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"No matter how strong, for a human to fight a monster means he has submerged his humanity and transformed himself into a greater monster." – Berserk.

Year 840

As Grisha slowly opened his eyes, he was greeted by the soft, warm glow of the morning sunlight that filtered through his closed window and illuminated his bedroom, painting the walls with a golden hue. He felt the warmth of Carla's body pressed up against his, her soft breathing and the gentle rhythm of her heartbeat lulling him into a state of pure contentment. The peaceful silence of the morning was only interrupted by the distant chirping of birds, and Grisha couldn't help but feel grateful for this intimate moment with his lover. This moment felt like it could last forever.

As Grisha slowly opened his eyes, he was momentarily blinded by the bright morning sunlight that streamed through his bedroom window. Blinking rapidly, he squinted slightly as his eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden change in light. However, within a few moments, his vision cleared, and he was able to take in the serene beauty of the new day. As he lay there, basking in the warmth of the sun's gentle rays, he became aware of the soft humming sound emanating from Carla, who was lying beside him. It was a soothing and comforting sound that filled him with a sense of happiness and contentment. At that moment, Grisha felt a deep sense of peace and tranquility. He realized there was nowhere else he would rather be and no one else he would rather be with.

As Grisha lay comfortably on his bed, feeling the warmth of the morning sun seeping through the window, he couldn't help but feel torn between his obligations and his desire to stay in bed for a few more hours. He knew he had a long day ahead of him, with the daunting task of uncovering the identity of the mysterious King of The Wall weighing heavily on his mind. However, amidst the chaos of his duties, there was one promise he had made to his sons that he simply couldn't break - a promise to take them fishing. The thought of spending quality time with his boys, casting lines, and reeling in fish brought a smile to Grisha's face, and he knew that even if it meant sacrificing a few hours of sleep, it would all be worth it in the end.

Groaning, he forced himself to sit up, feeling the weight of the previous day's exhaustion upon his shoulders. The rustling of the sheets and the creaking of the bed woke Carla from her slumber, her eyes still heavy with sleep as she rubbed them wearily. She closed them once again, feeling too comfortable to face the day yet. However, her curiosity got the better of her, and she turned to Grisha, who was now sitting upright. "Grisha, how early is it?" she questioned, her voice still laced with sleepiness and her face showing signs of fatigue despite just waking up.

"7 AM. We should wake up," he whispered softly, trying not to disrupt her peaceful sleep. With a gentle tug, he lifted the pristine white blanket that was covering them, revealing their entwined bodies, and got off the cozy bed, his feet moving over the smooth bed frame before touching the cool wooden floor below. Carla, who was not a morning person, let out a loud yawn before slowly sitting up, rubbing her eyes, and stretching her arms to get rid of any remaining sleepiness. The room was quiet except for the soft rustling of the leaves outside the window and the distant chirping of the birds. Without wasting any time, she began to dress, pulling on her clothes with practiced ease as Grisha did the same, the two of them quietly preparing for the day ahead.

As Grisha walked up to Carla, he noticed she was struggling with her shirt, so he immediately went to her side and offered to help her put it on. Carla was delighted by Grisha's kind gesture and couldn't help but smile as he expertly helped her with her shirt. Once she was fully dressed, Grisha put on his own jacket and leaned in to give her a playful kiss on the cheek, causing Carla to giggle with joy.

Carla's voice filled the room with a subtle hum as she leaned in to share a tender kiss with Grisha, her partner of six years. Even after all this time, he still had the ability to make her heart race with excitement. As they savored the moment, basking in the warmth of their affection for one another, they were suddenly interrupted by the sound of little footsteps coming from their child's bedroom. The pitter-patter of tiny feet was soon followed by the unmistakable sound of someone tripping and falling onto the hardwood floor.

Carla strolled out of her cozy bedroom and into the quiet hallway of her home. Her heart started to race, and she took a deep breath before calling out their names in a voice that was both firm and gentle at the same time. "Eren! Naruto!" she said, her tone laced with a hint of concern. She made her way towards their door and halted in front of it, raising her hand to knock gently as she listened for any sound from within. Finally, after a few moments of silence, she leaned close to the door and placed her ear against the cool wood, hoping to hear any sign of life from her beloved children.

"Eren, Naruto, are you two awake?" With a gentle tap on the door, she called out to Eren and Naruto, her voice echoing through the quiet hallway. As she waited for a response, she could hear nothing but the sound of their steady breathing from the other side of the door. Despite this, Carla knew her boys were awake, and she couldn't help but wonder what they were doing.

As the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere filled the room, suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of Naruto's voice. With a tone of intelligence, he spoke up and said, "We are still sleeping, Mommy." Carla, standing behind the closed door of her child's room, couldn't help but chuckle at the sound of her son's witty retort. Meanwhile, Eren, who was also present in the room, let out a frustrated sigh as he slapped his forehead in disbelief at Naruto's cleverness.

Eren, couldn't help but express his frustration while shaking his head in disbelief at Naruto, who seemed to be talking nonsense. "How are you talking if you are sleeping?" Eren questioned with a hint of annoyance in his voice. The young boy's serious demeanor suggested that he was not to be taken lightly, even though he was still in the early stages of development. Naruto, on the other hand, took a moment to ponder Eren's query, his face contorted in deep thought. It wasn't long before realization dawned upon him, and his expression shifted into one of understanding.

"My bad, Mommy, I'm sleeping now," he spoke innocently before lying back on his little bed and pretending to be asleep. Little did he know, his antics were being witnessed by Carla and Grisha, who were listening in amusement through the closed door. The sound of their chuckles only made Naruto more determined to keep up his ruse, and he remained motionless, with a sly grin on his face, until he was sure they had left the room.

As Carla gently pushed the creaky wooden door of her children's room, she was greeted by the sight of her mischievous little boys, Eren and Naruto. As soon as she stepped inside, Eren quickly tried to conceal something behind his back while Naruto, the little entertainer, was trying to divert her attention by showing off his dance moves and making ridiculous poses. Carla couldn't help but giggle at the sight of her two little boys, each trying to get her attention in their own unique way.

She noticed that he was trying to conceal something round behind his back, but the outline of a box was visible. "What are you hiding, Eren?" she questioned in a teasing tone, already knowing that her son was up to something mischievous.

With a playful grin on his face, Naruto shook his head and responded to his mother's question, "Nothing biscuit-related." Eren sighed loudly, smacking his forehead with his palm in frustration. Naruto always seemed to have a knack for answering his questions in the most unhelpful way possible.

Carla couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of their adorable shenanigans. With a wide grin on her face, she scooped up both of her little ones in her arms and planted a loving kiss on each of their rosy cheeks. Despite his initial protests, Eren soon gave in to his mother's warm embrace and relished the affectionate attention. Carla knew that her son sometimes tried to resist her affection, but deep down, she knew he cherished these moments just as much as she did.

Carla made a promise to her children that they would be rewarded with a cookie each once they finished their breakfast. Still, little Eren couldn't resist the temptation and had already grabbed the round box of cookies mixed with chocolate and was holding it tightly in his little arms. However, Carla, being aware of the importance of a balanced meal, gently took the box from Eren's grasp, much to his displeasure, and placed it out of his reach until they were done with their meal. Eren's whines and complaints fell on deaf ears as Carla stood her ground, knowing that a healthy breakfast would give them the energy to have a fun-filled day ahead.

With his arms crossed firmly in front of his chest, he pointed back and forth between himself and Eren, emphasizing his point. "Two cookies each, or there's no deal," he declared firmly, his tone conveying the seriousness of the matter. Although he was only five years old, Naruto understood the importance of negotiation and was determined to ensure that both he and Eren received their fair share of the cookies. Despite the lighthearted nature of the situation, the young boy's serious demeanor left no doubt that he meant business. As Eren listened to his brother's words, he couldn't help but feel a sense of validation, nodding his head in agreement. Carla, who had been observing the scene, couldn't resist a smile as she watched Naruto's playful antics, which were both entertaining and endearing.

"Deal," Carla agreed in a tone that was both firm and nurturing, her eyes sparkling with a motherly affection that made Eren's heart swell with pride. He couldn't help but leap into the air with a triumphant shout of joy. Naruto quickly followed suit, their hands slapping together in a resounding high-five that echoed through the room. As they continued to jump and dance in celebration, their smiles beaming with a brilliant radiance that could have lit up the entire world.

"Come, it's time to eat breakfast," Carla beckoned her two boys, her voice infused with a sense of urgency. Eren leaped up from the bed and eagerly followed Carla to the common room. But Naruto hesitated, casting a critical eye over his clothes in the full-length mirror.

"Naruto," Carla called out with a hint of concern in her voice, beckoning for him once again as she and Eren strolled through the hallway toward the cozy common room, leaving Naruto all by himself in his serene bedroom.

Naruto stood in the center of the room, his blue eyes scanning the empty space for any signs of life. He could feel the familiar weight of his shirt against his skin, and with a quick flick of his wrist, he rolled up the fabric to reveal his normal-looking belly. He closed his eyes, focusing as he had done so many times before, and willed the dark spiral symbol on his belly to appear once more.

As the symbol glowed brightly in the dimly lit room, Naruto couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

As Naruto gazed intently at the spiral symbol on his belly, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and curiosity. With a gentle touch, he traced the intricate lines and curves of the symbol, marveling at its intricacy and beauty. Despite his careful examination, however, he couldn't discern any noticeable difference in the texture or appearance of his skin.

Naruto was taken aback when he first caught sight of the peculiar spiral symbol on his own belly, and an overwhelming urge to wash it away consumed him. Determined to rid himself of this mysterious mark, he spent a grueling hour carefully scrubbing at it with water until the skin of his belly became red and inflamed and even began to bleed slightly. Despite his best efforts, the symbol remained stubbornly etched onto his skin, leaving him to ponder what it could mean and how it came to be there in the first place.

Naruto had never told anyone, and no one had noticed since his belly had healed quickly; his body had a miraculous way of healing itself, and within a minute, the marks had vanished, leaving no trace of their existence behind.

As Naruto gazed down at the spiral symbol on his belly, he felt a sense of unease wash over him, wondering if it had some sort of connection to the mysterious voice that had been plaguing him for months. Despite hearing the voice only five times, its constant anger and insistence that he perform strange, unexplainable tasks like sitting still and meditating had left Naruto confused and terrified.

Naruto could not comprehend why he couldn't achieve the state of tranquility that he so desperately sought. Despite trying to meditate for hours on end and even attempting during the stillness of the night while everyone else was sound asleep, he failed to experience the slightest hint of spiritual enlightenment or inner peace that the voice told him to reach. It had been over a month since Naruto heard the voice in his head speaking to him; he had been too quiet lately for some reason.

"Naruto," As little Naruto was tightly clutching his rolled-up shirt, his father's deep voice boomed through the room, causing the young blonde to jump in surprise and let go of his shirt, which rolled down, hiding the striking black spiral symbol that was inked onto his stomach. Naruto, with a look of confusion and curiosity, turned around to face his father, who was staring back at him with a calculating gaze as if trying to decipher what was going through the young boy's mind.

"Father?" Naruto called him with a little smile, tilting his head to the side; his father was quiet for a moment before he seemed to come out of his stupor.

"Come to eat, Naruto. Later we can go fishing," Grisha spoke softly, the sound of his voice echoing through the empty halls of their humble abode. His little son jumped in joy, his tiny hands clapping together in excitement before he quickly ran past Grisha and towards the common room, eager to share the good news with everyone. Grisha's smile wavered slightly as he watched his son's retreating figure, a pang of sadness creeping into his heart.

Grisha had observed a mysterious spiral symbol etched on his son's belly, which had piqued his interest, and he had spent countless nights inspecting it meticulously, trying to decipher its meaning. However, despite his best efforts, Grisha was unable to comprehend the purpose of the enigmatic symbol and was left feeling perplexed and frustrated. To make matters worse, the symbol had a tendency to vanish without a trace, leaving Grisha to question whether it was a product of his imagination or something far more sinister. As he delved deeper into the mystery, Grisha realized that the spiral symbol was just the tip of the iceberg, and there were other strange symbols surrounding it that were even more cryptic and perplexing.

To Grisha, they seemed like words of another language, but Grisha didn't know what language it could be; so far, the spiral symbol had caused nothing out of the ordinary except for the plant life to grow, which was something else Grisha had learned that happened quite often around his third son.

Grisha still remembered one time Naruto had fallen asleep on the roof when Carla was cleaning the clothes.

' It was a warm summer day, and the sun was shining brightly in the sky, casting a golden glow across Shiganshina. Grisha had returned home earlier than usual from work, hoping to surprise his family with a special treat he had picked up from the market. As he approached his house, he noticed that Carla was busy hanging clothes out to dry on the rooftop. Curious, Grisha made his way up to the roof to see what was going on. And there, to his surprise, he found his son Naruto sound asleep, nestled amongst a group of tiny birds that had taken refuge on the rooftop. The birds chirped softly as if singing a lullaby to the sleeping boy. '

Nothing similar had happened since then, but Grisha wondered just what he was missing; he always knew Naruto was special, but he wondered just how special he was.

Arriving at the common room, the delicious aroma of Carla's breakfast filled the air, making his stomach growl in anticipation. As he made his way towards the kitchen, he could see Carla bustling about, her apron covered in flour and her hair tied up in a messy bun. She was preparing a hearty soup for breakfast, with chunks of tender meat and a medley of colorful vegetables that danced around in the broth. On the counter beside her, she laid out some freshly roasted bread, topped with creamy scrambled eggs and a sprinkle of chives. From all the ingredients that could be found inside the walls, eggs were easier to find and buy than meat, it was pretty scarce, and only the rich people could afford to eat meat every day in the Wall.

As Naruto and Eren sat down at the table, they were greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked bread, roasted to perfection and adorned with a generous helping of eggs and vegetables. Carla had always insisted that they consume this particular dish, claiming that it would imbue them with strength and vitality. Despite their initial reluctance, the boys soon found themselves eagerly devouring the savory meal, savoring each bite as it filled them with renewed energy.

Naruto sat across from his father at the kitchen table, watching him chew his food and savor the warm soup with each spoonful. The steam from the soup rose up and mingled with the fragrant aroma of freshly brewed green tea, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room. Naruto's stomach grumbled hungrily as he watched his father eat, and he couldn't resist the urge to ask him a question. "F-father," he stammered, his mouth full of bread and vegetable, "can we go fishing today?" Naruto's voice was hopeful and eager.

"Naruto, don't talk with your mouth full. Learn some manners," Carla chided her little boy in a stern yet loving tone. As she watched him pout adorably before swallowing what was left in his mouth, she couldn't help but be reminded of herself as a child, getting reprimanded by her own mother for the same offense. However, unlike herself at that age, Naruto seemed to be taking the lesson to heart, and Carla was grateful for that. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the fact that at least one of her children had impeccable table manners, for now at least.

As Grisha leisurely sipped the refreshing water from his crystal-clear glass, he couldn't help but let out a hearty chuckle as the cool liquid trickled down his parched throat, instantly relieving the dryness and clearing his mind. With each sip, the taste of pure water tantalized his taste buds. As he sat there, Grisha felt a sense of rejuvenation, as if the water was washing away all his worries and leaving him with nothing but clarity and renewed energy.

"Yes, this weekend is free for me so that we can go fishing," Grisha confirmed with a fatherly smile; his sons, who had been eagerly anticipating their father's response, let out a collective cheer and jumped up from their wooden chairs with unbridled excitement, causing them to wobble precariously on the creaky floorboards.

Grisha knew that the idea of catching a fish all by themselves was exciting for them, but deep down, he was sure that they wouldn't find the act of fishing that much fun once they realized that it mostly involved sitting in one place for hours on end, feeling the sun beat down on their faces, and waiting patiently for their hook to catch a fish.

After satisfying their hunger, Eren and Naruto decided to pitch in with the cleaning chores and started tidying up their room. Meanwhile, Carla, their gracious host, headed up to the roof to collect the laundry that had been hanging out to dry in the warm sunshine. As she carefully folded the clothes, she marveled at how quickly the sun had done its job, leaving the garments crisp and fresh.

It didn't take long for Naruto, Eren, and Grisha to leave the house and go fishing; Carla wished them good luck before walking back inside the house.

With every step they took, the bustling streets of the market hummed with activity and excitement. The sun, high in the sky, cast a cheerful glow over the entire marketplace, inviting people from all walks of life to come and explore the myriad of sights, sounds, and smells that filled the air. As they strolled through the colorful stalls, surrounded by people eagerly bargaining and haggling for the best deals, they couldn't help but feel energized by the vibrant atmosphere. From the fragrant spices and fruits to the gleaming trinkets and handcrafted goods, there was something for everyone to discover and enjoy. And as they made their way through the crowds, taking in the sights and sounds around them, they knew that this was the perfect day to indulge their senses and immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of the market.

As Naruto and Eren made their way through the bustling market, they couldn't help but notice the way people respectfully greeted their father. It was clear that he was held in high esteem in the town of Shiganshina, and as they walked, the brothers couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their father's accomplishments. They knew that he had dedicated his life to the study of medicine and that his tireless efforts had led to the prevention of a devastating sickness that had threatened to wipe out many lives in the town.

Grisha stopped in front of a small shop. Or so he thought at first glance. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was not a conventional shop but rather a simple carriage that had been transformed into a haven for all fishing enthusiasts.

The carriage was stocked with a plethora of fishing items strewn around in an organized yet haphazard manner. As he approached the carriage, the man running the shop caught his eye. Dressed in worn-out overalls and a straw hat, he seemed to be the epitome of a true fisherman. The man had placed a sturdy wooden table in front of the carriage, which was adorned with a colorful striped cloth. He stood between the carriage and the table, his eyes scanning the surrounding area, eagerly waiting for someone to buy from him.

"Doctor Yeager, it's good to see you on such a fine day," the man spoke, shaking Grisha's hand firmly. Naruto couldn't help but notice the deep scar under the man's chin, and his right eye that was as white as milk.

As Grisha looked at the prices for the fishing items. As Naruto's mind wandered off from the present, he found himself drawn to the colossal Wall Maria that towered two hundred meters away from him. Standing at an impressive height of fifty meters, the wall was a sight to behold, but it was more than just a physical barrier. It was a reminder of the dangers that lay beyond it - Titans, monstrous creatures that were hungry for human flesh and always on the hunt for their next meal.

Naruto, with his innocent mind and burning curiosity, couldn't help but wonder relentlessly about the elusive Titans that his mother tried her best to keep out of their household discourse. However, despite his mother's efforts, Naruto couldn't help but overhear the whispers from his curious neighbors, who described the Titans as colossal humanoid creatures with a single giant eye fixed on their forehead and a strange arrangement of limbs: two sets of arms and just one set of legs. Naruto's imagination ran wild, conjuring up various images of the Titans, from the terrifying and gruesome to the absurd and comical.

Some described the Titans resembled giant humans with cow heads, their massive frames towering over the landscape. Others argued that they were naked, hairy giants with long tails, their feral eyes glinting with an insatiable hunger for human flesh. But Eren one day had asked Hannes what they looked like since he was a Garrison soldier; Hannes had said the Titans look like naked giant humanoid creatures.

Eren's voice broke the silence that had settled between him and Naruto. The hushed tone of his question caught Naruto off guard, pulling him out of his thoughts. "What do you think is beyond the Wall?" Eren asked, his eyes scanning the top of the wall as if searching for an answer. Naruto's gaze followed Eren's, both of them knowing that it was taboo to talk about the World beyond the Wall.

Eren slowly tilted his head upwards, his eyes squinting from the blinding sun that was perched slightly above the top of the colossal Wall Maria. From his vantage point on the ground, he could see the Garrison soldiers stationed at the top of the wall, some lazily lying there, others intently scanning the horizon for any possible threats.

As Naruto stood there, gazing up at the towering Wall Maria with a sense of wonder and awe, he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of unease creeping up on him. "Don't know, but I have dreamed of strange places," His voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke, his words carrying on the wind like the rustling of the leaves in the trees around them. The two brothers were lost in their own thoughts, unaware of their father's activities, as he searched for the perfect insect to use as bait. As Naruto spoke, Eren leaned in closer, his eyes fixed on the same spot on the wall that Naruto was staring at.

Eren's eyes widened with curiosity as he turned to Naruto and asked, "Strange places?" Naruto's eyes flickered with mystery as he leaned in and whispered, "I'm not sure, but I have dreamed of faces carved into mountains, giant faces made of stone, and I have dreamed of a massive cage." His voice was barely above a whisper, but the words hung in the air like a thick fog, enveloping Eren's mind with intrigue.

"Giant faces carved into mountains, that sounds wonderful," Eren spoke with awe in his voice; if he closed his eyes, he could almost imagine a face carved into a big mountain, though he didn't understand why someone would go through the trouble of doing something like that, and how someone would even be able to achieve that.

"Eren, Naruto, come," Grisha called out to his two boys, motioning them to follow him closely as he made his way through the busy market. Eren's curiosity was piqued as he caught a glimpse of a mother with a little girl buying fish nearby; both had dark hair, and the mother had a strange bandage covering her wrist.

The sun was high in the sky as Eren and Naruto trekked towards the gate that served as the only connection between Shiganshina and the rest of Wall Maria Territory. As they drew closer, they couldn't help but notice a distinct scent wafting through the air - the unmistakable aroma of alcohol. Although it would have been easy to mistake it for the scent of a nearby tavern, both Eren and Naruto knew better. They knew that the guards on duty were notorious for their love of drink and that the smell of alcohol was a surefire sign that they were close to their destination.

Hannes, with a blush on his cheeks from the alcohol, greeted him with enthusiasm, "Doctor Yeager, it's good to see you!" Hannes had clearly been indulging in the bottle of wine that he was now holding, half-empty in his hand, as the unmistakable smell of alcohol emanated from his breath. The overwhelming stench of alcohol made them crinkle their noses in disgust.

Eren and Naruto couldn't help but wonder why anyone would subject themselves to drinking something that tasted like a putrid blend of stale urine and chemicals. Eren and Naruto exchanged glances, silently agreeing that they would never understand the appeal of such a revolting beverage.

Grisha approached Hannes, noticing the half-empty bottle of wine in his hand, and spoke with a slightly sad tone, "Hannes, still drinking, I see." Despite his attempt to hide behind a smile, Grisha couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. Hannes, unfazed by his friend's disapproving gaze, took a swig of the wine and let out a contented sigh. Behind Hannes were three other Garrison guards who were supposed to be guarding the entrance. However, instead of fulfilling their duty, they opted to divert their attention towards more leisurely activities such as drinking and playing cards.

"Nothing, just games-" However, before he could finish his sentence, his words were suddenly cut off by the sight of Naruto and Eren standing silently behind Grisha. Eren's intense glare was fixed directly on him, making him uneasy, while Naruto's passive expression gave nothing away.

As Hannes greeted Naruto and Eren, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for the two young boys standing before him. "Oi, Naruto, Eren, it's good to see you," he exclaimed with a genuine smile, his eyes lighting up with joy at the sight of them.

Crouching down to their level, he looked closer at them, marveling how much they had grown since he last saw them. And as he ruffled their hair playfully, Hannes couldn't help but chuckle at their mock annoyance, knowing that deep down, they loved the affectionate gesture. "Look at both of you," he grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You have grown so much, both in height and strength."

Hannes stood up and turned his attention to Grisha. As he lifted a bottle of wine from the table, "Want to join us, Grisha?" Hannes offered an invitation to join them, his warm smile and friendly voice conveying a sense of camaraderie and good cheer. However, Grisha merely chuckled in response and shook his head, declining the offer with a polite but firm gesture.

"Perhaps next time," he said with a wistful smile, "I want to go fishing with my boys." Hannes, on the other hand, was unfazed by Grisha's response, knowing all too well that his friend had never been one to drink any significant amount of alcohol. With a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, Hannes bid Grisha farewell, promising to catch up with him soon.

"Fishing, well. Good luck, you will need it. Fish are not that frequent this time of year," uttered Hannes, with a tinge of disappointment in his voice, as he set down the wine bottle on top of the empty barrel. Grisha nodded in agreement and walked through the open gate, with Eren and Naruto following closely behind him.

As Hannes watched Grisha walk away with his kids. The sun's warmth beat down upon his skin, intensifying the effects of the wine he had consumed earlier. The world around him began to spin, and he stumbled backward, barely managing to catch himself before he hit the ground. With a frustrated sigh, he looked up at the cloudless sky, wondering how he had managed to let himself get so drunk. Hannes cursed under his breath as he realized that he would need to wait a bit longer before he could safely stand up again, all while silently cursing the intense heat and his own foolishness.

Damn it, they have grown so much, Anna. If only...his thoughts trailed off as Hannes grabbed the bottle of wine and drank to his heart's desire, trying to drown the pain he felt every day.


With a deep breath, Grisha announced, "This is the place," as they finally arrived at the edge of an enormous lake, its rippling surface shimmering in the sunlight. Eren and Naruto eagerly stepped forward, feeling the cool blades of grass tickling their shins and the soft earth yielding beneath their weight. The air was alive with the sweet melody of birds singing from the nearby forest, a symphony of sound that added to the tranquility of the scene before them.

As Eren looked at the woods, his eyes caught sight of two little squirrels chasing each other, leaping from one tree branch to another with incredible agility and grace. The brown and fluffy critters were so fast and nimble that Eren had to squint his eyes to keep up with their movements.

Naruto stood on the ground, his chest heaving as he breathed deeply into the crisp, clean air around him. The breeze caressed his face, carrying with it the scent of pine needles and earth, and he closed his eyes, letting the sensations wash over him. With each inhale, the tension in his muscles melted away until he felt as light as a feather. The tranquility of being surrounded by nature had always had this effect on him. It was as if the earth itself was whispering to him, telling him that everything was going to be alright. In this moment of peace, he felt a sense of power that he had never felt before.

As Naruto looked around the lush green forest, he couldn't help but notice a new tree sprouting up in the distance, its emerald leaves swaying gently in the breeze. With a curious gleam in his eye, he approached the tree, marveling at its towering height of ten meters. The bark was smooth and unblemished.

As Eren and Naruto strolled along the tranquil lakeside, they were suddenly captivated by a spectacular display of nature. Countless fish were leaping out of the water in a synchronized frenzy, their slick bodies glistening in the sunlight as they soared through the air in pursuit of a tantalizing fly hovering just above the lake's surface. The duo stood in awe, watching the stunning spectacle unfold before their eyes as the fish repeatedly launched themselves from the water, their tails whipping up a splash of water as they landed back in the lake with a satisfying splash.

As Naruto stood by the lake, he couldn't help but appreciate the breathtaking view in front of him. The lake's calm waters reflected the image of the nearby mountain, creating a stunning visual that left Naruto awestruck. Rays of sunshine beamed down from the sky, casting a warm glow on the landscape. Naruto felt a sense of tranquility wash over him like never before.

As the sun began to set over the tranquil lake, Grisha, Eren, and Naruto gathered on the shore, their legs dangling over the edge as they watched the gentle ripples of the water. Naruto's sharp eyes glinted with excitement as he peered beneath the surface, marveling at the sheer number of fishes darting to and fro in the crystal-clear water.

Grisha found it a bit odd that there were so many fishes around, remembering what Hannes told him, not to mention that nature itself seemed to glow with Naruto's presence.

Grisha stood at the edge of the shimmering lake, his eyes scanning the water's surface for any sign of a fish. As he rummaged through his fishing bag, he spoke in a low, calm voice, "Now, to catch a fish, you need to put an insect on the hook." With a quick flick of his wrist, he pulled out a shiny hook, its pointed tip glinting in the sunlight, ready to be baited. His gaze shifted to the surrounding foliage, searching for the perfect insect to lure his catch. After plucking a wriggling worm from the moist soil, he deftly impaled it on the hook, the worm's tiny legs flailing in protest.

"Shouldn't you put a biscuit there? It's more delicious than an insect?" Naruto quickly pointed out, for all he knew, more fishes would try to bite the hook if there was a biscuit there instead of a disgusting worm.

Grisha expertly baited his hook with a wriggling worm, eliciting a disgusted groan from Naruto and a skeptical glance from Eren. As Grisha cast his line into the water, Naruto pulled out a package of biscuits from his backpack, trying to throw one or two into the water, thinking it would do a better job. However, Grisha couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sight of Naruto's idea before patting his son's head, making him pout in the process. "Not necessarily, Naruto. Fishes prefer worms and insects, not biscuits, trust me," Grisha said genuinely, trying to teach his son the ways of successful fishing.

As Eren and Naruto cast their fishing lines into the quiet, rippling water, they settled in for a patient wait, watching the bobbers dance ever so slightly with the current. But as the minutes ticked by, their eagerness to catch something began to wane, and Eren found himself growing increasingly restless. His gaze flickered from the water to his father, who sat beside him on the soft grass, scribbling away in his notebook. The sun beat down on their backs, casting long shadows across the pond, and the sound of birds chirping in the trees only served to highlight the stillness of the water.

The tranquil waters of the lake were disturbed only by the occasional splash of a fish or the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Eren had been waiting for what seemed like hours, and his patience was wearing thin. Frustration was written all over his face, and a look of annoyance had now replaced his once-calm demeanor.

Suddenly, he broke the silence with a loud outburst, "When are the stupid fishes gonna catch the hook?" His voice was so sudden and piercing that the nearby birds took flight in fear. The hook of the fishing pod hadn't moved for ten minutes now, and Eren was growing increasingly impatient. He gazed out into the water, hoping to see a sign of life, but all he saw was his own reflection staring back at him.

"This is fishing, Eren. You need to have patience. You can't expect everything to come to you on a silver platter, like the fish in the lake. None of them will bite the hook simply because you want to. Remember, you should work for what you want." Grisha spoke, placing a hand on both of their shoulders; both Naruto and Eren nodded in understanding.

As Grisha sat back down on the calm lake shore, his mind wandered to the day's events. Turning around, he saw Naruto walking away from the lake and towards the grassy area near the ten meters tall tree.

Eren sat beside his father, his eyes fixed on the water, waiting patiently for a fish to bite the hook on his fishing rod. As the gentle breeze rustled through the trees, Eren turned to his father and began to ask him about his childhood, curious to know more about his father's past. Grisha, with a warm smile on his face, put his arm around Eren's shoulder, drawing him closer, and began to share stories from his own childhood, creating a heartwarming bond between father and son.

While Naruto found himself in a serene spot in the forest glade, surrounded by lush greenery and a colorful array of spring flowers. With a peaceful expression on his face, he sat down cross-legged on the soft grass, feeling the warm rays of the sun on his skin and the gentle breeze of the season brushing against his face. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to be absorbed in the moment's tranquility as the birds chirped melodiously around him, creating the perfect natural symphony that soothed his soul and lifted his spirits.

"What was my grandfather like?" Eren questioned, curiosity; his father barely ever talked about his past.

"My father wanted me to become a doctor, Eren. My mother simply wanted me to find a good enough job. They only wanted the best for Faye and me," As he spoke, a sense of melancholy and nostalgia crept into Grisha's tone. The weight of his parents' hopes and dreams for him felt heavy, even though he had long since chosen his own path in life. But just as he was lost in thought, his eyes widened in shock as he realized he had slipped up and mentioned Faye.

"Faye, who is she?" Eren questioned, looking up at his father, who had a shocked face; Eren noticed his father's face was contorted in shock, and his eyes were welling up with tears that he quickly wiped away with his sleeve before averting his gaze from Eren. Eren couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he watched his father struggle to regain his composure.

Grisha's voice was choked with emotion as he spoke to his son, Eren, "She was my sister, Eren. She was your aunt, a loving and caring member of our family. But one day, fate had other plans, and she was involved in a terrible accident that took her away from us forever." The words were heavy with grief, and Grisha tried to control his emotions, but the sadness was too overwhelming, and he couldn't help but let out a small sob.

Eren had never seen his father in such pain before. He could see the sorrow etched on his father's face, making him ache with sadness too. Without a second thought, Eren wrapped his arms around his father, holding him close in a comforting embrace.

Grisha hugged his son back tightly, feeling a small sense of solace in the warmth of his son's embrace. Grisha's tears flowed freely as he looked at his son, feeling a mixture of sadness and gratitude toward him. He knew nothing could bring his sister back, but having Eren by his side made the pain a little more bearable. Grisha leaned in and kissed Eren's cheek tenderly.

Grisha didn't know how long he held his son close, but it felt like seconds; as he was about to call Naruto, suddenly, without warning, a sudden change of the wind's direction hit him from behind, blasting him with a powerful gust that caught him off guard, making his hair move around wildly against the strong wind. Grisha staggered, trying to maintain his balance as he looked around to see what had caused this sudden change in the weather.

Grisha and Eren turned around to face Naruto and were shocked at what they saw. They noticed a small tree nearby that had begun to grow at an astonishing rate. They both stood there, frozen in disbelief, as the tree grew taller and taller until it had reached a towering height of thirty meters. Grisha, couldn't help but gasp in both shock and amazement at the sight before him.

As Naruto sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, a sense of tranquility began to emanate from him, permeating the surrounding wilderness. The once-hostile animals that had been skittishly scampering about began to settle down, their frenzied movements coming to a halt as they basked in the soothing aura that now enveloped them.

The rustling of leaves and the chirping of insects that had previously been the only sounds in the forest were joined by a chorus of avian melodies as several small birds alighted on Naruto's shoulder, their cheerful chirps echoing through the trees. At that moment, Naruto felt at one with nature, his heart filled with a sense of peace and contentment that seemed to flow through every living thing around him.

After a minute, the feeling of calmness faded away slowly, Naruto opened his eyes, and the birds flew away; Meanwhile, Grisha, who had been watching from a distance, slowly made his way towards Naruto, his mouth agape, unsure of what to say to his son. Eren, on the other hand, was busy admiring the gargantuan tree that now towered over them, forty meters tall and seemingly reaching for the sky.

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity of silence, Grisha summoned the courage to take a few tentative steps toward his son, Naruto. As he drew nearer, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and a sudden urge of energy spread through his entire body when he placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder. Despite feeling this strange sensation, Grisha ignored it and focused all of his attention on his son's piercing blue eyes, which seemed to be filled with a strange mix of emotions.

"Naruto, my son. How did you do this?"

Note: Naruto will be with only two women. Let me know in the comments which ones you think should be with Naruto.

I Hope you have enjoyed the chapter. Have a Wonderful Day


Bhuvan Nagaraju.D

Well, I'm all in for some Naruto/historia, after all it's a very rare pairing with only a handful fanfic on them, but i don't mind other pairings and knowing drinor there's definitely 😁 going to be a harem and I'm all in for it😁😁😁

William Kwok

Not sure if it’s decided already but I would vote for Annie and Historia..