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' As Carla stood in the kitchen, the tantalizing aroma of the food she was cooking filled the air, captivating her senses. However, her attention was abruptly drawn away when a familiar creak echoed through the house, signaling the front door's opening. Intrigued, she instinctively abandoned her culinary masterpiece and gracefully made her way toward the source of the sound. With each step, anticipation mounted within her, wondering who could be gracing their doorstep at this hour.

As the door swung open, revealing her husband's fatigued figure, Carla's heart sank, mirroring the weariness etched across his face. A compassionate sigh escaped her lips, laced with concern and empathy for his day's toll on him. With genuine worry in her eyes, she gently placed a comforting hand on his arm, her voice laced with tenderness and affection. "How about taking a day off work tomorrow, honey?" she proposed her words carrying a touch of persuasion. "You look pretty tired, and I think you deserve a break to recharge and rejuvenate."

As Grisha let out a deep, exasperated sigh that seemed to carry the world's weight on his shoulders, he couldn't help but yearn for the precious moments spent with his beloved family. However, a bittersweet reality gripped him tightly, for the relentless grip of a newly emerging infectious disease had robbed him of the luxury to fully immerse himself in their comforting embrace. As a dedicated doctor, duty called upon him to sacrifice the precious hours of daylight, tirelessly tending to the afflicted within the sterile walls of the clinic, where every passing second felt like a battleground against an invisible enemy.

"The clinic is in a very busy situation due to the newly released infectious disease. No matter how much I clean myself before leaving the clinic, it's best to stay away from you right now. I don't want my family to get sick," As Grisha wearily stepped inside his house, his voice carried a weight of concern as he addressed his wife, his eyes filled with a mixture of exhaustion and worry. The clinic, nestled in the heart of Shiganshina, found itself swept up in the chaos caused by the recent outbreak of a highly contagious and newly released infectious disease. The once peaceful establishment now buzzed with activity, its halls echoing with the hurried footsteps of medical professionals and the hushed whispers of anxious patients.

Despite his meticulous efforts to cleanse himself thoroughly before leaving the clinic, Grisha couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of caution, urging him to keep his distance from his loved ones. It was a somber reality he faced, one born out of his deep-rooted fear of endangering his family's well-being. With a heavy sigh, he expressed his heartfelt desire for more time with his wife and two children, yearning for a simpler, worry-free existence where their embrace wouldn't be tainted by the looming threat of illness.

With a compassionate gaze, Carla fixed her eyes upon her beloved husband, a skilled doctor whose reputation as the finest doctor in the entire vicinity preceded him. Undoubtedly, her unwavering trust in him blossomed, for she possessed an unwavering certainty that his innate brilliance and unwavering dedication to his craft would swiftly unveil a profound remedy, a beacon of hope capable of vanquishing the nefarious clutches of the disease that plagued Shiganshina.

As their conversation filled the air, a symphony of laughter suddenly erupted from the distant hall, playfully interrupting their exchange. Carla's face lit up with a warm, affectionate smile, her eyes sparkling with delight at the joyful sounds. Intrigued by the commotion, she gracefully excused herself, gracefully gliding towards the salon, her steps echoing with a sense of anticipation. Not one to be left behind, Grisha swiftly followed in Carla's footsteps, ensuring a cautious distance was maintained between them.

Carla's face lit up with a warm smile as her gaze shifted between Eren and Naruto, completely captivated by their playful interaction with the bird toy they had eagerly acquired just a few weeks prior. It was an enchanting sight; their shared enthusiasm and childlike wonderment were palpable in the air. And yet, as Carla observed this adorable scene, she couldn't help but wonder what it was about birds that held such an inexplicable fascination for Eren. Among all the avian creatures, seagulls seemed to reign as his personal favorites, their graceful flights and melodious calls seemingly casting a spell on his heart.

' ' Amidst the bustling market, with its vibrant colors and aromatic scents wafting through the air, Grisha found himself engrossed in a world of fresh produce and delightful trinkets. Little did he know that this routine shopping trip would soon take an unexpected twist, bringing forth a whimsical tale that would forever be etched in his memory.

As Grisha perused the stalls, his eyes caught sight of a seagull toy perched atop a display with an air of innocent playfulness. However, it was not Grisha who became captivated by this seemingly ordinary plaything, but rather his young son, Eren. With wide-eyed wonder and a heart full of excitement, Eren clutched onto the toy with an intensity akin to that of a wild animal ensnaring its prey within its powerful paws.

Try as he might, Grisha found himself unable to pry Eren away from the seagull toy. Eren's grip remained unyielding as if he had discovered a treasure that he simply couldn't bear to part with. At that moment, Grisha realized that he had no choice but to acquiesce to his son's newfound infatuation. It wasn't that Grisha harbored any grievances about purchasing the toy; on the contrary, he relished the joy it brought to Eren's face.

However, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer determination and stubbornness his son possessed. In that very instance, it dawned upon Grisha that Eren's tenacity rivaled even that of his mother, a woman known for her unwavering resolve. And so, amidst the vibrant tapestry of the market, Grisha found himself not only a buyer of a seagull toy but also a witness to the blossoming spirit of his young son.' '

As the two parents stood in a state of contemplation, their minds absorbed in their own individual musings, a sudden interruption jolted them from their reverie. It was a voice that pierced through the silence, breaking the tranquility that enveloped them - Eren's voice.


Carla's gaze shifted from her own thoughts to her precious baby, who was struggling to articulate something meaningful. At that moment, a surge of anticipation engulfed her as she wondered if this was the precise instant when her son would utter his very first word. Perhaps, she pondered, she was allowing her excitement to run rampant, but the possibility was undeniably thrilling.


The word hung in the air, mingling with the faint traces of uncertainty. Eren, the name that carried so much significance and love, was echoed back in the form of fragmented sounds - "Freww..fw...frw." Grisha, captivated by the sight before him, fixed his gaze upon his child, realizing that this was the defining moment when his son was on the precipice of uttering his inaugural word.

With a swift stride and determination shining in her eyes, Carla made her way toward Eren, her heart filled with anticipation. As she drew closer, she could see his bright green eyes twinkling with innocence and curiosity, captivating her in their depths. With a playful yet encouraging tone, she called out to him, her voice filled with warmth and excitement, urging him to take his first step into the realm of language.

"Eren, come on," she exclaimed, her words laced with both cheer and gentle persistence, "say it, Mama! You can do it!" The melody of her voice danced in the air, resonating with hope and love. Undeterred by any obstacles, Carla continued her heartfelt encouragement, repeating the sweet syllables, "Ma-ma, come on! Ma-ma, ma-ma!" A radiant smile adorned her face, illuminating the space around them with vibrant energy.

At that moment, Naruto, who stood beside Eren, couldn't help but respond to Carla's infectious enthusiasm. Grinning toothlessly, the adorable little companion let out a delightful giggle as if in agreement that this milestone was worth celebrating.

In a moment filled with unwavering determination and overwhelming love, Grisha found himself inexorably drawn towards his son, Eren, his mind momentarily liberated from the clutches of worldly worries, even the menacing presence of infectious diseases fading into insignificance. With a resolute and gentle stride, he approached Eren, his heart brimming with anticipation.

As he neared, Grisha's thoughts were consumed by a single, fervent desire - for his beloved child's first word to echo the endearing syllables of 'Papa,' just as it had with Zeke, his eldest.

"Come on, Eren, say, papa! Pa-pa, papa, pa-pa!"

His voice, filled with a mixture of encouragement and longing, resonated through the air, urging Eren to utter those precious syllables. Meanwhile, amidst this tender exchange, Carla's gaze intensified, her eyes emanating a hint of warning as if to safeguard her dear child's innocence. "Grisha, be quiet! Our poor baby is confused!"

Naruto, who stood beside Eren, his attention momentarily diverted, found solace in the enchanting sight of a stunning crimson butterfly, its delicate wings fluttering gracefully. In the midst of this familial drama, Carla's voice broke through, her tone laced with concern and protectiveness, as she implored Grisha to silence his eager urgings, understanding that their precious little one needed time and space to comprehend this newfound world of words.

In the aftermath of scolding Grisha for his mischievous behavior, Carla redirected her attention to her beloved son once more, her voice brimming with affectionate encouragement and an undeniable sense of maternal pride.

"Eren! Ma-maa! Say, Mama!" she cooed, her words flowing like a gentle melody. With a mix of curiosity and bewilderment, Eren gazed intently at his mother, his young mind grappling to comprehend her request. Yet, despite the initial confusion, a glimmer of determination flickered in his eyes as he obediently complied.

Slowly parting his lips, he mustered all his courage to form the syllables that lay dormant within him. "Freww...fwr...frewe..." he stumbled, his tender voice breaking the room's silence.

As if time itself paused to witness this monumental occasion, both parents held their breath, their hearts pounding with anticipation. And then, in a voice that soared with innocence and possibility, Eren uttered his first word, his voice resonating with profound significance.

"...Fwree...Fweedomw!" he exclaimed, his voice trailing into a whisper as if the weight of the word itself hung in the air, permeating the room with its potency.

With a radiant smile that stretched from ear to ear, Eren's joyous laughter echoed through the room, filling the air with infectious delight. It was a moment filled with sheer exhilaration as he triumphantly pronounced his very first word flawlessly. Although some might argue whether a baby should exude pride in such a moment, there was no denying the sheer excitement that coursed through Eren's tiny body.

"Fweedom! Fwweedom!" he exclaimed, his voice ringing out with a sense of liberation and newfound independence. Undeterred by the limited repertoire of words at his disposal, Eren's cheerful shouts continued, each utterance brimming with meaning and significance, a testament to his unwavering determination to communicate and connect with the world around him.

As Carla marveled at the adorable babbling of her little one, she couldn't help but be taken aback when her baby's first word escaped his tiny lips in a surprisingly profound manner - "freedom." The perplexed mother found herself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, contemplating the origins of this unexpected linguistic gem. Was it possible that her little bundle of joy had stumbled upon this weighty word in some hidden recess of their humble abode?

As these questions swirled in her mind, Carla's curiosity gripped her heart, momentarily pausing her usual stream of thoughts, leaving her in a state of shock. After all, what mother wouldn't expect their baby's first word to be the sweet, melodic utterance of "mama"?

As Grisha watched his son's cherubic face light up with excitement, his mind couldn't help but wander into unexpected musings. "'Shouldn't a baby have a harder time saying the word 'freedom'?' he pondered, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

It was a moment of pure serendipity, the air filled with the innocence of his son's first word resonating in the room. Yet, amidst the joy, a flicker of mild offense tugged at Grisha's heartstrings. After all, every father secretly hopes their child's first word will be a sweet and endearing 'papa.' However, as the initial twinge of disappointment subsided, a profound realization washed over him like a gentle wave on a sandy shore. It was a gentle reminder of the innate tenacity and unwavering determination that his son possessed, even at such a tender age.

The word 'freedom,' with its weighty implications and profound significance, was a linguistic marvel that seemed far beyond the grasp of babies of Eren's tender age. Yet, astonishingly, his indomitable and tenacious child defied all expectations, pronouncing the sacred word with an adorable baby accent that melted hearts. Grisha, with a mixture of wonder and amusement, pondered the possibility that his son's first word might not be the conventional 'mama' or 'papa' but rather something more extraordinary like 'bird' or 'seagull.' It was undeniable that his little one possessed an unyielding fascination with avian creatures, his eyes forever fixated on their graceful flights and melodious songs. A deep sigh escaped Grisha's lips as the thought of his cherished son becoming just as obsessed with the concept of freedom as he was with the beauty of birds sent tremors coursing through his entire being, from the crown of his head to the tips of his quivering toes.

As Naruto observed Eren basking in the limelight, relishing the admiration and accolades bestowed upon him, a mischievous gleam sparkled in Naruto's eyes. Determined to carve a path toward his parents, he embarked on a playful journey, dragging his tiny body across the floor with a tenacious spirit. With a contagious toothless grin stretching across his cherubic face, Naruto's determination was met with Carla's swift and loving intervention. Sensing her beautiful boy's longing for affection, she scooped him up in her arms, cradling his precious existence against her tender embrace. In a display of maternal adoration, Carla showered Naruto's rosy, chubby cheeks with gentle kisses, evoking an eruption of pure bliss from deep within his soul. Overwhelmed by the warmth of his mother's undivided attention, Naruto's jubilant spirit burst forth in a melodious giggle, embracing the sheer joy of being enveloped by his mother's love.

As Naruto summoned the courage to open his mouth and take his first steps into the realm of speech, his heart raced with anticipation. With a tremor in his voice, he stammered, "I-I Lwvvv-" The utterance hung in the air, a testament to his determination and the weight of this pivotal moment. As his family gathered around, their eyes filled with love and pride, Carla's face lit up like a radiant sunbeam, her infectious smile urging her second son to embrace the word 'Mama.' Meanwhile, Grisha stood by Naruto's side, his encouraging presence coaxing the young child to embrace the syllables of 'Papa.'

After countless attempts at forming coherent sounds, Naruto finally mustered the courage to let his voice escape his lips, the anticipation building up within him like a tightly wound spring. With bated breath and a hint of trepidation, he gingerly opened his mouth, the weight of expectation resting on his tongue.

And then, like a melodic symphony of innocence and affection, the words spilled forth, weaving their way through the air with a sense of newfound liberation. "I love y-you!" Naruto's voice quivered with emotion, his bright smile radiating the purest form of pride one could ever witness. In that fleeting moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, encapsulated by the sheer magnitude of this monumental milestone. Carla and Grisha, captivated by the profound significance of this utterance, exchanged proud glances before simultaneously pressing their lips against Naruto's rosy cheeks, their kisses serving as tangible manifestations of their overwhelming joy and heartfelt congratulations for his triumphant.

In the midst of the bewildering aftermath of their sons' first words, the two parents gradually emerged from the shock that had enveloped them. As their senses gradually returned to normalcy, a peculiar scent permeated the air, tickling their noses with a sense of urgency.

"What is that smell?" Carla exclaimed in astonishment, her olfactory receptors capturing the faint aroma of something burning. Instantly, a wave of realization washed over her as she connected the dots and realized that her food had become an unwitting victim of scorching flames. Grisha, observing Carla's animated reaction, could almost discern the unspoken curses that danced on her lips as she briskly made her way toward the kitchen.

Now - Year 841

Eren's small hands clutched his mother's apron tightly as he eagerly tugged on it, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. Together, they embarked on a whimsical journey towards a picturesque field, where blades of emerald grass danced in the gentle breeze. Their destination? A delightful haven for a special picnic filled with laughter, joy, and mouthwatering delights. In Eren's mind, the centerpiece of this culinary adventure was his favorite seasoned meat, lovingly prepared by his mother's skilled hands, promising to tantalize his taste buds with its savory flavors.

But his mother had an unexpected surprise in store: a vibrant fruit salad bursting with colors and nutrition. Aware of her son's inclination towards all things sugary, she had drizzled a generous amount of golden honey over the fruit, transforming it into a delectable temptation that would surely satisfy his sweet tooth. With this thoughtful gesture, she ensured that Eren not only indulged in the succulent meat but also embraced the wholesome goodness of the luscious fruits.

Eren whined with a tinge of impatience, his voice tinged with hunger. He couldn't help but feel his stomach growl in protest, a rumble that seemed to echo through the air. "Mommy, please hurry! I'm starving!" Carla gently batted away his tiny hand that tugged at her apron, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding.

With a graceful touch, she fussed over her clothes, delicately straightening her apron as if to create a sense of calm amidst the growing hunger. Yet, her hands were not empty; they held a large picnic basket brimming with delicious treats, a feast waiting to be devoured, along with a soft blanket to create a cozy oasis in the midst of nature's embrace.

A tender smile graced Carla's lips as she gazed at her son, his impatience visible in his flushed face. "Calm down, my dear Eren," she reassured him, her voice soothing and filled with affection. "Remember the giant breakfast you had this morning? You barely left any food for your father and myself. It's truly a marvel how you could be hungry again so soon," she chuckled, her laughter dancing in the air as she cast a playful glance towards her son's eager expression.

"But Mooooooom," Eren whined, his voice filled with exasperation as he dramatically collapsed onto the soft grass, his body forming a heap while one arm dramatically draped over his face, mimicking a theatrical display of anguish and despair.

Carla rolled her eyes affectionately at his theatrics before playfully tossing a cozy blanket over his prone form. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she teased, "Get up, you lazy bones. I'll race you to our favorite spot!"

Without wasting a moment, Carla sprang into action, her nimble feet propelling her forward as she dashed towards the nearby field, the anticipation of their picnic bubbling within her. The distance to their destination was merely a few meters, rendering the task of carrying the picnic basket a manageable feat.

Eren, however, was determined not to lag behind, his determination evident in the way he clutched the blanket around his neck, allowing its ends to billow and dance behind him like a hero's cape. As they raced, their laughter filled the air, harmonizing with the rustling leaves and the gentle whispers of the wind.

Eren's youthful energy propelled him forward, swiftly closing the gap between him and his mother. Their strides synchronized, their feet pounding the earth in unison, a symphony of playful competition that echoed through the meadow.

Finally, as if their bodies had conspired with their laughter, they collapsed together in a heap of joyous exhaustion, their giggles intertwining like delicate tendrils. The grass cradled them in its emerald embrace, a sanctuary of shared mirth and familial love.

"Oh goodness," Carla exclaimed, her chest heaving with exertion as she pressed a hand to her flushed face, feeling the heat radiating from her skin. Her body had been pushed to its limits, the strenuous activity leaving her breathless and rosy-cheeked.

As she caught her breath, Eren, her energetic son, rolled up onto her arm with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. A giant, goofy grin stretched across his face, showcasing his contagious joy. Despite the intense physical activity, the kid had barely broken a sweat, his boundless energy shining through.

Concern filled Eren's voice as he looked up at his mother, his small hand reaching out to touch her arm. "Are you okay, Mom?" Carla's heart swelled with love as she patted his head endearingly, her fingers gently weaving through his untamed mop of brown hair. She smiled down at the precious head resting on her arm, feeling a surge of pure maternal affection. "Yes, thank you," she replied softly, her voice filled with warmth and gratitude.

With a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, Carla turned to Eren and playfully suggested, "What do you say we get this picnic started?" The mere mention of a picnic instantly brought a contagious excitement to Eren's face, causing him to spring up from his seat. He stumbled slightly as he hastily unfolded the picnic blanket, causing a few giggles to escape from Carla's lips.

As she gracefully settled onto the blanket, Carla arranged her skirts in an elegant fashion, creating an air of sophistication amidst the scenic backdrop. Delving into the wicker basket, Carla carefully retrieved various delectable treats, each chosen with meticulous thoughtfulness. She unveiled a refreshing water bottle, perfectly chilled to quench their thirst under the warm sun. Next, she revealed Eren's favorite succulent meat, marinated to perfection, tempting his taste buds even before it reached his lips.

The vibrant fruit bowl, bursting with a rainbow of flavors, added a colorful touch to their feast. Lastly, Carla proudly presented a loaf of freshly baked bread, still warm to the touch. Its enticing aroma had lured Eren into taking an impulsive bite, leaving a teasing smile on his face. While Carla would typically scold him for his lack of restraint, today was a special occasion - Eren's birthday. As a result, she playfully admonished him, allowing the mischievous twinkle in his eyes to go unpunished.

In a tranquil atmosphere punctuated only by the symphony of sounds emanating from Eren's animated munching, Carla's mind wandered back to the delightful morning occurrences. With an affectionate smile, she reminisced about the momentous events that had transpired just a few hours prior. Eren, brimming with uncontainable excitement, had descended the staircase with such exuberance that the very foundations of their humble abode trembled. "It's my birthday!" he had energetically proclaimed, his jubilant words reverberating through the air incessantly.

Despite Carla's valiant efforts to calm him down and encourage him to partake in a peaceful meal, Eren's insatiable enthusiasm made it nearly impossible for him to settle down and savor their breakfast together. With utmost care and love, Carla had prepared a modest yet delectable morning feast consisting of a medley of succulent fruits, savory cheeses, and a perfectly boiled egg. Eren, devouring the spread before him with an unbridled appetite akin to that of a ravenous beast, consumed each morsel as if he had never experienced such nourishment in his entire existence. This ravenousness had become customary for him. Amidst his voracious chewing, Eren had managed to inquire, with a mouth full of food, "What exciting plans await us on this momentous day?"

Eren's expression remained surprisingly unperturbed as his father delivered the news of an unexpected expedition to the interior, which meant he would be celebrating his upcoming birthday solely in the company of his mother and Naruto. However, the tranquility was momentarily disrupted as Naruto succumbed to a deep slumber, succumbing to the enchantment of a midday dream world.

As Carla shook her head, trying to grasp onto the fleeting memory, a wistful smile emerged on her face. The bittersweet nostalgia washed over her as she contemplated the passing of time, reflecting on the rapid growth of her child. "I can't believe you're six already," she murmured, almost in disbelief.

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't intended for the words to escape her lips, and it was only when Eren questioned her with innocent curiosity, "What was that, Mommy?" that Carla snapped back into reality, realizing her unintentional revelation.

As Carla snapped back to the present moment, her mind refocused on her energetic son, only to be met with a disheartening sight that made her grimace involuntarily. The remnants of their recent meal were plastered all over his cherubic face and clung stubbornly to his tiny clothes as if asserting their dominance over cleanliness.

Determined to restore her little one's appearance to its former pristine state, Carla swiftly took action, employing her motherly powers to whisk away every stubborn morsel she could lay her hands on. However, her valiant efforts were soon thwarted when she caught sight of the rogue food particles that had infiltrated his hair, entangling themselves amidst the strands.

With a mixture of resignation and amusement, Carla surrendered to the inevitable truth. "Looks like someone's going to have to indulge in a refreshing bath tonight, my dear," she quipped, a playful glint in her eyes.

Eren, however, countered her proposal with a pout, letting his dissent be known. "But I like my mess," he protested, his voice tinged with mischievous defiance that only a child could possess.

Carla's vibrant personality shone through as she playfully responded to Eren's initial remark, "Well, I don't. And I like my little man to be squeaky clean." With a mischievous glimmer in her eye, she leaned closer to her son, enveloping him in an aura of secrecy, and whispered conspiratorially, "How about this, my dear Eren? We go get some firewood so that we can heat some water, and we can get some flowers to make the water pretty and smell good!" Eren's eyes widened with excitement and anticipation, his heart brimming with joy at the prospect of spending more precious moments with his beloved mother. Without a moment's hesitation, he eagerly declared, "Okay!" His enthusiastic agreement was a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the green field near Wall Maria, Carla interrupted their leisurely stroll with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "But before we continue," she announced, a playful undertone in her voice, "we have another surprise for you, Eren."

Intrigued, Eren's steps came to an abrupt halt, his brow furrowing with a mix of curiosity and confusion as he turned to face his mother. The gentle breeze whispered through the surrounding trees, adding an air of anticipation to the moment. Before he could even utter a single word to inquire about the nature of this unexpected surprise, a symphony of light footsteps danced upon the leaf-laden path, drawing their attention.

"Happy Birthday! Big Brother!" Naruto suddenly shouted behind them; startled, Eren's eyes widened like saucers as he turned on his heels, facing the source of the exclamation. His already radiant smile blossomed even brighter upon beholding the sight that awaited him.

There, standing beside Naruto, was their father, Grisha, clutching a small picnic bag filled with delightful surprises. Eren's heart swelled with warmth and affection, an ineffable joy surging through his veins.

Without hesitation, he dashed towards Naruto, the grass beneath their feet turning into a verdant sea of laughter and playfulness. The world around them seemed to fade into insignificance as their laughter echoed through the meadow, intertwining with the melodies of nature itself. Carla, observing this jubilant reunion, couldn't help but feel her heart dance with delight.

With a mischievous grin adorning his face, Grisha sauntered toward Eren, his footsteps echoing throughout the field. As he approached his son, a twinkle of anticipation danced in his eyes, matching the spark of excitement that radiated from within him.

Drawing closer, Grisha leaned in, his warm breath caressing Eren's cheek, and whispered, "Happy Birthday." The air seemed to crackle with a sense of magic and wonder as he pressed a tender, affectionate kiss upon his son's rosy skin.

But that wasn't all. Grisha's voice carried a secret promise, a tantalizing hint of the surprises yet to come. "And fear not, Eren," he murmured, his words laced with a sense of playful mystery, "I Will give you a new toy soon." Eren's face transformed into a radiant smile, his eyes lighting up like stars in the night sky.

As the golden sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a warm glow over the picturesque meadow, Grisha strolled back with purposeful steps, closing the distance between himself and Carla, his heart filled with a tender longing. Nestling himself beside her on the soft carpet of emerald blades, he couldn't resist the magnetic pull drawing him towards her inviting lips.

Oblivious to the world around them, their gazes locked in a mesmerizing dance, they took solace in the realization that their precious children were frolicking joyously nearby, their laughter echoing through the tranquil air. As Carla's delicate hum mingled with the symphony of nature, her head found solace upon Grisha's broad, reassuring shoulder, basking in the harmonious blend of emotions that washed over her.

In this idyllic moment, she couldn't help but revel in the symphony of life unfolding before her eyes - the vibrant hues of the lush, boundless fields stretching out as far as the eye could see, the gentle caress of the breeze whispering through the blades of grass, and the pure, unadulterated joy emanating from their beloved children as they immersed themselves in the whimsical wonders of play.

"Naruto," Eren exclaimed, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes as they frolicked in a sun-drenched meadow. With a playful yet earnest tone, he extended a finger toward a particular spot. "can you grow a tree for me here," Eren's request hung in the air, a challenge to Naruto's burgeoning powers. Without hesitation, Naruto's cerulean eyes sparkled with determination as he eagerly accepted the challenge.

Enthralled by the magical scene unfolding before her, Carla stood captivated, her eyes fixated on Naruto as he carefully lowered both of his hands onto the lush grass beneath him.

As his palms made contact with the earth, a wondrous spectacle ensued, leaving Carla awestruck: a slender tree vine emerged from the ground, bursting forth with remarkable vigor and vitality. It continued to grow autonomously, stretching skyward until it reached an astonishing height of ten meters.

Delicate, elongated branches sprouted gracefully from its sturdy trunk, adorned with a cascade of resplendent green leaves that shimmered enchantingly in the sunlight. The breathtaking transformation held Carla's attention as she marveled at the harmonious dance between her son and nature's magnificent display. However, as Naruto gingerly lifted his hands away from the ground, the tree's growth abruptly halted, frozen in time.

Eren leaped into the air, his heart brimming with uncontainable joy. Meanwhile, Carla, her eyes wide with astonishment, struggled to grasp the reality of the extraordinary feat before her. It had been an entire year since Naruto had been able to grow a tree. Throughout this time, Grisha, consumed by an insatiable determination, dedicated countless hours to unraveling the enigma that was Naruto's power, relentlessly seeking a means for the young prodigy to command and control his extraordinary abilities.

With time, dedication, and unwavering determination, Naruto honed his extraordinary abilities, mastering the art of harnessing his powers to manipulate the very essence of nature itself. As his control over his latent gift grew stronger, a fascinating phenomenon unfolded: whenever Naruto directed his unwavering focus towards a humble seed. The seed would sprout and blossom with an inexplicable speed. With each passing day, Naruto's expertise flourished as he effortlessly cultivated a kaleidoscope of vibrant blooms, mastering the art of floral cultivation with astonishing ease.

Fueled by his insatiable curiosity and ceaseless ambition, Grisha, recognizing Naruto's boundless potential, urged him to broaden his horizons and venture beyond flowers, beckoning him towards other possibilities, like growing vegetables.

In the midst of Naruto's extraordinary abilities, there came a fateful moment when his immense power was on the verge of causing a calamity. It all unfolded when, quite by accident, he unleashed an overwhelming surge of energy: an exuberant abundance of vegetables sprouting forth simultaneously. However, by some stroke of luck, none but Hannes, who had succumbed to an alcohol-induced slumber, bore witness to this miraculous and bewildering sight.

Awakening from his intoxicated stupor, Hannes found himself grappling with the perplexing notion that Naruto's extraordinary feat of cultivating vegetables had been nothing more than a whimsical figment of his imagination.

After growing vegetables with his powers, Naruto moved on to trees and bushes. A year had passed since his initial foray, and Naruto's proficiency had burgeoned to such an extent that he could effortlessly conjure and nurture several majestic trees before succumbing to the slightest hint of exhaustion. Carla marveled at her son's limitless potential, pondering just how far his prodigious skills could develop. Meanwhile, Grisha harbored a distinct perspective, fueling his imagination with intriguing thoughts of what other incredible feats Naruto's powers might be capable of achieving.

In his mind, he had already made plans to see if Naruto could grow different types of trees with his power and, most importantly, can his trees grow with pointy ends and at a faster rate; if so, Grisha knew eventually, his son could be able to defend himself.

As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a warm golden glow on the idyllic meadow, two hours had passed since the merry escapade began. Laughter filled the air as their youthful spirits danced amidst the playful games and joyful moments shared.

Eren, not quite ready to part ways with the cherished memories they had woven into the fabric of their day, clung tightly to his beloved blanket, its softness offering him a sense of security and comfort. Grisha shouldered the basket's weight, its contents a testament to the bountiful delights they had savored.

With each step they took, the vibrant tapestry of the meadow unfurled before them, the grasses swaying in rhythmic harmony, whispering secrets only they could hear. Just a few yards from their starting point, a tiny hand adorned with dimpled fingers found its way into Carla's own slender hand.

The feeling of those pudgy fingers lacing through her fingers sent a wave of warmth coursing through her veins, a connection that transcended words and melted her heart. Looking down at her cherished son, a radiant smile graced Carla's lips, illuminating her face with an affectionate glow. As the wind gently rustled through the surrounding foliage, Carla hummed a sweet lullaby, a tender melody that cascaded from her lips and floated on the breeze.

Let me know in the comments what you think about the Chapter. I hope you have a Wonderful Day.


Quinn Bernal

Thanks for the amazing stories and hope you have a good 4th of July.


Thank you for reading my Story, and I hope you have a good 4th of July as well.

Anthony Rodriguez

All of this bliss is only going to make what's to come far more painful... Good strategy by the way.