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The sun was setting over the vast desert as they surveyed the scene of the skirmish; Sokka couldn't help but wonder aloud, "What should we do about them?" He pointed toward the limp bodies of the sand benders that lay scattered across the sandy dunes, his face contorted with a mix of anger, confusion, and concern. He knew that leaving them there in the middle of nowhere would be a death sentence, but he also didn't want to risk letting them go free and coming back to attack them again.

Finally, Appa had stopped, much to Zuko's relief. He looked down at himself, observing the wet patches on his clothes and the drool trickling down his chin. Just then, Katara came to his rescue.

She was merciful enough with him. With a flick of her wrist, she bent the drool away, sparing him further embarrassment. Zuko couldn't help but express his gratitude, his voice filled with genuine relief.

"Thank you," he said as he took a deep breath, feeling the cool air brush against his damp skin. He checked his clothes, and to his relief, they were mostly dry, thanks to Katara's timely intervention.

"We should let them here." However, his words were met with a chorus of disapproving frowns from the others, particularly Aang, who was taken aback by Naruto's audacity. Despite this, Toph, who was standing right next to Naruto, nodded in agreement, showing her appreciation for his boldness.

Aang's frustration was palpable as he turned to face Naruto, his voice tinged with annoyance as he asked, "Are you saying we should just leave them here, in the middle of the desert?" His eyes bore into Naruto's, and his body language was confrontational, as though daring the blonde to disagree with him. However, Naruto remained resolute, unperturbed by Aang's aggressive demeanor.

"Yes. They were about to do the same to us. The only reason why Furball over here is still with us is because of Fireboy over there," Despite the seriousness of the situation, Toph couldn't help but giggle at the silly nickname Naruto had given Zuko. The latter groaned at the stupid nickname Naruto gave him.

"Without him, Appa would have been far away right now. They attacked us with no provocation, and second, they're sand benders. They can easily go back to their home. Third, Appa can't fly with more than seven people on his back, and you know it." Naruto finished, looking directly at Aang; He gripped his staff tightly, feeling the weight of the responsibility resting on his shoulders. He wanted to counter Naruto's arguments, to find a way to help them, but the reality was staring him in the face. He knew Appa wouldn't be able to fly with all of them and seven other sand benders on his back.

Aang sighed deeply before responding in a defeated tone, "...Fine." He reluctantly accepted the decision that had been made, though his heart was still heavy with disappointment. With a heavy heart, he turned his back to the group and summoned his airbending powers to propel himself onto the back of Appa. Toph seemed genuinely surprised to hear that Naruto was able to convince Twinkle Toes to leave the useless morons behind.

"Everyone on board. We are leaving!" Without hesitation, the Avatar Group scrambled onto the back of the towering, six-legged bison Appa. Naruto, who had just returned from the library with a bag full of books, felt a wave of relief wash over him as he finally set down his heavy load. He paused for a moment to rub his sore shoulder, grateful for the chance to rest his weary bones before beginning the next leg of their journey. As Aang urged Appa forward, the wind whipped past their faces and rustled their clothes.

"Yip, yip!" in a high-pitched voice, signaling to Appa to take off and soar into the clear blue sky, leaving behind a cloud of dust and sand that billowed in the hot desert breeze as they embarked on a new adventure. As the wind whistled past their ears and the sun began to set on the horizon, Sokka and Katara soared through the air on Appa's back. Sokka couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as he reached into his bag to examine the artifacts they had discovered in the library earlier that day. Meanwhile, Katara was deeply engrossed in the ancient waterbending scroll she had stumbled upon, her eyes scanning the delicate parchment with intense focus. The only sounds that could be heard were the rustling of Sokka's bag and the soft whispers of Katara's study as the two siblings lost themselves in their individual pursuits.

"Soo, what did you find inside?" Zuko questioned, breaking the silence as he leaned against Appa's saddle. He didn't really care much, but the silence was very uncomfortable, so he decided he might as well know what crazy shit they found inside.

Iroh and even Sokka were more than happy to tell him what they found inside the library; while they talked, Naruto's fingers traced the intricate patterns on the cover of his great-grandfather's diary. With Toph by his side, Naruto opened the diary and began to read, his eyes scanning each page with a sense of anticipation. As he delved deeper into the writings, Toph leaned against him, her warm embrace giving him the comfort and support he needed.

Naruto sat cross-legged on Appa's back, completely absorbed in the world of his great-grandfather's book. He turned each page with eager anticipation, devouring every word as if it were the last. Suddenly, a hushed voice broke through the silence, causing Naruto to jump. He looked up to see Toph looking at him with concern. She had apparently been trying to get his attention for a while.

Naruto shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and looked at her quizzically. "What's bothering you?" she asked in a low voice so as not to attract the attention of the others.

"I just learned a few important things, and I'm not sure what to make of it yet," Naruto explained with a weary sigh as he changed the page of the book he was reading. The weariness in his tone betrayed the weight of the information he had just acquired, and the uncertainty in his words only added to the mystery of what was on his mind. Toph, who had been observing him intently, wore a thoughtful look on her face as if she was trying to read the thoughts that were racing through his mind.

"Can I help in any way?" The sudden inquiry from Toph caught Naruto off guard, causing him to arch an eyebrow in surprise. However, as he looked at her flushed face, he realized that it was probably due to the blazing sun of the desert. Despite the heat, Toph's voice was filled with genuine concern for him. Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Toph for her kindness and willingness to offer assistance.

"Your company is more than enough, Toph, but let's just say I learned something that changed quite a lot of things about me, and I'm not sure what I should do right now," Naruto explained, looking at the rest of the gang talking to each other, especially Iroh, who was explaining something to Zuko.

"Well. I know what it is like not to know what you want to be, but trust me. Follow your guts. At the end of the day, we can't know the future. Just make the decision you will regret the least." Toph spoke with a charming smile on her beautiful face.

The decision I won't regret, Naruto thought with a finger on his chin, pondering to himself; he understood that Toph was right; he had usually followed his guts when it came to making a decision, sometimes thinking about it, Naruto realized there were a lot of things that Aang had a strong moral compass that often hindered his ability to make the tough decisions necessary to defeat the Fire Nation. Naruto knew that in order to emerge victorious, he would need to make the hard choices that Aang was reluctant to make. He understood that he would have to venture outside his comfort zone and push beyond his own limits to achieve his goal. With determination and grit, Naruto resolved to be the one to take charge and make the difficult decisions that would ultimately lead them to victory. He knew that by doing so, he would be taking on a tremendous responsibility, but he was ready and willing to bear that burden for the sake of their cause.

"You're a genius, Toph," he declared with a hint of awe in his voice before leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on her rosy cheek. The unexpected gesture took Toph by surprise, causing her to blush furiously and her body to stiffen slightly as she struggled to process the rush of emotions that flooded her mind. Her heart raced with excitement and curiosity, wondering what this moment might mean for their friendship.

"What was that?" Toph demanded after a short pause but kept holding his arm even more tightly now.

"That's called a kiss on the cheek, Toph," he answered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head with a wide grin. As he expected, Toph's expression softened into a smile, and she playfully punched his arm.

"That's called a punch in the arm," Toph said teasingly, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he playfully nudged the girl's arm with his own. A burst of laughter escaped both of them, echoing through the empty hallway. But as the sound died down, the girl's thoughts lingered on the lingering feeling of Naruto's lips on her cheek. Her hand reached up instinctively to touch the spot where he had kissed her, relishing in the warmth that spread across her skin.


After soaring through the sky for hours on end, Aang felt a pang of worry for Appa, who had been flying tirelessly by his side. He knew that finding water for the bison was of utmost importance, for they were traversing through the unforgiving desert terrain, where hydration was scarce. As the group continued their journey, Naruto scoured the landscape with his keen senses, his intuition telling him that an oasis must be nearby. Their perseverance paid off as they soon stumbled upon a glistening river, snaking through the barren landscape like a lifeline. With relief flooding through them, they made their way toward the river, quenching their thirst and replenishing their spirits.

Naruto waded through the cool, refreshing river, feeling the gentle caress of the water as it flowed around his ankles. With each step he took, he felt more and more alive, and as he kicked his foot, sending a spray of water into the air. As he stretched out his hand, the droplets of water he had kicked up froze in mid-air, suspended in time and space as if by magic. His heart raced with excitement as he marveled at the power he held in his hand.

As Aang lazily floated on his back down the gentle stream, the tranquil sound of the bubbling water soothed his soul. His eyes were closed, and his breaths were deep and rhythmic as he allowed the cool water to carry him along. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his hand and realized that Naruto was floating alongside him.

With a playful grin, Naruto released his hand, causing a cascade of water droplets to rain down upon Aang's face. Aang's eyes flew open, and he scrunched his face in surprise as he sputtered and coughed up a mouthful of water.

"Hey!" he complained as Naruto chuckled in amusement.

With a triumphant gleam in his eyes, Sokka called out from the riverside, "Got it!" as he pored over the map spread out before him, his fingers tracing the faded lines and symbols etched on its surface. Straightening up, his posture full of confidence, he glanced over at Toph, who was idly splashing her feet in the cool, refreshing water nearby. Sensing his excitement, Toph turned around, her earthbending senses attuned to any changes in Sokka's demeanor.

As the gentle sound of water trickling filled the air, Katara's voice cut through the quietness. "Did you find the path we need to take to get to Ba Sing Se?" she asked Sokka, her eyes scanning the surrounding terrain for any sign of danger. With a deft wave of her hand, she conjured a small wave of water, which flowed effortlessly into her waterskin, filling it to the brim.

"Yup," With a grin of satisfaction, Sokka triumphantly raised his finger and directed it towards a particular spot on the map, his eyes twinkling with excitement. As Aang and Naruto emerged from the shimmering waters and made their way toward the group, Sokka eagerly revealed their next plan of action, pointing to the vast, arid desert marked on the map before them. With a sense of determination in his voice, he then gestured towards their current location, indicating the straight path that lay ahead of them, leading directly to the fabled city of Ba Sing Se. "This is it," he declared, "we just need to fly there!"

"We have Appa, so that it won't take us long. I wonder if the place is as I remember it." Iroh said melancholy; Zuko, who was standing closely behind Iroh, noticed the sadness in his uncle's voice and expression. He knew all too well that Iroh's last memory of Ba Sing Se was a painful one, filled with heartache and regret.

"Hello!" a voice called out, ringing through the air. The group of friends turned to see where the sound had come from. Their eyes met with a family of three, who had just appeared over the crest of the hill. The parents, a middle-aged couple, walked hand in hand while the other woman, who looked to be in her late thirties or early forties, trailed behind them. As they drew closer, the group of friends could see the weariness etched on their faces. "Are you travelers like us?" the father asked, his voice laced with a hint of excitement.

"Yes. It's nice to meet you," Aang said with a warm smile as he stood up, his eyes sparkling with curiosity at the new acquaintance.

He extended a friendly hand to the man, introducing himself with a proud gesture of an open palm on his chest, "I'm Aang."

Sokka, on the other hand, scowled mildly at their presence, but his expression softened as he caught the man's hopeful gaze. He couldn't help but wonder what their intentions were.

The man, whose name was Than, introduced himself and his companions, "This is my wife, Ying, and my sister." Than's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he asked, "Are you, by any chance, traveling to Ba Sing Se?" His words hung in the air, buoyed by the hope of a positive response.

"We are," Katara confirmed with a warm smile.

"So are we! We're trying to get there before Ying has our baby." Then reached over and gently caressed his wife's swollen stomach, feeling the rhythmic movements of the life growing inside her.

"If you'd like, you can travel with you. Appa will happily carry you," Aang suggested before pointing at Appa, who let out a roar as if not agreeing with him, something noticed by Aang and Naruto.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Than spoke up to the Avatar, "There's no need for that, my friend. You need not worry as we are on our way to Full Moon Bay, which is known for ferrying refugees to Ba Sing Se. It is, without a doubt, the fastest and safest way to get there. Moreover, it is hidden, so the Fire Nation won't be able to track us down."

Then further explained, his voice laced with confidence and pride. However, Zuko couldn't help but feel guilty after hearing this. He knew all too well the atrocities that his own nation had committed against the innocent people, and he couldn't help but wonder if he could ever make things right.

"Let us come with you, and I'm the Avatar," Aang said, flashing a wide smile at the travelers. "It wouldn't be kind of me just suddenly to show up in the middle of Ba Sing Se. I think I will give a better impression to everyone if I go through the normal way." His friends exchanged disappointed glances, but Toph rolled her eyes, knowing that Aang's decision-making process always took longer than necessary.

"You know, Aang," she said, crossing her arms over her chest, "I hope your desire to make a good impression doesn't come back to bite us in the ass later. We don't have time to waste on formalities when the Fire Nation is hot on our heels." Despite Toph's skepticism, Aang remained determined to follow protocol


As they walked behind the trio of travelers, the group found themselves entering a dark, eerie cave that seemed to stretch on endlessly. Though their eyes struggled to adjust to the dim lighting, they trudged on, driven by the hope of discovering what lay ahead. However, as they progressed, they were met with a sudden dead end, their path blocked by a solid rock wall. Frustration and disappointment weighed heavily on them as they struggled to find a way forward. It was at that moment that Iroh stepped forward, his calm voice breaking the silence. He conjured up a small flame in his palm, casting a warm glow across the stony walls and illuminating the path ahead. The travelers looked at him with trepidation, unsure what to make of the firebender. But their fears were quickly quelled as Aang reassured them of Iroh's good intentions and kind heart.

The traveler approached the wall and knocked with a sense of urgency. The ground beneath their feet began to shake. With a deafening rumble, the wall slowly began to lower, revealing two imposing earthbending guards on the other side. The traveler stepped through the opening the wall slowly closed behind them.

The ferry port was filled with people; he was met with a vivid scene of humanity in motion. The air was thick with the chatter of travelers, the clatter of their luggage, and the cries of children. The throngs of people, each adorned in simple, drab garments, bustled about the port with an air of determination. A line of tents stood at the edge of the dock, their occupants waiting patiently for their turn to board the next boat out of the port. Amidst the sea of faces, Naruto's attention was drawn to a heartwarming sight - a young mother sitting on a crate, gently spoon-feeding her son a bowl of warm mush.

Zuko gazed at the sea of refugees with a heavy heart as he could see the agony and distress etched on their faces. He knew that his own nation was responsible for their misery, and an overwhelming sense of guilt was written all over his face. As he stood there, Iroh, his wise and benevolent uncle, approached him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Without any words, Iroh could already perceive what was going through his nephew's mind - the remorse, the anguish.

"I never knew so many people escaped to Ba Sing Se," Katara murmured, her voice heavy with emotion, looking at all the refugees with sadness. The sheer number of people who had been forced to leave their homes and embark on the treacherous journey to the city was staggering, and it was clear that many of them had endured unimaginable hardships along the way. "How many do they transport every day?" Her eyes scanned the crowd, searching for any signs of hope or resilience amidst the chaos and despair.

"I don't know an exact number, but I can assure you it's a lot," replied Than, as he shook his head in disbelief. "With Ba Sing Se as the world's last stronghold, many people travel there so they can be safe and find a better life."

They approached the passport attendant. A pair of guards carried away a man, petrified from shock. Naruto, who was lost in his own thoughts, did a double take upon seeing the man being dragged away, his heart racing with a sense of familiarity that he couldn't quite place. However, he quickly decided to ignore the situation, knowing that he had his own mission to complete.

Naruto stood silently in line, trying to ignore the cabbage vendor who was sobbing as he was carried away after having his cart smashed by a platypus bear. They had come to a place called crescent moon bay to take a ferry to Ba Sing Se, but first, they needed to get the tickets.

With a loud and irritated shout of "Next!" the woman behind the counter caught Aang's attention. At first, he was taken aback by the woman's harsh tone, but he quickly realized that she was just overworked and exhausted.

Despite her gruff demeanor, Aang approached the counter with a friendly smile, almost looking like a child. In a way, he was still a child with a heart full of innocence and a carefree spirit.

"Seven tickets for the ferry to Ba Sing Se, please," Aang requested in his soft-spoken voice, trying not to upset the woman any further. He knew that dealing with frustrated customers could be a challenging task, and he wanted to make things as easy as possible for her.

"Passport?" the woman snapped.

"No one told us we needed passports," he said, his voice tinged with frustration. As he looked over his shoulder for some reassurance, Zuko gave him a thumbs up, a gesture that was meant to be encouraging but only added to Aang's growing anxiety.

"Don't you know who this is?" Sokka asked dramatically, his voice echoing through the room as he placed his arm around Aang, the young Avatar.

The woman behind the desk appeared unimpressed by the display, causing Sokka to raise his voice even louder as he exclaimed, "He's the Avatar! The one and only savior of our world!"

Despite his efforts, the woman remained unmoved and simply scoffed at Sokka's words. "Bah, I see fifty Avatars a day," she said dismissively, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "And, by the way, not a very impressive costume." Sokka's jaw dropped in disbelief at the woman's lack of reverence for Aang.

She pointed to the side, and they all looked over, seeing a handful of people, including a child, dressed in clothes similar to Aang's with arrows drawn on their heads and hands, one even having gone so far as to make himself a glider. Naruto was actually impressed by a couple of their costumes. "They look even better than you, Aang," he joked, earning a giggle from Katara and Toph; Aang groaned loudly.

As Momo made his way toward Aang's shoulder, the woman's voice pierced through the air, "Besides, no animals allowed!"

The statement was spat out with such venom that it sent shivers down Momo's spine. Aang, however, looked like he wanted to argue and reason with the woman, but before he could, she leaned forward and glared at him, her eyes blazing with anger. Her words were laced with a threat, "Do I need to call security?"

As the bear stood on its hind legs, towering over them, it took a bite of the crunchy cabbage in its paws, causing Momo to quickly duck behind Aang in fear. Aang, however, remained calm and collected, not wanting to provoke the massive creature in front of them.

"That won't be necessary," Aang said, his voice steady as he raised his hands in surrender before slowly backing away. The bear continued to munch on its snack, its sharp eyes following them until they were out of sight.

"Next!" the woman shouted.

Toph's eyes narrowed as she made her way to the desk, her Beifong passport clutched firmly in her hand. "I'll take care of this," she said firmly, her voice cutting through the din.

With a thud, she placed the passport on the desk and looked up at the woman, her eyes blazing. "My name is Toph Beifong," she declared, "and I'll need seven tickets." The other people in the queue looked at her in admiration, impressed by her confidence and assertiveness.

The woman's eyes widened as she gazed upon the golden seal of the flying boar emblazoned on the passport, her breath catching in her throat as she held it with great care as if it were a priceless treasure that was made of fragile glass. The intricate design of the seal sparkled in the light, casting a radiant sheen across the room. Her voice was soft and reverent as she spoke, "The golden seal of the flying boar! It is a symbol of the Beifong family, a name that commands respect and admiration throughout the land." With a smile on her face, she continued, "It is my utmost pleasure to offer my assistance to anyone belonging to such a distinguished family."

"It is your pleasure, peasant," Toph said with a grin. "As you can see, I'm blind, and these three imbeciles are my valets," she gestured to Katara, Aang, and Sokka, who were sharing a group hug. "This one's my betrothal," as she pointed to Naruto, who was standing beside her with a wide grin on his face. Naruto wrapped his arm around Toph in a loving side hug before leaning in to place a gentle kiss on her cheek as if to prove to everyone that their love was real and true. Toph's heart swelled with happiness and joy.

"And those two are my teacher and my servant." Toph finished pointing at Iroh, who greeted them with a wave of his hand. However, her other hand gestured towards the brooding and scowling Zuko, who seemed to be on the verge of bursting into flames with his intense anger.

"But...the animal-"

"Is my seeing-eye lemur," Toph interrupted.

"Well, normally, it's only one ticket per passport," the woman said. "But...this document is so official...I guess it's worth seven tickets."

As she stamped each of the seven tickets with a satisfying thud, the bustling ferry station echoed with the sound of her punctual efficiency. And Toph reached up, taking them before turning and walking away, Naruto obediently falling in at her side, restraining an amused smile.

"Betrothal, huh? Well, I certainly wouldn't mind it," he said teasingly, his words laced with a hint of mischief. Toph paused for a second, her expression unreadable, before she punched Naruto's shoulder with a smile.

Her laughter filled the air, a sound that was as light and carefree as a summer breeze. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Naruto," she said, her voice tinged with amusement.

"You still have a lot to prove before you can even think about betrothal." Naruto grinned, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Challenge accepted," he said, his voice filled with determination.

"Alright!" Sokka grinned after they were out of earshot. "We scammed that lady good!"

Just then, a security guard grabbed Sokka by the back of the shirt, making him stop and spin around; Naruto whirled around, ready to tell her to go away, when he immediately noticed that it was...

"Tickets and passports, please," she demanded with a mischievous smile.

"Is there a problem?" Sokka asked, trying to sound strong; Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I got a problem with you," she said, jabbing a finger into his chest. "I've seen your type before. Probably sarcastic, think you're hilarious, and let me guess, you're traveling with the Avatar." She narrowed her eyes but smirked, apparently unable to hold it back fully.

"Do I know you?" Sokka asked with a furrowed brow.

"You mean you don't remember?" Her grip on his shirt tightened, and just as Sokka's eyes widened in confusion, she leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Suki!" Immediately, Sokka's face lit up with recognition, and he let out a joyous cheer, pulling her in for a warm embrace that lasted for several seconds.

"Of course, he recognizes a girl by her kissing him on the cheek," Naruto snorted. "Guess that shows how few girls want anything to do with you."

"You're hilarious," Sokka said, pulling away; the moment they did, Suki rushed and hugged Naruto, and the latter quickly returned it.

"I missed you, Naruto," Suki's voice was laced with affection as she smiled and leaned into Naruto's embrace, rubbing her cheek against his in a show of warmth and tenderness.

Naruto, too, held her tightly, his arms wrapping around her in a protective cocoon. As they pulled away, their eyes met, and a mutual sense of longing and joy passed between them.

With a content smile on his face, Naruto spoke softly, "I missed you too, Suki," his hand gently rubbing her back as if to reassure her of his presence. Turning to face the rest of the group,

"You look completely different without makeup," Aang observed, looking at her, almost not recognizing her.

"Didn't you also wear that makeup once?" Katara asked, pointing at her brother's face; Suki giggled as Sokka shouted for Katara to shut up and that it was just for training.

"Well, Whataya knows," Toph smirked. "Sokka's a crossdresser. It explains so much."

Naruto and Suki both laughed; Aang smiled in amusement while Sokka looked like he wanted to explode.

Suki's eyes suddenly landed on Zuko, her eyes narrowed, the ruthless firebender who led the raid that burned down her village. Suki's eyes narrowed as she recognized the prince, her fists clenching in anger, ready to reach for her concealed weapon. However, before she could act on her vengeful impulses, a calming touch on her wrist stopped her in her tracks. It was Naruto.

"Don't worry, Zuko here has turned a new leaf. Trust me. I'm keeping a close eye on him." Naruto reassured her while Zuko nervously rubbed his cheek with the tip of his index finger.

"I'm sorry about your village. I hope I can pay you back someday," Zuko said, his voice filled with remorse as he spoke to Suki.

The Fire Prince felt a pang of guilt in his chest, knowing that no amount of words could ever make up for the pain and suffering he had caused.

Iroh, however, smiled at him with pride, knowing that his nephew was on the right path to redemption. He had seen the change in Zuko, the way he had started to question his own actions and the actions of his father, the Fire Lord.

Iroh knew it would take time for Zuko to earn the trust of those he had wronged, but he believed that his nephew had the strength and determination to make things right. Suki, on the other hand, didn't look convinced by Zuko's apology.

With a stern look on her face, Suki firmly stated, "Just don't hurt Naruto and the others. We are good." She crossed her arms as if to emphasize her point and gave Zuko a deadly glare, making sure he understood the gravity of her words. Although she harbored a grudge against Zuko, Suki knew engaging in a physical altercation would be pointless, so she refrained from doing anything else. Zuko looked visibly relieved, and Suki momentarily let her guard down. However, she quickly refocused her attention on Naruto.

"Come on," Suki said. "Let's find somewhere to catch up."

However, as they were about to walk away, three people who had told them about the ferry, the pregnant one, were calling out to them.

"You two, you're the Avatar's friends!" she said urgently. "Please, you must help us!"

"What's wrong?" Naruto asked, turning to face them.

"Someone took all of our belongings!" Tears threatened to spill over the rims of her eyes as she continued, "Our passports, our tickets! Everything is gone!" Overwhelmed by the weight of the situation, the woman crumpled to her knees, her sobs wracking her body. Her husband was beside her, his strong arms wrapped around her trembling body, offering comfort and solace in the midst of their chaos.

"What happened?" Aang asked with a deep frown, looking down at them.

"Someone stole their stuff, including their passports and tickets," Naruto explained, wondering if he could catch whoever did it.

"I'll talk at the lady for you!" Aang promised, walking up to the annoying lady, which went exactly how they predicted it.

Five minutes later, they had been refused again.

"What now?" Sokka questioned, but Naruto knew what they needed to do.

"Simple. We give three passports to them. She's not in the condition to ride on top of Appa. Iroh and Zuko, if you want, you can come with us with Appa to Ba Sing Se or take the ferry if you want." Naruto explained; the others nodded in agreement, especially Aang, who approvedly smiled at Naruto.

Ying approached Naruto with a smile. "Thank you so much." She said, almost hugging him. Naruto rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment while Toph punched his arm for the third time today.

"Me and Zuko will go with them just in case they need our help. Once you arrive in Ba Sing Se, we can meet and continue our journey." Iroh decided, with Zuko nodding along.

Soon Iroh, Zuko, and the travelers left; Suki promised Naruto she would come to Ba Sing Se with the rest of her team soon. As the Avatar group soared through the skies on Appa's back, they gazed down at the vast landscape below. The trees, rivers, and mountains passed by in a blur as they headed toward their ultimate destination - the great city of Ba Sing Se. However, their peaceful journey was abruptly interrupted as they spotted a colossal machine in the distance. It was a massive worm-like apparatus with the Fire Emblem emblazoned on its front. The group exchanged worried glances, wondering what this ominous contraption could possibly be for. Sokka, always the pragmatist, voiced everyone's concerns with a simple but ominous statement: "That can't be good."



Great chapter glad I made patreon!! Cant wait to see how next chapter ends and what alternative u have made! 10/10