who quickly sat on Armin's table across from him. Eren seemed excited to talk about the Ocean, while Mikasa had a stoic look, but she was quiet, often looking at Jaime warily.

"Your book?" Jaime questioned as he rested his face on the palm of his hand.

Jaime listened as Armin explained that his parents used to have a book about the outside World. He explained how the book explained that the World was covered mostly by a huge body of water called 'The Ocean.'

"Do you still have that book?" Jaime asked, his voice tinged with a subtle urgency that he valiantly attempted to conceal beneath a veil of composure. He knew the danger of possessing such a book.

"No," Armin responded, his voice tinged with a feeling of profound sorrow as he cast his gaze downward, his eyes clouded with memories of the fateful moment. "I lost it," he continued, his voice trembling with a mixture of grief and frustration, "when the colossal Titan destroyed the wall, the book was left in my house." A fleeting moment of vulnerability passed, and Eren, sensing his friend's anguish, gently placed a comforting hand upon Armin's shoulder, his touch both reassuring and steadfast.

With unwavering determination shining in his eyes, Eren spoke words of solace laced with an unwavering conviction that resonated through the air. "We will kill all the Titans, Armin." he declared, his voice steady and resolute.

"I see," Jaime replied, his voice dripping with contemplation. He reached out, his fingers curling around the edges of his Art Notebook. With a deliberate yet tender touch, he seized the end of the page, the and gingerly tore it away from the bound confines of the notebook. The ripping sound reverberated through the air, causing Armin's eyes to widen in disbelief, his expression morphing into a mixture of astonishment and concern. Unfazed by the shock he had induced, Jaime extended his hand toward Armin.

Jaime's voice broke the heavy silence. With a gentle yet somber tone, he extended his arm towards Armin, offering his drawing in the absence of his beloved book. "Here, since you no longer have your book, this should do." However, Armin, lost in his own thoughts, reclined against the backrest of his chair, his body language mirroring his internal turmoil as he vehemently shook his head in refusal.

"No. You said it yourself. This is your first drawing. It must mean a lot to you," Armin quickly reasoned, not wanting to take something that didn't belong to him. It almost felt like stealing, and stealing was something he would never do.

"It does, but it is just a drawing, a piece of paper. I want you to have it, Armin, you can return it back to me once we have taken back Shiganshina, and you can take back your book," Jaime said with a convincing voice before leaning his hand closer to Armin; the latter opened his mouth to refuse once again when Eren kicked him under the table.

"I- Thank you, Jaime," Armin said wholeheartedly as he carefully grabbed the drawing from Jaime's extended hand; Armin looked at the drawing once again, and he couldn't help but see how similar it was to the drawing in his parents' book, it brought him a sense of melancholy, suddenly remembering the many times he had shared stories with his grandfather.

"Think naught of it, bowl head," Jaime said dismissively, with a smile on his face; Armin chuckled in amusement.

"No, this drawing is more to me than just a drawing. Since I read my father's book, I was always been drawn to the Ocean. Is it said that it covers more than half of the World and that it is full of salt, shorty," Armin said with a cheeky grin, with Eren nodding in agreement.

With a playful glimmer in his eyes, Jaime exclaimed, "Full of salt!" His mind wandered, enticed by the thought of standing near the vast expanse of the Ocean, where the tangy scent of salt would dance in the air. As the waves crashed against the shore in his imagination, Jaime couldn't help but share his musings. "I know a few merchants," he revealed mischievously, his voice laced with amusement, "who would have a field day with such a discovery."

"The book described Flaming Water and frozen land," Eren added with a look of admiration as if what he described meant too much to him.

"Flaming water! I have never heard of it, but the moment I see something like that, I will draw it for us, Eren," Jaime promised confidently. In his Art Notebook, he had saved three special pages, one for the first new animal he discovered outside the walls, one for the first new location he had never seen inside the Walls, and the final page was for the woman he would eventually fall in love with.

"So you want to see the Ocean, Armin? That's your Dream?" Jaime questioned, but more like stating a fact, he couldn't help but admire that kind of Dream.

With unwavering conviction, Armin met Jaime's gaze, his eyes shimmering with a mix of hope and determination. He nodded resolutely and declared, "Yes, that is my Dream. The Ocean is out there, and I will see it one day,"

"That's where our Freedom is," Eren added along with Armin, grabbing Jaime's attention, who leaned his head over the table.

"Freedom? Huh! You know I know how it feels,"

"What do you mean?" Armin couldn't help but ask, his curiosity piqued. Unbeknownst to him, the mere utterance of those words had ignited a spark, drawing the attention of curious onlookers who had inadvertently become part of this intriguing conversation.

"I-" Jaime's words was stuck in his throat. He still remembered that day. It was the day he had been the happiest in his life.

"I used to live in the underground city, Armin. The sun rarely shines there, and the air is thick and dirty. It feels like breathing dirty air." Jaime explained, his eyes looking at the sky through a closed square window; Armin and Eren listened without saying anything; Mikasa couldn't help but remember the words she said to him during the mission to cut the sandbags.

"You seem to be mistaken, sir; from where I Come from, the sun rarely shines," Mikasa remembered the words Jaime had said when he had first introduced himself to Shadis. Now she understood what he meant; she had never been in that city, but she figured it wasn't a pleasant place.

"Underground city?" Reiner questioned from a nearby table. He had been listening to their conversation and couldn't help but ask questions.

"Yes, it's a place without Law; only if you're strong you can survive, the weak can't fight. The crime thrives there." Jaime explained with an emotionless voice. And where the kidnapped people go, Jaime thought, remembering his mentor's warning three years ago. The Underground City had a big market where slaves were sold to the rich. It was mostly girls of young age.

Many heard his words, and many wondered why Jaime was raised in such a place. Connie opened his mouth to ask how Jaime survived in that place, but as if knowing what he would ask, Ymir placed her hand on his mouth before motioning for him to keep quiet.

"Jaime, you said you know how Freedom feels; what do you mean?" Eren questioned.

"When I got out." Jaime continued with a growing smile on his face. "When I tasted the air outside when I felt the sun and saw just how beautiful the world can be," Jaime said, his voice rising in tone, his eyes, the shade of amethyst, sparkled like precious gemstones, reflecting the fire of his unwavering determination and the unwavering passion that fueled his soul.

"I felt Freedom, and at that moment, I knew I wanted to explore the Whole World. To see just how beautiful it could be," Jaime finished his speech with a dreamy look on his face; Armin's mouth was open slightly. He couldn't help but like Jaime's Dream. Meanwhile, Eren gazed intently at Jaime, his eyes betraying a mixture of admiration and envy. In that fleeting moment, a flicker of longing danced across Eren's face as he yearned to experience the exhilaration and unbridled joy that had surged through Jaime's veins on that fateful day. He couldn't help but want one day to feel what Jaime had felt that day. To feel True Freedom.

Jean couldn't help but shake his head slightly in disappointment, hearing Jaime say those words. At that moment, he knew there was no chance. He knew that Jaime had already made up his mind. He knew Jaime had chosen his path. He will never join the military police, Jean thought with a tightened jaw. He had wanted the three of them to join together; they would have become officers in no time, but Jean knew Jaime had made his decision.

Ymir couldn't help but arch an eyebrow in surprise. She chuckled slightly in amusement. To think that Shortly has such a Big dream, She thought with a bitter smile, knowing that if Jaime didn't end up on the jaw of a Titan, sooner or later, he would find out the World out there wasn't as beautiful as he expected, Ymir knew Jaime would be disappointed in the end, his Dream will fall and crumble down like dust.

Jaime gracefully rose from his seat. As he stood up, the wooden chair reluctantly scraped against the polished wooden floor, creating a symphony of subtle creaks and groans that echoed through the air. He had seen the way everyone had enjoyed their meal, but he knew one person hadn't enjoyed it yet.


As Annie stood there, her breaths grew heavier, even though the surrounding temperatures remained cool. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, evidence of the intense physical exertion she had been enduring for the past two hours. Her clothes clung uncomfortably to her skin, emphasizing the discomfort she was feeling. Yet, Annie paid no attention to any of these discomforts. Instead, she focused on the moonlight delicately caressing her face, casting an ethereal glow upon her features. At that moment, she inhaled deeply, allowing the crisp, cool air to permeate every inch of her being, soothing her warm and perspiring body.

Annie stood amidst the vast expanse of nature, feeling the gentle caress of the wind against her face as her shoulder-length blonde hair gracefully swirled and danced in its playful embrace. Her eyes shifted from the dance of her hair to the worn tree trunk that had become her outlet for the past two relentless hours, receiving the full extent of her kicks and punches. The once sturdy bark now bore the scars of her unyielding determination, its weathered surface revealing the remnants of each forceful strike. In her relentless pursuit of strength, Annie had pushed her body to its limits, breaking her hands and toes three times over.

Annie took another deep breath; despite trying hard to ignore him, what he had said came to her mind despite her trying to ignore him and his words.

"What do you mean? Did he hurt you?" Annie's heart raced as she replayed Jaime's words in her mind, the genuine concern etched on his face. It was a perplexing sight for Annie to witness such empathy from someone like him. She couldn't fathom why Jaime would take the time to worry about her well-being. Yet, deep down, Annie couldn't deny the unexpected warmth that blossomed within her; she liked it that he showed concern, unlike her fellow warriors; none of them had ever asked her how she was, Bertholdt had tried starting conversations, but it was mostly him just stumbling on his words, while Reiner would do nothing but insult the Eldians in Paradis, and praising Marley like the good dog that he was.

Annie was ready to punch the tree once again, her fists clenched tightly. However, just as she prepared to strike, a mysterious symphony of faint footsteps began to echo in the stillness of the forest, creeping closer and closer from behind. Startled, Annie's heart skipped a beat, and her senses heightened as she swiftly pivoted on her heels, her piercing blue eyes narrowing with a mix of caution and defiance.

Annie's voice pierced through the stillness of the night as she questioned, "Who's there?" Her heart raced with a mixture of anger and curiosity, convinced that a stupid fellow cadet was lurking in the shadows, observing her every move.

However, to her surprise, it wasn't a menacing stalker that emerged from behind the dense foliage, but rather Jaime, finally revealing himself from the concealment of the bush. In his hands, he delicately balanced a steaming plate, emanating the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked stew, in his right hand, while his left hand clutched a rustic loaf of bread, its golden crust glistening under the moonlight.

Annie quickly lowered her guard when she saw that it was him. "Jaime, why are you?" She questioned, her voice tinged with an icy detachment with a stoic gaze that concealed her inner turmoil. However, despite the unfriendliness that dripped from her words like drops of rain, he remained undeterred, his lips curving into a captivating smile that revealed a row of perfect, pearly white teeth. In the ethereal glow of the moonlight, his vibrant, beautiful purple eyes seemed to dance as he confidently closed the gap between them.

"I brought you the dinner," With an air of nonchalance that bordered on playful arrogance, Jaime sauntered over, holding a sumptuous dinner in his hands. As he gracefully approached, he couldn't help but let a smile curl at the corners of his lips. With a casual flick of his wrist, he placed the meticulously arranged plate and warm, freshly baked bread on a rustic, chopped tree trunk that served as her makeshift dining table.

Annie didn't know why, but she was left speechless, her mouth slightly opened, she didn't understand what his game was, she couldn't understand why he would do this, she quickly remembered her father's words.

"Remember, girl. No one will ever do something good out of the goodness of their heart. There's no such thing; always remember they want to use you."

Annie repeated his words in her head, her blue eyes as cold as ice, looking at Jaime's warm and trusting purple eyes, almost trying to scare him away with her eyes alone.

"Why? What are you trying to achieve?" Annie demanded, almost shouting at him. She expected him to walk away or maybe get angry at her, but instead, he looked at her with pity.

"Everyone in this World has the right to eat, Annie. Everyone has the right to three warm meals every day. I'm not doing this because I expect something in return." Jaime answered with a warm smile. As his words settled in the air, Annie's eyes widened ever so slightly, reflecting a mixture of surprise and slight something else for his altruistic nature.

With a playful glimmer in his eyes, Jaime made a whimsical request, his voice tinged with anticipation, "You can throw it away if you want, but if you eat it, I would like to know what you think about the stew. I think it is my best one yet," Jaime requested with a chuckle; Annie looked at him strangely, as if she couldn't recognize him.

"D-didn't the others already tell you that," Annie said as she walked up to the plate filled with steaming stew.

"Oh, They did," Jaime answered with a slight chuckle of amusement when he remembered their reaction. "Especially Sasha, but..." Jaime's words trailed off.

However, Jaime's voice tapered off into a gentle hush as his attention shifted towards Annie, who now sat delicately dipping her bread into the hearty stew. With an infectious smile spreading across his face, he looked at Annie, a spark of curiosity igniting his gaze. "but..." he began, his voice brimming with anticipation, "I want to know what 'You' think about it," As Annie took a bite of the bread.

As Annie took her first bite, a symphony of flavors exploded in her mouth, a harmonious dance of sweet, savory, and tangy sensations that transported her taste buds to new heights. The taste was nothing short of extraordinary, a culinary masterpiece that left her breathless with its sheer deliciousness.

A contented hum escaped her lips, a melody of satisfaction that reverberated in the air as she savored every morsel that graced her palate. It was a gustatory experience far superior to anything she had ever encountered, surpassing even the renowned delicacies of Marley.

Despite the undeniable pleasure she derived from the exquisite food, Annie maintained a stoic expression, her face a mask of composure that hid her true delight. With deliberate restraint, she swallowed the final morsel, her eyes meeting Jaime's expectant gaze.

With a nonchalant air and a subtle grin playing on her lips, Annie finally voiced her verdict, "Well, it is certainly better than the food from the kitchen," As her words hung in the air, she found herself unable to resist the infectious display of Jaime's exultation, his triumphant fist pumping through the atmosphere. The sight was simply too delightful to suppress her mirth, and a gentle giggle danced from her lips, harmonizing with the joviality of the moment.

"Well, receiving a compliment from the Ice Queen herself is an honor," Jaime said with a playful bow of his head.

Annie found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic charm of his foolish antics, which typically would have gone unnoticed in her discerning eyes; yet, against her better judgment, an irrepressible giggle escaped her lips, betraying a hidden amusement that even she couldn't fully comprehend.