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As the Ba Sing Se train gracefully glided along the sturdy tracks, propelled forward by the skillful earthbenders harnessing their bending prowess, Naruto's curious gaze was drawn towards the mesmerizing panorama unfolding beyond the windowpane. A vast expanse of fertile land stretched out before him as if nature itself had painted a serene masterpiece, with acres upon acres of crops gently swaying in perfect harmony with the tranquil breeze. The diligent farmers, well acquainted with the train's regular visits over countless seasons, diligently attended to their bountiful fields, their rhythmic motions echoing the perpetual cycle of life and growth. And as the train continued its journey, inch by inch, the grandeur of the Inner Wall gradually loomed closer, a towering symbol of Ba Sing Se's impenetrable fortitude.

With a mixture of awe and exhaustion etched across her face, Katara settled into the seat beside Aang on the train, her voice filled with disbelief as she uttered, "I can't believe we finally made it to the illustrious and walled city of Ba Sing Se." She let out a weary sigh and leaned back, her body feeling the weight of their arduous journey as if the sands of time had stretched infinitely. "It feels like we've been traveling forever." She added. A hint of fatigue tingled in her arms, causing them to feel slightly limp, serving as a testament to the tireless miles they had traversed. And yet, amidst the weariness, Katara couldn't help but notice Sokka's contagious enthusiasm, his excitement reaching its crescendo as they were on the cusp of stepping foot into Ba Sing Se.

As the group got closer to the grand entrance, Naruto leaned in close to his companions, ensuring they all heard his cautionary words before stepping inside. With a serious expression etched upon his face, he addressed them; his voice filled with a mix of urgency and concern. "Before we reach Ba Sing Se," he began, "there's something important." His eyes darted from one person to another, ensuring their attention was fully captured. As Toph, always attached to his arm, leaned in closer, her grip tightening, Naruto continued, "Don't go around exploring. Ba Sing Se is a huge city. You can easily get lost in it." His words hung in the air, echoing through the group's minds.

With a curious furrow in his brow, Aang's voice exuded a sense of intrigue as he posed the question, "How do you know that?" Though his tone appeared ordinary to the untrained ear, Toph and Naruto, attuned to the subtle shifts in Aang's emotions, detected a faint undercurrent of tension. Naruto couldn't quite fathom the source of Aang's unease, but one thing was certain. When he unleashed his formidable Woodbending powers, obliterating the menacing drill, Aang's countenance seemed less than jubilant. Naruto surmised that the Avatar harbored unspoken thoughts, words yearning to escape his lips, yet remained veiled in the depths of his silence for the time being.

Nevertheless, Naruto harbored a distinct conviction that sooner or later, Aang would reach a pivotal juncture where he would question the efficacy of Naruto's unconventional approach to interpersonal dynamics, finding it no longer aligned with his own principles and ideals.

"I heard it when I was in Kyoshi island. Some say it is the largest city in the world," Naruto explained with a small shrug; Aang and Katara, captivated by Naruto's words, nodded in agreement, their minds conjuring up visions of towering buildings and bustling streets. Yet, amidst the shared intrigue, there stood Sokka, his brows furrowed and a tinge of skepticism lingering on his face.

"Oh, come on. How big can Ba Sing Se be?" With a hint of disbelief lacing his words, Sokka pondered aloud about the sheer enormity of Ba Sing Se, wondering if it could truly live up to the extravagant claims. As fate would have it, just as Sokka expressed his doubts, the group were hurtling through a dark tunnel, only to emerge on the other side, where an awe-inspiring sight awaited them.

As they ventured through the formidable Inner Wall, their anticipation grew, for beyond its towering presence lay Ba Sing Se. Like a pulsating artery, the railway intricately weaved through the heart of the city, imparting a sense of motion and dynamism to the otherwise static surroundings.

As they traversed through its labyrinthine streets, a tapestry of bustling life unfolded before their eyes, with each section of the city teeming with an eclectic mix of humble abodes and vibrant marketplaces. It became abundantly clear that Ba Sing Se was not merely a single entity but rather an amalgamation of interconnected worlds, each with its own distinctive charm and allure. Yet, as their gaze extended beyond the horizon, they caught sight of another imposing wall, standing stoically in the distance, shrouding the next enigmatic layer of this sprawling metropolis.

Katara's eyes widened with a mix of astonishment and reverence as she gazed out the train window, her voice laced with a hint of breathlessness, "O-Oh... It's a little big." The city sprawled before her, a sprawling metropolis that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon, adorned with towering structures. She had traversed the vibrant streets of Omashu, a city known for its grandeur and magnificence, but as her gaze shifted towards Ba Sing Se, she couldn't help but feel a surge of awe and humility. Omashu, with all its splendor, paled compared to the sheer scale and majesty of the legendary city ahead.

As the train screeched to a halt at the bustling station, a symphony of metallic sounds echoed through the air, beckoning Naruto and his friends to leave. Eagerly, they navigated through a sea of anonymous faces, their determination propelling them forward amidst the vibrant chaos. With each step, they jostled against a small crowd of weary commuters. Finally, as they emerged from the train's embrace, a sense of liberation washed over them, mirroring the departing train's farewell as it surged forward, vanishing into the horizon, leaving behind a trail of anticipation.

As Naruto gazed up at the magnificent sight of Appa gracefully soaring through the vibrant skies above Ba Sing Se. His eyes followed the bison's elegant flight, his mind swirling with questions about the creature's essential need for respite amidst their bustling city. Naruto couldn't help but ponder the possibility of a grandiose abode befitting the bison's grandeur, a sanctuary where he could find solace and tranquility.

As he took in his surroundings, the words echoed through the air, "You have finally arrived, Avatar!" Intrigued and slightly unnerved, Naruto's gaze shifted toward the sound, only to witness a captivating sight unfold before his eyes. From the other side of the station, a woman with long, flowing brown hair and a vibrant yellow and green dress gracefully made her way toward him and the group. With each step she took, her smile widened, consuming the lower half of her face, an ethereal glow emanating from her presence. Naruto couldn't help but be entranced by the sheer intensity of her smile, a radiant brightness that seemed to grow increasingly unsettling the longer he stared as if it harbored secrets.

"I am Joo Dee," the woman announced, her voice devoid of any trace of emotion as if it were carefully crafted to mimic the seamless cadence of a mechanical doll. "I will be your escort throughout your stay in Ba Sing Se, ensuring your every need is met." Her words hung in the air, surrounded by an unsettling silence that seemed to echo through the depths of their souls.

A sense of unease settled upon the group, their eyes meeting with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Even the ever-optimistic Sokka couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine, his instincts telling him that something was amiss. The woman's strange smile remained impassive as if she were a mere vessel for the city's secrets, her true intentions veiled behind a facade of hospitality.

With a slight bow, Joo Dee continued, her voice maintaining its unwavering monotone, "Rest assured, living arrangements have been meticulously prepared for your comfort. Every detail has been taken into account, from the softness of the linens to the ambiance of your surroundings. We hope that you find them most pleasing during your stay." As the group exchanged wary glances, a whisper of doubt pierced through the air. Was this woman truly human?

Sokka briskly strode past Naruto, his eyes fixated on Joo Dee. The enigmatic woman wore an unnerving smile that seemed etched onto her face, never wavering or fading. Sokka halted his steps, his urgency palpable in his voice as he addressed her, "Before we do that, could you show us the way to the Earth King's palace? We need to discuss something about the war with him," He hoped that their plea would resonate with her, that she would comprehend the gravity of their words and provide them with the necessary directions. However, to Sokka's dismay, Joo Dee completely disregarded his plea, pivoting gracefully to face Aang, her eyes gleaming with an inexplicable anticipation.

The words escaped her lips, cool and detached, as she dismissed any need for concern. The imposing walls of Ba Sing Se loomed overhead, offering a sense of safety and tranquility that seemed impervious to the chaos of war. With an emotionless tone, she emphasized the haven they had entered, assuring everyone that there was no place for conflict in this sanctuary. "You do not need to concern yourself with that. You are in Ba Sing Se now. Everyone is safe here; there is no War in Ba Sing Se," As the last words resonated in the air, she abruptly shifted gears, her voice finally betraying a hint of enthusiasm. "Now, let us embark on this captivating tour!"

Joo Dee gracefully sauntered past the group, her every step exuding an air of confidence and purpose. Intrigued, the onlookers glanced at one another, silently debating whether to follow her lead. With hesitant yet curious expressions, they tentatively trailed behind her, descending the grand staircase. To their astonishment, an ornate ostrich horse-drawn carriage awaited them at the foot of the stairs, its elegant design commanding attention. The allure of the plush seats beckoned them, enticing them to embark on this unexpected adventure. As they settled into the opulent seating arrangements, a wave of comfort washed over them, sinking into the soft cushions. With a flick of the coachman's wrist, the reins snapped, and the majestic carriage set into motion, gliding forward with a graceful sway.

Joo Dee, the knowledgeable guide, leaned towards the window of the elegant carriage, her voice carrying a hint of excitement and pride. "The lower ring is home to our newest arrivals, as well as craftsmen and artisans. It's a very quaint and lively section of the city," Joo Dee said, pointing at what they were seeing outside of the window of the moving carriage.

Katara's curiosity sparked as she gazed out of the carriage window, her eyes scanning the multitude of houses that dotted the landscape. "How many sections are there?" she inquired, her voice laced with intrigue.

Joo Dee met her questioning gaze with a radiant smile as if holding a secret within. "Many," Joo Dee replied, her response as enigmatic as the city itself.

A perplexed expression etched across Katara's face, her brows furrowing in contemplation. "Well... why are there so many sections?" she pondered aloud.

"To maintain the delicate equilibrium and harmony within our beautiful city, I strongly urge you to exercise utmost caution and vigilance as you navigate your way through this particular enclave of our city," Joo Dee cautioned, her words delivered with an eerie calmness that sent shivers down the spine, while her lips, adorned with an unsettlingly fixed grin, refused to relinquish its eerie presence.

As the carriage rumbled along the uneven road, Toph's voice reached Naruto's ears in a hushed tone, filled with concern, her grip on his arm tightening. "Something's not right with her," she confided, her words laced with worry. "Her heartbeat is all over the place." Naruto, ever the reassuring presence, felt a sense of comfort in Toph's trust as she clung to his arm.

Despite the jostling motion of the carriage, he leaned in closer, matching her tone with his own hushed voice, and assured her, "Don't worry." The words, delivered with unwavering confidence, carried a soothing effect as the carriage momentarily jolted over a small bump in the road.

As Naruto glanced out of the polished window pane, his eyes fixed on the diverse array of citizens swiftly slipping by. The grand carriage, a symbol of opulence and extravagance, stood in stark contrast to the dilapidated surroundings that seemed to span the entire section. Each person they passed, draped in threadbare garments or tattered attire that bore the weight of countless years, told a story of resilience and hardship. Amidst the labyrinth of destitution, an alley materialized, revealing a scene of intrigue between two men engaged in a conversation. Gripping a scimitar tightly in his hand, one of them cast a malevolent scowl upon catching sight of the resplendent carriage, his intentions momentarily veiled behind the gleaming blade he defiantly raised.

As the carriage departed from the bustling lower ring, it gracefully navigated its way through the towering walls that enclosed the city, seamlessly transitioning into the next section. Amidst this journey, Naruto, with his keen senses, couldn't help but detect the pungent and gritty aroma that had permeated the air since they embarked. However, to his delight, he soon realized that the noxious scent dissipated, giving way to a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere as they ventured deeper into the city's heart.

With an air of authority, Joo Dee gestured elegantly toward the bustling cityscape that sprawled before her. Her voice, filled with a hint of excitement, resonated through the carriage as she began to unravel the enchanting tale of the middle ring. "Behold," she exclaimed, "a realm steeped in grandeur and sophistication, where the echoes of prosperity reverberate through the streets." The middle ring, she explained, was not merely a place of mundane routines but a realm of vibrant possibilities.

Within this captivating domain, the financial districts stood as towering symbols of economic prowess, their glass facades reflecting sunlight like shimmering beacons of ambition. It was here that fortunes were made, and dreams were forged amidst the ceaseless hum of business dealings.

Yet, the middle ring was only partially defined by its economic prowess. As the carriage glided past the meticulously manicured lawns, Joo Dee's gaze fell upon the prestigious university, nestled amidst a picturesque landscape. "Here," she revealed with pride, "knowledge blooms, and the pursuit of wisdom flourishes." The university, a bastion of intellect and innovation, beckoned eager minds to delve into the depths of academia while its historic halls whispered stories of countless scholars who had left an indelible mark on the world.

But the middle ring was not solely a realm of intellect and wealth. Joo Dee's finger gracefully pointed towards a majestic structure that seemed to transcend time itself. "Behold," she whispered, her voice filled with reverence, "the town hall, a remnant of a bygone era, a testament to the city's rich history." The oldest building in the city, its weathered stones seemed to hold secrets from centuries past, silently bearing witness to the ebb and flow of time.

As the carriage continued its journey, Joo Dee's words painted a vivid tapestry of a middle ring that was not just a geographic location but a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of ambition, knowledge, and heritage. The city, she proclaimed, owed much of its allure and charm to this captivating district, where fine dining establishments tantalized the senses and breathtaking architecture adorned the skyline.

"University? Hey, we met a professor that worked at the university. We found a library in the middle of the desert. We discovered some interesting information about the war," Sokka said, his smile, though strained, conveying the weight of their discovery. "you know, what I mentioned when we first arrived in Ba Sing Se and how I said that it was absolutely crucial that we took it to the Earth King."

"A library?" Joo Dee's eyes widened with excitement, her voice brimming with curiosity and anticipation. "I bet you found many fascinating things!" Her exclamation echoed through the carriage, filling the air with a sense of wonder and intrigue. However, despite her words of enthusiasm, her face remained as emotionless as ever, as if concealing a secret world of emotions beneath the surface.

Taken aback by Joo Dee's unexpected outburst, Sokka stood there in utter disbelief. His eyes widened, his jaw-dropping in sheer astonishment. He glanced at his companions, a mix of confusion and concern etched on his face, silently urging them to observe the peculiar behavior of their guide. With a collective shrug, they exchanged perplexed glances, completely clueless about what could possibly be amiss with Joo Dee.

Naruto's voice broke the silence, his words laced with a warning that hung heavy in the air. "Guys," he began, his voice firm and determined, "we weren't the only ones who arrived here for the first time." His gaze shifted to Joo Dee standing nearby.

"She is here clearly because Aang came into the city," he continued, his tone revealing a hint of suspicion. It was clear to Naruto that this mysterious arrival had prior knowledge of their impending presence. "They have known beforehand that we would arrive, be careful," he concluded, his narrowed eyes conveying a sense of vigilance.

Toph, always perceptive, nodded in agreement with Naruto's words, her earthbending abilities allowing her to sense the truth in his cautionary statement. Her sharp senses remained focused on the young woman, Joo Dee, who stood nearby, her demeanor cloaked in an air of secrecy.

Meanwhile, Sokka and Katara exchanged unsure glances, their expressions mirroring their uncertainty about the situation at hand. Aang wore a skeptical look on his face, torn between his instinctual trust in others and his growing suspicion of Joo Dee's peculiar behavior. While he couldn't deny that something seemed off, Aang found it difficult to believe she could pose any real danger to them. Nonetheless, a lingering doubt gnawed at the back of his mind, a reminder to remain cautious in the face of uncertainty.

Their destination lay in the coveted upper ring, a realm adorned with opulence and extravagance that would surely take their breath away. While the middle ring showcased an elegant fusion of simplicity and sophistication in its enchanting homes, the upper ring reigned supreme, boasting sprawling mansions and majestic palaces that beckoned with an air of grandeur.

Guiding them through the labyrinthine streets, Joo Dee, with utmost reverence, informed them of their imminent arrival at their new abode, a testament to their esteemed status as the city's most esteemed citizens. Amidst their journey, a picturesque pond came into view, adorned with a mesmerizing display of vibrant lily pads and delicate white calla lilies. Their vibrant colors danced upon the surface of the tranquil water, casting ethereal reflections that mirrored the beauty of their surroundings.

A sense of awe washed over them as they crossed the threshold into the grandiose courtyard. The vast expanse of the open space seemed to stretch endlessly before their eyes, encompassing a symphony of architectural marvels.

Nestled at the heart of this majestic sanctuary was a palace that dwarfed any other structure they had ever laid eyes upon. Its towering spires kissed the heavens, while the intricate patterns etched upon its walls whispered tales of ancient wisdom.

But it wasn't just the sheer size of the palace that left them breathless; the Earth kingdom symbol, proudly emblazoned across the weathered bricks, truly captivated their attention. A symbol of strength and unity, it stood as a testament to the unwavering spirit of the people who called this land their home.

"What's in this building?" With an outstretched finger, Naruto pointed toward the regal structure. The sight before him was nothing short of extraordinary. It resembled less of a mere building and more of a castle fit for a noble King, adorned with intricate carvings and guarded by sentinels dressed in armor. Their presence, scattered throughout the courtyard, added an air of mystique and importance.

Joo Dee, the ever-gracious guide, nonchalantly gestured towards the majestic palace before them, her voice laced with a hint of casualness. "Behold," she proclaimed, "This palace is home to the Earth King." With an elegant sweep of her hand, she directed their attention towards the entrance, where a small contingent of enigmatic figures stood stoically in their distinctive black and dark green robes.

"Observe," Joo Dee continued, her tone tinged with a mixture of reverence and trepidation, "Over by the entrance, you'll see a few members of the Dai Li, Ba Sing Se's police. They protect and guard our sacred traditions and cultures." As her words hung in the air, Toph detected a flicker of fear dancing in Joo Dee's eyes, prompting her curiosity to soar. Simultaneously, at the gateway to the palace, the trio of enigmatic figures engaged in hushed conversation, their gazes shifting suspiciously towards the approaching carriage and its occupants, their expressions a cocktail of skepticism and disdain.

With a forced smile tugging at the corners of his lips, Aang leaned his chin against his hand and gazed at Joo Dee, his eyes brimming with impatience and a complete lack of amusement. "Since we're here," he began, his voice tinged with curiosity, "can we see the Earth King?" he asked, his words laced with hope and anticipation.

However, before he could receive an answer, Joo Dee swiftly extinguished his optimism, her voice devoid of any emotion as she coolly informed them, "Oh, no, no! I'm afraid visiting the Earth King is a privilege that requires a prior audience appointment."

Sokka, his voice dripping with accusation, fixed his piercing gaze upon her and pointed an accusing finger in her direction, his anger intensifying with each venomous word that escaped his lips. The burning question escaped his lips in rapid succession, his narrowed eyes locked onto Joe Dee as if searching for an inkling of hope in his response, "Now you're listening to us? When, pray tell, is the soonest we can have a conversation with him?"

In response, she stood there, an eerie, unsettling smile plastered across her face, relishing in her newfound authority. With a chilling nonchalance, she conveyed the news that had arrived before Sokka's arrival, savoring the power it bestowed upon her. "Coincidentally," she began with a sinister undertone, "I received word just before your arrival, and it seems the wait will be quite extensive, my dear friends. We're looking at approximately a month." As these words echoed in the air, Sokka's fury reached its pinnacle, his glare transforming into an inferno of indignation, ready to consume her with its scorching intensity.

"A month?!" escaped their lips simultaneously, their expressions a perfect blend of shock and disbelief. However, amidst the collective astonishment, Naruto could not suppress a weary sigh. It seemed scarcely believable that only a mere hour had transpired since their arrival in the grand city of Ba Sing Se. Yet, Naruto had already grown weary and disenchanted with its peculiar charms. With a newfound understanding, he could almost hear Toph's words resonating in his mind – the city was nothing but a monotonous abyss devoid of excitement.

"Six to eight weeks, to be more precise. Much shorter than normal; usually processing can take up to years." Joo Dee quickly added, with an air of mischief, her smile widened, showcasing her unnaturally white teeth as if relishing the opportunity to convey this information and stir a hint of irritation within her unsuspecting audience.


As the horse-drawn carriage skidded to a graceful stop, its wheels coming to a gentle rest on the cobblestone road, Naruto's curious gaze fixated on the sight before him: a sprawling two-floor house adorned with intricate architectural details and surrounded by meticulously manicured gardens.

Breaking the silence, Joo Dee's voice pierced through the air, her tone brimming with an artificial enthusiasm that seemed to mask her lack of awareness about their mounting frustration. With a wide, insincere grin plastered on her face, she declared, "Here we are!" Her hands clapped together in an exaggerated show of excitement as if trying to convince herself that this was indeed a joyous occasion.

Naruto and his companions stepped out of the carriage with a sense of resignation, their weariness palpable. They followed Joo Dee's lead, their footsteps echoing on the polished marble floors as they made their way across the threshold of the grand entrance, their anticipation tinged with a twinge of uncertainty.

Naruto thought the house was good enough as they stepped into the front room. The vast and open space stretched out before them, adorned with just a handful of carefully placed furniture pieces that seemed to invite relaxation.

"Cozy, isn't it?" she remarked with a hint of anticipation in her voice, gliding toward the center of the room. Her arms gracefully extended outward as if embracing the surrounding tranquility, awaiting Aang's response.

Aang couldn't help but express his growing frustration. "I apologize, but is there any possibility of expediting our audience with the Earth King?" he inquired, striving to maintain his signature politeness. However, his friends, attuned to his subtle cues, discerned the faint traces of exasperation creeping into his tone, realizing that even someone as patient as Aang had begun to lose their composure in the presence of Joo Dee.

Joo Dee promptly responded with a slight tinge of disappointment, her voice carrying a sense of urgency, "I'm afraid not. The Earth King, burdened by a multitude of pressing matters, finds himself occupied at the moment." Naruto, his impulsive nature on the verge of overriding his patience, felt an irrepressible temptation to tell her to fuck off.

As the weight of their predicament settled upon him, Aang released a heartfelt sigh, his slender fingers instinctively tracing his arrow. "Well... if we're going to stay here this long." he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation, "we might as well spend it looking around the city."

"If transportation is what you need, I will be more than happy to escort you," Joo Dee quickly proposed, stepping forward. Toph, clearly growing impatient, couldn't help but let out a groan, her toes tapping rhythmically on the wooden floor as she awaited a better solution to their transportation predicament.

"Thanks, but it's not necessary..." Naruto's voice trailed off as he contemplated how to politely decline Joo Dee's proposal. However, before he could utter another word, Joo Dee swiftly interjected with an air of determination, her interruption slicing through the room like a lightning bolt.

"I insist," Joo Dee exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with fake sincerity and hospitality. Naruto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, unsure how to navigate this unexpected turn of events. As Joo Dee made her way towards the front doors, she strategically positioned herself, effectively barricading any attempt Naruto might make to exit the house.

With a mischievous smile playing on her lips, Joo Dee explained, "Else, what kind of host would I be?" Her voice dripped with an unwavering conviction as if she had rehearsed this line a thousand times.

As they stood there, their eyes darting back and forth in a flurry of secrecy, Naruto couldn't help but feel a mischievous glint in his eye, urging him to suggest an audacious plan to Sokka.

Leaning in, he whispered with calculated caution, "Sokka, you distract her, I Will move behind her and knock her unconscious." However, before Sokka could respond, Aang intervened, his quick-thinking mind prevailing over Naruto's impulsive instincts.

Aang shook his head, his expression grave yet determined, as he turned his attention towards the enigmatic woman who wore a disconcertingly wide grin on her face. Aang's weariness became palpable as he released a heavy sigh, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

"Alright," he acquiesced reluctantly, "lead the way and take us to the nearest store." Joo Dee's excitement was palpable, her grin stretching wider than seemed humanly possible. "Absolutely!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with uncontainable enthusiasm.

They traveled through the middle ring, but they were unable to find any information about what was happening in the city. Those who they approached gave them nervous expressions as they asked questions, their eyes searching around for an answer and their brows spontaneously gleaming with sweat. After only a few minutes of conversation, each person they came across promptly found an excuse to leave, whether by their own agenda or kicking them out of the store. The Avatar Gang returned to their house.

As the elegant carriage glided through the bustling streets, Joo Dee leaned out of the window, her voice filled with fake regret, "I'm truly sorry to hear that you couldn't locate the information you were seeking. However, fret not, my dear friend, for now is the perfect moment to indulge in some much-deserved rest and relaxation." With a gentle nod, she assured the Avatar Gan that their needs would be taken care of, adding, "In fact, an exquisite dinner will be promptly delivered to your doorstep, as the sun gracefully sets on the horizon." As the final rays of sunlight kissed the earth, the coachman skillfully flicked the reins, setting the horses in motion, and the carriage slowly vanished from sight.

As the elegant carriage gracefully glided away, Toph, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment, began to speak, her words dripping with a mix of frustration and sarcasm, "Well," she said, her brows furrowing ever so slightly, "Sokka I Told you, your luck is rottern." With a heavy sigh escaping her lips, she released her pent-up frustration by forcefully stomping her foot onto the solid ground, causing the earth beneath her to tremble in response. A rock, previously hidden in plain sight, was swiftly unleashed into the air, soaring through the sky before falling down and crashing against a tree.

"Am I the only one who feels uneasy about this whole thing?" Naruto said what everyone else was thinking. "Everyone in the city is acting strangely. As if they are scared of something." Naruto added, with everyone else nodding their heads in agreement.

"It's definitely not just you," Aang said in agreement. "With Joo Dee, the city's segregation, and everyone's quick dismissiveness about the war... something's going on in this city." He finished with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Maybe we can ask that guy." Toph pointed to the house across the street. A man who had been watching them through the window of his door quickly hid his head.

They crossed the street and knocked on the door. The door opened, and an older man with white hair tied back in a braid and green robes opened the door slightly and smiled uneasily.

"You're the Avatar, right?" the man inquired, his eyes widening with a mix of awe and curiosity as they locked onto Aang. As the man's voice quivered ever so slightly, he extended a welcoming gesture, ushering the young Airbender into the bustling city of Ba Sing Se. "Welcome to Ba Sing Se! Is there something I can assist you with?" he inquired, his genuine desire to help evident in his demeanor.

In response, Sokka, with a glimmer of hope dancing in his eyes, bravely stepped forward, appreciative of the fact that there was finally someone in this foreign city willing to lend a hand. "Actually," Sokka chimed in, his tone brimming with curiosity, "Tell us something- why is everyone in this city so afraid to talk about stuff like the war?" His gaze scrutinized the man, who involuntarily swallowed hard, his anxiety palpable as Sokka unearthed the topic of the war.

"War?" the man asked, his voice cracking, but his eyes did the same nervous searching as everyone else. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do," Toph said impatiently. "I can feel your trembling." She added, narrowing her eyes towards the man.

With a cautious glance, the man's eyes swept across his surroundings, taking in every detail of the dimly lit alleyway. A flicker of anxiety danced in his eyes as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a hushed tone.

"Look," he began, his words tinged with a mixture of urgency and secrecy. "Nobody here talks about the war. Nobody. It's best if you do the same." His gaze hardened, a hint of warning in his voice as he continued, "And if I were you, I'd steer clear of the Dai Li. You don't want them knocking on your door. Now, I'm sorry, but I have important business to tend to. Goodbye." With a resolute gesture, he swung the door shut, its echo reverberating through the deserted street, leaving an indelible mark of finality in the air.

"Oh, yeah," Sokka said, "something's definitely going on here."

As they returned back to the house, Aang wanted to find a room somewhere and meditate. He wanted to talk with his past lives; he wanted advice on what to do about Naruto.



Been waiting for this chapter! Thanks for the chapter, I can see that there is a clash coming between Aang and Naruto, maybe here in the Kingdom, but it is going to come!


Thank you for reading my Story. Aang and Naruto will definitely clash, especially after a certain thing happens.

Isaiah Warner

Please let iroh get his beloved tea shop, he deserves it. Though I wonder without appa missing they wouldn't find lake laogi, that would stop them from finding out the extent of long fangs crimes, though it does mean jet will live. I think it'd be cool if the conflict in the gang can be like Naruto and toph VS aang and katara. Like a couple fight, but they don't know it yet. Or Naruto and toph do, they are moving along a lot faster than aang and katara