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Harry Potter

Andromeda, with a warm smile on her face, opened the wooden door and gestured toward the spacious bedroom. "Welcome, dear," she said in a comforting tone. Harry took a step inside and was greeted by a sight that made his eyes widen in amazement.

The room was well-lit, and the gentle rays of the moon peeked through the window, casting a warm blue glow on the walls. The view of the house's backyard was breathtaking, with the lush greenery and colorful flowers adorning the landscape. As Harry walked further into the room, he noticed the full bathroom on the left, complete with a shower and a bathtub. On the right was a large closet, big enough to fit all his belongings. In the center of the room was a cozy bed with soft sheets and fluffy pillows that beckoned him to sink in and relax.

On the opposite wall was a desk, perfect for studying or working on his assignments. Andromeda noticed the excited look on Harry's face and chuckled. "I'm glad you like it, dear," she said, her voice tinged with satisfaction. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me or Nymphadora," she added, gesturing towards the door. Harry nodded, his bright smile widening as he took in his new surroundings.

Though it wasn't the first time he had sought refuge away from his horrific relatives, he couldn't shake the warm feeling that had settled deep within his chest. It was as if he had finally found a place that felt like home in a way he hadn't experienced before. Despite knowing that he would have to leave once the holidays were over and that he would likely have to find an apartment for the summer, a part of Harry couldn't help but hope that he would be able to return to this cozy abode. As he took in the simple yet charming design of the house, he realized that he had grown to love it in all its unpretentious glory.

"I will, Miss Andromeda," Harry Potter said with a slight smile, looking at her over his shoulder. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, finally being able to escape the confines of Dursley's home and live in a place that felt like home.

Andromeda smiled back at him, glad to see the young wizard finally able to live in a safe and happy environment. "I hope you like the room?" Andromeda questioned as Harry sat on his new bed; he felt the softness of the fabric under his fingertips. Harry looked around the room, taking in every detail. The walls were painted a deep shade of blue, with a hint of silver glitter to give it a magical touch. The bed was large and comfortable, with a silk duvet and fluffy pillows.

The room was filled with bookshelves, filled to the brim with books on magic, history, and adventure. Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Andromeda for providing him with such a wonderful space. He knew that he would be able to focus on his studies and training in this room.

Harry's bright smile illuminated the room as he expressed his gratitude to Miss Andromeda, "It's wonderful, Miss Andromeda. Trust me. It's much better than my old home." His eyes twinkled with joy as he looked around the cozy living room, taking in the warmth of the fireplace and the loving atmosphere that surrounded him.

Andromeda, too, couldn't help but feel pleased, but a slight tension crept into her body when Harry mentioned his old 'home.'

For a fleeting moment, Andromeda considered asking Harry about his previous living situation, hoping to gain insight into the trauma he had experienced, but she quickly dismissed the thought. She knew from experience that some wounds were best left to heal on their own and that Harry would feel uncomfortable discussing his time with the Dursleys. Instead, she focused on the present moment, basking in the joy of Harry's newfound happiness and the warm glow of the fire.

She didn't have much to go on, given that her only source of information was her daughter Nymphadora, who herself had only heard bits and pieces of Harry Potter's tumultuous childhood. Despite being an Auror, even Nymphadora didn't have all the details about Harry's hardships as a young child.

As Harry rummaged through his bag, Andromeda's gentle voice filled the room, "Dinner will be ready shortly, dear. I'll be sure to give you a holler when everything's set." The aroma of roasted chicken and mashed potatoes wafted from the kitchen, causing Harry's stomach to grumble in anticipation. He couldn't wait to dig into the home-cooked meal after a long day.

As the woman was about to leave Harry's room, a sense of gratitude and appreciation compelled Harry to call out to her. "Miss Andromeda," Harry spoke in a soft yet confident tone, making the woman stop in her step.

Andromeda turned around to face him, her eyes curious and attentive. "Yes, Harry?" Andromeda asked instantly, sensing that Harry had something important to say. Harry took a deep breath, and a sincere smile spread across his face as he opened a notebook he had taken from his backpack.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you," Harry thanked with a sincere smile as he opened a notebook he had taken from his backpack. Andromeda's heart warmed at the sight of the young man's gratitude.

"Don't mention it, dear. It's the least we can do for you," Andromeda said, smiling broadly, before closing the door with a soft click that echoed in the dimly lit room.

As Harry Potter sat down on the cozy bed, his eyes were immediately drawn to the ancient book about Runes that lay on the small table in front of him.

The leather-bound book seemed to emit a strange aura that Harry couldn't resist, and he eagerly picked it up, feeling the weight of the knowledge contained within its pages. As he started to read, Harry's mind was captivated by the intricate symbols and profound meanings of the Runes. He couldn't help but scribble down notes in his notebook, trying to understand the complex relationships between the different symbols.

The more he read, the more he felt drawn into the mystical world of magic, feeling the power of the Runes pulsing through his veins. After half an hour of intense reading, Harry felt a sudden urge to try out some of the Runes he had learned about.

With a sense of excitement and trepidation, he gathered a few small harmless Runes and started to experiment with them, watching in awe as they came to life under his fingertips. But soon, Harry's thirst for knowledge and power became too great to resist, and he decided to try something more powerful.

As Harry Potter stood in the middle of the room, his eyes scanned every inch of the space, assessing the potential threats that could compromise his secrecy. He whispered the incantation for the shield spell, and in an instant, the air around him began to shimmer with invisible energy. Slowly, the spell expanded, creating an impenetrable barrier that surrounded the room, safeguarding the walls and everything inside from any unauthorized intrusion. The spell was so powerful that not even the most skilled wizard could penetrate it without leaving behind a trace of their attempt.

As Harry stood in the middle of the dimly lit room, his heart beating rapidly with anticipation, he lifted his hand with a sense of purpose. The silence in the room was deafening. The only sound that could be heard was the howling of the cold wind outside, which seemed to be in perfect harmony with the tense atmosphere in the room. Harry looked down at his palm, which was now sweating profusely, and took a deep breath before whispering the ancient Pyromancy Spell that he had spent countless hours practicing.

As Harry whispered the incantation "Ignis: Sanguinis Maledictio"  under his breath, a shiver ran down his spine, knowing the power that lay within these words. Suddenly, an intense heat spread through his body, and a red symbol of fire materialized on the palm of his hand. The symbol glowed ominously, casting an eerie light on Harry's face. But as soon as the symbol had appeared, it dissipated in a burst of sparks.

As Harry gazed down at his hand, he noticed a peculiar sensation, a tingle that slowly coalesced into a small red circle. The circle was transparent, almost like a window to another world, and it was adorned with a series of mysterious symbols that seemed alien and arcane to Harry. One of these symbols, a majestic golden tree, towered above the others, its branches and roots stretching out to fill the entire circle. Though Harry didn't fully comprehend the meaning of these symbols, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at their intricate design, their hidden power.

As Harry stood in the dimly lit room, his hand outstretched before him; he muttered the ancient incantation "Aeterna Flamma," his voice barely above a whisper. Suddenly, a small flicker of light began to materialize on his palm, quickly growing into a pulsing fireball that illuminated the entire space with a deep crimson glow. The flames danced and swirled with ethereal energy, casting shadows across the walls and ceiling. Harry marveled at the beauty of the flames, their intensity seeming to grow with each passing moment. It was as if the fire had a life of its own.

Despite the fireball being right in front of him, Harry remained unfazed by the searing heat that radiated from it, his unwavering focus solely fixated on the fiery orb that floated before him. He knew that if he lost concentration for even a moment, the fireball could burst forth with a destructive force that could engulf the entire room in a matter of seconds.

With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and whispered the incantation "Vera Lux," feeling the syllables roll off his tongue like a powerful invocation. As he spoke the words, a golden light began to form on his left palm, pulsing with otherworldly energy that seemed to fill the room with a warm glow. Harry's eyes snapped open as he watched in awe as the light coalesced into a shimmering symbol of a golden tree, its branches reaching out as if to touch the very fabric of reality.

With a confident look on his face, Harry extended his left arm towards the glowing fireball that lay dormant on his right palm. As he did so, a surge of energy flowed through him, causing the fireball to start growing in size until it surpassed even Harry's own stature. Despite its impressive size, the fireball remained eerily still, emitting no heat nor any other sign of its immense power - that is until Harry commanded it to strike. With just a simple flick of his wrist, he could make the fireball roar to life and unleash a torrent of fiery power that could reduce anything in its path to cinders. But until that moment, the fireball remained a harmless and awe-inspiring wonder, a testament to Harry's skill and control over the elements.

With a mischievous grin, he began to manipulate the fireball, causing it to shift and change shape until it resembled a miniature sun pulsing with power and energy. And then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, he made the fireball slowly shrink until it disappeared into nothingness, leaving no trace of its existence except for the lingering smell of smoke. As Harry stood there, basking in the afterglow of his latest triumph, he realized that he had only scratched the surface of what he could do with his powers. With renewed determination, he decided to continue experimenting, pushing himself to new heights of magical mastery and unleashing his full potential upon the world.

"Caelum Aureum," Harry whispered with a determined look on his face, his mind set on mastering the one spell he had been practicing tirelessly for weeks. As the words left his mouth, a golden aura enveloped him, and a magical energy surged through his body. The room was filled with an otherworldly glow as the golden lights appeared behind Harry's back, looking like glittering stars. The lights slowly began to swirl around him, their brightness intensifying with each passing moment as they came together to form a set of wings made out of pure gold. The wings were magnificent, glimmering in the light like an array of sparkling stars. Harry could feel the weight of the wings on his back, and he marveled at the beauty of the golden feathers.

As Harry unfurled his wings made of pure magic, he couldn't believe the sensation that he was experiencing. Despite not being a part of his actual body, the wings felt like they were an integral part of his being as if he was finally complete.

It was as if he was meant to have these wings all along, and they were just waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves. As he reached out tentatively, his hand brushed the surface of the delicate feathers, and Harry was struck by the softness and warmth that emanated from them. It was an almost tangible feeling of peace and tranquility, and he was overwhelmed by a sense of calmness that he had never felt before.

He closed his eyes, letting his fingers explore every inch of the wing, relishing the sensation of the soft feathers brushing against his skin. For a moment, he forgot about everything else, lost in the sheer joy of having these magnificent wings. As he opened his eyes again, Harry felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. He was grateful for the magic that had given him these wings and for the feeling of completeness that they brought to his life.

Harry had thought of what he had wanted to create, and it had formed, but he knew he couldn't keep it forever.

Harry's face brightened up, standing up from his bed, his feet touching the wooden floor, causing it to creak slightly. Without hesitation, he willed his Magic Wings to move, and they obeyed his command as if they were an extension of his own body. Harry marveled at the fluidity of their movements, and for a moment, he wondered if he could fly with them. The thought of it was so exhilarating that he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Harry could already imagine himself flying above Hogwarts with his magic wings; his wings looked like the wings of a Griffin but made of Gold.

As Harry gazed at his wings, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to take flight. His heart raced with excitement and anticipation as he imagined soaring through the clouds with the wind rushing past him. However, his eyes soon flickered toward the closed window of his room, reminding him of the reality that he was on the house's second floor. Despite this, the thought of jumping and testing his newfound abilities was tempting. He knew that if he took the leap, one of two things would happen: either he would finally take to the skies and fly with grace, or he would come crashing down, risking the possibility of breaking a leg.

As Harry sat in his dimly lit room, his mind wandered to the thought of breaking his leg, and he couldn't help but shudder at the mere idea of the excruciating pain that would follow. However, as he gazed out the window, he caught a glimpse of the starry night sky and felt a sudden rush of excitement. The thought of soaring through the air with his magical wings was too strong to ignore, and he knew he couldn't resist the urge any longer. With a deep breath and a determined look in his eyes, Harry rose from his seat and walked towards the closed window of his room. As he reached for the handle, he felt a chill run down his spine from the night's cold wind that blew inside his room, but he remained resolute.

As Harry stood by the window, he felt a shiver run down his spine, causing him to shudder involuntarily. Despite his apprehension, he peeked outside and took in the breathtaking view. As he poked his head out, he was greeted by a sight that left him spellbound. The moon and the stars were out in full force, casting their silvery glow on everything below them. Harry's room was at least five meters above the ground, and he could see the entire land laid out before him. It was a sight to behold, and Harry couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of it all. As he stood there, lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard a distant howl that sent a shiver down his spine. It was the sound of a lone wolf howling at the moon, far away in the distance.

Harry took several deep breaths. As he prepared to take the leap of faith, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching his room. Harry noticed that his wings began to glimmer, and before he knew it, the wings transformed into a shower of golden petals, fluttering down gracefully. The petals seemed to have a life of their own, spiraling and dancing around Harry before they transformed once again, this time into sparkling golden lights that illuminated the room. Harry watched in awe as the lights slowly faded into nothingness.

Harry closed the window. He took a deep breath and sat on his bed. He put on the most innocent smile he could muster, hoping that it would be enough to convince anyone who might be watching that he was not doing anything stupid. Suddenly, the door opened, and a ray of light shone into the room, casting Tonks' figure in a shadow against the dimly lit walls. Harry's heart raced as Tonks entered the room.

As Tonks closed the door behind her, she turned around slowly to face Harry, who was sitting on the edge of the bed with a seemingly "innocent" smile on his face. Tonks couldn't help but wonder what he had been doing before she entered the room, but as she scanned her eyes around the room, she couldn't find anything that seemed out of the ordinary. Despite her suspicion, Tonks decided to ignore it for now.

As Tonks walked towards Harry's bed, a sheepish smile stretched across her face, and she spoke in a gentle tone, "I hope you find the room to your liking." Harry, who had been sitting on his bed lost in thought, looked up and greeted her with a warm smile.

As Tonks approached Harry, he couldn't help but notice the way her hips swayed gracefully, enticing him to look in her direction. He felt a familiar heat rise to his cheeks as he caught a glimpse of her beautiful arse, perfectly accentuated by her fitted jeans. Harry's mind raced, replaying the image of Tonks's curvy figure over and over again, causing him to feel both excited and embarrassed. He knew he shouldn't be staring, yet he found himself unable to look away. Harry's inner voice scolded him for his thoughts, and he felt like slapping himself to snap out of it. Despite his embarrassment, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards Tonks and her alluring presence.

"It's perfect, Tonks. You're very lucky to live here," said Harry as he gazed around the room, taking in the cozy ambiance of Tonks' humble abode. The walls were adorned with colorful tapestries, and the shelves were stacked with books and trinkets that reflected Tonks' eclectic taste. Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for his friend's unique style. As he turned his attention back to Tonks, Harry couldn't help but notice a slight blush on her cheeks, illuminated by the dim light in the room. She walked up to Harry, her height towering over his sitting form on the bed. Despite the height difference, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in Tonks' presence, as if he was home.

"I'm glad you like it," replied Tonks, a hint of shyness in her voice as she looked down at her feet. "It's not much, but it's home." Harry smiled, grateful for the warmth and hospitality that Tonks had shown him.

As Tonks approached Harry with a sly grin on her face. "I heard you went on a date with Hermione without me?" she asked, her tone laced with a hint of playful accusation, as though she was pretending to be upset but secretly found the whole situation amusing. Harry couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, knowing that Tonks was always one to stir up trouble in the most lighthearted way possible.

"I did if you want to go on a date tomorrow," said Harry, his voice laced with a hint of nervousness. His emerald green eyes crinkled at the corners as he offered Tonks a pretty smile that made her heart skip a beat. Tonks couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of spending time with him, just the two of them. She tried to hide her blush as she replied, "Sure, Harry. I'd love to. But,"

Tonks leaned down to Harry's face, her voice low and husky as she whispered, "While the date is good, I have something better in mind." Harry felt a pleasant shiver run through his body at her words, and a sudden surge of excitement stirred within him.

He couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth as Tonks drew closer, her beauty radiating in the warm glow of the room. The way Tonks looked at him, the way her words danced across his skin, set his heart racing and his mind reeling. For a moment, Harry let himself get lost in the moment, savoring the sensation of Tonks' breath on his skin and the heady rush of desire that coursed through him.

Harry's heart raced as he questioned Tonks with a hushed tone, "What?" His piercing green eyes locked onto her dark eyes, waiting for her response. A seductive smile played upon Tonks' lips as she leaned in closer to Harry, her breath hot against his skin, before she spoke softly, "This." With that one word, Tonks closed the distance between them and pressed her lips against Harry's. As their lips met, Harry's mind went blank, and he was lost in the moment, experiencing a rush of emotions.

Harry had always been aware of Tonks' physical attractiveness, but it had never crossed his mind that she would kiss him so abruptly. The kiss had taken him by surprise, and as he felt her warm, soft lips, he became momentarily dazed and bewildered. However, his confusion quickly turned into an equal passion, and he found himself returning the kiss ardently. As they embraced, Harry felt Tonks slowly lower herself onto his lap, and he instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. The feeling of her body against his was electric, and Harry couldn't help but feel like he was on top of the world. It was a moment of pure bliss, and he never wanted it to end.

As Tonks's body was pressed firmly against Harry's chest, he felt a rush of adrenaline course through his veins, his heart beating so fast that he thought it might burst out of his chest. He could feel her soft and plump lips against his, sending shivers down his spine. Harry's senses were heightened, and he could smell the sweet scent of her perfume, which enhanced the moment's intensity. His body was on fire, and he felt like he was in heaven. Tonks's tongue against his lips made him gasp, and he opened his mouth eagerly, allowing her tongue to slide inside. His own tongue met hers, and they both moaned in unison as they explored each other's mouths passionately, lost in a moment of pure ecstasy.

As Harry leaned in to kiss Tonks, he couldn't resist the urge to let his hand wander down her back, tracing her curves until he reached her round and beautiful ass. He could feel her shiver beneath his touch as he squeezed it gently, eliciting a low moan from her lips. Harry felt a rush of desire wash over him as he deepened the kiss, knowing that Tonks was enjoying the sensation of his hands on her body. Despite the tightness of her jeans, he could still feel every inch of her, and he knew he never wanted to let her go.

As they stumbled backward, Tonks and Harry's lips remained locked in a passionate embrace, their bodies colliding onto the soft mattress of the bed. Tonks found herself on top of Harry, her hands exploring the contours of his chest as their simple kiss grew into a fervent make-out session. Harry's hands wrapped around her round ass, pulling her closer as the heat between them intensified. Their tongues danced together, exploring each other's mouths with a fiery hunger that left them both gasping for air. Tonks could feel the electricity pulsing through her veins as she lost herself in the moment, surrendering to the overwhelming desire she felt for Harry.

Tonks had never felt anything like it before; the way Harry's lips moved against hers was sending shivers down her spine, and her heart was beating so fast that she was sure he could feel it. She had kissed other people before, but this was different - it was like everything else faded away, and all she could focus on was the warmth of his body against hers and the taste of his lips. Tonks knew that she should stop, that this was dangerous territory, but she was so caught up in the moment that she couldn't bring herself to pull away. She was losing control, and she knew it - her thoughts were becoming hazy, and her body was responding to his touch in ways she couldn't explain. As Harry's hands started to roam over her body, Tonks felt a thrill of excitement course through her. If they didn't stop soon, she knew they could both end up naked in Harry's bed - and part of her was starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

As Tonks and Harry's lips were locked in a passionate embrace that seemed to have no end, they were suddenly interrupted by a voice that echoed loudly throughout the house. "Nymphadora," The sound of Andromeda's voice calling out Tonks' name came from the bottom of the stairs, causing both of them to jump apart from each other.

They looked at each other, a string of saliva still connecting their mouths, their breaths coming in short gasps as they tried to catch their breath. Tonks couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed as she realized that her mother had probably caught them in the act, but Harry's expression showed no sign of embarrassment, only a sense of longing and desire that was still present in his eyes.

As Harry and Tonks broke apart from their breathtaking kiss, they both felt an electric tingle that coursed through their bodies, leaving them breathless and yearning for more. Tonks, in particular, was left with an insatiable hunger that gnawed at her from within, making her feel as if Harry was the only sustenance she needed. Every fiber of her being urged her to disregard her mother's words and indulge in her desire for Harry. The taste of his lips lingered on hers, igniting a fire deep within her that threatened to consume her entirely.

"Nymphadora," Andromeda called her daughter once again from downstairs, this time louder; the two lovebirds, Harry and Tonks, couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment that their moment of intimacy had been disrupted. Nevertheless, they stood up from the bed with goofy grins on their faces, sharing a knowing look with each other as they savored the lingering taste of their passionate kiss.

As Harry and Tonks pulled away from their passionate embrace, Harry couldn't help but tease her about how much he enjoyed their kiss, "I think I liked that better than the date," he chuckled. Tonks giggled in response, her cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink as she pulled him in for a second kiss, this time more gentle and tender.

As they parted once again, Tonks playfully warned Harry that they were not done yet, "We have unfinished business, Harry Potter," she whispered seductively before turning to walk towards the door. Harry couldn't help but admire the sway of her hips as she moved, his eyes lingering on the curves of her beautiful round backside.

Tonks, with her beautiful, flowing hair cascading down her back, slowly turned her body around to face Harry, who was unable to resist the temptation of admiring her curvaceous figure. As their gazes met, Harry was caught red-handed, his eyes lingering a bit too long on her posterior.

An intense blush spread across his face, and he quickly averted his eyes, feeling embarrassed and guilty. Tonks, however, found the situation amusing and couldn't resist a playful giggle. "You can look, Harry," she said with a sultry voice, "You can Touch, but not in front of my parents." Her words had a seductive and teasing tone to them, leaving Harry feeling both flustered and intrigued. Tonks winked at Harry and sauntered out of his room, leaving him with a tantalizing image burned into his mind.

As soon as the door clicked shut behind him, Harry leaned against it and drew a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. He had just experienced an intense moment of passion with Tonks, a moment that had left him feeling both exhilarated and a little unbalanced.

Despite his best efforts, Harry could feel his body still buzzing with excitement, and he knew he needed to calm down before rejoining the others downstairs. He looked down at the noticeable bulge in his pants, a clear indication of the effect Tonks had on him. Harry realized he needed to take care of this small problem before he could face anyone else. He considered his options for a moment before making a quick decision to take a cold shower.


As soon as Andromeda heard that Harry was coming to dinner, she knew that she had to make it extra special. She spent all day in the kitchen, perfecting her recipes and adding a touch of magic to every dish. She had never cooked for Harry before, but she wanted to make sure that he felt welcome and appreciated. As she worked, she dressed in her finest clothes, determined to make the occasion memorable. When Nymphadora arrived, she was impressed by Andromeda's effort in the meal. The table was set with beautiful dishes and glasses, and the aroma of the food filled the air. Andromeda had even set out a special plate for Harry, adorned with glittering stars and moons, to show him how much she valued his presence.

"I'll call Harry," Tonks said as she walked upstairs.

As Andromeda settled down in the living room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her as she heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Nymphadora, her vibrant daughter, who brought life and energy into the house with her infectious laughter.

Andromeda couldn't help but smile as she imagined the conversation between Nymphadora and Harry, who had a knack for making people laugh. The joy that filled the room was palpable, and Andromeda couldn't help but reminisce about the days when Nymphadora was a teenager and the house was always filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter. It was a beautiful moment, and Andromeda felt grateful for the happiness Nymphadora and Harry brought into their home.

She turned her head just in time to see Harry Potter stride in, his black robes billowing behind him.

As he walked into the grand dining hall, the tantalizing aroma of a sumptuous feast wafted through the air, filling his senses with delight. With a grin on his face, Harry approached the head of the table, where the elegant and beautiful Miss Andromeda was presiding over the meal. "It smells delicious, Miss Andromeda," he said with genuine enthusiasm

"Thank you, dear," she said with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with joy as she welcomed him. "Come on, let's have dinner. You must be hungry," she declared with a gentle touch on his shoulder, leading him towards the dining table where the aroma of delicious food filled the air.

Andromeda's warm voice filled the dining room as she expressed her gratitude towards Harry for accepting their invitation to spend time together, despite being strangers before. The atmosphere was cozy, and the smell of roast beef and potatoes filled the air. Harry quickly stood up as Nymphadora arrived, scooting out a chair for her, which earned him a kiss on the cheek from Andromeda's daughter, who seemed overjoyed by Harry's thoughtful gesture. Andromeda couldn't help but notice the spark of affection in Nymphadora's eyes as she looked at Harry, and it was clear to anyone who could see that the young witch had developed feelings for him. Despite being tempted to tease her daughter about it, Andromeda decided to wait until after dinner to bring it up.

The conversation flowed smoothly throughout the meal, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, but Andromeda couldn't help but wonder what the future held for Harry and Nymphadora.

The evening had passed rather uneventfully as they sat down for dinner, enjoying the delicious spread that was laid out before them. The conversation flowed easily, and everyone was in good spirits, sharing stories about their lives and catching up with each other. However, when Andromeda brought up the topic of Harry's life with his Muggle relatives and how they treated him, there was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. Harry, who had been relaxed and jovial moments before, suddenly became guarded and tense.

He offered only vague answers to her questions, clearly uncomfortable with the topic at hand. Andromeda couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the young man, who had already endured so much in his young life. Sensing his discomfort, she quickly changed the subject, hoping to put him at ease once more. "Dinner was delicious, Miss Andromeda," Harry finally confessed with a small smile. "Let me wash the dishes."

"Oh no, Harry, you're a guest here. I will wash them with magic," Andromeda offered to Harry, her voice filled with concern as she noticed him staring at the pile of dishes in the sink.

But Harry shook his head, a determined look in his eyes. "I insist you allowed me to stay in your home knowing that I'm a complete stranger, you didn't have to accept me, but you did," he explained, his voice earnest. "At least let me feel like I'm not here doing nothing." Andromeda couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth wash over her at Harry's words.

She had taken him in out of the kindness of her heart, but she hadn't realized just how much he appreciated it. Reluctantly, she handed him a dish towel. "Alright, Harry,"

He grabbed the basket and trudged to the kitchen sink, the weight of the clothes pulling at his arms. As he began to sort through the pile, his mind wandered to the many times he had washed dishes for the Dursleys, feeling a pang of sadness and resentment at the memories. But Harry quickly shook off the negative thoughts, reminding himself that he was no longer under their control and that he was free to make his own choices.

With a determined look on his face, he turned on the faucet and started scrubbing the dishes, the warm water and soap soothing his hands. Harry whispered a silent prayer that he would never have to see the Dursleys again, his heart filled with hope for the future.

As Harry dutifully scrubbed the remnants of dinner off the plates, he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder at the lively conversation happening between Andromeda and Tonks nearby. Feeling the urge to contribute to the household in some way, he spoke up, his voice carrying over the gentle clinking of silverware and the smooth sound of running water.

"Miss Andromeda," he began, his tone carefully respectful, "if you want, I can cook for the house tomorrow morning." As he finished speaking, he turned fully towards the two women, his eyes meeting Andromeda's.

Nym's eyes widened as she watched Harry clean a glass with a napkin soaked in water. She couldn't help but feel surprised by what she had just heard. "You know how to cook, Harry?" she questioned, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Harry turned to face Nym, his innocent smile hiding the apprehension he felt inside. "Yes. I...I used to like it, but I haven't cooked in a while. If you let me, I would like to try again," he offered, hoping that his words would be enough to convince Nym to let him prepare a meal.

Andromeda, who had been listening to the conversation, exchanged a knowing look with Nym. They understood why Harry had hesitated before speaking. His love for cooking had once been his passion, but it had been taken away from him by the traumatic events he had experienced in the past.

"No problem, Harry," Nym answered, flashing a warm smile at him before her mother could even respond. She knew Harry all too well - he was the kind of person who couldn't stand still and do nothing. He had an unyielding desire to help others, and that was one of the things that drew Nym towards him like a bee to honey. There was something about his infectious energy and unwavering dedication that made her feel alive and inspired.

"Thank you, Nym. I will make the best dish." With a sense of determination, he carefully scrubbed the remaining plates in the sink, relishing the feeling of accomplishment with each one he finished. As he scrubbed, his mind raced with ideas for the perfect dish, envisioning the flavors and textures coming together in a tantalizing dance on the plate. Despite the time and effort, it would take to prepare, Harry was determined to create a culinary masterpiece that would leave Nym and her parents speechless and craving more.

As Andromeda watched her daughter share a moment of familiarity with the famous Harry Potter, she felt a sense of contentment wash over her, knowing that her child was in good company. Despite this satisfaction, however, Andromeda couldn't resist the urge to tease her daughter a little, and a playful smile crept onto her lips as she observed the interaction between the two young people.

"You know, Harry. Nymphadora has never cooked before. Do you know what could have convinced her to help you with the dish for tomorrow?" Andromeda questioned teasingly; her daughter growled at her for using her full name while Harry stopped washing the plate and turned to look at Nym over his shoulder.

Nym had been hoping to find help from Harry in this difficult situation, but to her disappointment, he had the same smug smirk on his face that she both loved and hated. Harry's response was not what she expected. He spoke dramatically, placing his hand over his heart, "Nym, I didn't know I was so important to you!" Andromeda, couldn't help but laugh at Harry's words while Nymphadora groaned at the teasing from both of them.

"Very funny," Nym said with a huff before sitting down on a couch and not looking at either Harry or her mother, who kept snickering at her annoyed face.

As he reached the end of the pile, he finally allowed himself to relax and wash his hands, the warm water soothing his tired muscles. Just as he finished drying his hands, Andromeda walked into the kitchen and looked at him with a mixture of gratitude and guilt.

"I'm so embarrassed that you had to do that, Harry," she confessed, her voice filled with regret. Harry simply smiled and shook his head, feeling grateful for the chance to help Andromeda and her family in any way he could. Harry noticed Nymphadora, Andromeda's daughter, sitting at the small table nearby, her nose buried in a notebook of hers. The teacups rested on the table opposite her, untouched and forgotten amidst the chaos of the evening.

"Don't worry, Miss Andromeda," Harry assured her with a confident smile. "I have experience cleaning," he said dismissively as he dried his hands with a towel that was hanging from the rack on the wall.

Andromeda, curious, asked Harry what he meant by that, but before he could respond, they both heard a loud whooshing sound coming from the floo network that was situated in the corner of the room. The bright green flames suddenly erupted from the fireplace. As the flames subsided, a tall man stepped out of the fireplace, dusting off the soot from his clothes.

"I'm here, Andromeda," the man declared with a broad smile, walking over to her and giving her a warm embrace. Andromeda smiled back at him, grateful for his timely arrival.

Ted Tonks was taken aback when he saw a new man sitting on the plush sofa next to his beloved daughter, Nymphadora. The stranger's presence had caught him off guard, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of protectiveness toward his family.

"You must be Harry Potter," Ted greeted awkwardly, trying to hide his surprise. Harry, sensing the tension in the air, stepped forward and extended his hand, introducing himself in a respectful manner.

The two men locked eyes for a moment, sizing each other up, before Ted finally tore his gaze away, feeling a bit embarrassed for his initial reaction. "I'm sorry," he said, quickly regaining his composure.

"I'm sorry, you look just like James, except for your eyes, they're" "My mother's eyes," Harry finished his sentence with a smile, relief washing over him. Ted nodded in understanding, his own gaze softening as he looked at Harry. The two men stood silently for a moment, lost in their own thoughts, before Ted leaned in to kiss his wife.

As Ted sat down to have dinner with his wife, Harry was deep in conversation with Nymphadora, his voice barely above a whisper as they discussed something that seemed to be of great importance. Andromeda observed the scene with a watchful eye, noting the way her daughter was interacting with Harry and wondering if she needed to intervene. While Andromeda was pleased with the idea of Nymphadora spending time with Harry, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern about the possibility of her daughter ending up in Harry's bedroom that night. She kept a close eye on the two of them, hoping Nymphadora would remember her mother's warning and choose to stay in her own bed rather than risk being caught in Harry's.

Andromeda Black had been lost in her thoughts, consumed by the weight of her worries and fears, until the sound of Ted Tonks' familiar voice reached her ears, breaking through the walls of her mind like a ray of sunlight breaking through storm clouds.

"Andromeda, I think we should tell Sirius to come out. There's no point in delaying this any further," Ted spoke to Andromeda in hushed tones, his words a lifeline that pulled her back into the present moment. With a deep breath, Andromeda turned to Harry. She motioned for him to walk over to them.

As Andromeda watched Harry approaching her, she couldn't help but notice the absence of his wand, which gave her a sense of relief as she knew that Sirius was safe from any accidental harm. Harry, on the other hand, seemed to be unaware of this fact until he stood in front of Andromeda, who was waiting for him with a gentle smile on her face. Nymphadora, standing beside Harry, noticed his slight unease and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"What can I do for you, Miss Andromeda?" Harry questioned, looking away from Nym to her parents, but when he saw their faces, he knew something was amiss; they were slightly nervous.

"Harry, we need to tell you something about Sirius Black," Andromeda started with a calculated tone; Nym gripped Harry's shoulder, knowing this would be hard for him to hear and that he needed her support.

Harry felt his anger bubbling to the surface when Andromeda mentioned Sirius Black—the man who had betrayed his parents to Voldemort.

Harry's tone became slightly higher as he questioned, "What about him?" Anger seeped into his voice as he awaited Andromeda's explanation of the situation. However, before she could reply, they all heard the sound of heavy footsteps resonating from the stairs that led to the second floor. Harry's eyes followed the sound as he watched Sirius make his way downstairs and into their room. Despite having spent over a decade in prison, Sirius looked surprisingly good.

After a long time, Sirius Black finally came face to face with his godson Harry Potter. The dimly lit room was filled with an uneasy silence as the two looked at each other. Sirius, with a nervous smile on his face, raised his arms to show that he was unarmed. "L-Long time no see, Godson," he stuttered, hoping to break the ice.

But before he could say anything more, Harry's eyes caught sight of him, and in an instant, his green eyes turned golden, and he extended his right hand towards Sirius, shouting, "Vade!"



Harry you lucky bastard but i can't blame him Tonks was gorgeous in the movies such a shame we din't see her much.

Hedkracka Gaming

Do i really have to wait about 20 days for the next chapter?