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Everyone watched as The Female Titan opened her hand, showing Reiner Braun; his arms were sliced off, and the stumps left were steaming as his body tried to heal; the female titan placed him on the ground before everyone else.

Reiner felt his consciousness slipping away like sand through his fingertips, but he heard a Garrison soldier walking closer before aiming his sword right at his face. "Armoured Titan, for the crimes against Humanity, you shall be punished."

Amidst the chaos and tension, the deafening cry of "Kill Him!" echoed through the air, reverberating off the buildings and streets below. The soldiers, on the rooftops and scattered across the rugged terrain, bellowed in unison, their voices laced with a mix of anger, vengeance, and a thirst for justice.

Their swords glinted ominously in the fading light as they eagerly prepared to deliver retribution upon Reiner, who lay unconscious and vulnerable before them. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Ian swiftly pivoted, his eyes locking with the others who had gathered around him, their expressions etched with determination and a hint of desperation. By his side stood Rico, a resolute blonde girl whose unwavering loyalty was matched only by her unwavering silence. Though her heart aligned with the chorus of voices advocating for Reiner's demise, she knew that the weighty decision rested not on her lips.

Amidst the tumultuous uproar of passionate dissent, a profound stillness descended, embracing the air like a heavy shroud. "Silence. I'm the second in Command of the Garrison. Reiner Braun will be imprisoned, and he will have a trial," From within this poignant silence emerged the resolute voice of Ian, resonating with unwavering authority. Ian's words reverberated through the chaotic tumult, yet their impact seemed to be but a fleeting whisper against the tempestuous storm of anger that engulfed the crowd. Instead of quelling their fury, his proclamation seemed to ignite an inferno within their souls, as many drew their gleaming swords, raising them menacingly towards both Ian and the hapless Reiner, their collective rage threatening to consume all reason and restraint in its path.

"The Armoured Titan killed my Little Brother!"

"My baby was devoured right before me because of those monsters!!"

"Burn them Alive!!"

"Cut their Heads Off!"

"Feed those Monsters to Titans. Let's see if they like it!!!"

The soldiers, united by a shared fury, raised their swords high, defying orders and ready to unleash their wrath upon Reiner and Bertholdt.

Ian, Mitabi, and Rico, their faces drenched in a cold sweat, stood before Reiner, their minds plagued by a crippling uncertainty on how to quell the raging storm within their comrades. Despite their ranks and training, it seemed futile as the tension in the air thickened with each passing moment. Suddenly, a resounding thud pierced through the chaos, reverberating across the desolate terrain. The ground trembled beneath their feet as all eyes turned in unison to witness the arrival of the Jaw Titan. With a piercing glare that seemed to pierce through their souls, she surveyed the scene, her presence commanding both fear and awe.

As the echoes of rage reverberated through the air, the solemn proclamation of the Jaw Titan resonated with a commanding presence. "I understand your anger," the titan's voice boomed, emanating both understanding and authority. With unwavering determination, it reassured the restless crowd, promising swift retribution for the wrongdoers. Yet, amidst the gravity of the situation, a glimmer of strategic insight flickered within its words. " I reassure you all that they will be punished, but they can give us all valuable information. Now follow your orders." A primal growl escaped its form, a testament to its unwavering resolve as if to challenge anyone who dared question its intent.

In a split second, a cacophony of metallic reverberations filled the air, capturing the attention of everyone present. Heads turned skyward in unison. Their gazes fixated on the sight unfolding before them. The unmistakable sound of ODM Gear echoed through the atmosphere, a symphony of gears, pulleys, and exhilaration. The Survey Corps descended from the lofty pinnacle of the outer wall. Suspended in mid-air, their figures silhouetted against the backdrop of the expansive sky, their ODM Gear propelled them swiftly toward the awaiting crowd.

With a resounding gulp that echoed through the air, Annie braced herself for the pivotal moment determining her fate. The weight of the decision bore down on her, split between the impulse to flee and the realization that surrendering meant subjecting herself to their merciless control. The magnitude of the danger at hand was undeniable, looming like a dark cloud over her consciousness. Annie couldn't be certain whether they possessed the knowledge and capability to transfer the power of a Titan to another human. Still, the mere existence of such a possibility left her acutely aware that her chances of survival were teetering precariously close to zero.

A chilling realization dawned upon her - the ominous threat of losing her Female Titan. As the weight of this possibility settled upon her trembling shoulders, Annie found herself swallowing hard, her heart pounding with trepidation. The deafening silence was shattered by the distant echo of footsteps, growing ever closer, causing her anxiety to intensify. With a quick turn of her head, she caught sight of Marco, accompanied by a handful of other cadets, cautiously making their way toward her.

Marco, with an uneasy smile etched upon his face, mustered up the courage to address Annie, his savior, as he cleared his throat, creating a momentary pause. With genuine gratitude emanating from his heart, he uttered, "Annie, you saved my life. I Don't know what else to say. Thank you," Marco's wholehearted smile spoke volumes, but Annie found herself unable to reciprocate. Deep down, she believed and knew she didn't deserve such praise, and so she chose to keep her lips tightly closed, her silence speaking louder than any words could. Instead, her attention shifted as she purposefully ignored Marco and turned to face Eren and Ymir, who were making their way toward her. Annie was acutely aware of their watchful gazes, knowing they had been observing her every move since the defeat of Reiner and Bertholdt.

With a flicker of realization, she knew that concealing herself within the Titan's immense form was futile. As anxiety intensified, causing her heart to race, Annie gracefully lowered herself onto her knees, her head bowed in contemplation. Suddenly, a tremendous burst of scorching steam erupted from the nape of the Female Titan, enveloping Annie in a suffocating cloak of heat. Undeterred by the searing atmosphere surrounding her, she summoned every ounce of strength within her and meticulously extricated herself from the Titan's nape. Like a practiced dance, Annie skillfully maneuvered her body, detaching from the immense muscle still clinging to the side of her head.

Annie deftly activated her ODM Gear, propelling herself high into the air like a soaring eagle. With a flick of her wrist, she launched an anchor that firmly embedded itself into the sturdy rooftop of a towering building. As she ascended towards the house, a surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins. Finally, with a burst of compressed gas, Annie gracefully landed on the rooftop, her landing as gentle as a whisper.

The female titan crashed into the pavement, causing a tremor that reverberated through the surrounding buildings. It quickly began its rapid decomposition, releasing billowing clouds of steam that shrouded the area in an ethereal mist.

Annie saw that Ymir pulled herself out of her Jaw Titan before quickly walking up to her; Annie could tell Eren had a thousand questions in his head as he approached her.

Annie found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. As she gazed upon Eren, she couldn't help but empathize with his inner turmoil, fully aware of the haunting possibility that he might hold her responsible for the tragic fate that befell his mother. The weight of guilt and apprehension settled upon Annie's shoulders, for she knew that her own actions had played a pivotal role in attracting the terrifying Titans to the once-serene town of Shiganshina. It was an unforgettable moment, etched in her memory, where the resounding echo of her piercing scream harmonized with the thunderous sound of Bertholdt forcefully thrusting open the gate, forever altering the course of their lives.

"Annie, I need you to come with us. But trust me. I won't let you die," Eren's voice cut through the silence, his words laced with a mixture of urgency and unwavering determination. As he spoke, his emerald eyes burned with an intense fire, reflecting the fierce resolve that resided deep within him. In that fleeting instant, Annie found herself captivated by his unwavering conviction, her azure eyes locking onto his with a mixture of surprise and hope.

It was a peculiar sensation, one she couldn't quite comprehend at first. The notion of trusting another person, especially in the midst of this brutal reality, was foreign to her. Yet, as Eren's promise hung in the air, resonating with an unspoken sincerity, Annie couldn't deny the warmth that blossomed within her chest. It was a feeling she had long since abandoned, buried beneath layers of skepticism and self-preservation. The absurdity of this revelation was not lost on her; after all, just three years ago, the mere thought of such affection would have seemed preposterous.

Annie found herself unexpectedly embracing Eren, the very person she both admired and despised. As she cautiously extended her arms, a rush of conflicting emotions surged through her, for she loathed the raw vulnerability she experienced in his presence. Yet, as their bodies intertwined, her face nestled against the gentle curve of his neck, a profound sense of solace enveloped her. Surprisingly, Annie detected a flicker of warmth emanating from within as Eren reciprocated the embrace, dispelling the icy shadows that had long haunted her soul.

Eren whispered soothing words into Annie's ear, his voice resonating with a comforting warmth that sent delightful shivers cascading down her spine. "You will be safe, Annie," Despite the lingering fear that tugged at her heart, an innate desire to flee and escape the impending danger, Annie found herself reluctantly surrendering to the trust and faith she had in Eren Yeager. Instead of succumbing to the instinct to run away and seek refuge elsewhere, she made the courageous decision to stay by his side, entrusting him with her life and placing her unwavering loyalty in his hands.

"I believe you," emotions ran high as Annie, her voice filled with authenticity, whispered her belief. With genuine sincerity, she slowly distanced herself from the comforting embrace, her heart fluttering with an irresistible desire to seal the moment with a kiss. Oblivious to the prying eyes of the onlookers. However, just as their connection reached its peak, the echo of footsteps disrupted their private world. Startled, both Annie and Eren turned their heads, only to find Captain Levi striding towards them with an unwavering gaze fixated solely on Annie.

As she stood before Levi, a shiver danced down her spine, and she couldn't help but swallow hard, an instinctual response to the overwhelming fear that gripped her. The intensity of his piercing gaze sent chills through her entire being as if he possessed an uncanny ability to dissect her every thought and action. Vulnerability washed over her like a tidal wave, leaving her feeling exposed and defenseless in a way she had never experienced before, like a fragile butterfly caught in the unyielding grip of a predator.

"Good job here, Eren," Levi began, his voice laced with sincerity. "but you must go with Commander Erwin. He has found a good room for you to rest for a few days until the Military Meeting." Pausing for a moment, Levi's piercing eyes locked onto Eren's, his tone shifting from praise to a more commanding nature. "I strongly advise you to take this opportunity to rest, Eren, for after today's events, nothing will ever be the same again."

Eren gave Annie one more encouraging look before walking away; as he slowly retreated, leaving her in the chilling presence of Levi, Annie couldn't help but feel the weight of his piercing stare, his eyes as icy and unforgiving as the depths of Winter. A shiver coursed through her entire being, a trembling testament to the moment's intensity.

With an imposing aura surrounding him, Levi wasted no time addressing Annie, his voice dripping with a mix of authority and disdain. "I've heard of your actions, brat," he sneered, his words laced with a foreboding warning. "but don't think for a moment you're off the hook. You will be placed in a cell, as will your little friends." Leaning in closer, Levi's hand lightly grazed one of his concealed blades, amplifying the tension in the air.

"Should you dare to make a move," he hissed, his voice carrying a venomous edge. "You try anything. I don't care if Eren fancies your ass. I will cut you down." Annie's heart raced, a surge of fear coursing through her veins as the weight of Levi's threat settled upon her. As Levi leaned back, retreating from her personal space, Annie couldn't help but experience yet another wave of trepidation.

Suddenly several more scouts, including Garrison captains, landed near Annie. The one she knew to be Erwin Smith stepped forward, wearing an emotionless face in a way that reminded Annie of Commander Magath, they both walked in a similar fashion and had the look of a commander.

"Cadet Leonhart, you're to follow Captain Levi and his squad. You will be placed in a high-security cell, but don't worry. I ensure you will be handed to the Survey Corps during the upcoming trial." Commander Erwin commanded; Erwin's words carried a glimmer of hope that resonated within her heart. Though she couldn't help but question the commander's sincerity, Annie yearned to believe there was a slim chance she would still draw breath by the end of the impending trial, her destiny entwined with the survival-driven efforts of the Survey Corps.

Annie nodded in understanding without saying a word, her face stoic as she followed Levi Squad, all four of them were watching her warily, all of them holding the handle of their blades.

Levi's gaze shifted towards Erwin, who stood beside him, and to his surprise, Mike was also fixed on the same spot. Levi couldn't help but feel a rush of disbelief and awe at the unforeseen turn of events that had unfolded within the span of a single day. The morning had commenced just like any other, devoid of any hints of the extraordinary. Yet, by the day's end, they found themselves holding captive the enemy shifters they had been relentlessly pursuing.

Levi's voice dripped with dry wit as he broke the silence, his piercing words directed at Erwin, "What are you thinking in that big head of yours?" A mischievous smile played on Erwin's lips, mirroring the amusement that danced in Mike's eyes as they shared in the surrealness of the moment.

"The True Ruler of the Walls will be forced to act, Levi. Soon we will have a coup d'etat in our hands, be prepared." Erwin's voice carried a weight of responsibility as his piercing blue eyes gazed into the distance, fixated on Wall Rose.

"Indeed, what should we do with the three brats," Levi spoke with a weary sigh. The weight of the situation was clearly etched on his face. Thoughts of a peaceful respite filled his mind, yearning for a moment to indulge in a whole gallon of tea. He longed for the comforting presence of Hange, whose eccentricities provided a temporary distraction from the chaos that awaited them. The mere thought of Hange's voice brought a wry smile to his face as he half-jokingly entertained the idea of losing the rest of his sanity in her company.

"The Colossal Titan is to be placed in the Crystal Pit. The Armoured Titan will be kept in the underground cell beneath the Command Post. As for Lady Leonhart, keep her beneath the Survey Corps Headquarters." Erwin commanded with a hushed tone; both Levi and Mike nodded without much thought.

Levi's eyes fixated on Hange, captivated by her unwavering determination as she meticulously examined the remnants of the Armoured Titan's decaying carcass. A wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips. With a gentle shake of his head, Levi surrendered to the whimsical amusement that Hange never ceased to provoke within him. She's mad...



' As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of gold and pink, the weary but content figures of Eren and Annie made their way back to the rustic cabin nestled deep within the mystical woods. The day had been filled with rigorous training, honing their skills, and pushing their limits, but now, as they found solace in each other's company, a different kind of warmth enveloped their souls.

With a tender touch, Eren delicately urged Annie's legs apart, creating a space where he could settle himself comfortably between them. Their gazes locked, brimming with affection and anticipation, as he leaned in to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. At that moment, time seemed to stand still as their love ignited like a blazing fire, matching the intensity of the sun's scorching rays.

As their desires intensified, an overwhelming urgency consumed them, compelling them to seek the intimate touch of each other's bare skin. In a passionate frenzy, their garments were forcefully ripped away, their threads surrendering to the frenzy of their embrace, scattering haphazardly across the room like confetti. Annie's gaze was captivated by the mesmerizing sight of Eren's sculpted physique, adorned with the alluring contours and defined ripples of muscle that adorned his chest and abs. Without hesitation, she indulged in the pleasure of tracing her lips and tongue along the supple canvas of his skin, savoring the familiar taste and texture that had enraptured her countless times before. Each time she beheld him in his natural state, a sense of delight and appreciation washed over her, as his naked form never failed to evoke an undeniable allure.

In the midst of a passionate embrace, their lips locked in a fervent kiss, Eren's hands skillfully moved, delicately lowering the fabric that adorned Annie's body, revealing her luscious curves. A surge of desire coursed through his veins as he liberated her supple breasts, eagerly exploring their contours, his fingers dancing with a mix of tenderness and urgency. Annie, overcome by a wave of pleasure, couldn't help but release a soft, melodious moan that reverberated through the air.

The air crackled with an intoxicating mix of desire and anticipation. As Eren's gaze locked onto her captivating curves, he found himself utterly captivated by the sight of Annie's alluring bosom. A mischievous smirk danced upon her lips, a silent acknowledgment of the attention she effortlessly commanded.

With a boldness that matched the fiery passion in his eyes, Eren's hand instinctively reached out to caress Annie's breasts. His touch was both tender and possessive, his fingertips skillfully navigating the contours of her supple skin. As he gently tugged and delicately tweaked her responsive nipples, Annie's moans of pleasure reverberated throughout the room, heightening the intensity of their intimate connection.

Driven by an insatiable desire, Annie seized the moment, pulling Eren closer, her fingers entwining in his hair. With an unrestrained hunger, she guided his eager face between her inviting breasts, reveling in the electrifying sensations that coursed through her body. Eren, a willing lover, wasted no time in lavishing her exposed flesh with ardent kisses and fervent sucks. As their desires collided, a symphony of pleasure played out in the depths of their souls. Annie could feel the fabric of her attire growing damp, a testament to the overwhelming passion that surged between them.

As Eren's lips separated from Annie's luscious bosom, a glistening trail of saliva remained an undeniable testament to the intensity of their heated encounter. With a deliberate and purposeful movement, he gracefully sank to his knees, positioning himself between Annie's invitingly spread thighs, which she confidently rested upon the Table.

Sensing her eagerness, she playfully widened her legs, eliciting a delightful smile from Eren, their desires mirroring one another with an electric magnetism. In a display of unbridled desire, Eren's hands expertly lifted Annie's skirts, unveiling the tender and intimate secrets hidden beneath. With a swift motion, he effortlessly discarded her delicate undergarments, casting them carelessly aside.

"I love how wet you are for me, Annie," Eren spoke smugly as he looked at her soaking inner thighs.

"Shut up, and do your job, Eren!" Annie spoke with a slightly commanding voice.

The air was thick with desire, and her fingers curled tightly around the strands of his hair, pulling him closer as if guiding him toward an intoxicating secret. Their shared pleasure echoed through the room, their impassioned moans intertwining as Eren's lips finally met the velvety touch of her moist and inviting core. With a fervent hunger that matched her own, he delved into her depths, savoring the essence that defined her essence. As if unwilling to let go of this blissful connection, she kept one hand firmly pressed against the back of his head, a silent affirmation that, at this moment, there was nowhere else she wanted him to be but in the embrace of her most intimate desire.

"Oh, Eren!" As Eren skillfully explored the depths of Annie's most intimate desires, her moans of pleasure filled the space, creating a symphony of ecstasy. Yet, amidst their passionate entwining, a flicker of curiosity and apprehension danced within Annie's mind, causing her to momentarily ponder the potential reaction of Mikasa had she been an unwitting witness to what they were doing. The mere contemplation of Mikasa's presence and subsequent discovery sent a thrilling shiver down Annie's spine.

Eren was very skilled with his tongue, and he had her crying out his name within mere moments. He knew exactly how to work her cunt, and Annie thought his tongue was a gift.

"Fuck! Eren, don't stop! Please don't stop!" Gasping for breath, she uttered those desperate words, her voice laced with a cocktail of need and pleasure, urging Eren to continue his tantalizing movements. As he skillfully shifted his attention to her most sensitive spot, delicately caressing her clit with a masterful touch, the sensations coursing through her body intensified. Like a mesmerizing dance, he expertly slipped one finger, then two, inside her velvety depths, causing her to arch her back in ecstasy.

Every thrust of his fingers seemed to send ripples of pleasure cascading through her as if her very core embraced them with a vice-like grip. With each rhythmic motion perfectly synchronized with his licks and the gentle suction on her clit, the intensity of her pleasure soared to unimaginable heights. Overwhelmed by the waves of ecstasy crashing over her, Annie instinctively crossed her legs tightly over Eren's back, imprisoning his head between her supple, toned thighs, a gesture that both asserted her dominance and kept him devotedly focused on worshipping her cunt.

"So good," Eren's voice, husky and laced with desire, caressed the air as he whispered against her quivering flesh, his words electrifying her senses. The taste of her essence lingered on his lips, a testament to the intoxicating allure of their connection.

As the heat between them intensified, Eren skillfully withdrew his fingers from Annie's velvety depths, holding them up like precious gems glistening with the evidence of their passionate encounter. Annie's gaze locked onto the shimmering droplets. With a deliberate slowness that bordered on torture, Eren guided his fingers towards his mouth, his eyes never leaving Annie's as if seeking her approval.

Her breath hitched in anticipation as he brought his tongue to meet his digits, savoring the essence that had become their intimate elixir. Annie's heart danced to the melody of his moan, a symphony that echoed through the room, reverberating in her soul. It was a sound that awakened a primal hunger within her.

Eren's commanding voice broke through the silence, his words laced with desire. "Open your mouth," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of dominance and longing as his fingers traced the outline of her swollen lips.

Annie obeyed his command without hesitation, parting her lips ever so slightly, her eyes locked onto his. The room seemed to buzz with electricity as he delicately brought his fingertips to her waiting mouth, a mischievous glint in his eyes. The moisture from her intimate depths glistened on his fingers.

Annie's hunger for him was undeniable as she seized his wrist, her possessive and desperate touch. With an intoxicating mixture of eagerness and hunger, she brought his fingers to her lips and enveloped them in her warm, velvety mouth. Eren's emerald eyes locked onto her, a mix of surprise and desire dancing within their depths. He watched, captivated, as she suckled on his digits with a fervor that mirrored her insatiable craving for him. Each flick of her tongue, each gentle suck, sent waves of pleasure coursing through them both. At that moment, Annie's moans of pleasure mingled with the taste of her own essence.

Imagining it was Eren's cock she was sucking on instead of his fingers, Annie's piercing blue eyes descended, navigating the space between Eren's legs. Despite his submissive posture and the veil of darkness cast by his black pants, Annie's discerning eyes effortlessly detected the undeniable presence of a prominent and pulsating bulge.

He delicately withdrew his fingers from her moist lips, causing a shiver of longing to course through her body. With the utmost tenderness, his thumb traced the contours of her lower lip, enticing Annie to respond by gently nibbling on it, an unspoken invitation for more. Their eyes locked, his gaze ablaze with an insatiable mix of want and desire as he fervently returned to exploring the depths of her femininity. The room was filled with the symphony of Annie's escalating moans, growing louder and more fervent with each passing moment, echoing the crescendo of pleasure building within her. With an artful touch, he reintroduced his fingers, skillfully curling them upwards, seeking that sacred spot that had her uttering his name in sheer ecstasy.

"Eren!" she exclaimed, her voice a passionate plea.

Eren skillfully navigated between tracing his tongue along her sensitive folds and teasing her pleasure-inducing clit, sending Annie soaring to ecstatic heights. Time seemed to drift away as he indulged in the velvety embrace of her core, evoking a symphony of moans and gasps that echoed through the room. With each flicker of his talented fingers, Annie's voice reverberated, passionately uttering Eren's name in a blissful chorus.

Sensing her escalating desire, Eren turned his entire focus to her throbbing clit, his nose becoming entangled in the soft tendrils surrounding her sacred space. Simultaneously, he continued to explore her depths, skillfully pumping and curling his fingers, coaxing uncontrollable waves of pleasure from her quivering form.

The moment's intensity caused Annie's eyes to widen, her inner walls clenching around Eren's expert touch as if begging for more. Overwhelmed by the relentless waves of ecstasy, Annie's voice trembled with desire, proclaiming, "Fuck, I'm cumming!" Her words, filled with an intoxicating mixture of pleasure and longing, were swiftly followed by an explosive climax that left her trembling in its wake.

In the midst of an intense smut scene, Annie found herself in a state of utter shock as a wave of pleasure surged through her body, causing her to squirt her intoxicating juices, drenching both Eren's fingers and his face uncontrollably. The room was filled with the sound of her moans and the rhythmic splashes of her passion as she unleashed her desires upon him, gushing wildly and untamed.

Yet, amidst the electrifying moment, Eren remained unfazed, his face adorned with a mixture of fearless determination and undeniable lust. He continued to skillfully pleasure her, his fingers dancing upon her throbbing core, amplifying her euphoria to new heights. As Annie's intense orgasm subsided, leaving her flushed and breathless, a crimson blush adorned her cheeks, a testament to her surrender to the overwhelming pleasure. Eren, his face and dark locks glistening with the evidence of her pleasure, shamelessly expressed his satisfaction, his words dripping with desire, "Mhhm Annie, you taste divine."

Annie pulled her boyfriend up from his knees and crashed her lips against his, tasting herself on them. When Eren broke the kiss to suckle on her tits again, Annie swatted his ass and brought his face back to hers.

As they kissed, she couldn't wait any longer and pulled his pants and small clothes down in one swift movement.

"Oh, by the gods," Annie exclaimed as Eren's cock sprang free.

Annie wrapped her hands around it and began to stroke him while he stepped out of his pants so he was as naked as she was. He was hard for her, and stroking him brought Annie just as much pleasure as it did Eren.

"You have a beautiful cock, Eren. No wonder Ymir and Krista can't help themselves around you," Annie spoke seductively as she was stroking his cock with her soft hands, making Eren moan.

Eren stepped forward, trapping his cock against her belly, and kissed her. It was brief because Annie kissed down his chest instead, all the while stroking his cock.

He briefly rubbed his cock between Annie's pussy lips, wetting it with her juices before slowly entering her. They both moaned as he stretched her cunt. She was so wet that she easily took him inch by inch until all of his big cock was buried inside her.

"Fuck!" Annie said and pulled him down on top of her as he began to move. Their chests were pinned together as Eren began to fuck her atop the Table. They kissed as Eren thrust in and out of her in a steady rhythm that was bringing both of them pleasure.

Annie's legs were tightly wrapped around Eren as he powerfully thrust into her as she lay on the Table. There was a constant sound, a slapping of skin as Eren fucked her.

"So good," Eren murmured against her neck.

Her cunt was tight around his cock, and they were bringing each other endless pleasure. His hands gripped her thick thighs hard enough to bruise, but Annie enjoyed a little bit of pain, and her nails raked down his strong back in response.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Annie repeated. His balls loudly slapped her ass, and it was lucky they were in the middle of a shed in the woods, away from everyone.

Annie yelped as she quickly found herself flipped over, chest pressed against the Table and her beautiful ass in the air. Annie turned her head to find Eren staring at her thick ass with lust, and she marveled at how dark his eyes became when he was aroused.

"Take me, Eren. Make me scream like a bitch!" Annie said seductively.

Eren briefly knelt and gave her ass a kiss and a long lick between her legs before standing and lining himself up behind her. He didn't take it slow as he had earlier, and with a swift thrust, he was balls deep inside Annie, and they both groaned in pleasure. He held himself deep inside her for a few moments until Annie took the initiative to rock back against him, slapping her thick ass against his hips.

Eren wrapped his hand around Annie's neck. He lifted her head up and made Annie's back arch as Eren slammed into her cunt. His thrusts were short and fast. Her moans quickly turned into grunts of pleasure.

"Eren! Yes! Yes!" she screamed.

Eren watched her ass as he pounded her from behind. Her thick ass shook delightfully each time he roughly thrust into her, and Eren sighed in bliss at the sight. A truly magnificent view, he thought. Annie backed her ass into him again as she had earlier, and he frowned but didn't stop fucking her cunt.

He tightened his grip on her neck and smacked her ass with his other hand. Annie yelped and looked back at it, and Eren simply spanked her ass again while their eyes were locked together. This time, Annie moaned, and Eren repeated it but switched to the other asscheek.

"Look at you, moaning like a whore while taking my cock" Eren said and then hissed as her cunt tightened around his member.

"Yes," Annie croaked, and Eren let go of her throat.

Annie dropped back down chest first on the Table. Her ass had a rosy red hue from the slaps of her ass he had given her, as well as from the fact he was roughly fucking her from behind. There was a squelching noise each time Eren thrust inside her. Such was the wetness of Annie's pussy. Annie was loving every second of it. Eren placed both of his hands on her hips. He lifted on foot onto the Table, which altered the angle of his thrusts.

"Don't stop, Eren," Annie begged, and despite being in control, Eren wasn't about to disobey her, especially when he had no intention of stopping.

His balls slapped Annie's clit with each punch of his hips. After several minutes of taking Annie from behind, Annie was a babbling mess with spit drooling from her mouth and onto the Table. She couldn't coherently talk. Such was the pleasure Eren was giving her, and were it not for the table and her lover's strong arms, she had little doubt she would've fallen to the floor in a heap.

His thrusts were hard and fast, determined to send Annie over the edge now rather than just bring her to the precipice as he was doing before. Eren had already witnessed her cum once, and he eagerly wanted to see it and feel it again.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" The sound of slapping skin and Annie shouting was filling the shed. Annie's quest to make Eren cum before she did was brought to an abrupt end because Eren brought one of his hands around her voluptuous body, and all it took was one brush against her clit, and she was shaking.

"I'm cumming!" she shrieked.

Her eyes closed, and she let out a string of long moans as Eren fucked her through her orgasm. Her cunt tried to milk his cock of all his cum, but Eren managed to hang on and not spill his seed. Half a dozen more thrusts after Annie had come down from her orgasm, and Eren pulled his cock out, and her juices flooded the table. '


Annie's peaceful slumber was abruptly shattered as she jolted awake, a sudden jarring sensation coursing through her body when she felt an unexpected tap on the side of her head. Letting out a deep, exasperated groan that echoed through the room's stillness, she yearned desperately to retreat back into the comforting embrace of sleep, where she could escape the harsh reality and immerse herself in the solace of a more promising daydream. However, as her heavy eyelids reluctantly lifted, revealing the world beyond her dreamscape, she found herself immersed in a dimly lit cell, the feeble rays of light gradually penetrating her vision as her eyes gradually adjusted, offering a glimpse of the confining space that held her captive.

As Annie's eyes fluttered open, she was immediately struck by the sight that greeted her: her left hand, adorned with a silver ring, was firmly bound to the rough stone wall by an intricately crafted chain, its links glinting in the dim light that filtered from the small candle outside of the cell.

A sense of vulnerability washed over her, intertwining with a flicker of determination as her gaze shifted to her right hand, liberated and ready for action. Despite the weariness etched on her weathered face, Annie recognized the necessity of her predicament, understanding that this unconventional arrangement was essential for her safety. With piercing blue eyes, she gazed up at the figures standing before her.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of Captain Levi, his short figure casually leaning against the cold stone wall, exuding an air of nonchalance. To the untrained eye, he appeared disinterested, lost in a world of boredom. However, Annie, with her keen intuition and astute observation skills, sensed the truth. She knew that every fiber of Captain Levi's being was attuned to her presence, his piercing gaze fixated on her every move, silently acknowledging her as a force to be reckoned with.

As Annie's gaze wandered across the dimly lit prison cell, her eyes were irresistibly drawn to the commanding presence of Commander Erwin Smith. There he sat, regally perched upon a plush, comfortable chair strategically positioned mere inches away from the confines of her open cell door. The atmosphere was thick with tension, palpable even in the stillness of their surroundings. As her eyes locked with his, she couldn't help but notice the enigmatic facade that dominated his countenance, devoid of any discernible emotion. It was as if his gaze held the weight of a thousand secrets, refusing to divulge even the faintest hint of what lay beneath.

Annie's gaze was drawn to the figure standing before her. The woman, clad in a pair of stylish eyeglasses, possessed a wild, untamed aura that seemed to radiate from her very core. There was an undeniable madness in the depths of her eyes. Annie couldn't fathom why, but a sudden surge of trepidation coursed through her veins as the woman's gaze locked onto her own, accompanied by a smile that twisted and contorted, evoking an uncomfortable sensation deep within her soul.

As the cold silence enveloped the dimly lit cell, Commander Erwin's authoritative voice pierced through the air, addressing Annie Leonhart with a gravity that seemed to echo through the confines of her very existence. His piercing blue eyes bore into her, seemingly dissecting her thoughts and emotions with uncanny precision, as if he held the key to unlocking the secrets hidden within her soul.

"This, Cadet Annie Leonhart," he began, his voice carrying a weight that matched the importance, "this is the most important moment of your life." With each word, he seemed to draw her deeper into his unwavering gaze as if daring her to look away, to deny the significance of the choices that lay before her. His penetrating gaze seemingly unraveled the fabric of her thoughts, uncovering the secrets she dared not speak.

"Now," he implored, his voice tinged with a mix of both urgency and determination, "will you tell us what we want to know?"

The Ocean

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow upon the tranquil ocean, a symphony of seagulls took to the sky, their graceful wings slicing through the salty breeze as they playfully circled around the shore and its dock. A mysterious ship, its sleek silver structure gleaming like a beacon against the horizon, emerged from the vast expanse of the sea. With each passing moment, the ship inched closer, its metallic exterior reflecting the fading sunlight. As the ship drew nearer, a gentle wave rose and crashed against its sturdy hull, sending crystalline water droplets cascading onto the main deck like a delicate rain shower dancing to the rhythm of the ocean's heartbeat.

As the ship gracefully cut through the vast expanse of the open ocean, a captivating scene unfolded in the bow. Amidst the rhythmic lull of crashing waves, a man and a young woman stood side by side. Their eyes fixated on the horizon, where the docks loomed closer with each passing moment.

With a playful yet discerning smile, the young woman broke the silence, her voice carrying a hint of skepticism. "That's the Island of Devils, huh?" she mused, her gaze lingering on the enigmatic landmass. "Looks normal to me," she added, her words laced with a touch of nonchalance. Yet, beneath her composed exterior, a subtle sense of wariness flickered. As if in harmony with her thoughts, a gentle gust of wind swept across the bow, teasingly tousling her dark locks. She was embracing the ephemeral dance of her hair with the wind.

As the wisps of smoke curled around his lips, the man addressed Pieck with a cautious yet intrigued demeanor. "I wouldn't dare utter such words aloud, dear Pieck," he murmured, his voice laced with a hint of conspiracy. His eyes gleamed with a mix of skepticism and anticipation, mirroring the enigmatic aura that hung in the air.

"but you're right, but wait until you see the Devils with your eyes to truly judge the island," With a flick of his fingers, he ignited a cigarette, drawing in a deep breath before exhaling a swirling cloud of smoke that seemed to dance in rhythm with his thoughts.

Pieck is a short young woman with long, disheveled shoulder-length black hair, a small beautiful nose, and relaxed dark brown eyes. She wears a white blouse, a long trench coat, and a skirt that goes down to her ankles as well as black lace-up boots. She also wears the Eldian armband on her left arm.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the vast expanse of the ocean, Pieck stood on the ship's main deck, her fingers tightly gripping the cold, iron railings. With a voice filled with genuine concern. "Maybe, Zeke. I really hope Annie and the others are alright," she murmured softly, her words carried away by the gentle sea breeze.

Zeke had a tall, broad, well-toned body with gray eyes, shaggy platinum blond hair, and a matching mustache that descended into his beard. He was seen wearing a white shirt, blue-dark pants, combat boots, and circular glasses.

"Don't worry, Pieck, this is why Marley gave us extra support," Zeke reassured her, his voice filled with confidence and reassurance, his eyes glancing over his shoulder to where the second ship sailed just behind theirs. As the wind whipped through their hair and the sea spray misted their faces, Pieck couldn't help but feel a shudder of unease ripple through her body, a chilling reminder of the consequences that came with the additional assistance granted to them by Marley.

Pieck's heart raced with anticipation, her senses heightened by the salty breeze that caressed her face, carrying with it tiny droplets of ocean water that playfully danced upon her skin. The rhythmic sound of their ship's steady progress echoed in her ears as they sailed closer to the shore. Amidst the swirling emotions, one thought consumed her mind, sending a silent message of comfort and hope to her dear friend Annie. "Fear not, Annie," Pieck whispered under her breath, her voice carried away by the wind, "soon you will be out of this Island...

Let me know in the comments what you think about the Chapter. I hope you have a Wonderful Day.


Bhuvan Nagaraju.D

Bro, I'm truly joying this, bro it's too good, thank you for this and many other amazing stories brother.

Sergio Nobili

I am just wondering, but will Reiner and Berthold appear in the future? I assume they will, but for the time being they are going to spend quite a while imprisoned, so we won't see them again for the time being... Just hope they won't be like Annie in the original: let's not leave the boys to rot in a cell for the next hundred or so chapters only to reappear in the last arc out of the bue.