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"No. Stop This, Naruto." Korra screamed as her eyes turned white.

With strength she had never felt before, Korra shook the entire area; moving her feet, a column suddenly ascended from the ground, smashing Naruto's chest. Just as he fell on the ground, Korra slammed her hands into the ground, making the earth below Naruto ascend before Korra, for the first time, sent a Wind blade that made him smash against a wall before the entire structure fell on top of him. Still, Naruto freed himself with a roar, making all the debris fly away.

His eyes looked up at Korra floating in the air. She had made sure Tenzin was safe from the debris. She moved her arms, and she could feel everything around her. A ring of water formed around Korra before a Ring of Fire was formed on top of it, and then rocks started orbiting around Korra, and finally, a sphere of wind formed around Korra like a shield.

"I will bring back Naruto," Korra promised.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, a broad smile forming on his face. With one move, the ground below him cracked from his speed and strength, jumping right in front of Korra, who was taken aback by his enormous speed. His giant red hand hit her sphere, and his red hand cut through the windshield, punching Korra in the stomach.

The Avatar was sent flying toward the ground, but she quickly regained her composure before flying away using Air Bending. Naruto was hot on her heels as he sent out a wind roar. Korra used a boulder to shield herself, the roar smashed the boulder to pieces, but Korra kept flying away using Air Bending, further and further away.

I need to get him to the Sea. She thought in alarm, knowing she stood no chance against him. She had seen his strength and speed with just one tail. She didn't want to experience his strength with three tails. Why is he getting stronger the more tails he has? Korra wondered out loud, wondering how to bring Naruto back.

Naruto jumped high in the air right at a building before jumping to another building, trying to catch Korra midair, the Avatar could feel the enormous heat coming from him, her forehead sweating, her throat dryer than ever before, and her heart pounding on her chest, she wondered how she was still alive.

Her white eyes finally found what could help her. Close to the Air Temple was Aang's tall statue. There, if I drop that on top of him, I might be able to defeat him. Her eyes turned back to normal blue, her eyes welling up with tears. She felt a stab in her heart at the thought of killing Naruto, her childhood friend, her love. A flash of a young Naruto playing in the snow passed before her eyes, the first time he had Air Bend when they had found Naga, but her thoughts quickly disappeared when her eyes turned back to White.

No, not Now. I won't have to kill him. I can just knock him unconscious, Korra thought desperately. Below her, people were watching her fly with Air Bending.

Korra had been so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice Naruto catching up to her, jumping on her. She felt a sharp pain in her back as Naruto punched her mid-air, sending her crashing. Korra quickly used Air Bending to slow down her fall, turning to face Naruto just in time to dodge another punch.

Naruto landed one meter behind her, ready to use his tails to capture her. When one of his eyes turned blue briefly, the tail stopped just a meter away from her face. Korra quickly pulled a boulder from the ground before kicking it toward Naruto.

The Boulder hit him in the head, crashing against a shop. Another and another, Korra kept kicking boulders. She didn't know why Naruto wasn't fighting back, but she was too deep in Avatar State to think clearly, and this was her first time.

"Take This." The Avatar roared, sending a giant fireball right to the place where Naruto was supposed to be, buried deep in rocks and earth.

The Attack hit the target, and the heat made the glass of every building nearby crack, as people who were cheering for the Avatar started running away in fear.

Stopping her attack, the rocks had melted, turning into lava. Korra wondered whether the fight was over when a long red hand came out just below her, grabbing her throat. Her body stiffened, her hands gripping the giant hand, trying to pull it away.

Squeezing her neck, Korra started punching the red hand as it floated from the ground. Korra could barely breathe as the hold around her neck got tighter.

Her white eyes turned blue, and she puked blood from her mouth as the hand squeezed her throat even more.

"Na-Nar-Naruto." She called out with all the strength she had. Her childhood friend came out of the rubble, looking at her with deep red eyes like a demon, but Korra saw tears rolling down his right eye.

Her eyes widened in fear when a four-tail started forming behind his back. Korra had seen this only once before, but she knew the danger. The more tails he had, the stronger he was.

"N-Na-Naru-" she tried to call him, hoping that it would bring him out somehow, remind him who he was. He was no monster. He was her best friend. Korra's vision blurred, the darkness slowly surrounding her.

Aang, I need your help. Please, she begged. Naruto suddenly let out a cry of pain. Opening her eyes, Korra gasped to see a metallic rod thrusted deep into his stomach, and her eyes turned to see a group of Police Metalbenders standing to her right. A second one was about to attack Naruto with another rod. Korra saw the way her friend was glaring at them.

No, he's going to kill them, she thought in alarm, trying to get into Avatar State again. "R-Run Away." She cried out, knowing they would be slaughtered if they stayed.

"Kill The Beast." The officer shouted to his men, all of them sending metal with pointy ends towards Naruto, who grinned, roaring back. The pieces of metal turned to shreds before being blasted away as if they were toothpicks.

Now that his attention was on the officers, Korra felt his hold around her neck ease up. I need to save them before...

With one move, Naruto moved At a speed never seen before. Korra didn't see it happen. She didn't see anything, only the cries of pain as bodies were torn to shreds, their limbs flying in the air. Blood splattered across the walls, and Korra felt drops of blood hitting her face.

For a moment, she wondered why these people had to be there, why did they need to die? Why couldn't I protect them? Why Couldn't I protect Naruto? Why Couldn't I protect Asami? If Only I had been stronger, none of this would have happened, Korra realized, shutting her eyes tightly. She couldn't look at them. Even her air bending was because of Naruto's teaching. Not me. I didn't even believe I needed Air Bending to become a Good Avatar. How could I have been so...so foolish?

Now, they were lying lifeless on the ground, an arm there, a leg somewhere, and a head sinking in the sea.

Why did they have to die? She asked herself again. The feeling of wetness around her body was what made her aware that it was raining. I-I only just wanted my Life to Mean something. I'm The Avatar, One who can Control all Four Elements. Yet. I can't even save my dearest Friend!!'

"Why?" The Avatar screamed in pure rage, a column smashing Naruto's chest from below, before another from a building, and another. She didn't want him to rest, letting him no time to think and fight back. Spreading her arms, every drop of rain stopped in midair before they all turned to ice shards.

She pushed her arms towards Naruto. All of them rushed at the Blonde, who stood motionless. Every shard hit true. The Avatar expected to see a corpse, but instead, there he was. The shards had done naught but cut his clothes in several places. He was not even bleeding.

"Naruto, Please." The Avat-Korra roared before using her entire strength to create a tornado that captured Naruto. Again. He didn't try to Fight Back. The Avatar moved her arms around, increasing the tornado in speed and size. The nearby buildings were being torn to pieces as Naruto's body was hit by debris from every direction.

The Avatar could see Naruto crying. She knew he was trying to fight against whatever had taken hold of him. The Tornado started increasing in length but not getting more expansive, his body floating in the middle, the pressure rising around him with each passing second.

Suddenly The Avatar smashed her hands into the ground, the entire tornado suddenly collapsed into itself, the whole pressure increased, and Naruto was in the middle of all of it.

An enormous wind wave spread in every direction, and the evacuated building collapsed right on top of Naruto. The Avatar watched emotionlessly as two small buildings crushed him beneath them.

The Avatar knew he wasn't done. Having a great opportunity, the Avatar jumped to the sea, using Water Bending to swim faster. Just as Avatar expected, Naruto came out of the debris without a scratch on him.

Using all its strength, The Avatar reached the statue, Naruto chasing the Avatar relentlessly.

"You're in The Sea. You Stand No Chance, Demon." The Avatar spoke, the voice sounding like multiple people talking simultaneously. Moving her arms, she created giant waves that crashed against Naruto, but the Avatar was relentless, creating more waves before imprisoning him in a water bubble that she froze.

The Avatar's eyes turned to the statue, not knowing how to metal bend yet. The Avatar moved the ground beneath the statue, causing it to shift around slightly. The loud metallic sound of the statue reached far and wide. The cables holding the statue in place broke down.

"Aaaaahhhhh." The Avatar let out a scream before moving the last bit of Earth beneath the statue in a way to fall right at Naruto. The blonde narrowed his eyes, not trying to escape his frozen prison.

The statue fell right at Naruto, crushing the entire frozen bubble of water along with Naruto, sinking deep into the sea. The waves created forced The Avatar to use Air Bending, ten meters tall, crashing against the shore.

Falling on her knees the moment her feet touched the ground. The Avatar's eyes turned back to blue, and Korra's eyes widened in panic when she realized what she had just done.

"N-Naruto." Korra cried out In panic, tears rolling down her cheeks. Despite feeling exhausted, she rushed towards the place where the statue had sunk.

Please be Alive, Please, Please, she prayed, running at the railings, preparing to jump over them and find Naruto. Just as she was about to jump, a massive explosion erupted beneath the sea. Korra had no time to shield herself from the water smashing against her with the strength to make her body crash against the ground.

Cough, Korra wiped her nose only to see that she was bleeding, coughing more water. Only then she felt the pressure in the atmosphere. Her skin crawled, and she felt as if she was naked in the middle of a snowstorm, her jaw shaking, teeth chattering, and every single bone of her entire body felt like it would snap like toothpicks.

She didn't know where she found the strength to look up, but what she saw was something she knew she would remember for the rest of her life. She expected to see Naruto, but instead of him, there was a monster.

His skin was dark-red, with round white eyes with no color and four tails behind his back, he was slightly bigger than Naga, but Korra couldn't do anything. She felt her body wasn't responding anymore, her eyes glued at the creature looking back at her with a wide grin, so wide that it looked like his face was splitting in half.

"N-N-Na-Nar-Naruto..." She couldn't find the strength to speak, move or do anything, her mind screaming to run away. The only reason she had stood a chance against three tails was because Naruto was fighting back against whatever was controlling his body, but now looking at this creature, she couldn't find a single trace left of her childhood friend.

Is he Gone Forever?

NoNoNo, He Will be back for Me, Korra frantically thought. Her whole body was shaking and falling to her knees. She couldn't stop shaking. Her throat felt dry, very dry, dryer than she had ever felt. She felt Cold.

So cold that she felt like she was swimming in a frozen ocean. When he had three tails, the pressure and the heat were almost unbearable, but now, the pressure had doubled. No, Triple. No...Korra couldn't fathom anymore just how powerful he was, his strength extraordinary.

The Creature suddenly let out a roar, sending a wind wave towards Korra, the young Avatar could do nothing as the wave made her body fly in the air before crashing roughly against the stone.

"AAAHHHHHHH," Korra screamed in pain, lying on her back. She couldn't move her right arm anymore. Looking at the corner of her eyes, her arm broken and bleeding heavily, a jolt of pain shot throughout her entire body. She bit her lower lip so hard that it started to bleed.

Naruto, Please Return Back, Korra begged, using her other hand to force herself to sit up. Her eyes widened seeing Naruto open his mouth wide open, facing the Republic City instead of her.

What is he doing? Korra thought in alarm. Blue and red small orbs suddenly appeared around his mouth, all of them slowly fusing into one single spot forming a black sphere.

Korra felt her entire body sweating as the ball had its own pressure. The ground beneath the creature started cracking like glass, and in a way, she knew that the ball had enough power to evaporate the entire city.

"NO! Stop, Naruto," Korra shouted, knowing whatever that thing did would destroy everything. Forcing herself to stand up on her legs, her knees gave up. She was exhausted, trying to catch her breath.

"Naruto. You Will Kill ASAMI!!" Korra shouted at the top of her lungs. Just as he was about to throw the Ball towards the city, his white eyes widened, aiming upwards at the last second.

Korra watched as the ball caught ablaze, higher and higher, until one second, it was night. The next second, the entire area for hundreds of miles was illuminated as if a second sun had suddenly appeared in the night sky.

Korra shielded her eyes as a loud explosion sound shook the entire place. She closed her ears, yet it did little to block the sound. She felt like she was going deaf. Despite her closed eyes, her eyes were burning. After what felt like hours, the sound stopped. Opening her eyes, Korra gasped at the sight in front of her. The clouds around the republic city had disappeared, it wasn't raining anymore, and she could clearly see the night sky and the stars above the city.

For a moment, she forgot about Naruto, but hearing a grumble, made her look at the beast, who was looking at the open sky above the city.

Korra tried to stand up again. Her broken arm was bleeding, but she knew she needed to do something. Another jolt of pain almost made her scream in agony. Using a nearby tree to support herself, she stood up on her legs, ready to fight.

Suddenly the beast let out a scream, Korra's eyes glued as a golden chain came out of his chest. The tip of the chain suddenly shoots forward, connecting with the nearest object. The beast grabbed the chain, trying to break it, when another came out of his back doing the same.

The beast screamed even louder as multiple chains shot out of his arms and legs. Korra didn't understand what was happening, but he couldn't move anymore. For a moment, she thought he would stay like that when his red-dark skin was forcefully pulled away from his body and getting sucked by the chains.

"N-Nar-Naruto." Korra rasped, his face slowly revealing to her. She barely paid mind to the burns all over his face.

With every bit of strength, she ran towards him as the dark-red skin disappeared, and the chains retreated back inside Naruto. The blonde fell to his knees when Korra grabbed him by the shoulder with her good arm before he could fall.

"N-Naruto..." Korra cried out, not believing her eyes, holding him close to her, her cheek pressing against his hair.

"You're Back. You're Back." She cried out, sobbing loudly, holding him close as if hoping this wasn't a Dream. Hoping he wouldn't suddenly disappear.

"K-Korra." Naruto stuttered, his voice hoarse and tired. His blue eyes had lost all the light in them, and his entire body was full of burns.

"I'm here. I'm right Here." She held him closer, stroking the top of his blonde hair, caressing his hair, hoping to make him feel better.

"I-I-I'm S-Sorry."

Korra didn't know what else to do but hold him close as he fell unconscious, soon being found by Tenzin, who was looking at his nephew with a grim looking, knowing what would follow wouldn't be pretty.

His eyes looked at the city. The entire city was awake. It was a mess. The pressure and the malice feeling had disappeared, but many people knew that Naruto had been behind it. They knew he was the monster. Many wouldn't rest until his head was on a spike.

"What should I do now, Father?"


AnimeOtaku897 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 07:33:07 This sh*t for real hit the fan... I did not expect Naruto to enter the Four Tailed State like that... And then seeing him nearly destroy a city... That moment sort of reminded me of Tanjiro & Nezuko after Tanjiro became Demon King... Overall, loved this... Definitely will be interested in seeing how this continues from here!
2023-03-30 03:58:40 This sh*t for real hit the fan... I did not expect Naruto to enter the Four Tailed State like that... And then seeing him nearly destroy a city... That moment sort of reminded me of Tanjiro & Nezuko after Tanjiro became Demon King... Overall, loved this... Definitely will be interested in seeing how this continues from here!

This sh*t for real hit the fan... I did not expect Naruto to enter the Four Tailed State like that... And then seeing him nearly destroy a city... That moment sort of reminded me of Tanjiro & Nezuko after Tanjiro became Demon King... Overall, loved this... Definitely will be interested in seeing how this continues from here!