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Cannibal, the mighty dragon, crouched down on his powerful legs with his head lowered towards Daenerys as if beckoning her to climb upon his back. Daenerys, with a glint of excitement in her eyes, took a deep breath before carefully placing her hands on the dragon's rough scales and slowly climbing up. Her heart was racing with anticipation as she felt the warmth of Cannibal's body beneath her. As she reached the top, she let out a gasp of awe at the breathtaking view of the vast and endless sky above her. Cannibal, sensing her wonder, spread his massive wings, revealing an intricate pattern of scales and feathers that glimmered in the starry night sky.

Her fingers curled tightly around the dragon's rough scales as she surveyed the horizon. She knew that Cannibal was waiting for her command. With a fierce determination in her heart, Daenerys bellowed out her order, her voice echoing across the plains.

"Sōvegon (Fly)," she cried out, her grip on Cannibal's scales tightening. With a mighty roar, the dragon began to move. His massive feet thudded against the ground, each step sending shockwaves rippling through the earth. The ground cracked beneath him, unable to withstand the sheer force of his movement. Daenerys felt her heart race with excitement. She knew what was coming next. With a powerful beat of his wings, Cannibal leaped into the air, soaring up into the clouds. Daenerys felt the wind rushing past her, whipping her hair around her face.

With a powerful flap of his wings, Daenerys and Cannibal ascended higher and higher into the sky. His powerful movements were rhythmic and graceful as they soared above the world with utter ease and elegance. As they climbed higher, Daenerys gazed down at the breathtaking view below her; her eyes widened in awe, and wondered at the world's beauty beneath her feet. The lush green forests, winding rivers, and vast oceans stretched out very far before her in a stunning landscape that seemed to go on forever. The wind rushed past her face, and she felt the cool air rushing through her hair, filling her with an electrifying sense of freedom and adventure. It was a moment of pure joy and exhilaration as she soared above the world

With a determined look on her face, she shouted, "Eglikta, ñuha zaldrīzes (Higher, my Dragon!)", urging Cannibal to soar higher towards the heavens. As the dragon's wings flapped faster and faster, Daenerys held on tightly to its scales, her heart racing with excitement. The world around her became smaller and smaller as they ascended higher into the sky. Daenerys felt the wind whipping through her hair and the moonlight against her face as they climbed toward the clouds. With the clouds getting closer, Daenerys tightened her grip on the scales once again, urging Cannibal to push through and emerge on the other side. As they burst through the clouds, Daenerys felt a rush of exhilaration and pride, knowing that she and her dragon were unstoppable. Together, they ruled the skies.

As Daenerys Targaryen and her mighty dragon soared through the thick, billowy cloud cover, she felt her heart racing with exhilaration and her lungs straining for breath in the thinning air. The sensation of weightlessness and the rush of cool wind whipping through her hair filled her with a sense of freedom she had never experienced before. As they emerged from the cloud, Dany's eyes widened in awe at the breathtaking vista that lay before her. The sprawling lands of Harrenhal stretched out far below her, their patchwork of fields and forests, rivers and lakes, all spread out like a living tapestry. Even the mighty Harrenhal, the largest and most formidable castle in all of Westeros, looked like nothing more than a tiny speck in the grand expanse of the landscape.

Daenerys sat tall and proud on her dragon, gazing out at the world before her with a sense of awe and wonder. As the wind whipped through her hair, she felt as if she could see the entire world laid out before her - every mountain, every river, every forest, and field. With her arms spread wide, she let out a triumphant cry of "Freedom!" - a declaration of her newfound sense of liberation. From this height, the stars shone brighter than ever before, casting a glittering tapestry across the sky. Looking out in every direction, Daenerys felt as though she held the very world in the palm of her hand, with all of its beauty, wonder, and mystery spread out before her.

As Daenerys soared through the clouds on the back of her mighty dragon, she couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the realm below her. The wind whipped through her hair, and the sun shone down upon her, filling her with a sense of invincibility. It was at that moment that she truly understood why the Targaryens were considered Gods Amongst Men. Their ability to tame these fierce, fire-breathing beasts and command their loyalty was unmatched by any other house in Westeros. The power they held was not just physical but a deep-seated strength that came from within, a strength that Daenerys felt surging through her own veins as she gazed down upon the world from her lofty perch. Yes, she thought, the Targaryens were truly worthy of being Kings and Queens of Westeros, for they possessed a divine spark that set them apart from the rest of humanity. Targaryens are Gods Amongst Men, Daenerys thought with a newfound pride.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the moment as the wind whipped through her hair and the moon beat down upon her face. With a sense of utter freedom and abandonment, she leaned her body forward, feeling the muscles in her thighs tense as she urged Cannibal to dive toward the ground below.

As the dragon understood her desires, he let out a deafening roar, signaling his readiness to fulfill her wish. With a sudden burst of speed, Cannibal closed his wings and headed straight downwards, hurtling towards the earth like a meteor in the sky. Daenerys felt her heart pounding in her chest as the world around her became a blur of colors and shapes, the wind rushing past her ears like a wild, untamed beast.

Daenerys gripped the scales as tightly as she could, her heart pounding in her chest as they descended with alarming speed, almost free-falling through the sky. The wind rushed past her, whipping her hair around her face, and she felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. As they fell, everything around them seemed to get bigger and bigger, the world rushing up to meet them until she could see every detail of the landscape below with crystal-clear clarity.

But then, in a sudden burst of movement, Cannibal spread his massive wings wide, stopping their downward descent and propelling them forward with a powerful surge of energy. Daenerys felt her heart race as they soared over the shimmering waters below, the wind rushing past her face as she struggled to maintain her grip on the scales. Her hands, clad in sturdy gloves, ached from the effort, but she knew that without them, the sharp scales would have sliced through her flesh, leaving her hands bloody and torn. With a fierce determination, she clung on tightly, her eyes fixed on the horizon ahead As they flew over the glistening waters of the Trident River.

As Cannibal soared through the air above the twisting river, the water beneath him rippled and churned in his wake. Daenerys, perched atop his scaly back, gazed out at the sprawling castle of Harrenhal in the distance. Though it loomed large on the horizon, its mighty walls and turrets paled in comparison to the breathtaking power of Cannibal. Looking down at the castle, it appeared to Daenerys as nothing more than a fragile sandcastle, easily swept away by the unstoppable force of a crashing wave. At that moment, she understood why Aegon The Conqueror had found it so effortless to vanquish Harren Hoare and all of his kin.

With a sly smile playing on her lips, Daenerys allowed her mind to wander to the thought of burning entire armies and turning them to ash, much like rats scurrying away from danger. The mere thought of reducing an entire castle to rubble brought a sense of exhilaration to her being; she could almost feel the heat of the flames licking at her skin. As her breath quickened, coming out in short, ragged bursts, Daenerys realized she needed to shake those thoughts away for the moment.

As Daenerys Targaryen rode atop her fierce dragon, Cannibal, she felt the rush of wind in her hair and the heat of the dragon's breath on her face. The two of them soared high above the ancient and foreboding castle of Harrenhal, with Cannibal making lazy circles in the sky as if waiting for Dany's command to unleash his fiery wrath upon the fortress below. Her heart sank when she understood what he wanted to do. Without hesitation, she reached out and grabbed onto his shimmering scales, holding on tight as she whispered in his ear, urging him to fly away.

As Cannibal soared through the skies, his powerful wings beat against the wind, creating a thunderous sound that echoed across the land. With a loud grunt, he let out a burst of hot breath from his nostrils; he flew away from Harrenhal.

Daenerys felt the wind rush past her face as they soared higher and higher. Just as they were about to land, Cannibal suddenly made a sharp turn, causing Daenerys to grip his scales tightly to avoid falling off. As they turned, Daenerys looked around, trying to see why he suddenly turned. She could feel the power of Cannibal's muscles as he maneuvered through the air with grace and agility. However, her attention was soon drawn to a silver dragon in the distance, flying towards Harrenhal. It was Aegarax, and his scales glittered in the moonlight like a thousand diamonds.

Daenerys felt a sudden burst of anger coursing through her veins like wildfire towards the white Dragon, who had dared to challenge her and, Cannibal. With an earth-shattering roar, Cannibal voiced his fury toward his opponent, causing the ground beneath them to tremble. Daenerys, feeling her own rage boiling over, gripped the scales of her dragon tightly, ready to command him to give chase and kill Aegarax. However, just as Daenerys was about to issue the order, she experienced a sudden and unexpected sensation - it was as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown in her face, jolting her back to reality.

Daenerys' heart was pounding frantically inside her chest as she heard a faint voice echoing in her ears. Her eyes narrowed with confusion as she struggled to comprehend the sudden urge to unleash her fury upon him. The intensity of her emotions was overwhelming, and she could feel her breathing becoming increasingly rapid as she fought to control the urge to strike out at Aegarax.

She glanced down at Cannibal and felt a surge of fear and disbelief as she saw him flying straight towards Aegarax, despite her not wanting to.

"Keligon, ñuha zaldrīzes! (Stop, My Dragon!)" Daenerys shouted frantically. Her heart raced as she felt the rush of wind against her face, her long silver hair whipping wildly in the air. With a resounding growl, Cannibal obeyed her command, his wings beating powerfully as they both descended onto the rugged terrain below. The impact of their landing was so forceful that it shook the ground beneath them and sent nearby animals scurrying in every direction

As Cannibal turned his head back to look at his rider over his shoulder, Dany felt a surge of uncontrollable anger bubbling inside her. The mere sight of Aegarax had ignited a fire within her, a fire that made her desire nothing more than to burn him alive and devour his dying body. However, Dany realized she needed to control her emotions and not let them get the best of her. With a deep breath, she steadied herself and locked eyes with Cannibal, whose emerald green eyes glimmered like precious jewels in the darkness of the night. Dany's own eyes, a fierce shade of purple, blazed like wildfire as she gazed deeply into Cannibal's eyes, silently communicating her determination and strength.

"Daor (No)," Daenerys repeated, her voice trembling with defiance as she struggled to summon the strength to speak. Her throat felt parched and desiccated as if she had been wandering for weeks through the arid, sun-baked deserts of Dorne without a drop of water to quench her thirst. Dany refused to back down, refusing to give in to the fierce dragon, growling and snarling with unbridled fury. Cannibal was glaring at her, his eyes blazing with a fiery intensity that made even the bravest of warriors quake in fear. But Dany refused to be intimidated, standing tall and resolute in the face of his anger, her eyes locked onto his as she prepared to face whatever came next.

Feeling the tension in the beast's muscles as he fidgeted beneath her, Dany took deep breaths; her eyes closed in concentration as she tried to soothe him. With every passing moment, she could feel Cannibal's frenzied energy slowly ebbing away until, finally, the mighty dragon calmed down, and he lowered his body, allowing Dany to dismount him.

As she slid down from his back, her hand brushed through his warm scales like flames, reminding her of the immense power and strength that she had at her command. Walking up to his face, she gazed into Cannibal's eyes, feeling the warmth of his breath on her face as he let out a burst of hot air from his nose. Although the heat was intense enough to scorch anyone else's skin, Daenerys was never bothered by flames. In fact, she had learned to embrace them, to harness their energy and use it to fuel her own fiery spirit. With a sense of pride and reverence for her loyal companion, Dany placed her hand on Cannibal's snout, feeling the powerful muscles ripple beneath her touch.

"Cannibal, gīda ilagon ñuha zaldrīzes (Cannibal, calm down my dragon)," Daenerys spoke in a smooth and soothing voice, her hand gently caressing the dragon's scaly nose. The dragon let out a low growl, his green eyes still blazing with fury toward her. She knew she had to calm him down before he caused any destruction. As she continued to stroke his nose, she whispered reassuring words.

The vast expanse of the sky was a canvas of blue, speckled with soft white clouds that drifted lazily along the horizon. A Sudden sound interrupted her reverie. It was the unmistakable sound of dragon wings flapping, reverberating through the air like thunder. She turned around, a hint of excitement mixed with trepidation in her heart, and her eyes widened as she saw Aegarax soaring toward her. But that was not all. As Aegarax drew closer, Daenerys could see a figure perched atop his scaly back, holding on tightly to his scales. It was Aemon.

As Cannibal stood his ground, his fierce eyes narrowed with rage as he roared at the approaching dragon, his long claws digging into the rocky terrain. Aegarax made the ground shake with a thunderous roar as he landed near them, his massive wingspan casting an ominous shadow over the land. With his pure white scales glistening in the moonlight, Aegarax let out a deafening roar, his eyes locked onto Cannibal, his purple orbs glaring at the green eyes of his enemy. As they stood face to face, the tension between the two dragons was palpable, each one ready to unleash their full power.

As Daenerys stood there, her mind was a maelstrom of emotions, her anger boiling inside her like water in a cauldron. There was a part of her that yearned for the same thing that Cannibal wanted, to kill Aegarax and feast upon his dying body, to sate the thirst for revenge that had been festering inside him for so long. Yet, even as she felt the urge to give in to her darker impulses, another part of her, the part that was still human, urged her to resist.

Aemon gazed cautiously as he perched atop his fierce dragon Aegarax and gazed upon his aunt, who stood below him with a massive dragon by her side. "Daenerys, why is that Dragon with you?" he queried, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity and a hint of fear. As he observed the way his aunt stood so close to the dragon, which he now recognized as Cannibal, a sense of unease crept over him. It was clear to Aemon that his aunt had forged a strong bond with the mighty dragon, but Aegarax did not seem to share his rider's joy.

"Are you sure your Aunt can handle him?" he asked, his voice laced with caution. "Shrykos's offspring is dangerous, and we cannot afford to take any risks." He watched Cannibal's every move, ready to breathe a deadly blast of ice on him at the slightest hint of aggression, even if it meant killing the little Targaryen girl who stood nearby. As the tension mounted, Aegarax knew that he had to remain vigilant.

As the days went by, the memories of Aegaraxs, the majestic white dragon, started to resurface, causing a rush of emotions to flood through his veins. The once-forgotten memories of his previous owner began to take shape in his mind, as he could almost picture their face in his memory. But what stood out the most was his recollection of Shrykos.

Aegaraxs remembered Shrykos as if the other dragon's presence still lingered in the air around him. It was almost as if Aegaraxs could see Shrykos's crimson eyes staring back at him through the eyes of Cannibal. The similarities between the two were striking, from their muscular build to their fierce temperament, but Shrykos was much larger than all of them. Aegaraxs was certain that Cannibal was a descendant of Shrykos.

"Who is Shrykos?" Aemon asked his dragon looking down at him, his attention turning towards his dragon instead of Cannibal, and the latter seemed to notice Aemon's brief distraction as he leaned his head forward, letting out a thunderous roar towards Aegarax, who roared back at Cannibal.

Aegarax and Aemon heard an intense voice in their heads. The voice was filled with uncontrollable rage, and it echoed in their minds like a horn of war. The voice spoke these words with an eerie resonance, ""I will consume you and thy strength!"" The words were chillingly clear, and the threat was unmistakable.

"I will freeze his heart," Aegarax bellowed with a ferocious anger that shook the ground beneath Aemon's feet. As the dragon's razor-sharp claws dug into the hard earth, Aemon could see the fury in Aegarax's eyes, a fiery blaze that seemed to consume the very air around them. Suddenly, the dragon opened his gaping maw, revealing a cavernous mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. At the bottom of his throat, Aegarax's breath began to build, frozen blue flames that crackled and hissed like an icy inferno. The frigid air around the dragon grew colder and colder until even the delicate flowers that bloomed nearby were frozen solid, their petals encased in a glittering sheen of ice.

Cannibal's piercing eyes glinted with an otherworldly light as if fueled by an inner fire. Suddenly, Cannibal unleashed a deafening roar that echoed through the land and forest, causing the trees to tremble in fear.

His large mouth opened wide, and a sickly green flame began to build up at the bottom of his throat, licking hungrily at the air.

"Keligon! dohaeragon nyke, Cannibal (Stop! Serve me, Cannibal)."

"Keligon! dohaeragon nyke, Aegarax (Stop! Serve me, Aegarax)"

As the two colossal dragons paused their heated confrontation, their fierce gazes now directed towards their respective riders.

Daenerys Targaryen could sense the intense fury emanating from Cannibal. As she stood before him, the ground trembled beneath her feet, and her heart pounded in her chest. Cannibal's eyes glared at her with a fiery intensity, and his massive jaws opened wide, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth as he let out a deafening roar that echoed across the vast land. The searing heat that radiated from his gaping maw was so intense that she could feel it singeing the hairs on her arms, but Daenerys refused to back away, her resolve as unbreakable as Valyrian steel.

"I'm Blood of The Dragon. I'm the blood of Old Valyria," she repeated in her head, her heart almost bursting from her chest in fear. The fear was almost too much for her to bear, and she wanted nothing more than to run and hide in a corner far away. She wanted to hide; she was afraid, tears almost bursting from her eyes, but she was more brave than afraid.

She had to muster all the courage she had and stand her ground. She knew that her dragon, Cannibal, could perhaps decide to simply burn her to ash. His wildfire flames could easily burn her. But she refused to let that fear consume her. She was Daenerys Targaryen, a Princess of House Targaryen.

As Daenerys stood before Cannibal, the fierce dragon, his roars filled the air and echoed through the land. Despite the deafening sound, his piercing green eyes remained fixed on her, almost glittering in the moonlight. Rage and anger burned within him. However, there was also a hint of curiosity in his gaze, as if he were intrigued by the woman who dared to stand before him. Suddenly, Cannibal spread his massive wings, casting a gust of wind that stirred the surrounding trees and grass. With powerful legs, he took several steps before taking to the skies, soaring effortlessly toward a nearby cave nestled deep within the mountains. His movements were graceful yet intimidating as if daring anyone to follow him into his lair. Daenerys watched in awe as the dragon disappeared into the cave's darkness.

Daenerys stood on the ground, gazing out at the vast, dark sky as she watched her dragon fly away. Despite the aching feeling in her chest, she knew he had not abandoned her. He simply wanted to be away from Aegarax, for now. As she turned around, her heart racing, she heard the sound of something heavy landing on the ground behind her. In a moment of relief and surprise, she saw Aemon had jumped from the top of his dragon, landing gracefully on the ground beside her.

As she stood there, her eyes fixed on him, she watched him intently as he approached the majestic white dragon. He murmured something to the creature, causing it to growl deeply before spreading its massive wings, which almost blocked out the moon. Dany's heart raced as she felt the gust of wind that was created by Aegarax's powerful flapping, and she instinctively put her arms around her face to shield herself from the wind. She looked up in awe as the dragon took to the skies, soaring higher and higher until it was just a small speck in the distance. As Aegarax flew away, Dany couldn't help but wonder where the dragon was headed.

Dany opened her mouth to ask how Aemon had known she was here. However, before she could utter a single word, her attention was diverted by a sudden movement in the corner of her eye. Turning her head towards the sound, she saw Kessa, the magnificent northern eagle, gracefully landing near Aemon. The bird's majestic wingspan cast a shadow over Dany. As Kessa let out a happy whistle towards Aemon, Dany couldn't help but feel a sense of envy towards the bond that the two shared.

As Dany took slow and measured steps towards the two figures in front of her, she observed Aemon's gentle hand stroking the soft feathers of Kessa's head, the eagle's eyes half-closed in contentment. Despite having just devoured a deer an hour ago, Kessa's beak still showed a faint red tinge, perhaps a remnant of the hunt. As she neared them, Dany couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy for the bird's bond with Aemon. However, she pushed aside her emotions and cleared her throat, making sure to catch their attention. With a sudden start, both Aemon and Kessa turned toward her.

"Why is she here?" Daenerys questioned, pointing at the eagle who tilted her to the side, looking at her with strange purple eyes that seemed to hold a world of secrets.

Aemon's eyes glinted with pride as he began speaking, his hand gently rubbing the part behind Kessa's head the way she loved. "Kessa," he said, "always watches over Aegarax and Ghost." The northern eagle let out a melodious whistle as if in agreement with Aemon's words. "But," Aemon continued, his voice growing grave, "if Cannibal had attacked, Kessa would have attempted to use her razor-sharp fangs to blind one of his eyes." As he spoke, the image of Kessa, with her wings spread wide and her talons at the ready, filled his mind. Aemon knew that Kessa was a fierce protector, and he was grateful to have her by his side.

While Daenerys thought that was brave of the eagle. However, her admiration was short-lived as she suddenly felt a surge of defensiveness towards her own dragon. "She would have been burned," Daenerys stated bluntly. While she knew the northern eagle was perhaps fast and agile, she doubted the eagle would stand much of a chance against a Fully Grown Dragon like Cannibal. His size alone made him a big threat, and his Wildfire flames made him even more imposing.

Kessa gracefully spread her wings and took flight. As she soared into the vast dark sky, she emitted a melodious whistle back at Daenerys, who stood rooted to the ground. Meanwhile, Aemon watched the eagle's departure.

Breaking the silence, Daenerys turned her head slightly, her eyes locking onto Aemon's striking features. She questioned him with a gentle tilt of her head, "How did you know I was here?" Her voice was soft yet held an air of authority, as if she was used to being in control of every situation.

"Aegarax can talk with me, he told me that Cannibal was flying nearby, and I decided to stop him if he wanted to attack anyone!" Aemon spoke gravely; his eyes flickered at the cave far away where Cannibal was residing before Aemon turned her attention back to Daenerys and motioned for her to walk with him back to Harrenhal.

Aemon's curiosity was instantly piqued as soon as they walked back to Harrenhal, a moonlit landscape shrouded by a mysterious blue glow that emanated from the moon. The starry sky above was peppered with twinkling lights, and the distant sound of the river could be heard echoing through the air. As he took a few steps forward, he couldn't help but notice the small creatures scurrying around in the night, their tiny footsteps crunching against the dry leaves and twigs.

"How did you bond with Cannibal?" Aemon questioned slightly warily; his eyes flickered at Daenerys as they kept walking through the open field.

"I dreamed of him, dear nephew," Daenerys answered with a beautiful smile across her face, her long silver hair swaying in the gentle breeze. "I saw him in my dreams, and I knew he was waiting for me here." Daenerys didn't want to mention the red-mask woman in her dreams, who had whispered secrets of magic and ancient powers to her. She feared that Aemon would think she was losing her grip on reality.

As Aemon listened to Daenerys, he couldn't help but feel like there was more to the story than what she was telling him. Despite this, he tried to maintain a respectful demeanor and simply nodded in understanding. The silence followed was thick, heavy, and palpable, almost as if it was a physical entity between them. The only sound that could be heard was the soft rustling of footsteps against the grass as they both walked forward, lost in their own thoughts. It was a peaceful moment, yet there was an underlying tension that made Aemon feel uneasy.

"How did your first flight on a Dragon go?" Aemon inquired with a curious look on his face, directing his gaze towards Daenerys. The mere mention of her first time soaring through the skies on the back of a fire-breathing beast was enough to ignite a spark of excitement within her. She couldn't help but smile gleefully, her eyes sparkling like a star as she recollected the memory of her maiden flight. The wind rushing through her hair, the thrill of adrenaline coursing through her veins, and the breathtaking view of the world from above - all of it was still vivid in her mind.

"It was magnificent. I always dreamed of flying, When I was four name days. I begged Mother to give me a Dragon." Daenerys said with a sad smile as she remembered that day. "My mother told me they had gone extinct over a hundred years ago. That same night I dreamed of flying above King's Landing. I was riding Balerion, the Black Dragon. We flew to the Old Valyria together," Daenerys answered, showing her nephew a cute smile; Aemon chuckled in amusement.

"What did you see there?" Aemon's voice echoed in the silence, his eyes glinting with curiosity as he imagined the magnificent ruins of Valyria. He had always longed to explore the ancient city, to witness the remnants of a once-great civilization that had been consumed by the fiery wrath of the gods.

He had even considered taking to the skies on the back of Aegarax and soaring towards the distant horizon in search of the fabled land. However, Aegarax's warning had been stern and unwavering. "The only thing waiting for us there, Aemon," he had said, his voice low and menacing, "are things we should never encounter." And Aemon had known then, just as he knew now, that he must heed his dragon's warning lest he falls prey to the same fate as those who had dared to venture into the cursed lands of Valyria.

Daenerys spoke with a shuddering voice as she recounted the vivid details of her dream. "I-I don't know," she said, her eyes scanning land nervously. "In my dream, Balerion would be attacked by something lurking in the smoke. The air would be thick with the scent of ash, and the sound of his screams would send chills down my spine. Then, just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, I would wake up, my heart racing, my body drenched in sweat, and feel the presence of something around me." Despite not having that dream for three long years, the memory of it still haunted her, and she could feel the cold hands touching her body and hear Balerion's agonized screams as if it had just happened.

Aemon sensed an air of discomfort emanating. "Have you ever thought of being something else besides a Princess?" he questioned, his tone gentle and inquisitive. As he spoke, a distant owl hooted, its call piercing the stillness of the night and adding an eerie quality to their conversation.

Daenerys suddenly interjected with a newfound joy in her voice, "I have!" Her eyes lit up with excitement as she continued, "When I was just a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a sailor. I longed for the thrill of adventure and the salty breeze of the open sea. Essos called out, begging me to explore its vast mysteries and hidden treasures." Her imagination ran wild as she pictured herself at the helm of a grand ship, sailing across the shimmering waters and discovering new lands.

"I wanted to buy my own boat," she explained with a hint of longing in her voice, "and to explore everything all by myself. To feel the rush of the waves beneath me, the wind in my hair, and the freedom to go wherever my heart desired." But as she spoke, a sadness crept into her eyes, and they looked downward.

The memory of Viserys's wrathful outburst still lingered in her mind, a vivid recollection of his scathing words that cut deep. She could still hear the sharpness of his voice as he had told her that she was no Fish; she was a Dragon. However, little did Viserys know that his actions would not go unpunished, for Rhaegar had later found out about Viserys screaming at their sister and had taken it upon himself to teach his younger brother a lesson. Viserys had been reprimanded for his behavior, and Rhaegar had insisted that he perform the duties of a squire for Ser Barristan for a whole week.

The night was serene, and the moon was beaming its luminous light upon the land. Aemon noticed a hint of sadness in her eyes, and he knew that something was troubling her. Without a word, he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, hoping to offer some comfort. She looked up at him, her purple eyes glistening like amethysts in the moonlight.

"I used to dream of flying on Dragons," Aemon began, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I dreamed of soaring high above Winterfell, leaving all my troubles behind. I longed to explore the vast and mysterious land of Essos, with its exotic cities and strange customs."

"I remember once when I was just five name days old," Aemon continued, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "I made this whole plan of how I would go to White Harbor, take a boat, and sail to Essos by myself. I was convinced I could do it, even though everyone told me I was too young and foolish." Daenerys giggled at the thought of a younger Aemon, determined to fulfill his dreams no matter what. She admired his courage and willingness to take risks, even if they seemed impossible at the time.

Daenerys flashed a cheeky smile and nudged Aemon's shoulder softly as she asked, "Did you succeed?" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she eagerly awaited his response. Aemon, amused by her playful gesture, couldn't help but smile before shaking his head in response.

Aemon's chuckle was a clear indication that he was not ashamed of his past naivety. "No. I was only five name days, and I was foolish enough to ask Maester Luwin how to sneak out of Winterfell since he was a Maester. I thought he knew everything," he said with a grin on his face, seemingly reliving the moment. Daenerys couldn't help but join in the laughter as she, too, had her fair share of childish naivety.

As Aemon chuckled along with Daenerys in amusement, the sound of their laughter echoed through the land. He couldn't help but feel a sense of joy as he watched her eyes crinkle with happiness and heard her contagious laughter. However, as Daenerys finally stopped laughing and turned to face him, Aemon's heart skipped a beat.

Daenerys approached Aemon with a playful grin on her face as she teasingly inquired, "Oh, Aemon, did he help you sneak out?" Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she observed the rosy tint that blossomed across his cheeks, finding his bashfulness to be utterly endearing. Despite the fact that he was a grown man, his reaction to her teasing reminded her of a young boy caught in the act of mischief. She couldn't help but feel a sense of fondness towards him.

"No, Maester Luwin told Lord Stark, and he punished me, saying I wouldn't have any sword training for a whole week," Aemon answered, his voice straining slightly at the end. He quickly remembered Lord Stark was in the cell; a part of him wanted to meet him and talk with him, not just him, to speak with Robb, Arya, and Bran.

Daenerys could sense a sudden shift in her nephew's demeanor as he reminisced about the time he spent in Winterfell, where he was treated unkindly by many. The Aemon's eyes became clouded with sadness and a hint of resentment, his shoulders slumping almost imperceptibly. Sensing his emotional distress, Daenerys reached out and took hold of his soft and delicate hand with her own warm and tender one, offering him the support and comfort he needed at that moment. As she held onto his hand tightly, gently rubbing her thumb over his skin, she looked into his eyes with a sense of maternal concern. Aemon turned to look at her, his gaze meeting hers, and for a moment, they both stood there in silence, their hands interlocked, conveying a sense of unspoken understanding.

As Daenerys gazed at Aemon, her heart skipped a beat, overwhelmed by his enchanting features illuminated by the moonlight, making him even more handsome than she thought was possible. Her eyes fixated on his piercing grey eyes, which seemed to hold a depth of emotions she longed to explore. Her gaze then shifted to his lips, full and inviting, causing a sudden rush of desire that sent shivers down her spine and left her belly tingling. At that moment, she craved nothing more than to kiss him passionately, to taste his lips and feel his body pressed against hers, and to mount him right there, in the middle of the open field, under the enchanting night sky, lost in their passion and desire for each other.

As Daenerys stood before Aemon, her eyes softened with empathy, and her voice took on a gentle, reassuring tone. "I know your life in Winterfell was marked by hardship and pain and that the wounds you bear run deep," she said, her words flowing smoothly like a gentle stream. "But please know that you are not alone in your struggles. We are all here for you. And as for me, I want you to know that I am here for you, always." With each word she spoke, Daenerys drew closer to Aemon, her presence radiating warmth and comfort like the sun on a cold winter's day.

Daenerys stood in the moonlight, her sleek silver hair cascading down her back as she gazed at Aemon with a low, husky voice that sent shivers down his spine. The purple orbs that were her eyes seemed to glitter, almost like jewels sparkling in the dim light. Despite the familial bond that bound them, a burning lust seared through her veins as she spoke, and she could feel the heat of desire coursing through her body. "I'm here for you, sweet nephew," she murmured, her voice throbbing with raw emotion as she reached out to gently stroke his cheek.

Aemon was in awe as he took a deep breath to calm himself and collect his thoughts. He knew he had to admit that Daenerys was not just beautiful but a true Valyrian beauty, with her long silver hair cascading down her shoulders and her striking violet eyes that seemed to sparkle with a fiery intensity. He couldn't help but gaze at her once again as she stepped closer, her hot breath tingling his neck and sending shivers down his spine. He noticed her rose lips parted a little as her tongue licked them slowly, and it was as if time had stopped. He felt her hand holding his hand tightly, as if she never wanted to let go, while her other hand settled on his shoulder, slowly moving behind his neck. As her lips got closer to his.

As they stood there amidst the verdant fields, the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of leaves and the gentle chirping of birds. Suddenly, they heard the unmistakable sound of horses galloping towards them, causing Aemon and Daenerys to instinctively pull away from each other, their hearts racing with anticipation. Aemon's eyes scanned the horizon, trying to catch a glimpse of the approaching riders, and as they drew nearer, he could see the glint of moonlight on polished armor. He placed a reassuring hand on Daenerys's shoulder, stepping forward to face the unknown threat. But as the riders came closer, Aemon's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the Targaryen sigil emblazoned on their shields, and at the forefront of the knights rode King Rhaegar himself.

"It seems they found us," Daenerys spoke with a displeased voice, almost glaring at her brother as his horse stopped in front of them.

As Rhaegar's horse came to a halt in front of them, he quickly dismounted and walked up to Daenerys and Aemon, his face filled with concern and anger. Daenerys could feel the tension mounting between them, and she knew that Rhaegar was not happy to see them there. "Where have you two been?" Rhaegar almost shouted angrily towards both Daenerys and Aemon, his eyes darting back and forth between them. "You know how dangerous it is to be out here alone."

Daenerys looked at her brother, her eyes flashing with defiance. She was not going to let him tell her what to do. "We were just exploring," she said, her voice calm and measured. "We didn't think there was any danger."

Aemon stepped forward to speak his mind and defend her, but before he could utter a word, Rhaegar raised his hand, silencing him with a single gesture. "Later," Rhaegar commanded with a commanding voice, his gaze sweeping over both Aemon and Dany with an unwavering intensity.

"You will explain everything back at the castle." Aemon and Dany exchanged a quick, knowing glance, silently accepting Rhaegar's orders, as Ser Arthur, their trusted ally and skilled horseman, appeared with two magnificent steeds, ready to take them on their journey.

Aemon and Daenerys mounted their respective horses, and Dany glanced at her nephew. The sound of the horses' hooves echoed through the empty fields. As they rode silently, Daenerys couldn't help but steal glances at Aemon, admiring his chiseled jaw and piercing grey eyes. His stoic expression gave nothing away, but Daenerys felt a sudden rush of excitement and anticipation building inside her.

A Little Bird

With his hands tightly gripping the sturdy wooden ladder, he felt the roughness of the surface against his palms as he climbed. The darkness enveloped him, making it impossible for his eyes to see anything, but his other senses seemed to be heightened. He could feel the weight of each step as his legs moved automatically, one after the other, up the ladder. This was a path he had taken countless times before, and he was intimately familiar with every nook and cranny of the place, as familiar as the palm of his hand. As he ascended, the darkness seemed to press in on him, but he refused to let it unsettle him.

As the little bird stood alone in the dark corridor, his small and light feet made barely a sound as he crept forward, his hands extended to brush against every little thing on the wall. The silence was deafening until, suddenly, his footsteps shattered it. As he continued to explore, he suddenly came across an anomaly: something that was not made of the same brick as the rest of the wall. He reached out and gripped around the square object, using every bit of his little strength to pull it down. As he did so, a satisfying click echoed through the corridor, and a whole wooden door creaked open in front of him.

As the little bird approached the room entrance, he instinctively dropped down onto all fours, silently padding his way inside. With each step, he felt his muscles tense and relax in a rhythmic motion as he embodied the spirit of a wild animal stalking its prey. "Walking on all fours makes less noise," he whispered to himself what the Master told him.

As the little bird walked inside the luxurious room, he was immediately struck by the opulence and grandeur of the space. The plush carpet beneath his feet was made of the finest, softest red silk, and he couldn't resist wriggling his toes in the luxurious fibers. In the center of the room, a large couch adorned with an array of little pillows beckoned him over, inviting him to take a seat and relax.

And there, perched on the couch, was his master, the esteemed and powerful figure who oversaw all aspects of his young life. The master held a goblet of water in one hand, the clear liquid sparkling in the light that filtered through the room's ornate windows. The little bird felt a twinge of nervousness as he approached his master.

The atmosphere in the room was serene, with the only sound being the gentle rustling of the curtains as a cool breeze blew in. The master, reclining on his luxurious couch, gazed fondly at the oldest bird. With a smooth voice that was as soft as silk, he addressed the little bird, asking, "Ahh, my oldest bird. What songs have reached thy ears?" As he spoke, he gracefully stood up from his couch and walked up to the young boy.

Why songs? The little bird briefly thought he wanted to ask, yet he held no tongue to utter a single word. Sometimes when he ate, he could almost feel the hot pincers on his tongue.

As the little bird recounted the harrowing memory, his body trembled with fear, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Despite his fear, he bravely reached into his pocket, pulling out a small scroll. With a shaky hand, he extended the scroll towards the master, hoping it would contain the answer to his troubles.

With his soft hand, he reached out and grabbed the small scroll, his fingers lingering on it for a moment before he unrolled it. As he read the contents, his face remained impassive, betraying no hint of emotion.

As the small scroll burned to ashes in the flickering light of the candle, the Master's eyes glistened with a hint of sadness and regret. "Such a shame," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible. "I always thought she would make a perfect bride for our dear little Daemon," he added, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames.

As the Master finished writing the letter, he handed it to the bird with a gentle smile. The bird's heart leaped with joy as his hand reached out and grabbed the scroll with great care as if it was made of glass. He knew that this letter was of great importance, and he would do everything in his power to deliver it safely to its destination.

"Remember three more services, and you shall be free. Mayhaps. Now to the Faithful and The flower in the kitchen."

Let me know in the comments what you think about the Chapter. I hope you have a Wonderful Day.


Healer K2

Hope that you're going to address the whole fact that cannibal is literally known for eating dragons and riders and if Dany can't control him that Aemon might have to put him down I just feel like that would add a little bit more drama or whatever who knows you're the Writer 😉

juan jose garcia

Love this story so much! I am hoping to see if Aemon will take Aegon and Rhae to bond with Morning and Silverwing (is silverwing rigth? The name of the silver dragon Aemon found)